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April 12, 1968 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-12

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Friday, April 12, 1968

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, April 12, 1968

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of . the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear only once.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"Management of Managers No.
56": Michigan Union, 8:15 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. and 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Bureau of industrial Relations Sem-
inar-Program for Institutional Man-
agement Education - "Leadership for
Women Executives": Statler-Hilton Inn,
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fire Officers Training Course-Regis-
tration, Civil Defense Center, 8:30 a.m.
Pharmacy Alumni Lectures: Dr.
Charles J. Sih, Prof. of Pharmaceutical
Biochemistry, The University of Wis-
consin, "Stereo-chemistry and Mech-
anism of Enzymatic Dehydrogenation,"
1300 Chemistry-Pharmacy Bldg., 3:00.
Astronomical Colloquium - H. Bond,
T. Graedel, R. Humphreys, and M.
Klein, "The Charlottesville Meeting of
the ;American Astronomical Society,"
296 Physics-Astronomy Bldg., 4:00 p.m.
Cinema Guild--Howard Hawkes' "To
Have and Have Not", Architecture Aud.
7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital --
Gerald Plain, Double Bass: School of
Music Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m.
Department of Astronomy Special
Visitors' Night - James A. Loudon,
Teaching Fellow; Dept. of Astronomy,
"Eclipses", View of Total Eclipse of
the Moon, Aud. D, Angell Hall, 9:30 p.m,
General Notices
Cinema Guild - Rene Clairs "The
Last Millionaire, Architecture Aud.,
Sat., April 13, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Cinema Guild - Rene Clair's "The
Last Millionaire, Architecture Aud.,
Sunday, April 14, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.

April 15, Rackham Lecture Hall, 4:00.
Botany Seminar: Dr. Edward Knip-
ling, Hanover, New Hampshire, will
speak on "The Significance of Plant
Physiology in Remote Sensing" Mon.,
April 15, 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg., at 4:15.
Physical Education - Women Stu-
dents: Open indoor recreational space
during exams, April 15-21, as follows:
Pool Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 5-6
& 7-9; Fri., 5-6 & 6-9; Sat., 7-9; Sun.,
3-5 and 6:30-8:30.
Barbour Gym Hours: Mon., 3-5;
Tues., 3-5 & 7-9; Wed. thru Fri., 3-5;
Sat., 8-11 a.m.
W.A.B.: Mon. thru Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Bowling alleys will be open. Women
students asked to come in pairs, etc.
Register at desk.j
The Computing Center announces a-
short course in the SNOBAL4 Program-
ming Language. SNOBOL4 is especial-
ly useful for symbolic manipulation
and significantly more powerful than
its predecessor, SNOBOL3. SNOBOL4
is currently available in the MTS File.
*SNOBOL4. The audience is assumed
to have a minimal knowedge of pro-
gramming. The course will be given on
April 15 at 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in
Rm. 1400, Chem. Bldg. Inquiries may
be directed to Mr. Fred Swartz, Com-
puting Center.
Botany Seminar - Co-Sponsored by
the Dept. of Human Genetics Dr. Dale
Kaiser, Stanford University, "Joining
of DNA Molecules," Wed., April 17, 3021
Special Projects Bldg., 4:00 p.m.,
oology Seminar - Dr. Michael M.
Martin, Department of Chemistry, Uni-
versity of Michigan, "Chemical Ecol-
ogy - The Fungus-Growing Ants,"
Wed., April 17, 1400 Chem. Bldg., 4:00.
Grade Sheets for Winter 1968 have
been sent to departments for distribu-
tion to instructors. Any grade sheet
with degree jstudents should be sub-
mitted to the Office of the Registrar
within 48 hours after the examination.
Grade Sheets for non-degree students
should be submitted on or before Fri.,
April 26. A grade messenger service will
be provided on a regular basis by the
Office of the Registrar to departmental
offices on the Central Campus begin-
ning Wed., April 17 and continuing
through Fri., April 26. Grades may also
be submitted directly to this office at
"Window A," Admin. Bldg., during
working hours. Questions pertaining to
grade reports may be directed to
The Computing Cen'ter will offer a
short course on the FORTRAN IV lan-
guage as used in the Michigan Termin-
al System (MTS). Previous experience
with MAD or FORTRAN II will be as-
sumed. 3-5 p.m., Fri., April 19, Rm. 1300
Chem. Bldg. Inquiries should be di-
rected to Prof. Larry Flaniagn at the
Computing Center, 764-4143.
1ST Ocean Engineering Seminar Ser-


