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August 31, 1967 - Image 120

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-31

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Pro-Apartheid S. African
With Alarm, Glee at U.S.

s React
-W T-

Orientalists Thrive on Concert Offerings
Of Happy Music,' Japanese Rock...

Collegiate Press Service between countries. They argue that
CAPETOWN-Pictures and stor- the Republic should use the op-
ies of the black rebellions ex- portunity-"this breathing space"
ploding on the streets of America -to push for racial justice by im-
seem to have splashed on the front plementing its "separate develop-
pages of every South African ment" schemes which envision the
newspaper with a special veng- creation of several self-governing,
eance. although controlled, black home-
Non-white newspaper boys hawk lands or "bantustans." These cri-
the tales of "the night America tics recognize racial tension as a
burned" to the country's white mi- problem and urge the government
nority who gobble it up with a to be more responsive lest the
certain glee and a definite alarm. American pattern be repeated
For many, the news is a distant here.
but reassuring indication that ra- The American visitor to South
cial equality is an unattainable Africa is struck by the thorough-
and unworkable ideal. It is a con- ness with which apartheid is ap-
firmation, in the face of an al- plied and opposition kept in check.
most universal condemnation, of After a short trip through the
South Africa's strict apartheid country, the reality seems more
system of forced racial segrega- frightening than the host of loose-
tiop. One cartoon went so far as ly formulated preconceptions
to picture South Africa's prime which any informed visitor brings
minister asking LBJ° against a with him.
background of rioting Negroes, South Africa has managed to
"Do you mean they want apart- successfully crush, imprison, or
held?" drive into exile its most vocal and
Others, mild critics of the re- active dissenters and movements.
gime, see in the riots a lessening It has developed a highly sophis-
of international pressures on ticated system of social control
South Africa as racial problems and domination. Although the sys-
become less sharply differentiated tem is capable of physical terror

and armed -suppression, it relies
on a combination of stringent law
enforcement, clever internal prop-
aganda and "education," and the
suppression of "subversive" ele-
ments. For those who choose not
to challenge the restrictive lines-
unquestionably the overwhelming
majority-life is relatively con-
flict-free, and for most whites,
quite pleasant.
Apartheid itself is built around
three basic pieces of legislation:
-The Group Areas Act, which
divides the country into specially
designated areas for specific ra-
cial groups;
The Influx Control Act, which
enforces the "purification" of
white or European areas; and
-The Population Registration
Act, which divides people into
racial types, forbids contact, and
allows for the settling of "doubt-
ful cases" by inspection and "en-
vironmental investigation." Thus
all South Africans must carry
identity cards or "passes" which
specify their racial identity. Since
Africans are frequent violators of
the "pass law," it is not surpris-
ing that the South African free-

dom movement had conducted
large pass burnings before it was
banned and forced to go under-
Another insidious law which
South Africa uses to curb oppo-
sition is the "Suppression of Com-
munism Act." It allows the minis-I
ter of justice to arbitrarily ban
individuals, books and organiza-
tions suspected of Communist in-
clination. Banning is done ad-
ministratively, and no charges
need be outlined and no defense'
is permitted. Under this act, the
Communist party and all African
nationalist groups are outlawed. It
has been used to ban over 18,000;
books, magazines, and newspapers.
Some 683 individuals are also ban-
ned which means they are for-,
bidden to attend gatherings of
either a political or social nature
and cannot publish or be quoted.
Still others have been banished
to remote areas of the country
where they are closely supervised
by an extensive security appara-
But despite-and because of-
the extensive laws and institu-
tions set up to preserve stability
and South Africa's way of life, new
voices of opposition are beginning

By JILL CRABTREE a sword for the emperor,
Picture Leonard Bernstein with help from the gods.
a slightly erudite, slightly bohem- Malm was forced in ti
ian red goatee, dressed in a Japa- to bear the entire burden o
nese kimono. Picture him carry- usually taken by four sin
ing it off. That's the image pro- well as playing the sham
jected by William Malm, the man was frequently all but
who explained and enlivened, as out. He commented that'
well as directed, the University's it is just as well," but it

his piece
of a part;
ngers, as
isen. He
was ap-

changed for the second half of the mically speaking, was "Golden
v ncert. Two pieces in two rhyth- Rain." Beginning with a downpour
mis modes were played on a Phil- of sound. the music slowed to a
ippine kulintang gong ensemble. soft whisper, and ended with an
The stage was colorful, "thanks to abrupt cloudburst. The soundless
six cands of Brasso" Malm said attention of the audience gave
had been used the night before testimony to the spirit, if not the
to clean the gongs. technical brilliance, of the per-

