I 1, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Paoe Eleven CLARK NORTON f tetiking Out If I had to pick a "Dubious Distinction" award for my career 4 as a collegiate sportswriter, I guess it would have to be the fact that I was the first Daily sports editor in 17 years not to witness a Big Ten championship 'for the Wolverines, in any sport, during my term in office. I like to think that there was no direct cause-and-effect rela- tionship between the two, but I've been accused of worse ... . . . of "practically destroying" Michigan recruiting this * season, by a member of the athletic department; Bengals 'Pitchers Sparkle rss Openers BY IThe Associated Pr ess, Open toop with a Thud Yastrzemski Slams Two HRs " ' ; y;" ' + 1 i ] of "doing a great disservice, to the Big Ten and plummeting A couple of star pitching per- the conference to its lowest ebb in years", by a sports information formances and an occasional dis- director at one Big Ten university; play of power marked the Major . of being a "young Hemingway" and a "sensationalist", by Leagues' opening day festivities Dave Diles, Detroit TV sportscaster (I think I was supposed to take yesterday. of ense, but if he meant Ernest, well . . .) All 20 major league teams . . . of being a "would-be Pulitzer Prize winner", by Al played their openers after post- Ackerman, a counterpart of Diles on another station (I'm not poning action out of respect to sure if I'm supposed to be mad at Al, either ...); the late Dr. Martin Luther King, . of being "perhaps one of the last two moral purists in the Jr. world" and "very naive", by Van Patrick, a counterpart of Diles and In Washington, Vice President Ackerman on a third Detroit station the other "moral purist",Hubert Humphrey threw out the Aaitrfirst ball, subbing for his boss, incidentally, is, according to Patrick, Howard Kohn, a fellow Daily and sat back to watch his favor- sportswriter); ite team, the Minnesota Twins, . . of "probably not being able to sleep at night", by another beat the Senators 2-0. Twin hurl- member of the athletic department; er Dean Chance threw a four-hit . . . of being a "nitpicker" by a member of. the Wisconsin State shutout and sluggers Harmon Legislature; , Killebrew and Bob Allison each . and finally (at least of those comments which may be tagged solo homers in the win- printed), of 'being a "glory-seeker", a "do-gooder", "selfish", "self- ning effort. promoting", and an "irresponsible egotist who has sacrificed re- Another four hitter was served sponsible journalim for personal gain", by various readers of The up by Yankee ace Mel Stottle- Dail wh fel obiged to omme t. myre as he downed the California Dail wh fel obige to'ommnt.Angels 1-0. George Brunet gave All this response, actually, came from a story Kohn and I only three hits to the New York- wrote concerning possible violations of Big Ten rules at Michi- ers before being pulled for a gan. Since that time. both the conference and the University pinch-hitter in the 8th, but Frank have held investigations concerning Michigan's athletic prac- Fernandez' 2nd inning homerI tiies, with their findings not yet made public. stood up for the Yankees. Ironically, our story dealt with only a comparatively minor Probably the best pitching per- set of the possible infractions which an earlier investigation had formance of the day, though, indicated exist at Michigan, as well as at other Big Ten schools. came from the Cleveland Indians' Almost all our information has been turned over to the conference down the Chicago White Sox, al- investigators .or the Michigan athletic department; whethe' they Sonny Siebert. Siebert mowed: will choose to "cover up" and ultimately turn their heads the other lowing only two singles and lead-1 way remains to be seen. What we will print in the future may largely Duke Sims led the Cleveland at depend on their actions or inactions. tack with two four-baggers. One of the major problems they will have, of course, is fixing Don Buford had twb hits, scored the blame for any violations which may be uncovered, one run and made a fine run- For example, Dave Raimey, a football player who grad- preventing play in the field ast uated from Michigan several years ago, told The Daily recently Baltimore beat the transplanted that, during his playing, days here, "I would go to a drugstore Oakland Athletics 3-1. Brooks once a week and pick up ten dollars, no questions asked, from Robinson homered for the Orioles a guy behind the counter. Then when I graduated, I told another and Tom Phoebus was the win- player about it and he took over the concession." ning pitcher, getting relief help Where was the money coming from? An alumnus . . . a friendly from k 'a merchant . . . or perhaps even the athletic department itself?r In the National League.wTony Raimey doesn't know. "I knew It was illegal,," he explains, "but Perez' three-run homer and a a it was a real nice deal and I wasn't going to ask any questions." two-run clout by Tommy Helms And Raimey's case is only one in a long line involving players, pushed the Cincinnati Reds pastf coaches, and alumni that indicate that nut even Michigan; long re- the Chicago Cubs 9-4. Perez'r garded