ies - Dr. John Craven, Chief Scientist
of the Navy's Deep Submergence Sys-
tems Project, and of the Navy's Spe-
cial Projects Office, will give the ninth
seminar, entitled "The Role of the
Small Submersible in the Exploitation
of the Oceans," Thurs., April 18, at 2:30
p.m. in the Main Lecture Hall of the
Chrysler Center for Continuing Engi-
ngering Education.
Zoology Seminar -- On Wed., April
24, Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Dept. of
Physiology, University of Kansas Med-
ical Center, will speak on "The Devel-
opment of Fatty Acid and Cholesterol
Synthesis in the Chick" at 4:10 p.m.
in 1400 Chem. Bldg.
The Computing Center is about to
I begin experimental use of the IBM
time-sharing system for the 360/67. An
introductory lecture will be given on
April 25, at 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in
Rm. 1210 Chem. Bldg. No previous ex-
perience is necessary. Inquiries may be
directed to Prf. Bernard A. Galler.
Attention Faculty Members of: Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, School of Educatino, School of
Music, School of Public Health, and
School of Business Administration. Stu-
dents expecting degrees April 27, are
advised not to request grades of I or
X. When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made up
in time to allow you to report the
make-up grade, not later than noon,
Fri., April 26.
Student Identification Cards - Any
student identification card marked.
"Valid Winter 68 Only" rust be re-
placed before the student may register
for the Spring or Fall term, 1968. Re-
placement of these cards mayabe ac-
complished by making application at
Window "A" in the Admin. Bldg. prior
to April 29. Proper notification of the
student's correct social security num-
ber should be available when the ap-
plication is made..
All students should check their iden-
tification cards for errors. The first
nine digits of the student number
shoudl be equal to the student's social
security number,
If the numbers do not match, this
incorrect card should be brought to
Window "A" in the Admin. Bldg. for
replacement. No replacement fee will
be charged.
During Spring term registration, Ap-
ril 29-30, all matters concerning I.D.
cards will be handled in room 102 in
the basement" of the Admin. Bldg.
April 27, 1968
Graduates assemble at 9:30 a.m.
Processionentersat 10:00 a.m. Pro-
gram begins at 10:30 a.m.
Exercises will be held at 10:30 a.m.
in the University Events Building. Ex-
ercises will conclude about 12:30 p.m.
All graduates as of April 1968 are
eligible to participate.

Maximum of four to each prospec-
tive graduate, to be distributed from
Mon., April 15, to 5:00 p.m. Friday, Ap-
ril 26, at Diploma Office, 555 Admin.
Some unclaimed tickets may be
available at the Information desk, first
floor, Admin. Bldg., on Sat., April 27,
8.00-9:30 a.m.
Academic Costume:
Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop,
711 N, University Ave., Ann Arbor. Or-
ders should be placed immediately.
Assembly for Graduates:
At 9:30 a.m. in area east of Stadium.
Marshals will direct graduates to prop-
er stations. In case of inclement
weather, graduates will go directly to
the building where they will be seat-
ed by marshals.
Members of the Faculties assemble in
the Lobby on the first floor of the Ad-
ministration Bldg., where tehy may
robe. Transportation to the Events
Bldg. will be provided.
Regents, Ex-Regents, Members of the
President's Conference and other Ad-
ministrative Officials will assemble at
9:15 a.m. in Rm. 2549 Admin. Bldg.,
where they may robe. Transportation
to the Events Bldg. will be provided.
All spectators should be seated in
the building by 10:00 a.m. when pro-
cession enters.
Graduation Announcements,
Invitations, .:c.:'
Inquire at Office of Student Af-
Commencement Programs:
To be distributed at exercises.
Distribution of Diplomas:
Diplomas conferred as of April 27,
1968, may be called for at the Student
Activities Bldg. May 13 through May
21, 1968. Medical School diplomas will
be distributed at Class Day exercises
June 7; Flint College diplomas at the
convocation on Mayl 31; Dearborn
Campus diplomas at the graduation
exercises June 9; Law School diplomas
may be called for after May 27 at Rm.
)555, Admin. Bldg.
Doctoral degree candidates who qua.-
lify for the Ph.D. degree or a similar
degree from the Graduate School and
EXERCISES will be given a hood by
the University.
Faculty Members and University Em-
ployees: Those eligible to purchase
Athletic Cards are: University Faculty
and Administrative Officers; Faculty
members who have been retired, but
still retain faculty privileges; Em-
ployees on the University payroll who
have appointments or contracts on a
full-time yearly basis; or, if on an
hourly basis, are full-time employees
and have been employed by the Uni-
versity for a period of not less than
twelve months prior to the .date of ap-
plication for the purchase of an Ath-
letic Card. The date shown on the
Employee's University Identification
Card shall be considered as the date
of employment; For spouses and de-
pendent children between the ages of
10 and 18 of the above groups. No more
than two cards may be purchased for
dependent children.
The card may be purchased for $18.00
at Ferry Field Ticket Office beginning
June 3. Preference for location expires
Aug.1. Additional Season Ticket pur-
chase privilege (limit 2) expires Aug. 1.
Conditions and Privileges: Athletic'
Cards or Tickets are not transferable.
Ticket privileges end with, termination
of employment with the University and,

