(Continued from Page 5)
General Dynamics - Convair, Elec-
tronics & Stromberg-Carlson. Po-
mona Div. & Fort Worth Div.
General Motors Corp.
Kennecott Copper Corp. - Western
Mining Div.
PPG Industries-Chemical Div.
G. T. Schieldahl Co.
Wyandotte Chemicals Corp.
U.S.vAirforce Contract Management
U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency-
Civilian Personnel. Div. Make appt.
at Bureau of Appts.-3200 SAB)
Engineering placement meeting: No.
4 "Success on the Job." Common dif-
ficulties of transition from school to
work and how to avoid them. Fourth of
four meetings, Professor J. G. Young,
January 16, 4:00 p.m. in Room 229
West Engineering Building, and 7:30
In Room 311, West Engineering Build-
ing. (Afternoon and evening meetings
will be the same).
Newspaper-Administration Arguments
Leave Future of 'South End' in Limbo
Interdisciplinary Area Centers
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(Continued from Page 1)
At first, it didn't cover the
Wayne campus very well, but it
has acceded to demands for news
coverage of all aspects of the
Wayne community. It carries an
unidentified columnist who signs
his incendiary pieces "A. Vio-
lence," and its political stripe veers
strongly to the left of center. Some
have accused it of creating stories
by simply making false charges,
while others defend it as the stu-
dents' only protector.
And, as the result of the Daily
Collegian-South End metamor-
phosis, Johnston-with whom, says
Fisk, "working is like trying to
reason with a porcupine"- has
earned some enemies. Among them
is William R. Keast, Wayne's pres-
ident and the man Wayne stu-
dents insist keeps Sells around as
"his boy." Also among Johnston's
enemies was his own business
manager, Mike Miciek, who finally
quit the paper to work for The
Phoenix. And that's where the
sticky problem began.
Sells insists that the controversy
that broke out in late November
was over financial, not editorial,
matters. "Art lacked any kind of
fiscal responsibility," Sells says.
The South End's budget (which
comes from an anticipated $64,000
in advertising and an equal
amount in subsidy from the school
in the form of student activities
fees), called for 150 issues for the
current school year. At the time,
Sells maintained that the paper
would run out of money by Febru-
ary. Early in November, Johnston
himself admitted that the Febru-
ary date was a possibility, andthat
he really had no idea where the
money would be coming from.
This situation was aggravated
further by Johnston's relations
with Miciek, an ex-marine who-
understandably-did not get along
well with Johnston. Added to this
was the strange-bedfellow con-
figuration at Wayne, whereby the
editor is picked by the SFC, while
the busines manager is officially
an appointed employe of the Dean
of Students.
The upshot was Sells' action of
Nov. 29 when, in his function of
being "ultimately responsible" for
the business activities of the
paper, he ordered cutting the size
of that day's issue to eight pages,
when it had been originally plan-
ned for 12. Johnson's reaction was
immediate: on the morning of
Nov. 30, he bannered across the
front page a quote from Sells: "I
don't like the way you're run-
ning things."
Johnson claims that Sells' "ec-
onomy move" was editorial cen-
sorship; Sells denies this vehe-
mently. Similarly, he - denies
charges that he has aided The
Pheonix in its attempts to estab-
lish itself as a competitor for
The South End. "We can't have
a policy of helping anyone who
comes out with a newspaper and
asks for administration support;
we have to stick with what we've
got," Sells says.
The South End views things dif-
ferently. One member of the staff
says that "Sells may not be giving
The Phoenix money directly, but
we know that he's helping ar-
range ,for gifts from alumni. The
Phoenix published $5000 worth
of papers last quarter, and they
sure didn't have that kind of ad-
8:00 p.m.
Aud. A
presented by
Sells, however, sticks by his own
account. In fact, he points out,
"The Phoenix is dying. They
haven't been able to publish this
quarter and I don't think they
will." South Enders say that this
is because Sells' fund-raising ef-
forts have failed entirely.
So Wayne State, for better or
worse, is left with The South
End, whose advertising revenues
have been climbing steadily since
their new business manager came
in. Miciek's business school frater-
nity, meanwhile, delivered papers
for The Phoenix last quarter.
This quarter, no one at The Phoe-
nix offices can say whether or
not their sheet will be back on
the streets. i
The student body has reacted
to the whole situation without
missing a step. When The Phoe-
nix was publishing, students would
pick up both papers at the free
distribution boxes on campus, and
few got involved either physically
or emotionally in the dispute.
Alan Fisk takes it in stride, at-
tributing it to the "commuter syn-
On Wayne's campus, where only
11 per cent of the student body
lives within two miles of the class-
room buildings, Wayne problems
and Wayne affairs are forgotten
as soon as the student turns onto
either the John Lodge or Edsel
Ford expressways and heads for
Whatever the eventual result of
the long-standing grudge match
between Sells and Johnston, there
is considerable doubt whether it
will have any long range effects:
at the end of the spring quarter
in June, a new editor will replace
Art Johnston.
