Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNivERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE VIEW FROM HERE In Controversy Lies the Cure - - 4W ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Wil Prevail BY ROBERT KLIVANS NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 1;11,1 :::..; .... .:::.;;; :;: "::.. ... .. t................................... Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints., Y, APRIL 10, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR; JILL CRABTREE Ad Building Chain-In: Radical Means, Liberal Ends FEW WHITES can understand the uni- que crosspressures felt by black stu- dents at the University. These pressures stem from the dif- ficulty many black students have in re- conciling their presence in an institu- titution structured to serve the ends of white society with their growing con- sciousness of the implications of their distinct racial identity. Yesterday's seizure of the Adminis- tration Building by black students re- flected this dilemma as they coupled the tactics of radicalism with demands which had the semblance of liberalism. For the demands which focus on two appointments and an endowed chair ask the University to do little that would ra- dically change the racial complexion of the campus. Rather, what they stress is that the University merely do what is expected of it - such as implement the Greene Report. MANY, IN VIEWING the militance of the tactics, will be quick to point out that, the black students could probably have arranged Monday's meeting with President Fleming, by merely requesting it. Yet this view fails to recognize the symbolic qualities, justifiably important to the black students, which character- ized yesterday's demonstration. And the dramatic seizure of the Ad- ministration Building complete w i t h chains- across the doors highlighted for the mass of white students the funda- mental discontent of the all too easily for- gotten black student minority on this campus. President Fleming's sympathetic at- titude toward the demands reflected his comprehension of their fundamental moderation. The University, reflecting the well-meaning liberalism of academia, generally is perfectly willing to drasti- cally increase the number of qualified Negroes in its employ, and more import- antly, in its student body. THE ISSUE only becomes controversial when focus is turned to the meaning of the word "qualified." The University generally maintalns that the absende of qualified .students and personnel, ra- ther than any bias, is the prime reason the University has remained a school for "rich, white students." And to illustrate the obstacles the Uni- versity faces, they note their strenuous effort to keep Negro employees from be- ing lured away by the lucretive offers of other institutions. It is probable that the University has failed to admit or hire many Negroes be- cause of the ineffectiveness until recently of recruiting programs and the use of an excessively white-oriented definition of quality. But it would also be blatantly unfair not to acknowledge that many of the University's. complaints of the ab- sence of "qualified" Negro applicants have substantial merit. Therefore the underlying question raised by yesterday's demonstration is what should be the University's role, if any, in compensating for the inadequate training programs provided by the larger society. HERE THERE is no simple answer. To drastically increase the numbers of Negroes in the student body would, in all likelihood, require special tutoring and special programs. The self-segrega- tion inherent in such a program might seriously dilute the substantial advan- tages of increasing the number of Ne- groes at the University. However, to do nothing would be in- tolerable. For if the racial inequities in America are ever to be resolved, it is incumbent upon' socially sensitive institutions like the University to be in the vanguard of those promoting change. Therefore, without jeopardizing qual- ity education and within obvious finan- cial limitations, the University must do everything in its power to improve the educational opportunities of tblack stu- dents. It will be a difficult tightrope for the University to walk between the demands of the black students concerned with their own problems and the obstruction of those in the University community who strongly resent any alteration of the sacred status quo. WE SUSPECT that yesterday's demon- stration was only the first of a series. It is essential that the University com- munity respond to future protests with tolerance and all the understanding it can musterprather than taking the easy road of scorn and derision. -WALTER SHAPIRO IT IS HARD, very hard, to think or write anything these days without talking about the quick succession of hope and despair experienced this past week. The two great problems which have dominated my four years at the University-the war and the racial crisis-are now reaching some kind of climax. It seems America's day of reckoning is at hand: the nation must choose a path of peace abroad and soothe the war at home or it will suffer the, growing hell of the past four years. And it is the demanding confrontation with this problem, quite frankly, which is at the heart of an American education today. During my first week in Ann Arbor in the late sum- mer of 1964, Negro writer Louis Lomax addressed an over- flow Hill Aud. crowd on the racial crisis. He warned of rising racial unrest with grim consequences for life in the U.S. "The effect of the present civil rights struggle on America can be compared to that of an annealing furnace on a bar of metal," he explained. "The result of the battles taking place now will be that America-in the heat of battle inthe process of discord in the North, idealism in the South and action on all fronts-will have her imperfections hammered out."