.......... - ..........................

336 S. State St.
,$ $$$$ $ $
Order Your Daily Now -
Phone 764-0558

your file from available applicants, and
this information is useful to the Col-
lege Placement Council for statistical
'.purposes for counseling.
.S. Civil Service Management Il-
N tern Oral Examinations will be held
April 24-26 at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. 3200 S.A.B, Students will be
notified individually by the Civil Serv-
no refunds or rebates will be made. ice Commission as to which day they
Priority seating locations will be main are scheduled.
tained by continuity of purchase. Fac- Peace Corps is opening numeros
ulty members and employees who pur- pp
chase Athletic Cards will receive a re- programs, beginning training this sum-
served seat at each home football game Lerin East Asia and the Pacific,
and general admission to gymnastics. Latin America, and North Africa, Near
track, wrestling, and baseball, as long East and South Asia areas. Many de-
t seats areavailable.TheBoard long grees are required, booklets describing
teagutsare eethe sale Tathleticrd will these openings are at General Division
nt gunes h eo t hl.eti rds Bureau of Appts, 3200 S.A.B. Testing
, 1 will continue monthly this summer at
Ann Arbor Post Office.
Doctoral Current Positions received by Geer-
al Division, call 764-7460 for further
Examinations Information
City of Saginaw, Saginaw, Mich. -
James Hodson Seward, English Lan- Probation Officer, perform pre-sen-
guage &Literature, Dissertation: "Ro- tence investigations, emphasis on cor-
meo and Juliet: A Study of Shakes- rective casework, degree in Police Ad-
peare's Tragic Vision," on Fri., April min., Corrections, Psychology, So. or
12 at 3 p.m. in Rm. 1611 Haven Hall. rel. flds. U.S. Citizen, necess.
Chairman: W. G. Rice. Weather-Tite Aristocrat, Bedford,
Ohio - Sales Personnel for Cleveland,
Walter Richard Tape, Mathematics, Detroit, Chicago, and N. Y. areas;
Dissertation: "Commuting Flows and Mechan. Engrg. bckrnd., indust. mgmt.,
Vector Fields," on Mon., April 15 at 1 and technical courses. One year trng.
p.m. in Rm. 206 W. Engrg. Chairman: program.
A. J. Schwartz. Ohio Medical Produts, Madison, Wis.
-Advertising Assistant, adv., journ. or
Anneliese Reina Lindner Bowby, Engl. degree, mechanically or technic-
Social Psychology, Dissertation: "Type ally oriented, exper, in mechan. prod-
of National Integration among Stu- ucts. Methods and Planning Engineer,
dents of Three Zerman Universities," technical graduate, exper. desired. '
on Mon., April 15 at 2 p.m. in' Rm. Family. Service. Center,. Centreville,
5615 Haven Hall. Chairman: H. C. Mich. -- Executive Director for Pam-
Kelmnan. ily Counseling Service, Marital prob-
lems, persqnal problems, and child re-
llnnelore Lina Kraft Wass, Educa- lationships handled. MSW and min. 240
tion, Dissertation: "Relationships of hours supv. fld work in approved
Social-Psychological Variables to School agency.
Achievement for High and Low -Achiev- WPHM Radio Station, Port Huron,
ers,' on Thurs., April 18 at 1 p.m. in Mich. - Man or woman, speech train-
Rm. 3002, University High School. C- Ing, and exper, preferred for Radio An-
Chairmen: W. A. Ketcham and W, C. nouncer (disc jockey) for either morn-
Morse. ing or afternoon drive shows, 500 Watt
full-time station.
Elizabeth Jocelyn Mackey, Music, Dis- B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio
sertation: "The Sacred Music of Jo- -Systems Analyst, BS Phys. Sd. or
hann Theile," on Thurs., April 18 at Math, exper, in p* gramming. Field
