WHERE IS THE PEACE FEELER?' See Editorial Page CZ rP itrA6 DaIIAI COLDER High-18 Low--5 Sunny; no snow Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOU. LXXVIII, No. 91ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1968 SEVEN CENTS 150 AT BURSLEY:r m-I " TEN PAGES Students Hold Teach-In 1 gn Court Not To HearPer pont sit-nae Asks New For Hours, -WT* *dTZ"1" 7 V isitCngitiiht 1S PA By STUART GANNES Over 150 students in Bursley Hall attended a teach-in last night in support of the right of; dormitory residents to make their own hours and visitation policies. Theteach-in will continue 11:45 tonight at Smitty's, South Quad. 4omorrow a third demonstration will be held at Markley. Freshman women who attended the teach-in were not penalized with late minutes because the Board of Standards, the judiciary for Bursley's two women's houses, decided last night not to enforce late minutes during the teach-in. Milgrom explained that teach- University housing staff al- ins are "essential because stu- owed the board's decision to stand. dents must show their concern be- The Regents will hold an open fore the Regents meeting." discussion on visitation and wo- Milgrom added that the stu- men's hours Thursday. Last De- dents' support of the Board of cember the Board of Governors Governors could have a great posi- of the Residence Halls approved tive effect on the decision of the the right ofeach house to decide Regents.. its own hours and visitation policy. The teach-in began with a fif- teen minute speech .,by SGC The teach-in was staged to President Bruce Kahn, '69. Kahn "show the Regents that the stu- told students that, "power lies in dents are really concerned with numbers" and if you demand en thp, lr)i~iC a nl ~l_ Of Students, Faculty In 1965 Protest 379 Court By JILL CRABTREE ese poicies, said aui lMil- grom, '70. masse your rights, the University will be unable to prosecute all of you." Kahn continued: "In most quads women are threatened with expulsion if they violate hours too many times. This is a lie. The Uni- versity will not take any action. At its last meeting the literary college faculty, threw the case out and decided' not to consider hours until the President's report next month." "The administration has been playing games with the students. What you must realize is that the students should take the initia- tive," Kahn said. Kahn added that although- the Regents will "almost surely" ap- prove of the Board's decision; on women's hours Thursday, it would be a much greater victory for stu- dents if they could approve them by themselves and with their own governing bodies first. After his speech Kahn con- ducted a question and answer ses- sion with Bursley students. Ques- tions centered around what stu- dents could do if they worked "en masse" as Kahn had suggested. The idea for the teach-ins came from existence to SGC member Anthony Quinn, who after dis- cussing issues with Bursley stu- dents decided to take action. Five days ago, Quinn and Bur- sley students started to organize the teach-in. One of the organizers, Peggy Daniels, '71, said "After we talk- ed to Quinn we began to get some idea of what to do. We knew that iwe had enough kids with us.we couldn't be punished. We've been so successful that the University will have to take notice of whatI we've done." Most students at the teach-in were in agreement with Kahn. Jan Buche, '70, said, "The im- portant point is that a majority of the residents in women's halls agree that the houses should de- cide their own visitation and hours policy." SGC members felt that the question was not whether the University should eliminate or modify control of non-academic affairs but whether or not the University should place any re- strictions on non-academic affairs at all. The U.S. Supreme Court yes- f terday denied an appeal to 28 University studentseand faculty convicted of trespassing during an anti-war sit-in at local selective service headquarters in October, 1965. The decision ended a two-year legal battle. The protesters were arrested for violating a state trespassing stat- ute when they remained after the announced official closing of draft board offices. They were con- victed in Washtenaw County Cir- cuit Court and sentenced to from 15-20 days in jail and given fines of $50 each. Twelve of the protesters with- drew from the appeal and began serving their sentences last win- ter recess. Defense attorney Ernest Good- man said he is waiting to hear from the remaining defendants before he decides whether to ask Circuit Court Judge James A. Breakey for a stay of execution so that students and instructors may serve their sentences during summer vacation. Goodman said the court de- cision would probably not affect the appeals of several of the pro- testers who are attempting to re- gain their 2-S draft status after beining re-classified as a result of the sit-in. Twelve students were re-classified 1-A. The case attracted attention be- cause the defense invoked a pre- cedent established in the 1948 Nuremberg trials arguina that in- dividuals have the right to use "every means tolerable in an or- ganized society in seeking to change the course undertaken in their name ... by the govern- menat." The defense also stressed that sitting-in is a form of speech and therefore comes under the pro- tection oft he First Amendment. The Supreme Court has af- firmed this in cases involving sim- ilar circumstances. The court has ruled that picketing comes under. protection of the First Amend- ment. Commenting on the decision denying the appeal, Goodman said, "Apparently the court didn't have; sufficient interest in the case to hear it. I feel that members of a society bound by the Nurem- berg principles should have the right at least to try to show to a court the validity of their pro- test." He added that the Supreme Court has denied hearing all pre- vious cases in which defense was based on Nuremberg principles. "At least the case helped to raise in the mind of the public questions about