Wednesday, April 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five . Canham iTo Relinquish Business in Equipment MEET WITH FLEMING: Black Students Hold Lock-In Close Ad Building for 5 lo (Continued from Page 1) Over the past 14 years. Canham has specifically made a point not to sell any equipment or teaching aids to the University or Univer- sity-related offices. Canham En- terprises, -according to Canham, Wheeler Asks Court Injuctihon (Continued from Page 1) Itees to the Housing Commission, as well as to the Board of Super- visors, are "uninvolved with the problems of black people." John R. Hathaway (R-Fourth Ward) charged yesterday that Democrats have been negligent in expressing their appointment pref- erences to the mayor. Hathaway, also accused the Democrats of turning the issue into a game of 'artisan party politics. Councilman LeRoy Cappaert (D- 'ifth Ward) supported Wheel- er in lashing out against Hath- away's charges. Ezra Rowry, head of the local chapter of CORE,' said he ap- proved of the Democratic- walkout Monday night and that CORE, waspreparing a list recommending people to replace Hulcher's ap- pointments. . Ellis,- who is a Negro, asked whether Rowry, Cappaert, and Wheeler themselves were truly representative of the black com- munity. "Do they consider them- selves," he continued, "a'screening agency for whomever the mayor. appoints?'' has never filled a University pur- chasing order. Only the athletic department has been an exception, buying high jump posts, hurdles and other miscellaneous track- equipment from Canham Enterprises at dis- count prices. Canham estimated that total sales to the athletic department, however, have not totalled over $3000 for the past decade. He explained that the only rea- sons the athletic department bought occasional equipment from- his business were the cut-rate prices and the unvailability of the equipment in the immediate area. "The only way the track budget could afford the hurdles, for in- stance, was to buy them from Canham Enterprises," he said. Canham added that Canham Enterprices had never sold "soft goods-uniforms and sweatsuits- which are the money-making items of any sporting goods busi- ness" to the athletic department. Canham's departure from his sports equipment company will not mean a departure from the pr6b- leims of big business. His new job as athletic director will place him at the head of another multi-bil- lion dollar enterprise-the Michi- gan athletic department. His chief worries will center around filling up Michigan's two sport collossium, the 101,001-seat Michigan Stadium and the 14,500- seat University Events Building. In the past few years, attendance to sports events at ythese two structures has been far less than capacity. Canham looks upon his task with relish, though. "I look for- ward with great interest in trying to find a way to fill both struc- tures next year." (Continued from Page i) which he gave at noon as he left the building. He met with the stu- dents for more than three hours. "I don't have all the informa- tion myself," Fleming explained. "I will have those who do know with me next week. This is largely a question of how to implement the demands. These are not things that I alone have power to de- cide." Fleming said he did inform the students of some pertinent devel- opments which he did not want to discuss publicly. "We're also in- terested in what they're interested in; we're not really at odds," he later added. Fleming said he was not sur- prised by the students' action "in this period of terrible emotional stress following the insane assas- sination of Dr. King." He said the time was appropriate for the de- mands. "These kids have not tile," Fleming said. "V this terrible, terrible era can't expect the nor ma apply." While inside the bui students held a servic King at 10:30 p.m., th, his funeral in Atlanta. t cipant said thelservices filar to those held on the Friday. The} participant the King rites on a por vision. Wheeler said the stud agreed not to make a statement until they Fleming next week. T sistently declined com. terday. Building workers wei 8 a.m. by University off they would be locked noon at the earliest asked to check with th later in the morning. After they left the Ac tion Bldg., the students: Ann Arbor Community continue discussion c'f meeting with Fleming a.m. Monday. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- rsity of Michigan for which The I Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to been hos- Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- Ve'v hadfore 2 p.m. of the day .preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday gedy. You for Saturday and Sunday. General il rules to Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear only once. ilding, the Student organization notices are not e for Dr. accepted for publication. For more time of information call 764-9270. One parti- WEDNESDAY, APRIL-10 were sim-_ _ Diag w last! thd D y u ln r s watched a table tele- Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- inar-"Management of Managers No. e11t hav 56": Michigan Union, 8:15 to ents have 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. ny public talk with Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- Chey c nar-Program for Institutional Man- rhey con- agement Education - "Leadership for ment yes- Women Executives": Statler-Hilton Inn, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. re told at Fire Officers Training Course-Regis- icials that trat on, Civil Defense Center, 8:30 a.m. out until and were Municipal Purchasing Conference - officer Registration, North Campus Commons, eir offices 9:00 .a.m. Computing Center - "Short Course dministra- in the UMIST Language", Seminar Rm. met at the Computing Center, 3:00 to 5:00 O.m. Center to he next Statistics Seminar - R. Berk will speak on Sequential Rank Tests, II" set for 9 at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 3201 A.H. (Continued on Page 8) , . ANN ARBOR HALFWAY HOUSE benefit performance at the Canterbury House. April 10 and 11 ' Wednesday and Thursday-9:00 P.M. - Daily-Richard Lee White Students Support Demonstrators EXam Week Movies (FREE!) April 17 & 19 -Union Balroom 8:00P.M., April 19-Bursley Dining Room 8:00 P.M. 17th-"Me and the Colonel"- Danny Kaye 19th-"It Happened to Jane"- Doris Day 19th Bursley-"When Comedy Was King" 'PLUS: ROADRUNNER CARTOONS OPENS 'TONIGHT ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE firesents FINIAN'S RAINBOW A Musical Fantasy Tonight-Saturday at 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY - 7:00 P.M. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Seats: $2.00 $2.25, $2.50 Box Office (668-6300) open 10 A.M. 'til curtain time Sat. SOLD OUT! Best seats available on Sunday! Playtexinvents the first-day tamponi (We tookthe inside out to show you how different it is.) Outside: it's softer and silky (not cardboardy) Inside: it's so extra even protects on yTour first day. Your worst day! . 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