3:30 p.m. in Rm. 2269, School of Music. Auditors and Trai ees, degree req.
Chairman: R. A. Warner. Sales Trainees, degree and professional
sales interest. Technical Librarian,
Hans Georg Rosdolsky, Physics, Dis- Ohem. or engrg degree, computer re-
sertation: "Self Consistency and the trieval group.
ND-1 , Equations," on Fri., April 19 at City of New York - Irector of Vol-
1:30 p.m. in Rm. 618 Physics-Astron- unteers, 1A and 1 year in admin. Work
omy. Chairman: G. L. Kane., in volunteer agency, health or allied,
areas. Insurance Advisor, health area,
William Reun-Sen Fan, Civil Engi- degree and 3 years exper. in health in-
neering, Dissettation:. "The Damping surance.
Properties and the Earthquake Re- Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma,
sponse Spectrum of Steel Frames," on Wash. - Architectural consultant, de-
Tues., April 23 at 1 p.m. in Rm. 305, gree in arch., registartion not .required
W. Engrg. Chairman: R. D. Hanson. Northeastern area.
University of Wisconsin Medical Cen-
ter, Madison, Wis. - Chem., Onocol-
Placement ogy, Biol., Onocology., Chem. Pediatrics.
Lab. Supv., Clin. Onocology. 'Sr. Bio-
BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS chemist, Pediatrics. Med. TechnoL V.A.
~3200 SAB Hosp. Bacteriologist, 'Food Res. Inst.
GENERAL DIVISION Electron Microscope, Biophys. Biochem-,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ist, V.A. Hosp. Biochemist,. Medicine.
Graduating Seniors and other stu- Med. Technologist, Pediatrics.
dents - Placement services at both Town of Glastonbury Health Depart-
divisions of the Bureau of Appts., ment, Conn. - Assistant Sanitarian,
Teaching, and General, can be of use PubI. Health, or Biol, Sci. curricula
to anyone who is not certain of future graduates plus 2 years exper, in envir-
employment or plans. Requests con- onmental health fields.
tinue to be sent to us, and are pub- Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
lished in the Daily, to resume with -Secretary, J. K. Galbraith, Econ.
summer sessions, are entered in a Cur- Dept. position, 2 iyearIs exper. req. See-
rent Openings Notebook, and are pub- retary - Law School branch of Unv.
lished in the Alumni Job Bulletin, Health Serv. Staff Assistant - Botan-
Please give us your home or campus ical Museum, can be pt. time. Secre-
address for the summer in order to tary - Law School Community Legal
receive this bulletin and other com- Assistance Office. Br. Secr tary, to two
munications. If you have accepted an professors in space research, Staff As-
offer of employment, or received of- istant - Psych,.Department, computer
fers,' please inform the General Dvi exper. desired. Secretary - Center cfor
sion, thus we will be) able to remove Population Studies. Research Assistant
-Biol. Labs, bekrnd, in biochem./
microbiol. Part-time Secretary, Econ.
x research group in International Affairs,
212 S.A.B., Lower Level
Summer Placement will be open to
browse through openings from wide
.\*s e'*a.s.s variety lof employers. Hours are ,10-12
l Rand 1:30 to 5 weekdays.
Openings continue to come ..n.
Negro Girl Wanted as Counselor in
Wisconsin Girl's Camp,. Must be in-
structorPIn Archery or Arts and Crafts.


University Senate Meeting --



.___ 1I -_
,. _ ._,
-_ ,



Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Unless we learn to I ve
like brothers, we will die
like fools."
(March 14, 1968--Grosse Pointe)
We reaffirm our dedication to the power of
Christian Love.- (Catholic Peace Fellowship)


/ n


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