the right of in- dividuals to protest government action they consider immoral, even within the bounds of civil disobedience," he said. "Perhaps the time will come sooner for this right to be recognized." A brief opposing the protester's appeal was filed in the case by Washtenaw County Prosecutor Thomas Shea. The document em- phasized that the protesters had -Daily-Anita Kessler AT THE BURSLEY TEACH-IN last night, Linda Feferman, '70, wore, she said; "a#l of the impersonal identification cards the University has bestowed upon me." -.w-_ Asia Experts Debate Vietnam War Goals -Daily-Anita Kessler IRVING HOWE, the University's second Writer-In -Residence, said last night that the literature of modernism survives only in vulgar imitations. Wier oeProclaims Decline of 'odernism' By ANN MUNSTER "the modern must be defined in said, "and then after a time and MARGARET WARNER terms of what it is not." struggle not to triumph." In fact Modernist literature, because of "At certain points in the de- Howe said that modernism began its inorbid concerns and the de- veiopment of a culture, usually to ebb fifteen years ago. spair ridden society which pro- points of dismay and restless- "What little remains of modern duced it, is dead and is survived , ness, writers find themselves af- ism," Howe said, "is denied s only by vulgar imitations, writer- fronting their audience, and not much as the dignity of opposition in-residence Irving Howe said last from decision or whim but from I The decor of yesterday is appro night in his first appearance in some deep moral and psychological'priated and slicked up; the noise the University. necessity," Howe said. of revolt, magnified in a froli niveii y.of emptiness. "Modernism must always strug- Such writers may not even be gle--but never triumph." Howe award that they are challenging Unique said, "and then after a time must critical assumptions of their day,:, But Howe felt the modernist i struggle not to triumph. Modern- yet their impact is revolutionary; memorable because he is histori ism need never come to an end. and once this comes to be recog- cally unique. Modern writers fin But it can exhaust itself." nized, the avant garde has begun that they begin to work at a mo to cohere as a self-conscious and! ment when the culture is marked Howe, the editor of Dissent combative group, by a prevalent style of feeling an magazine and a teacher, author "Modernism must always strug- perception: and, their modernity and critic, said at Rackham that gle--but never triumph," Howe consists in a revolt against this - - - revaent tyle. a permanentrage Fight Claims Act Jeopardlizes Autonomy By STEVE NISSEN Vice-President and Chief Fi- nancial Officer Wilbur K. Pier- pont has asked the Regents to ap- peal a circuit court decision which said that Public Act 379 of 1965 covers University non-academic employes. PA 379,,an amendment to the Michigan Public Employment Re- lations Act, allows employes to form unions and bargain collec- tively, but denies them the right to strike. Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge William Agar Jr. ruled Nov. 14. 1967 that the con- stitutional autonomy of state col- leges and universities was "not meant to exempt the Boards and Regents from all laws passed by the Legislature." Autonomy Threat The University has maintained that the act infringes on its autonomy as set down in the 1963 State Constitution. The Regents have reportedly been holding informal meetings concerning court challenges in- volving PA 379, and other acts. The University, together with Eastern and Central Michigan Universities, filed suit in 1965 to have the act declared inapplicable to their employes. The three schools sought an injunction against the state La- bor Mediation Board and two unions vying for the right to rep- resent university employes. The unions named in the suit e were the Washtenaw County , Building Trades Council and the n American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employe: - In denying the request for an o injunction Agar said that the . universities' constitutional auton- - omy . was "not an unlimited e grant." c Regent Authority The constitutional provision which provides the basis for the s University's court fight states - that boards of regents of state d universities "shall have general supervision of its institution and d control and direction of all ex- d penditures from the institutions' funds." s Agar held that there is no rea- e son why the two constitutional - provisions, those concerning the t powers of the Regents and the t Legislature's right to provide for o resolution of disputes concerning employes, cannot stand together. The University has "never - questioned whether collective bar- gaining is good or bad" and has e"never suggested that they are e against representation of their employes by a union," Agar point- ed out. "It is their desire to pro- ceed only in a legal manner and they have every right to have a s determination by the court." e Last September skilled trades- t men and building service employes r staged a week-long walkout, seek- - ing University recognition of their h right to bargain collectively. - The walkout ended after the e University agreed to "follow the procedures under (Public) Act t 379, inc'luding representative elec- tigns and collective bargaining, until the court has acted." By JENNY STILLER "We are imposing in Vietnam a focial revolution on an agrarian country totally unready for it," Walter Goldstein, former pi'ofes- sor of political science at City University of New York told an: audience in the medical research building Sunday night. Goldstein, Prof. Rhoads Mur- Wphey of the geography depart- ment, J. Taylor of the Center for Chinese Studies, and Maj. Donald Hallock of the Army took part in the discussion sponsored by an Ad-hoc committee of University medical students. Declaring that a military vic- tory could not be accomplished "without the complete ruin of the! economic and social fabric of South