as one of the "cleanest" conference schools, can afford to homer capped a five-run fifth in-i look the other way forever. ning for the Reds, and boostedI But besides these legal "irregularities" which have beset the pitcher Milt Pappas to an opening1 day victory.f Michigan athletic scene, there are other problems which may Ron Swoboda hit a three-run prove to be just as damaging. homer and drove in four runs for The recent appointment of two apparently well-qualified as- the New oYrk Mets, and young sistant football coaches . cannot completely calm the turmoil that Tom Seaver had a six-hitterr has been brewing on the grid coaching staff during the past year. through the eighth, but San Perhaps the major problem has been the relatively uncertain Francisco rallied for three runs inI status of head football coach Bump Elliott, who has suffered through the bottom of the ninth to reach another losing season and is the target of a great deal of animosity a5-4 victory. Jesus Alou drove in among students and alumni who wish to see Michigan return to its the fintwo runs with ane. glory days" on the gridiron. ,Fthe win.y By JOHN LOTTIER Special To The Daily DETROIT - Yesterday was' opening day at Tiger Stadium but Detroit's big guns were apparent- ly still busy patrolling the city's streets, as the visiting Boston Red Sox were able to coast to a 7-3 victory over the Tigers, spoiling the Bengal's debut before .41,429 hometown fans. Led by Carl Yastrzemski's two' solo homers - the second an in- side-the-park jobbie - and short- stop Rico Petrocelli's three RBIs, the BeantownrBoys demonstrated to this year's pennant favorites that last year's pennant winners are not to be taken for patsy pushovers. Dick Ellsworth, a Chicago Cub reject, was' the Bosox starting pitcher and kept Detroit's Fat Cats pretty much under control during his nine-inning stint, aid- ed by execllent low-ball control and a tricky herky-jerk pitching technique. Earl Wilson, Ellsworth's oppon- ent, was plagued by control prob- lems and lasted only five innings, giving up five runs and eight hits in a lackluster performance'. The only bright spot of the day for Wilson came in the third inning when he socked Ellsworth's first pitch into the left field upper deck. Though Ellsworth may be a good low-ball pitcher, Wilson is a superb low-ball hitter. The Red Sox opened the scor- ing in the second inning when Reggie \Smith's single and rookie outfielder Joe LaHoud's walk was followed by a Petrocelli fly ball to left field that slow-footed Wil- Wilson's 27th career made it 3-1 inthe tir Boston knocked him ou box in the sixth when S off with a double. Geor singled and LaHoud w fill the bases. Petrocelli knocked in and then Pat Dobson, Wilson, got Elston How Ellsworth-on called thir before walking Andrews in the fifth Boston run. Yastrzemski's homers seventh and the ninth Bosox' total to seven. The Tigers' only real threat came in the botto eighth. Dick McAuliffe's followed by Al Kaline'. single set the stage for Horton one-out double to in left-centerfield. Things were starting good for the Bengals - drous Willie was caught rhomner baseball game than the contest d before itself, Milwaukee may be the beer t of the capital of the world, but Detroit Smith led is the beer-drinking capital. At ge Scott Tiger Stadium, as the beer flows alked to so do the fans. One guy thought he was a police car and kept one rin, sounding-off like a siren. Another relieving heaved a roll of toilet paper at ard and ; Boston centerfielder Reggis Smith d strikes and nearly toppled him over back- to force wards. A third was escorted from the park by the gendarmes after in the running out to left-field to do the rai the Watusi. The highlight, though, came in offensive the seventh inning when after rn of the striking out twice, the Tigers' s double weak-hitting Ray Oyler was given a infield a standing ovation as he ground- a Willie ed out to the shortstop. And all the wall this goes to show it's baseball time once again in Detroit. to Tlook iut Won- SPORTS NIGHT EDITOR : rounding )DANIEL OKUENT lie Horton just couldn't seem toI catch up with. It fell in for a double and the1 Sox fell into a 2-0 lead. Boston: picked up another run in the third on singles by Mike Andrews2 and Dalton Jones, plus Smith's sacrifice fly. second base and charging down on Al Kaline who was firmly planted at third (the ball was back in the infield by this time). Horton was easily tagged out and what appeared to be a surging De- troit rally was effectively quashed. But there's more to a Tiger -Associated Press Relief Pitcher PLAY U-D TODAY: Eastern Scrunches M' Iaseballers, 5-2 F SPRING and/or SUMMER TERM TEN HOUSES near campus ROOM & BOARD $21.04/week BOARD ONLY ,,$13.00/week, T Join a Conop"Thii, Summer By ROBIN WRIGHT Michigan lost 5-2 to Easterr Michigan University in the home opener yesterday afternoon. Dave Renkiewicz threw five and a third innings giving up six hits and three walks, allowing four of the five runs. Larry Guidi came in to ,relieve Renkiewicz in the bottom of the 6th. He was touched for one hit and the last run. The trouble started in the ear- ly innings with Eastern earning two runs in the first and