THE MICHIGAN DAILY hr . t .i rag -- the kitchen cynic RICK STERN II Days En ding for By DIANA ROMANCHUK One day in the middle 1930's a "For a while, we put the ball in gasoline to soak the cover off few enterprising athletes took the and use the black ball inside." equipment of. then-popular paddle Finally, four years ago, they pre- tennis onto a handball court, and vailed upon the Pennsylvania Songs of green grass and valient victors the result was the birth of paddle- Rubber Company to make an of- " On warmi. breezy beer scuzzy Saturdays. ball. ficial ball. The initiator of the adventure Though paddleball may be his Quads of~pounds of'aluminm green roast beef Iwas Earl Riskey, Michigan's in- brainchild, it is not his only 'aten by men of America's future, tramurals director, who retires sports interest. Riskey attributes Finest young minds burning late lamps into the this June 30 after 40 years of that to the YMCA: "More than Cold sidewalk nite, Messages from service. anything else, I suppose, that ex- Published Books, and professors whose Recalling that first "paddleball" posed me to a wide variety of Early morning mouthy rnadness coincides game, Riskey remembers, "It was sports." With Sheet and Pillow case dreams, deeds, just for fun. We tried the hand- Born in Springville, Ohio, two Coffins of quadrangles, ,.m N years before the turn of the' cen- Goo~d morniing fool, three timnesaa week I .' ....tury, he spent time variously in Youod un heol ress wuspek. .Michigan's tennis team gets the Marines, at Eastern working On flked, severls hbitedy sverak ..e underway this weekend with for his bachelors, and as YMCA One flunked, several cohabited, several made h two Big Ten matches. The net- director in Toledo. Drug scene, Some played straight. Oh where are they now - ters will host Purdue on Friday He came to Michigan originally The old lie, d'ulce et decorum est,. - at 3 p.m., and the Illini will in- in 1928 as assistant intramurals Its a long way from valient victors to boxes we live vade Saturday at 1:30. director the same year the new Our lives in and eat pizzas from The meets will be held on the Intramural Building opened, leav- Yet'who didn't dream and who still doesn't.) Ferry Field courts, located be- ing the Athletic Director post at Tell my father that I've been good hind the I.M. Building. Ypsilanti High School. I've studied all the books I could Leading the squad will be 'Dedicated' I learned of life, of love, and pain Pete Fishback, He is followed Physical education department Of it all, only one, only me; I, remain. by Brian Marcus and captain head, Professor Paul Huntsicker,' (And of my threescore year and ten Dick Dell. who noted that his friend, "came Twenty~will not come again) Playing fourth, fifth and with the building", points out Tell my father that I've been good sixth singles are Jon Hailine, that Aiskey's outstanding contri- I studied all the books I could ... . Bob Pritual, and Ron Teeguar- bution in the past 40 years has One dream leads to the next, - den respectively. been his dedication. a sorry sumn ery 'Winter nite. Tuf cracking all those The number one doubles "He's a man who has dedicated Books, My partner and I we cracked a book or team will be Fishback and Mar- his entire adult life and career cus. Dell and Hailine will to intramurals," Huntsicker adds, Two f sowmn o a iag rolin inwhie sowhandle the other double chores. "and has spent it almost exclu- Freezing to death on a pile of frozen pages of empty jock sv' at ician." Term papers and an old womanas nameless carcass. EZZ: gZW'1"Me sively1940 Rsey ook over from Roll em 'Up, B'oll em 'Up, The nylons from her crotch. ball court because, like in tennis, Elmer Mitchell and irnoved into Wally Weber and Anatol Rapoport, cars collided on you sometimes practice against a his present office. In those first Ann Arbor street, funny thing about blood letting, commingling, wall to improve your accuracy. years, he had the unique job .of cells, cellulose, united of Kings, and sperm donating "Everyone liked it," he con- planning physical fitness pro- at Hospitals combing scientific, 1gnowfedge of , tinued, "and the. whole idea be- grams for the military units on ' Fruits of wombs to burn napalm at rioting - gan to catch on. The rules were campus. Half Crazed Hippies, orgiastic expose presentation of gorgeous easy - we just adapted the hand- "I can see it all now," Riskey sex music, pulsating, hashish musicians havling ball regulations since it was a grins, staring out the window Orgasms in Ann ArboT streets, Kicking