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August 31, 1967 - Image 104

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-31

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"PAGE:TWO. aIuDE 1 . l! l1H lr L F1 4 Y - .



Year Legacy of Editorial Freedom Contiit


(Continued from Page 1)
All this brought intense criti-
cism of The Daily-from Regents,
s o m e faculty members and
administrators. The c r i t i c i s m
brought intense pressure on the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications to "do something" about
The Daily.
The Board oversees all student
publications, including Gargoyle,
Generation and the Michiganen-
sian as well as TheDaily. An in-
dependent s t u d e n t association
formed The Daily in 1890 and in
1903 sold it to the Faculty Senate,
which had earlier created a Board
in Control of Student Publications.
As it evolved over time, the
Board lost its tie 'to the faculty
andrbecame an autonomous body
reporting directly to the Regents,
like the Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics.
Consisting today of five faculty
members, three students, two
alumni and two administrators
(the vice-presidents for student
affairs and University relations),
the Board has increasingly limited
itself to overseeing The Daily's
financial affairs, avoiding any in-
trusion into Daily editorial policy.
But the Board had voted-on
Feb. 6-to ask the faculty for an
"investigation" into the "proper
purpose, function and responsi-
bility" of The Daily. Some Board

members viewed it as a chance to
"do something" about the paper,
while others thought it 'would give
The Daily. a vote of confidence
and take some of the pressure off
the Board.
The faculty did eventually
authorize a study of University
communications media but avoid-
ed initiating the type of investi-
gation requested by the Board,
obviously reluctant to step into
the controversy. Thus the pressure

on the Board to "do something"
increased as the day for Daily
senior appointments approached.
Daily senior appointments are,
in the view of Dailyrstaffers,sa
question of editorial freedom just
as much as news and editorial
They generally believe that the
Board's appointments role should
be limited to seeing that the jun-
iors recommended for senior ap-
pointments by the outgoing senior

editors have the requisite 2.0 aver- eral Board members had suggested discussing, the Free Press editorial, out of The Daily in exchange for
age and meet the other empirical that adding several new elements the telegrams and the disclosure Rapoport's appointment.
standards set forth. to The Daily's Code of Ethics about Hatcher all apparently had As the New York Times reporter
But perhaps because senior ap- might serve as a "face-saver" for the desired effect. there to cover the storylater
pointments have become virtually the wavering Board members. The Board voted, first 6-5 in a drawled, "There are two schools
the only real control it can em- Rapoport and Killingsworth straw poll and then 7-4 in an of thought about those proposals"
ploy--and even though it usually talked over seven of these pro- official tally, to accept Rapoport - the "face-saving" school and
rubberstamps the seniors' recom- posed "additions"-such as an edi- and the rest of the senior editors' the "concession" school.
mendations-the Board generally torial-page spot for faculty and recommendations. But in a series of hectic meet-
says that its role should be more administration opinion, which had Crisis Not Over ings held during the Board meet-
diiect and influential than that. already been initiated-and Rapo- The crisis wasn't entirely over ing, the staff voted to accept
When the Board had finished port began discussing these with yet, however. Many Daily staffers Rapoport's suggestion that the
interviewing the juniors recom- the three Board members. were concerned that the seven staff could vote to accept or reject
mended for senior positions, Prof. Important Developments proposals submitted to the Board any or all of the proposals at
Luke Cooperrider of the law There were also three other im- by Rapoport, largely as face- a later staff meeting.
school, Board chairman, called the portant developments before Feb. savers, might be construed as con- In the end, most Daily staffers
senior editors into the room and 23: cessions the Board had squeezed considered that they had won a
said that the Board had voted 7-4 i36 state legislators and num-
to reject Rapoport as editor-al-Ierous Daily alumni sent telegrams
g d declined to say why- to Hatcher and Cooperrider, con-
Rapoport for any other position urging that the Board reverse its
on the senior editorial staff. decision.
The Board then adjourned, set- ed The Detroit Free Press print-. S alesnl-wrculation
ting another meeting two days tacking the Board, praising Rapo-
later, Feb. 20. port and urging his appointment By ED NEUBAUER cokes you'll find that the people
portandurgig hs apoinmen. }who "really" manage the paper are
The Daily staff met continu- It had earlier attacked the pro- Chances are you've never had
ously until 4:30 the next morning posed faculty investigation of The your hands in the operation of a the junior managers. The junior
and several times during the next Daily in a laudatory editorial $250,000 business. If not, The Mi- year on The Daily is probably the
three days to discuss what it titled, "The Daily Does Its Job." chigan Daily business staff is an most busy of the four you'll have
would do if the Board refused to opportunity that you cannot pass on the staff. You are now the.
appoint Rapoport on Feb. 23.hig The Daily leained from a by. We run our own business from person responsible for the quality
Finally. it decided to authorize dgh University official that Pres- the smallest classified ad to the and type of ad that will run in
the senior editors to call a strike ident Hacher had tried--unsuc- distribution of over 10,000 paperstomorrow's paper or the - many
and shut down publication if nec- cessfully-to, get Board Chairman to students and faculty across the problems that always seem to
essary. e Cooperrider to block Rapoport. campus and throughout the na- come up in circulation.
At the same time, Daily staffers The Daily then printed the tion. Direct Contact
and several Board members had story-it appeared the morning of j It takes a well-organized staff As a junior, your contacts are dI-:
been nieeting in an attempt to the Board meeting - which of fifty students to do the work onI rectly with the people who patron-
"work something out," as one prompted faculty and student thI
Board member put it. comment highly 'critical of Hatch- te business staff. Publishing The i1ze The Daily. If you're the kind
Roortimelf had metwitht.r's atmt th mniplatthDaily six times a week means thay of person that finds all types of
Rapport himself had met with er s attempt to manipulate the each of those fifty people shares people interesting, then servicing
three Board members who were supposedly independent board. a large amount of responsibility in the advertising accounts of Ann
known to be wavering in their A combination of Rapoport's his department. As a result Th Arbor merchants is your type of
opposition to him. Moreover, sev- lobbying, the proposals he was Daily is always ready to welcome work. Management in circulation
nea-a -- - -and classified brings you and the