Parallels Jazz


recent Festival of Oriental Music parent that a competent perform- The music, too, was colorful, Laid out on stage, the ensemble
presented in honor of the 27th ance was being done an injustice. and largely improvisational. Pat- closely resembled a ship, captain-
International Congress of Orient- 'Happy Music' terns of rhythm and melody, re- ed by director Malm, who was
alists. This was followed by a set of peating and building to multiple seated in the middle of the stage
etic and witty interpreter of the Japanese festival pieces, "happy climaxes, offered an exciting ex- with a big round drum on his lap,
freign oundofy nteShamsen music" played by drums, a flute, oerience to those who had never surrounded by the gongs, expert-
and Kulnan for ears schooled and a gong. At times the drum- heard this oriental parallel to ly pacing the other musicians.
in more Western tones. mers seemed uncertain of the jazz. The first Gamelan piece, "The
j rhythm, and occasionally it be- The concert ended with a series Angry Pima," made spirited use of
Apology for Amateurs came obvious that they had been of pieces played in various modes
Beginning the concert with an exposed to western pop music, but on a Javanese Gamelan - an e uiivel rhythm to
apology for the amateur status of by and large they remained with- orchestra of some 40 different semble, utilizing lively rhythms to
the performers-members of the in the context of Eastern culture. gongs, metalophones, and drums. describe the wrath of a legendary
University's Japanese and South- The country and the mood The most interesting piece. dyna- hero.
east Asian music study groups - Tdy
proved to be a wise move on
Malm's part, because members of
the audience were then pleasant- oi1 pieae Q aMenu
ly surprised at the sincerity and
professionalism with which they
approached their porformance. The campus went cosmopolitan vegetarian Hindus from India and that trays be bussed by the dele-
The program opened with a for the Congress of Orientalists Pakistan. They also included a list gates. Many non-Americans had
demonstration of the hayashi - two weeks ago, and the kitchen of foods to which Asians are ac- never seen coffee urns before, so
drums and flute-and the sham- of West Quad was no exception. customed, which were to be serv- there was a bit of confusion until
isen or three-stringed lutes found Faced with feeding several hun- ed at most meals-rice (even for a kitchen worker was posted at
in the classical Japanese nagauta dred scholars from five continents breakfast), chappatis, or unleav- the machines teo serve coffee and
ensemble. Malm demonstrated the and obeying the dietary laws of ened bread, fresh fruit and vege- tea.
talents of his students by calling six different religions, dietitians tables, eggs as a substitute entree Other difficulties were caused
out musical phrases in a verbalized at West Quad, where the foreign for meat, cottage cheese and yo- by the always-ambiguous signs
note system, after which they re- visitors were housed, planned gurt, and chutneys, onions, pep- reading "both," "choice," and so
peated what he had said on their meals designed to appeal to all pers and chills for flavoring, forth. English-speaking delegates
instruments. their international guests. Other suggestions were that would stand in place puzzling
The demonstration immediately Wilamb, fish and 'chicken be the them out for minutes, while non-
became a test of wits, much to Wthfthe0he ,.f+comm It major meats served and that the ,English speakers found it easier



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$ S
iti' "

to stir.
The death of the country's best-
known black leader proved that
the freedom movement he led is
anything but dead. Nearly 7000
Africans, Indians and a handful
of Europeans attended the July
30th funeral of Nobel Prize win-
ner Luthuli. They gathered in the
tiny Congregational Church at
Groutville, a small hill-locked su-
gar cane village near the town
to which Luthuli had been banned
some eight years earlier. While
Christian churchmen praised the
late chief's non-violent nature and
commitments, one sensed an an-
(Continued on Page 5)



the delight of the Japanese mem-
bers of the audience, who were
perhaps used to hearing such mu-
sic under more solemn circum-
The ensemble followed their
demonstration with a powerful
classical piece, "Kokaji," illustrat-
ing an ancient legend in which a
swordsmith, commissioned to make

of area peiists dratt~edinto dining hall provide a large variety to ignore them. A few, who asked
the unfamiliar role of kitchen of liquid and powdered spices so neighbors for translations into one
consultants, dietitians Betty Hyde that the delegates could season of the major languages (French,
and Phyllis Rogers set about a their own food to taste. German, or Japanese) ended up
menu. They based their final se- Despite the extent to which even more confused than when
lections on a list of recommenda- these guidelines were followed, the they had started.
teons drawn up by the commit- Orientalists' menus appeared sur- Nonetheless, meal time was for
Fifield, secretary-general of the prisingly familiar to anyone used many delegates the only contact
icongesd eandpry-fessor of itl to dorm food. For example, the they had with American students.
congress and professor of political only appreciable changes from the One South Asian delegate held up
science; Prof. HerbertmPaper, usual on the menu of a typical the line for five minutes while he
chairman of the Department of day were rice at breakfast, a vege- practiced his English on the girl
H.eBroomfield, specialistr i o table plate as achoice for lunch, who was punching the meal tick-
and South Asia; and Prof. Roger and egg foo-yung as a choice for ets. Finally he moved on, telling
G. Hackett, historian on Japan dinner. her, "Thank you very much. You
and the Far East. There were also problems in go- very pretty girl. Good-bye. Thank
ing completely cosmopolitan. you."
The committee's recommenda- There could be, for instance, no Besides Oriental foods, Miss Rog-
tions were based on Asian eating wine or beer for the Continental ers tried to include "typically
habits and the dietary restrictions Europeans, while others complain- American" dishes, such as apple
of Buddhists, Christians, Confu- ed about what they considered an pie, hamburgers and brownies in
cists, Hindus, Jews and Moslems. insufficient amount of food for the meals.
Recommendations i n c 1 u d e d breakfast. Much to the disappointment of
warnings to avoid pork and pork After the first day, multi-lingual many of the delegates, however,
products, such as lard, for Middle signs had to be posted giving in- she left out the one American
Eastern scholars and to provide structions how to work the milk food that they all knew about-
lots of fruit and vegetables for machines, and others requesting Coca Cola.



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A smart froshie in finances quite bad
Rented quarters, both small and sad.



By E. Winslow
He saved enough dough to doll its
Bare wall like a plush playboy's pad.

. }. :J':+;;::; L:"v}:0.U}Y:4iT $ "L: ti:"::v"{.vi"..; ,Y. .. _ ..._. v:":rF'.' . ® ."4h{{r:4.':+F:.:'i.?4:i{r{
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