a napalm cop ' handball court." down onto Ferry Field. "The boys As they sang along, on the way to the P-Bell... . The biggest trouble, however, would line up along the wall and And the words of the prophets were was finding the right kind of ball. race up the bleachers, maybe four Written on the subway walls. "We tried everything," the inno- or five times." Death, onof a quad window. vator recollects. "A tennis ball The system must have worked Death, out o qd ddidn't work because .4t was white because when the boys reached Stark, the lad jumped, Taught on the sill and so was the court., boot camp, Michigan got a cita- Face stark white, No longer thinking. Just an act The eventual deed, Crush splat. Loner's finish Bloodl.e on sidewalks that lovers love on, Drops of his blood on the sidewalk, a sense of wonder, Sunday-April 1 4-1 1 :45 A.M. Not bereavement. Liking what we sinelled before our 8 O'clock, climbing into a bunk bed filled with burning EASTER DINNER and Hot Diamonds Oh, said a young college student in the library. "CONVERSATION WITH See my book, the world in this book and I hold DR. MARTIN NIEMOELLER" It in my hands. I'm young, 'I'm beautiful. I don't want It. Lighting the pallid pages of RC 649 .d24 at the (Pay my fine, pay my fine, Rain or shine I'll pay my fine) Presbyterian Campus Center, 1 432 Washtenaw and watching it burn. Into a glass ashtray. I coulin't throw at that sunuvabitch from Bloomfield Hills Dinner 75c Reservations: 662-3580 or 665-6575 And who am I to judge the other. Thatmuchilearnedinannarbor. undayA 14-7A.M. TON GHT!! Easter Service of Worship PASSOLIN I'S Preochin-ig: Dr Martin Niemoellerp Gerrnan pastor and a presiden~t of' , T e G the World Council of Churches To St. Matthew "WHAT CHRIST MEANS IN 1968" 0 SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:30 P.M. Breakfast foIlows'the service-$1.00 5 North Campus Comnions-East Room IOUSE Sponsoretd by the Ecumenical Campus Center s 0 "' 0 0 0 0 40 Om m 0 mdC Orb0 raY126?2 G C Vin~b OA CAMPUS TRADITION FOR THE GRADUATE NOW 0 Pierced Earrings, Drops and Post Styles O to Match Pins from 3.50 Pierced earrings from 5.00 U r _ ENGRAVED FREE c Available in sterling, gold-filled, and fourteen karat solid gold. .I V i} S 7 a 1 f 3 i 7 } f, S T t t f S 1 i Y f, r. Riskey give each director an assistant, as I see it." But Riskey's dedication to sports extends beyond his office duties. He turned one of his hob- hies-graphics-into a profitable one, designing charts for every- thing from setting up a paddleball tournament to diagrams demon- strating the techniques of diving. His greatest endeavor, however, began as a decision to fill the blank wall in the new Sports Ad- 'ministration Building. Four years of intense research have produced a history of Michl- gan football including such' fact& as the 1904 varsity game with the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, which lasted 221/2 min- utes-the score was 72-0 in favor of Michigan. Stay Here Though Riskey is retiring, he plans to live in Ann Arbor; "I have no desire to go anywhere else. I'll come back to play paddle ball-if they will let me in." First, though, he will find time to take a canoe' trip with his wife to the Maritime peninsula. Mrs. Riskey learned to like the outdoors during the 20 years they ran a private boys camp in North Bay, Ontario. Huntsicker perhaps sumned up hickey best when he called him "a lucky fellow who found a place early in life that he throughly enjoyed and that he could make a living out of." Success on Those EXAMS Open 6 Days The Dascola Barbers near Michigan Theatre 0 in case you shave EARL RISKEY tion for their excellent condition- ing. A fine intramurals program bas long marked this campus. Riskey, however, is first to acknowledge that it has diminished in recent years, and he lays the blame with a lack of facilities. "We had 250 basketball teams this year," he explained, "but we could have had 500. We need an- other building and more fields." "I don't think the new re- organization will make much dif- ference," he continues. "They just CLEVELAN DERS 'While you're home for the summer, you an earn 3, 6 or 9 credits at CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SUMMER SESSION opens June 18 and ends August 9. For information about courses offered, write: Vice Provost for Student Services, tCase Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Manpowerha good paying. rsummer, jobs for men and women in 400 Cities e mne~ 0" Grten Qu l 1 t, r t l l Round Trip Charter Flight via DC-8 Jet ONLY $199' all tax included New York-London: June 16th London-New York: June 16th studentsx Faculty and Staff Only FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 769-5125 BRITISH STERLIN SSo ine a gift, it's even sold in jewelry stores. After shave from $350. Cologne from $5.00, warehobse work typists outdoor work stenos inventory work office machine factory work operators Calf the Mangower office in your' city at your first opportunity MANP@WER an equal opportunity employer Essentlsl oils Imported from Great B Compounded In U.S.A. 