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The Sporting Life with Complete Coverage
Notorious Daily Reviewing:
A Cry in The Wilderness
By MICHAELB EFFER I It means analysis of what hap- It also means finding willing
The Daily sports staff (to the
best of our knowledge) has never
produced an All-American athlete.
We haven't the time.
Although we occasionally take
time out to play a game or two of
football in the Daily's city room,
or outside on the lawn of the
S t u d e n t Activities Building
(where there are fewer breakable
windows), we find covering the
vast world of Wolverine sports to
be, well . . a sport in its own
While our critics accuse us of
not being serious enough, and ev-
en downright lazy, we pride our-
elves on printing the most com-
plete coverage of Wolverine sports.
This involves constant contact
with the coaches who guide the
destinies of and the players who
make up the many Wolverine
It means traveling with the
team to California or to North
Carolina or to anywhere the
hands of the executives in the
scleduling offices may direct Mi-
chigan sports.
pens to our teams and why, fea-
tures on what the players are
really like.
It means assembling all this
into stories that a great many of
the campus' 30,000 students read
each day.
students to do all this.
That means you. You don't have
to -have any experience, or (quite
frankly) any knowledge of sports.
(don't laugh, it has happened).
All you have to do is walk into
the Student Publications Build-
ing at 420 Maynard and look for claims to All-American status as a
the bunch of characters sitting newspaper. It also has the latest
with their feet on their desks, deadline in the state-2 a.m.-and
shooting rubber bands and trivial is often the only paper in the area
questions at each other. Ask them with the results of late sports rea-
what you can do and they will dy the next morning.
fill you in. Just imagine yourself in the
From the minute your story pressbox next to the official scor-
comes out, you will have new au- er, learning all the inside dope
thority, people will want to discuss on why one team wins and another
the team with you. Your opinions can't. Imagine traveling with the
will have new power as you reply, team, writing the big story.
"the coach told me . ." And then imagine yourself over
Want to play games too? to The Daily.
You will be working in the It's the next best thing to being
world's smallest pillarless stadium, an All-American.
home of the campus-champion or-_
ganization football team (4-0 in PHOTO GREATS:
1966). We frequently take a mo-
ment out to humiliate campus nui- Bw
sances like the University Activi- 1310 W - '
ties Center in football or basket-
ball, in famous contests for the
By LISSA MATROSS didn't have a universally good
Arts Editor time. At least you didn't.
"How the hell did that idiot ever
"Playing to a capacity audience get to be a reviewer," you mutter.
at Hill last night, Andy Warhol Probably he walked into the
was a master at weaving a delight- Daily one day and announced
ful fabric of smashing sound, modestly, "I have arrived." Or he
daring film and freaky movement, walked in muttering to himself
A good time was had by all," reads about that insane Truffaut re-
a Daily review the following view. A shreaded newspaper could
morning. be seen in his hip pocket. The
You choke, seethe, stamp your point is, any man-in-the-street
feet. Maybe you even tear up The who cries in the wilderness can
Daily. It's been done. You were get a chance to cry in print by
part of the audience that not only becoming a Daily idiot-I mean
wasn't capacity (a stock term) but Daily reviewer.
to New Adventure
Little Brown (waste) Basket. Just befor
While our athletic prowess may War a plea
not be great enough to get us on sophomore u
the team (although a former Michigan Dai
sports editor once played against ture, exciteme
Cazzie Russell in high school bas- life.
ketball), T h e Daily has some Before he
Direct News on . the Traveling Wolverines
re the Second World to the photography editor's desk,
asant-looking young he was clapped on the shoulder
wandered into The by the friendly personnel director,
ly looking for adven- steered in the general direction of
ent, and a purpose in the night desk, and told that he
was about to embark on a brilliant
could make it over career in the literary racket.
Unfortunately for the young
soph, one Arthur Miller, there was
never time enough for him to
meander over to the bright (f. 5.6,
1/125) little corner of the city
room in which the photographic
nerve center of The Daily is lo-
cated So, he has struggled along
all his life on the meager proceeds
of his literary endeavors never
knowing where his next Pulitzer
Prize was coming from.