victory over the Board-which ir
the early 1960's had eventually
managed to get the senior editors
to revise some of their recoin-
mnendations and in 1943 had
blocked the appointment of o-e
junior recommended by the senio'
Rapoport's rejection was the
first time in the 77-year history
of The Daily that the Board had
rejected the senior editors' recom-
mendation for Daily editor-in-
chief. And, Daily staffers contend,
it was the first clear-cut defeat
for the Board over appointments
as well.




Killingsworth Rapoport


_ I j

and then spend a whole year
watching your ideas take effect.
The senior staff focuses around
the business manager; a trainee
just a few semesters ago. He is the
one responsible for the fifty peo-
ple who work on his staff and all
of the decisions that they make.
The Daily's biggest asset isn't
the amount of money that it
makes or its net worth, but the
fact that it is truly an independent
paper-a privilege that not many
other college newspapers share.
During the 'past 77 years we have
built up assets of $450,000 through
our advertising and subscription
revenue, thus guaranteeing our
financial and editorial indepen-
dence of the University.
The Daily is neither financially
or editorially controlled by the
University's administration o r
journalism departments. This in-
dependence is of prime concern to
the business staff' for by continu-
ing and even increasing the reve-
nue of the paper we insure The
Daily's'long tradition of editorial
Chances are that a few minutes
spent at the Student Publications
building may well be wortl your




I lWlces.

is immaterial


We have New and Previously
Owned books for all people

schian derer
*N 1so. urliyeRst''y
^ts mAltvc>, f' CH%4Ab^%

Easy Task
Becoming a part of "The Daily
staff is probably the easiest thing
to do--a talk with our personnel
director is all that it takes to be-
come a nember.
If you should decide The Daly
is for you then the next few'
months will be spent working in
each of our departments as a
trainee. Each trainee spends a
month in each department. mov-
ing from circulation to classified
and then to advertisirg and serv-
icing in ord'ar that they may gain
a complete knowledge of how the
business staff functions.
'Your Choice
After competing our trainee-
ship you can petition for an assis-
tant managership in the depart-
ment of your choice. With this
added responsibility comes one of
the many small rewards found on
The Daily and in this case it is
An assistantcmanagership is
really only the second step in your
progress to the top of the busi-
ness staff hierarchy. After a few
weeks of work and many nickel

students of the Univeisity togetz)-
er. Much time is spent over the
phone making sure they get their.
Daily or figuring out why in the
world they didn't get it.
Senior staff positions aren't thej
end of the road, for after three
years of listening to seniors make
decisions the tables are finally!
turned. Now you, along with the;
other five senior managers, can!
decide what is best for The Daily

who want to




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