'Join The Dail U' 6 WORSHIP CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William-on the Campus Terry N. Smith, Minister Family Service-8:15 a.m. Regular Service-9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "He Is Going on Before You" LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL National Lutheran Council Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor GOOD FRIDAY 12:45-1:45-Service 7:15-8:00 p.m.-Tenebrae Service EASTER SUNDAY 6:30 a.m;--Matins 7:45 a.m.-Breakfast 11:00 a.m.-Chief Festival Service HURON HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Present ly meeting at the YM-YWCA Affiliated with the Baptist General Conf. Rev. Charles Johnson 761-6749 9:30 a.m.--Coffee. 9:45 a.m.-U Fellowship Bible Discussion. 11:00 a.m.-"Jesus' Resurrection - Valida- tion of the Gospel" 6:00 a.m.-Sunrise Service - Glacier Way property site. (breakfast afterward ,at the Englholm home) 7:00 p.m.-Misionary Wilfred Head, Ethio- pia} UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 1511 'Washtenow (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)' Rlfred T. Scheips, Pastor Good Friday at 7:25 a.m.-Half-hour matins, with communion Good Friday at 1:00 p.m.-50-minute service, sermon by the Rev. Arthur Spomer Easter Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15-Easter Festival Service, with Holy Communion, sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Re- surrection Power, Then andi Now" FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Phone 662-4466 1432 Washtenaw Ave. Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm G. Brown, John W. Waser, Harold S. Horan SUNDAY Worship at 9:00, 10:30 a.m., and 14:00 noon. Presbyterian Campus Center located ot the Church. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Corner State:and Huron Streets 663-0589 Dr. Raymond H. Saxe, Pastor Morning Services-8:30 and 11:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School and Alpha -Omega Fellowship. 6:00 o.m.-Training Hour-Classes for all ages. 7:00 p.m.-Gospel Services. Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. If it's Bible, you want, come to Grace Bible- Fundamental, Pre-Millenial, Biblical. PACKARD ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH, !Southern Baptist Convention 1131VChurch St. 76'1-0441 Rev. Tom Bloxom 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m.-Training Union. 7;30 p.m.-Evening Worship. ST. AIDEN'S EPISCOPAL CHAPEL (North Campus) 1679 BroadwayI 9:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Holy Com- munion. CAMPUS CHAPEL 1236 Washtenaw Donald Postema, Minister, 10:00-Morning Worship Service 7:00 p.m.-Evening Worship Service ST. ANDREW'S EPSICOPAL CHURCH 306 N. Division THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood Across from Ann Arbor High Roy V. Palmer, Minister SUNDAY 10:00 a.m.--Bible School. 11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship. 6:00 p.m.- Evening Worship. WEDNESDAY - 7:30 p.m.-Bible Study. Transportation furnished for all NO 2-2756. services--.Call FIRST METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION At State and Huron Streets Phone 662-4536 Hoover Rupert, Minister Eugene Ransom, Campus Minister Bartlett Beovin, Associate Campus Minister FRIDAY 12:00 Noon-Community T're-ore Service SATURDAY 7:30 p.m.-Party (Study Break) at Wes- ley Foundation EASTER, SUNDAY 7:00 a.m.-Sunrise Easter Service, North Campus Comnons with Dr. Martin Nie- moeller, World Council of Churches.'If transportation is needed, please call 668- 6881. UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 East Hura'n Phone 662-3153 Ministers: Calvin S. Malefyt, Paul Swets 10:30 a.rn.-"Power for Living Today", Rev. Calvin Malefyt 7:00 p.m.-Coffee Hpur Setting --"The Renewal of the Church"-Dr..Martin Nie- moeller, German theologian BETHLEHEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenow Ave. StI IKflA 423 S. Fourth Ave. Telephone 665.6149 Pastors: E., R: Kloudt, Armin C. 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 11 I I V,1i