The South End may stay the
same, but it is equally possible
that WSU administrators may
once more be able to sit back and
relax with a copy of the safe,
clean, All-American Daily Col-
(Continued from Page 1)
for sixty years and ultimately led
to the publication of the book
'"Village Japan."
During this project many of
the members of the center were
"roommates for a year or more in
Japan," according to Beardsley,
and this experience promoted a
feeling of unity in the center
whichdhelped in the preparation of
a good interdisciplinary course on
Japan at the University,
The center is presently involved
in preparing the results of a sec-
ond field study, on the political
modernization of Japan, for pub-
In addition, such work as a
massive survey of the political
preferences of younger Japanese,
a study of Japanese music, and a
study of genetic effects of con-
sanguineous marriages-those be-
tween close relatives which are
common in some areas of Japan-
on the national mortality rate.
Ford Foundation Grants
The four other area centers were
organized in 1961 under five- and
ten-year Ford Foundation grants.
With the five-year grants re-
newed in 1966, the Ford monies
alone exceed $3 million.
The centers also receive ap-
proximately $300,000 annually
from the Office of Education of
the Department of Health Educa-
tion and Welfare under the 1958
National Defense Education Act
(NDEA). Much of this money
comes in the form of National De-
fense Foreign Language (NDFL)
Occasionally a private or gov-
ernmental agency such as the U.S.
Agency for International Develop-
ment of the State Department will
request a member of an area cen-
ter to do a short-term study on a
particular problem.
The Center for South and South-
east Asian Studies received $55,000
in 1967 alone from the Office of
Education under NDEA, an
amount which must be matched
by the University. Despite fear in
some corners that the futuree of
the NDEA program is unsure, Prof.
Gayl Noess, director of the Asian
center, says "We have no indica-
tion that these funds will de-
crease." He cites as evidence the
fact that funds have been increas-
ing steadily since the center first
began receiving NDEA funds in
Sources of Conflict
Members of the Asian center are
involved in many projects includ-
ing a study of the sources of non-
cold-war conflict in Southeast
Asia, and an investigation of the
role of the Philippines in World
War II, as well as a study of the
origins of the Vietnam conflict.
Experts working through the
Center for Chinese Studies have
a serious problem completing their
work since Communist China is
closed to Americans. According to
Prof. Alexander Ekstein, director
of the area center, said "There is
no record of an American scholar
receiving a visa to enter China,"
but he adds that researchers no
longer have trouble getting Amer-
ican passports for their work in
other areas.
Secondary sources, then, provide
much of what is known about
China. The center has agents in
Southeast Asia to obtaiii legal
journals and other publications.
Researchers may speak with refu-
gees in Hong Kong, foreign cor-
respondents stationed in Peking
and Oriental businessmen to learn
more about the country.
Research on Communism
In addition, much has been
learned about the Chinese from
the Japanese, according to. Ek-
stein, because there is a good deal
of cultural exchange between the
two countries. Nationalist China
is important to research concern-
ing the Communists because many
documents on Communist Party
history are housed there.
Prof. William D. Schorger, direc-
tor of the Center for Near Eastern
and North African Studies, and
his associates are having a good
deal of trouble doing work in that
politically tense part of the world.
"It is hard to maintain a long-
term, well-structured project in
the area," says Schorger. None-
theless, studies are being made of *
some of the tribes which have been
isolated from modernizing influ-
ences. One study is attempting to
determine the effects of the
French-style agriculture which
was imposed upon the area in
earlier times.
Faculty Additions
The Ford grants have enabled
the addition of approximately 30
faculty members, bringing the total
number of faculty associated with
the area centers to 140. The grants
have helped both salaries and ex-
penses for the faculty. In addition,
over 100 graduate students are
seeking degrees through programs
created by the centers. Many are
supported through Ford moneys or
NDFL scholarships.
Members of the area centers
"are not a separate faculty," says
Grassmuck. Each faculty membe#
is hired by his respective depart-
ment to insure quality personnel,
and stays affiliated with the de-
Though apparently not the rich-
est area center, the Center for
Russian and East European Stu-
dies did .receive $117,000 last year
alone from the Office of Educa-
tion. These funds and two five-
year grants from Ford totaling
$550,000 are being used to study
the diplomatic confrontations be-
tween the United States and the
Soviet Union, the nature of the
consumption schedule of the Soviet4
Union, nationalism in Hungary
and education in Yugoslavia.
Each area center has set aside
a considerable portion of its bud-
get to improve its library facil-
The second Ford grant expires,
in 1971 and the area centers have
been warned that it will not be
renewed. Congress passed the In-
ternational Education Act, which
Would have continued the funding
of such programs, but budget cuts
left the act unfunded.
"There is nation-wide concert
over international studies," said
Grassmuck. "We have more leeway
than most," since the University's
Ford grant expires later, he added.
Nonetheless, researchers involved
in international studies at the Uni-
versity look rather ominously to-
wards the future.
* d
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