Vietnam," Goldstein advo- cated immediate discussions with the Viet Cong to facilitate "im- mediate American withdrawal." # Murphey agreed with Goldstein on the impossibility of a miilirary victory, and added that the war's efforts may be directly contrary to the United States' aims there. Detroit Strike Press Failingy DETROIT (A - A newspaper distributing company, organized by some members of the Team- sters Union who are striking the Detroit News, has folded because it said a contract negotiated with the Teamsters proved too expen- sive. The company, Metropolitan Distributors, was organized to dis- tribute copies of the Detroit Daily Express, one of three interim pa- O pers that have sprung up. since the newspaper strike started last fall. The failure raised the possibil- itv that the Exnress and anoiher s ,ike paper. the Detroit Daily f I f I i t 3 I t 1 t i V t I i S 3 "I regard it as a tragic matterI on a grand scale. Blood is being, spilled in such a way as to move us farther away from our stated goals," Murphey explained. Contending the American pres- ence in Vietnam is driving "all, self-respecting naitonalists" intoj the communist camp, Murphey added, "I'm sure that there are' some good people in Saigon. They're just not part of the Ky-; Thieu government." BerKeley Committee Urges More Student Involvement Faculty SN OnRegent By LUCY KENNEDY ipports against the off ical order. Modern ism does not establish a prevalen style of its own; or if it does, i denies itself, thereby ceasing tc be modern." BERKELEY OP)--A special stu- genuine part of campus life, the been given clear warning to va- dent study commission at the Uni- strident sound of political as- cate the premises, ' and added, versity of California proposed yes- sembly will be as readily tolerated "Freedom of speech does not in- terday a greater role for students as the discordant notes of the elude a freedom to trespass. Nor in their school's administration. practicing school band," the re- does it include a right to propa- The report said changes are nec- port said. wherever one pleasesa essary "because academic freedom is being assaulted and Gov. Ronald Reagan's administration has been consistently unfriendly." The commission recommended attacking campus problems by es- tablishing an independent student- , faculty court system to carry out what are now some responsibilitiesy of the chancellor. Chancellor's Role The commission also suggested., decreasing the chancellor's con- tact with students and faculty to " .. "give him better perspective for establishing policy." The commission, made up of six students and four faculty mem- bers, was set up in December 1966 by the Associated Students of the : university. It reported to the Berkeley Aca- demic Senate. the le islative body of f faculty. We cannot afford many repet- itions of the events of mid-Octo- ber anti-draft activities when an outside attack that should have <' Faculty Assembly yesterday en- dorsed Graduate Assembly's re- quest for a specific time for pub- lie comment at Regents meetings. GA originally made the requestI to the Regents last fall.; University Secretary Herbert Hildebrandt said there was "a good chance" that the GA request would be discussed at this week's Regents meeting. Uxniversity Executive Vice-Pres- ident Marvin L. Niehuss reported on the current financial situation and was fairly optimistic about obtaining a higher appropriation from the state legislature this year. He described the Appropria- tions Committee as "attentive" to University requests. Taxpayer Support Since there are many other areas of legitimately high priority the problem becomes convincing the taxpayers that appropriate support for higher education is worth paying for, Niehuss ex- plained. "This year, however, higher priorities will be given to areas such as urban redevelopment rather than higher education," he explained. "Many taxpayers al- I i i -n g ! Howe attributed the tendency e iYJUUL11of modern authors to offend audi- ences to his inability to accept the in 1959 now costs $147, he re- claims of society any longer. "The ported. usual morality seems to him coun- "Our expenditures per student" terfeit; taste, a gentile indulgence Niehuss explained, "seem high to tradition a wearisome fetter. taxpayers, but the state has Divided Culture slipped in expenditures per stu-- "A modern culture soon learnt I dent from 14th in the nation in to respect, even to cherish, the 1959 to 34th in the nation this signs of its division. It sees doubt year." as a form of health. It hunts fo General inflation and expendi- j ethical norms through under- tures in comparison to other ground journeys, experiments with states call for much greater ap- sensation, and a mocking suspen- propriations in dollars, he said. sion of accredited values. Upon the "The state," he explained, "has passport of the Wisdom of Ages led the nation in the last three it stamps in bold red letters: Not years in increased personal in- Transferable." come and gross product." See WRITER, Page 2 FOR STUDENT RESIDENTS: SGC Plans Voter Registration By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The Voter Registration Com- mittee of Student Government Council is planning a major drive in the next six weeks, said SGC member Michael X o e n e k e, '69BAd. A 30-day moratorium on regis- tration will go into effect Friday but potential voters will again be vestigate the registration proce- dure, according to Koeneke. Approximately 500 students will register this winter, Koeneke pre- dicts. During the fall term about 150 students registered as the committee developed various re- cruitment plans. The committee will compare lists of students already regis- graduation. However, a 'student may succeed in registering even if he does not fulfill all of these re- quirements. . "If the city clerk refuses to register a student," Damm sug- gested, "he should immediately go to a city attorney on the third floor of City Hall to appeal the case." He said that the city attor-