!It seemed an imagina- tive hyperbole then-a vision of America smoldering from coast to coast, burning red hot so that the long- neglected poison in our society would come to the sur- face-but now it is as real as the next hour's news report. The annealing process has begun. My freshman year also witnessed the University's- and the country's-first teach-in, a soul-searching look at the U.S.'s new-born escalation in Vietnam. It was all rather innocucous then-grads and undergrads sheltered by their wholesale deferments, a President in the White House whe had voiced the folly of massive land involve- ment in Asia. But, like the cities and the blacks and poverty, time has not been the great healer. THE STUDENTS and the universities have grown a bit wiser through all this. The academic centers have become both a mirror of the nation's troubled conscience and a reflection of that trouble itself. College protests have helped bring a reassessment of foreign policy and a closer look at the urban crisis, but the universities have simultaneously helped produce better bombs and bomb- ers, insidious chemical weapons, more "effective" coun- ter-insurgency-much of this behind secret doors in our allegedly open society. Sometimes the shrill cries of campus critics have exploded into rowdy demonstrations. Yet, perhaps in no more important way than these pro- tests has the university fulfilled its commitment to America. "A university that is not controversial is not a university," said educator Robert Maynard Hutchins. "A civilization in which there is not a continuous con- troversy about important issues, speculative and practical, is on the way to totalitarianism and death." The Amer- ican dream, whatever remains from these years of Amer- ican nightmare, is being preserved in the thoughtful debate and vigorous protest of the academic sphere. THIS AWAKENING questioning by students is one of the most hopeful signs in an otherwise depressing na- tional landscape. It would be nice to think that the serious probing and challenge to sacred illusions and social ills will continue past the ivy gates, but one won- ders. A University professor once described the student rebellion against the technological society as "like fish revolting against the sea." It is the painful truth in this observation which should convince us that universities must closely guard their freedom and independence, that they must become, if necessary, 'powerful critics of so- ciety and not mere agents of government and industry. IF AMERICAN SOCIETY is to be reformed-or re- volutionized-there must be an autonomous force for change. If it is not already tdo late, the university can fill this position. And then, perhaps, when students leave the academic environment their ideas will not suffocate like fish on the sand. Things have changed in my four years here, or so it seems looking back. Perhaps it is that I have changed in this period, but that alone can not explain the growing importance placed on higher education, not merely as a center for students but as' the most significant new institution on the American scene. The best hope for to- morrow is that the finest ideas and ideals of the uni- versity will become the model for American society, and not American society the model for the university. *1 *I King 's Legacioy: Hp elessness Lingers. On, By DEAN SCHENKER Daily uest Writer Last of Two Parts PERHAPS FOR this generation's blacks, and American society, it is already too late. The un- educated black of 20 faces 40 odd years without much hope. But where we have the technical means to do something, where hope can be realized, nothing is being done. The ghetto child is being crushed, lied to about his chances for opportunity and im- provement, while ,in practice the society apathetically sits by doing nothing.% For the ghetto's children the school is the prime institution for upward mobility. Yet because American society refuses to help give its underclass a chance the school itself only serves as a further repressive mechanism. (If you think I exaggerate or over- stress this point consider whether any improvements have been brought to our primary education system in the last few years. The average class size of the ghetto primary school is still between 35- 40.) Yet if the black child demon- strates any intelligence or sen- sitivity, like refusing to accept his condition, the white man slaps him down and calls him "unrealistic.' For calling "Charlie," white so- ciety may give him a few crumbs; for saying he has a right to his own culture and to defend himself he gets only a gun in his back or a jail term. You, the white liberal, will pro- test, disclaiming any personal re- sponsibility or guilt. Yet the courts and police are your agents of op- pression. LeRoi Jones gets an ex- tended jail term for what? For daring to utter his thoughts, not for his actions. Rap Brown the same. Free speech except for those with a vision of a destructive apocalpyse? Liberal society can- not tolerate the phophets of its doom. White city hall, in Newark, Watts, and Detroit, gave out with the same essential response. Each gave the police license to lawlessly slaughter innocent black men. In each the black man's civil rights were "temporarily' abrogated un- der the guise of maintaining "law, and order." Violence to what end? The frightened reaction of New Jersey's 'Governor Hughes, one of the liberal governors, exemplifies the control and condescension the white can-and does-use to manipulate the black. (I speak not of the crypto-fascists like Reagan, lacking any idea except that given out by