another in the second. The score was at a standstill until the fifth inning as Michi- gan remained hitless. Shortstop Chuck Schmidt broke the mo- mentum with a double. Last year's Big Ten batting champ, Andy Fisher, then knocked a single tc bring Schmidt in for Michigan's first run: The ; game seemed ready to change when Glen Redmon came up. with another double in the sixth. Captain Doug Nelson got Redmon to third on a single. Redmon then crossed home to make the score 3-2 when first baseman Jim Hosler hit a ground ball. Michigan had just begun to ad- just to EMU Pitcher Rick Krumm when he was replaced in the sixth by Don Schaall. Schaall gave up only one hit in the three remain- ing innings. Michigan was no longer a threat when in the sev-, enth, Guidi allowed the fifth run. Catcher John Kraft best ex- plained the game. "Michigan played well - we just didn't get enough hits." "We hit the ball hard,, but AIRPORT LIMOUSINE Regular Runs to Metro Airport 30 TRIPS DAILY from side door of MICHIGAN UNION 971-3700 z R aV A f A R X 7 ++: 9 T 5' } F couldn't find the holes, while Eastern's balls bounced through the outfield,' he said. "It's the same situation every game. The opposing team will ex- plode in the first couple innings when we're still warming up. Then we re forced into the position of; playing catch-up the rest of the game." As istant Coach Dick Honig added, "We lack the ability to drag in runs when we're in a key scoring situation. Once we get some consistent hitting started,! something always happens and we fail to come up with any more key hits." Meanxhile the Michigan fresh- men split a doubleheader with Northwood Institute at Midland. In the first seven inning game, the Wolverines started John Rit- ter and were blanked, 1-0, by Dave Green. But they came back in the second game on Tom Fles- zar's pitching and scored nine runs to win, 9-2. Michigan will meet the Uni- versity of Detroit at 2 p.m. today. Inner-Cooperative r Council 2546 SAO 668.6872 e Members work 4 hours per week 76eris WIN BOSTON UP) - The Phila- delphia ;76ers, led by Wally Jones' 24 points, beat the Bos- toneCeltics last night 115-106 to even up their Eastern Divi- sion playoff finals at one game apiece. The teams are sched- uled to meet again tonight in Philadelphia. I F GOLF at DON'$ PAR -3 50665 WesIt Huron River Dr. LEAGUES WELCOME. 'Susterkca Lake HUnter; 3-5010 Success on Those EXAMS Open 6 Days The Dascola Barbers near Michigan Theatre I' It is commonly assumed among members of the Michigan ath- * letic department that Bump had better "win or else" next season. This has not only put a great .deal of pressure on Elliott, but also on his assistant coaches. If Bump were to be fired after next season, so, in all likelihood, would his aides - unless Bump were to be quietly phased out and into an administrative position, with one of his assistants being named head coach. Enter Tcony Mason, offensive line coach "and long regarded as perhaps Elliott's top assistant. Mason has made it known that he intends to stick it out only one more' year at Michigan, that is, unless he were to be named head coach upon Elliott's "retire- ment." A possibility - but the betting is that the next Michigan football coach will come from outside the present athletic de- partment. Everyone already here has too many enemies. Perhaps to confuse the situation even more, Michigan has just appointed a new athletic director, track coach Don Canham. Canham, 0 is a shrewd businessman and will not feel obligated to stick with' any leftovers from Fritz Crisler's regime if they do not seem to be properly fulfilling their role in realizing Canham's announced prime goal, "to fill up Michigan Stadium and the Events Building." Canham was once heard to say before his appointment that the first job of the new athletic director "should be to fire five or six coaches." Cause for any Michigan coach to gulp, especiallyj # those in basketball and football, which must produce to bring in the revenue. Bob Aspromonte's two-out triple in the last of the 9th gave Hous- ton a 5-4 victory over the Pitts- burgh Pirates. Aspromonte's hit knocked in two runs and helped earn a victory for hurler Larry Dierker. Also in a cliffhanger, St. Louis pinch-hitter Dave Ricketts smack- ed a last-inning single to drive in the winning run and give the Cards a 2-1 victory over the At- lanta Braves. s Los Angeles and Philadelphia had a night game scheduled on the coast. TODAY'S GAMES American League Californiia at Cleveland! Boston at Detroit Minnesota at Washington National League Pittsburgh at San Francisco New York at Los Angeles (N) Philadelphia at Houston (N) Chicago at Cincinnati (N) 1 i l If I ,f 1 I NC. BOOTS * LEATHER CUSTOM and UNUSUAL CLOTHING 215 S. STATE, 2nd floor Water Buffalo Sandals { 1 India Art Shop 330 Maynard 0 (Across from the Arcade) ::J: rrr" lti 10: H T:"l i1Y :gg1. t s ppf: J'T+ i t . 41'a 5Y ".' why' cart all those tithes h c e' " Call Greene's Cleaners today! We'll deliver a storage box- r .Fill it, With your winter garments- -We'll pick it up--clean your garments-- Store them in our air conditioned vault. Next fall-give us a call. 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