4 I 4 4 4 '4 "Two The Novel Now: A Guide to Con- temporary Fiction, by Anthony Burgess. W. W. Norton & Co. $5. by James Rutherford For those on your Christmas list who I are semi-illiterate, in constant need of ; names to drop at cocktail parties, or I just entering an eighth-grade English I class, The Novel Now will be a welcomed I gift. Pound/,Joyce Continued fron page seven are very different one from the 1 other, and, further, that I can not be- lieve in passive acceptance. to his view one year later: Joyce's mind has beendeprived of Joyce's eyesight for too long. You cannot say it is closed altogether, but Joyce knows very little of life as it has been in the large since he fin- ished "Ulysses." and finally to his fascistically-arranged view of 1937: The reader, who bothers to think, may now notice that in the new pai- deuma (Pound's "experiment in de- fining culture as what remains fixed in the mind and has become almost part of one's nature") I am not in- cluding the monumental (here mean- ing not only Finnegans Wake, but Ulysses as well), the retrospect, but only the pro-spect (i.e., what was called the "totalitarian synthesis"). Pound, convinced of the genius of Hit- ler and Mussolini and of the decadence and poverty of Joyce's artistic vision, assumed his role as the beacon for the "synthesis," writing letters and tracts for international publications and broad- casting over the Italian radio. For his own part, though "politicality" was hard- ly a relevant question anyway, Joyce was most certainly apolitical, distressed by Pound's "change of attitude" but de- finitely intent upon completing Finne- gans Wake, in which he cryptically por- trays Pound in several places. Following Joyce's death in 1941, Pound reiterated that literature was indebted to Joyce for Ulysses (but also to e.e. cummings for eimi and to Wyndham Lewis for Apes of God). This occupies Mr. Read's final section, covering the years 1939-1945. From Pound/Joyce one arrives at the conclusion that in the still vastly un- charted field of Joycean hermeneutics Pound was a first rate pioneer. In 1913 he had a mind sharp enough and a will strong enough to advance truly great writing into public hands. Yet the irony is that Pound was genuinely uncertain about his own place in modern poetry and about the worth of his most impor- tant endeavor, The Pisan Cantos. Looking at the matter in such a way, this volume of correspondence and criti- cism illustrates how Pound finally "made up his mind" to some degree of fixity (as opposed to the notion of "changing his mind" from one state to another) as he approached the thirties. That Pound "came of age" in such an unusual fashion and climate as that af- forded by the rise of Italian fascism will remain one of the most intriguing biographical phenomena of our century. Mr. Houston is a fourth-year student in philosophy and political science at the College of Wooster. sides c --both Not only is this little masterpiece of literary criticism poorly written, it has absolutely nothing to say. Mr. Burgess has taken upon himself the impressive feat of evaluating some three hundred- plus works of literature in the mere span of 198 pages. Unfortunately, most com- ments are confined to a one-line analysis. The first chapter is entitled "What is a Novel?" and we learn many things. For instance, we find that all types of people, from taxi-drivers to housewives, write novels and sometimes they are in- deed difficult to classify. Mr Burgess al- so states that this particular book will be a discussion on only those authors who have written since the second World War, ).f the coin Montessori's declaration of independence I ___ 0 whereupon the next chapter is devoted to an evaluation of Proust, Henry James, and Thomas Mann. The author sprinkles, for added enjoyment, clever little com- ments such as "There are two sides of the coin" or, "This is sad but true" throughout the work. Let us look, for a moment, at some of Mr. Burgess's criticism. Of the National Book Award winning work, From Here to Eternity we merely find that it is "a very bulky novel" containing "sex at its grossest." - Of Joyce Cary's beautiful work Charley Is My Darling, we find only that "it depicts the life of working- class children during the evacuation-per- iod of World War Two" and that's enough said about Charley. Of Herzog, we are told that it is: A flood of words, rich and dialectical, celebrates the dignity of man: man the victim complains perpetually, but iron- ically, comically, with great self- awareness but no self pity. Herzog is not what America would call a success, but he is very much alive. There are several other interesting points worth mentioning such as learn- ing that The Carpetbaggers was a big best-seller, but I believe enough com- ments have been already mentioned. If one is feeling depressed over a crit- ique he is writing, The, Novel Now will certainly uplift the spirits; but the same effect can probably be attained by pick- ing up a fifth of booze instead. Mr. Rutherford will leave Valparaiso University to pursue graduate work in the Department of Dramatic Art at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, in January. Along lbs literary horizon The Notebooks for "The Idiot" Fyodor Dostoevsky Edited and with an introduction by Edward Wasiolek; translated by Katherine Strelsky "These notebooks are extraordi- narily interesting. They arealso wholly necessary to any study of the complicated development and functioning of Dostoevsky's art." -Ernest J. Simmons, N.Y. Times Book Review. Dostoevsky went through at least eight plans and many variations for The Idiot, which appeared in installments in The Russian Messenger. They show an author "feeling his way in exasperation and bewilder- ment." Still to beapublished are The Notebooks for The Posssessed and The Brothers Karamazov. LC: 67-25513 272 pages, illus., $6.95 The Absorbent Mind, by Maria Montessori. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. $6.95. by Susan Phillips Today's failure can console himself that he was yesterday's frustrated child. Many blame society for coldness, lack of understanding, pushing the individual until he has conformed or been broken. The child never has an opportunity to find himself, to form his own opinions and to follow his own impulses into ac- tions. As soon as he enters school, he is forced to compete with his peers for good grades, teacher approval, group acceptance. These pressures, along with parental pressures to perform well and to fulfill ultimate potential, do not leave the child enough strength to build him- self in his own way. School and parents want to teach the child what he needs for life, to guide him in growing and to show him the right way to success. Rejecting most of the conventional as- sumptions about childhood, Maria Mon- tessori agrees that education is needed for the "future reconstruction" of the world but believes that modern educa- tion puts too much emphasis on the mind -instead of on the entire individual. "The child is endowed with unkown powers, which can guide us to a radiant future. If what we really want is a new world, then education must take as its aim the development of these hidden possibilities." The child can be taught neither oral nor intellectual ideas; he must learn by himself though parents and teachers can help. As in the Platon- ic myth, knowledge is in the soul-to be uncovered by experience. Therefore the learning games of the, Imperfe Guide to American Graduate Schools by Herbert B. Livesey and Gene A. Robbins. The Viking Press. $8.50 hardbound, $3.95 paperbound. The Random House Guide to Graduate Study in the Arts and Sciences, by E. R. Wasserman and E. E. Switzer. Random House. $6.95. Publishers are no fools when it comes to finding markets for quicky cut-and- paste "guides," how-to-do-it books, etc. As the sharply rising curves in the graphs from the U.S. Office of Education show, as printed in the Wasserman and Switzer book, almost 115,000 graduate degrees were awarded in the U.S. in 1964. The spate of books that started coming out several years ago, purport- ing to guide bewildered high school stu- dents and their parents toward the "right" college, is now, it seems, being echoed on the graduate school level. Surely, there exists a pressing need for some rational means of guiding po- tential graduate students to the "right" school. Several studies on this problem have shown what everyone long sus- Montessori method are self-explanatory, complete with checks for mistakes. For example, a child learns geography by use of a map with insets of different countries. Since each shape will fit into only one place, the child learns gradually the location of each country. By doing the puzzle correctly and often, he learns the name of each country. Since, according to Montessori the pri- mary human virtue is independence, the child must not be taught, because he must not depend on anyone else. The teacher is in a school to create an en- vironment where the child can reveal himself through his work and interests. The most important quality leading to- ward this independence is the child's ab- sorbent mind "which receives all,. does not judge, does not refuse, does not re- act. It absorbs everything and incar- nates it into the coming man." All that will be in an adult is in the child as a potential to be unfolded na- turally. The child himself must learn to gain concentration and perseverance. To succeed, a man must have a clearly defined aim and a strong sense of or- ganization. Love for the child is shown in helping to reveal his strength and in- dependence, not in retarding his emo- tional and spiritual growth by deciding his future for him, Montessori believes. In stressing achievement, however, creativity can too often be stifled. The creative genius cannot always achieve; he must sometimes drift instead of ar- riving at goals. Although, the child does all his work himself instead of do- ing certain 'things at certain times, he is not working with products of his own imagination. And though the teacher will praise a work if the child wants praise, Montessori sees no use in criticizing or a suggesting the child's work-even when that includes showing him how he can more clearly express his own ideas. Unlike fixations on goals, creativity does not bring regularity; often the art- ist must be encouraged or left to drift until he can focus. And though Montes- sori allows children to drift around the room until they have found a special pro- ject and though there is neither mini- mum nor maximum time limit put on them, there is no special notice taken of creativity. For example, the chil- dren's pictures are displayed but no one notes who did which one. The child is thus free to create in himself whatever he wants; he may feel badly if he does not achieve a goal but will not feel a loss if he has no special creative tendencies. The emphasis of Montessori is on what the chi creates. nomous noticed which is he can achieve, goals. Like r Absorbei main id ships in cently-tre able, wi child ps and rom It is a "child is Miss Ph in the Chicago 00 The Blue Swallows Poems by Howard Nemerov Marius Bewley, writing in Par- tisan Review