the tube.) THE GREAT THREAT to Amer- ican society lies in its white power structure. Its first reaction last Friday, following King's death, was to send troops onto the streets -to keep the black man in his place. But had anything happened to Justify such a show of martial force? Were there street riots? Was there any sign of a "clear and present danger?" None, but never- theless this weekend's deaths will result from panicked government officals wanting to test out some plan and thus allowing trigger- happy cops or national guardsmen, armed by us, to rent their ven- geance and destruction. (If one wanted to be entirely cynical he could argue that any trouble this weekend was caused by the emer- gency goyernnient decrees. The curfew, prohibition of liquor sales, the army Patrolling the streets, and precipitate arrests so upset normal weekend activities that they caused unusual behavior.) The American press has distort- ed the position of the young black militants. If one reads Carmichael or Brown closely he will find that, unlike Sorel and the European syndicalists, they duo not advocate violence as a positive act in itself. They argue for essentially a de- fensist position, that violence is a legitimate means the blacks ought to feel justified in imploying to defend themselves. That is, the black man ought, to feel no guilt in doing precisely what the whites are doing today. Why should 12th Street be distinguished from Li- vonia? Who can justify the grotes- queness in the arming of Detroit and American suburbs?To defend themselves from what other than their own paranoid fears? To solve what problems? THE OTHER dimension of the "black power" argument is that moral suasion leaves the black man at the whim and caprice of the extant power structure, and this in itself is degrading. Why should the black man have to beg for his rights? And, given the history of American political life since World War II, the whites will respond not to moral pleas but only to ac- tual power. That is, ideals do not move public men (what has changed in the South since Brown vs. Board of Education?), but only 'actual economic or political power. Until the black man has estab- lished these on his own his voice will continue to be disregarded. The black power argument rests on a critique of two deeply held American myths. The first is the belief in individual self-improve- ment as a source of historical change. The second is the idea of, America as a great melting pot. The first, in terms of social groups, is a lie. Today we accept the general argugment that the social environ- ment determines character and not vice versa. Given ghetto con- ditions' black children have no chance to attain personal success within the accepted norms of this society. (This is not to say, as Jones and Baldwin have said, that because the society is corrupt and the black man has been excluded from it he therefore is pure. Nor is he p articularly virtuous because of his suffering.) But given the constant restrictions on the black ghetto, likef police harassment, in- dividual success or improvement' will remain the exception. The blacks today are "outside and be- low" the law, with little chance of upward social mobility. Historically the idea of the melting pot is false. In practice; what has happened in America is that each minority group has es- tablished its own private monopo- ly in some institution, achieving some sort of public status and fi- nancial success, and then been, allowed to keep some of its own prior social values and habits in- tact. The Irish had Boston politics and in New York City the police. The Italians set up the Mafia. The Jews went into the professions, the universities, or the culture busi- ness. With success each group has retreated to its own ethnic suburb and subculture. The blacks today have nothing' by the very limited entertainment racket (athletics or stage), to perform for his white master-and then sweep the stage. (It is also doubtful, given the paranoid sexual myths of most whites about blacks, whether racial and cultural amalgamation is pos- sible. Pessimistic\ as this may seem, in the long-run perhaps only mass miscegenation will end the cleav- age and fears between black and white America.) I SPOKE BEFORE of the tie between Vietnam and Martin Luther King's death. King came to recognize the tie between the war and the black man's chance to improve himself, in this society, that the war precluded the latter. (For this, of course, the black bourgeoisie and the New York Times-the organ of responsible liberal America-attacked him.) Yet King is a casualty of our glorified violence, our attempt to evade our own problems and -find some simulated solution. in foreign glory and military victory. Viewed in this manner King's murder must be seen as only one among many. (How many ghetto youths daily die violent deaths?) Unless we exercise this continual violence King's death will, in the long-run, mean no more that all the others that have gone before- and will surely follow. s '0 Letters: Scapegoat for White Apathy lHA'S Spring Thing IT'S SPRING again, and once again the children at IHA are playing their an- nual games. The clumsy moves by both IHA and its opposition to withdraw and to prevent withdrawal are symptomatic of an im- mature and impotent organization. They were truly full of "sound and fury, signi- flying nothing." The move, led by Bursley Hall, was based on the premise that IHA had done nothing for Bursley, and that, in addit- ton, Bursley is a unit unto itself. Their first demand was that IHA be 3. voluntary organization. This is no more ;han a righting of wrongs. Each house :urrently pays IHA 50 cents for each of .ts residents. They say it is money wasted. The arguments