Avoid the fate which befell this,
bewildered student! To take the
first timorous steps toward your
slated destiny among such pho-
tographic greats as Karsh, Bras-
son, Steichen, and the four-for-
a-quarter machine in every drug
store, walk boldly through the
clatter and clutter of the Water-
man Gymnasium exit, and hie
thyself over to the warm portals
of the Student Publications Build-
ing, 420 Maynard (in the friendly
shadow of the Administration'
Bldg.) and ask for photo editor.
Looking up from his littered
desk where he has been adjust-
ing his Hasselblad with a 10-inch
Phillips screwdriver, he will no
doubt struggle against the emo-
tion welling in his throat, and,
stretching forth a gnarled hand
in a silent welcome, invite you to
become a member of one of the
University's oldest institutions,
The Michigan Daily photo staff.
After shaking his hoary locks
at the memory of this1 ancient
feud, the photo editor will begin
to tell you of the responsibilities
and opportunities of a staff mem-
ber. Wiping his rimless spectacles,
he will explain the schedule in
which one photographer works
either one afternoon or one eve-
ning a week, averaging about an
hour and a half each time.
Shaking his dewlaps, he will ex-
pound on the opportunity for each
photographer to take p h o t o
essays or picture features to be
seen every week by The Daily's
20,000 readers.
Stroking his ashen sideburns, he
will enumerate the ways in which
photographs of special news in-
terest are sent out through news
service channels to be printed
in newspapers and magazines
throughout the world.
Blinking his watery eyes, he will
elucidate the feeble remuneration
system of The Daily. Warming his
chilblained hands against a hiss-
ing radiator, he will ask you if
you are prepared to devote time
and thought to an effort that will
help lower your grade point aver-
age and heighten your aversion
to phone calls.
If at the end of this long reci-
tation, the photo editor grabs
your hand in his wrinkled paw
and gives it a curt shake, con-
gratulations. You're in. The rest
is up to you.
Actually, "Daily" reviewer is a
misleading term. Reviewers are
notoriously independent both in
their writing and in their journal-
istics habits. The dark stranger
who creeps up the stairs of the
Student Publications Building at
10:00 p.m. Friaay night, glares at
the night editors and locks himself
in a side room with typewriter for
two hours, is usually The Re-
Element of Respect
No one bothers him for there
is an element of respectful fear
involved. As a reviewer it is as-
sumed that he has a private line
to the Musesand a certainaesthe-
tic ethos that leads him through
and around the superficial, mech-
anistic world that he finds around
him, That is one of the beauties
of being a reviewer: no one is
really sure that he understands
your message. But at the risk of
being called philistine, or worse,
he won't edit your copy.
Reviewers work for newspapers,
but that doesn't make them news-
men, i.e., they go beyond the who,
what, where, how scheme of
things. Reviews are arty, even
poetic, editorials that set forth
"the truth as we see it," as one
New Republic editor was led to
pronounce. No performer is al-
lowed to stand on reputation
alone. One Daily review of a Sego-
via concert sent the artist racing
to Metropolitan Airport vowing
never to return to Ann Arbor.
Certain Safe Guards
This could, of course, become
a problem. If Segovia goes racing
to the airport dragging Van Cli-
burn, Judy Collins and Eugene
Ormandy with him Ann Arbor
could cease to be the cultural cen-
ter of the Midwest (or simply, a
cultural center). There are certain
safeguards, however. Any critic
must have a thorough and open
knowledge of the field he reviews.
If you think De Mille was the
greatest American product after
Coca Cola it would be unwise,
perhaps, to review a Resnais film.
Then there is the question of
finances. Your father's Income
notwithstanding, few students or
teaching fellows can afford sea-
son's tickets to the APA, Univer-
sity Musical Society programs, or
Ann Arbor Film Festival. Even the
Fugs are expensive. Here's where
reviewing leaves the ethereal and
becomes pragmatic. For just the
few hours that it takes to bring
Truth to the masses via the Daily,
you get a free seat. You can even
bring someone with you (say
someone who knows somethingg4
about the performer).
At the risk of cloaking that old
cliche, you too can be the Walter
Kerr of student newspapers-be a
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