of an earlier collec- tion of poems, compared Howard Nemerov to Thoreau: "Poem after poem in the present vol- ume has sent me back to Walden, and everywhere I have been im- pressed by a similarity that is not, certainly, parallelism, but which exists in a serenity of temperament, a water-clear and air-cool vision of reality that both writers share." LC :67-25516 116 pages, $4.50 October 31 Quests Surd and Absurd Essays in American Literature James E. Miller, Jr. Included are essays on Flannery O'Connor, Wright Morris, Saul Bellow, J. D. Salinger, William Faulkner, Willa Cather, Edith Wharton,T. S. Eliot, Emily Dick- inson, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Em- erson. The author offers "a quest in the American tradition. Whether it is 'surd' or 'absurd,' the reader must decide for him- self." LC: 67-25520 272 pages, $5.95 December 26 Belief and Disbelief in American Literature Howard Mumford Jones Mr. Jones asks what a reading of some representative American classics reveals about the reli- gious faith or lack of faith on the part of those who wrote them. He discusses the deism of Tom Paine, the implications of the American landscape as inter- preted by Irving, Bryant, and Cooper, Emerson's Transcenden- talism, Whitman's doctrine of cosmic process and cosmic opti- mism, the pessimism of Mark Twain, and, finally, Frost's awe of cosmic vastness. LC: 67-25521 188 pages, $4.95 October 31 guides to uncharted 1 Reality and the Heroic Pattern Last Plays of Ibsen, Shakespeare, and Sophocles David Grene These stimulating essays view the "last plays" of Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Ibsen as form- ing a series with certain common features of plot and treatment, and a similar theme - the estab- lishment of meaning for the events of a life, looking backward from its conclusion. Ibsen sees a way of nullifying one's mistakes by a last act of atonement. Shakespeare broadens the theme: life is seen in terms of illusion. In Sophocles, the human and the divine represent a conflict be- tween two realities. The essays will send readers back to the plays with new understanding and pleasure. LC: 67-25519 216 pages, $5.00 November 28 Paradise of Snakes An Archetypal Analysis of Conrad's Political Novels Claire Rosenfield In this analysis of Nostromo, The Secret Agent, and Under West- ern Eyes, the author shows how Conrad's use of traditional ar- chetypal motifs intensifies the irony of his particular vision. The book opens with an impres- sive essay on the nature of myth. Albert Guerard has called this introduction "the clearest, sanest summary of the subject that I have read . . . a genuine contri- bution to the history of ideas." The title of the book, taken from Nostromo, is a prophecy of the constant threat of corruption over the Conradian universe. LC: 67-25522 205 pages, $6.50 October 31 pected-there's a hardening of the art- eries of the communications lines from the graduate schools which offer cer- tain types of programs in certain fields to the student who is interested in a par- ticular topic for study. Neither Random House nor Viking has done much to solve the problem. The Viking edition, touted as "the first comprehensive guide .to graduate and professional study inthe United States," suffers from its organization. It simply lists each institution, from Abilene Chris- tian College to Yeshiva University, which offers anything on the post-bac- calaureate level. Under each institution's listing are no- tations on any special library or re- search facilities which may be relevant for graduate study, some cursory at- tempt to indicate how hard it is to get into a given division, information on fel- lowship aid, and listing of degress avail- able in each department. About 16 pages in the front are devoted to superficial explanations of what grad- uate schools are, along with some handy tips on what to look for. The Random House guide is much more ambitious. It has chapters on all sorts of things, from a brief review of the history of graduate study in the U.S. to an up-to-date summary of this year's draft legislation, which, ironically, threatens to take away many of the people who might buy the book and di- rect their studies toward more militar- istic matters. (It does not, however, cover professional schools such as law and medicine; Viking does.) The core of the Random House book is organized by field of study. Very brief, not overly informative sections introduce chapters devoted to the humanities, so- cial sciences, and natural sciences. With- in each chapter, sections explain what sort of study is available in each specif- ic field of study, and the schools offer- ing Ph.D. programs in each field are listed in tables which also contain infor- mation on numbers of degrees granted and students enrolled. Basically, the format of the Random House guide seems to be more useful. There's not too much that's really im- portant in the Random house guide that's not also in the Viking guide, but most students are likely to know gener- ally what field they're interested in and what to know what schoolstoffer it. That's what the Random House guide tells them. A note of warning: both volumes use the ratin ican Cou to grade, ber of fie basis of use, to based wl thousand other scl and pro their owi Before evidence bear littl at many the wou have a knows N places sr bers at e working graduate their dre like to w These tions for grad sch( fortunate ledge, nc importan 5750 ELLIS AVENUE - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637- 8 " CHICAGO LITERARY REVIEW * December, 1967 December, 1967 " CHICAGO L