against them are con- zincing. IHA is a lobbying organization, .ts president, Steve Brown, notes, and it ould lose its effectiveness were it not 'ied. Further, whether they like ,it or aot, Bursley residents, and the others nvolved, are members of the residence call system, and so really might just as well be represented. THE COMPARISON to a labor union is appropos. If workers are given their economic "liberty" to work where they choose, the bargaining position of workers is destroyed. It is only in required unity that they can protect themselves. Against this the dissidents can throw one overwhelming argument - IHA is incompetent, ineffective, counterproduct- ive, and superfluous. To require their membership in and dues paid to - a disfunctional organization is blatantly unfair. To carry the labor union analogy wields - the right to withhold credits of every member of a house which fails to pay its dues. This is a tremendous re- liance upon the administration, which a conscientious. organization would try to avoid. The action' can only be taken by the administration, but only at the re- quest of IHA. The relationship seriously compromises IHA. FORCING IHA to stand on its 'merits, rather than justify it as the appropri- ate lobbying unit in and of itself, makes the going very difficult for IHA. In argu- ments at the meeting, supporters of IHA failed to cite any significant contribu- tions made by the organziation. In fact, the area where IHA could have and should have done the most - abolition of so women's hours and liberalization of visitation policy -was handled and won, not by IHA, but by Student Government Council. The entire role of IHA - especially in light of the hours fight and how it was handled - comes into question. With UAC and SGC both strong and viable,' the necessity for IHA becomes quite du- bious. A compromise proposed by IHA Executive Vice President Jack Meyers, '71, in fact shows the weakness of IHA. He was willing voluntarily, to reduce IHA to a service organization - "communica- tion, information, and co-operation" - a tacit admission thit it is little more than now. IHA SHOULD RESIGN itself to perform- ing the trivial "service" functions that the program devised by its vice president outlines. In this capacity, IHA could easily fun- To the Editor: TODAY A SEARCH continues in Tennessee for the assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King-a search directed by the American govern- ment and closely followed by an American public eager for "jus- tice" to be done. But the appre- hension, trial and conviction of this murderer will by no means represent full justice. That Americans are only now admitting openly to the elements of racism and intolerance in our society is lamentable, that this admission could only come after the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King is deplorable, but that America might allow itself to feel that once Dr. King's murderer is punished the injustice done to Martin Luther King has been ab- solved - this would be the great- est tragedy of all. We must not succumb to the temptation of easy symbols. We must not see in Dr. King's assas- sin all of "sick white society", racism and prejudice. This un- known man has become the focus of shame and guilt of all white Isociety. But if we continue to view him in1 this manner, it will be all too easy to find comfort and ab- solution in his conviction. When this murderer has paid the price for his act, the problems ofuin- tolerance will still remasin just as the problems remained after the last gun was silenced in the De- troit riots. And what if Dr. King's assas- sin had been a Negro? (Not too far-fetched an hypothesis consid- ering thefact that an attempt on his life was made by a Negro tco- man several years ago) Would the race of the assassin have made the act any less senseless, would it have made the current domestic situation any less criti- ti 41 -,- .1 :" ' ,.:. centuating the fact that they are apart from the white society. This is exactly what we are supposedly trying to overcome. If integration is to be obtained it should start at the beginning. Negroes can't ex- pect to simply gain prestige and dignity as a whole and then, once accomplishing this, automatically be accepted as completely inte- grated members of the American society. This is obviously a prob- lem concerning both races, there- fore let both races work together in solving it. Whites should have joined arms with the Negroes at the Diag. The scene at the auditorium shouldn't have been one of martyred Ne- groes in the forefront mourning, while those remaining were seem- ingly nothing more than inter- ested onlookers. This is especially true in view of the fact that -we were mourning the death of a man who stood so close to the middle of the gap between the races. Negroes shouldn't have to unite into a single group, rather it should be all concerned Ameri- cans, both black and white, form- ing together for a common cause. Also, in his speech at the cere- mony Sam Jones, q student in the School of Business Adminis- tration, said we need more black faculty, more black students; more black people employed by the University. I believe what we need is to be sure the doors are open to any person who is will- ing to accept the challenge. We should keep in view the goals we are striving for, and not dis- criminate in the process of in- tegration. We have a common problem faced from two different view- points. In solving it the whites have to open the doors of op- portunity; the ;Negroes have tox "First of all, Hubert, take off that silly ... King. But as it is not valid to seek one man Ito nav for a naltionl's OUR EFFORTS must be direct- ed1 toward the goal of harmomy. Integration