Page Ten p THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Tuesday, April 9, 1968 Tuesday, April 9, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE , . . .M m The. Alin elation .. Of ghetto Students "Equal Educational Opportunity" was never taken so seriously that it was brought about. And desegregation really doesn't amount to integration, anyhow. pletely concentrate on my courses," states Mann. "When kids are killed in Orangeburg, for example, there's just no' way I can study." Pointing to the low degree of activism. on American campuses as compared to that in other parts of the world, Mann charges that the University lags behind even most other U.S. cplleges. This has presented another problem to his group, which claims obnly about 18 hard-core: members. "The atmosphere on campuses and in black communities is the same all over-- it's something you can feel. But it's not hearly as strong here at the University. Some blacks won't join our group for fear of being branded militant. That's where the black Greek system is Impor- tant-to give them 'safer' means of maintaining their black identity." The University, as the rest of the edu- cational system, has been teachinglies, Mann feels. It was his organization which initiated the crusade for the Negro history courses now planned for next winter. "The amount of red-tape we had to go through was absurd," he says. "And the course apparently won't come near to meeting the needs of black students who want to take it. But at least it is a start In the fight to destroy current myths about black history "But why should these lies be perpetu- ated at all? The black people know how it is. They are going to do something about it. Why not face up to what's going on?" Mann notes also that society is not 'facing up to what's going on' in the ghettos. Latest reports show 'that the U.S. census missed a quarter of the black males in this country. Members of this sinvisible population," he says were missed by the census because they live and die in the streets. "Last summer, these people were riot- ByCity: ing hi the streets and were killed by the cups' bullets. When they died their identity was ignored. The actual death count of the Detroit riot, for example,. was actually two or three times the 'offi- cial' total of 46. THE KRESGE MEDICAL RESEARCH BUILDING is a modern structure at the northern edge of campus. Inside it are numerous small offices and laboratories. Room 4026 belongs to Prof. Albert Wheeler, president of the Michigan con- ference of the NAACP. Wheeler, a soft-spoken, middle-aged Negro who is active in both University "Today there is a new type of segre- gation - a ''re-isolation' which comes from entirely new motives. Black stu- lents are banding together for positive reasons - self-identity, self-determina- tion - as a source of movement and di- rection. Wheeler, considers the -militancy of many young blacks today as a natural "over-compensation" in the atfempt to; achieve equal rights. "I've talked to mili- tants . . . they don't want ot fight, they don't want to die. But they aren't going to stand for the frustrations previous generations went through. They can see that this resulted in docile blacks and Y::: N~~~i.:1r"ir'..r: w .::r''.r ... . .'..,...:...,..,....1. ."3"rn::.':... .....________h": "we are trying to reach white peo- ple.. We are saying, Hey, listen to -us before it-'s too late. You are headed for a catastrophe." .. .:...:.s ::. : . By KENNETH MOGILL With huge sums of money and faith, Americans several years-ago began to work for "equal education- al opportunity." If the educational gap between the rich and the poor could be bridged, America's urban shame might be overcome. But well- intentioned persons left "equal edu- cational opportunity" to realize it- self--and "equal educational oppor- tunity" was lost in the process. Ironically, some schools which least needed their educational pro- grams upgraded most easily gained poverty funds. "In this communi- ty," says a Birmingham school board official, "a family earning $9,000 is living on a subsistence level." Agree- ing with this reasoning, the state Department of Education allocated $97,000 to the Birmingham Public Schools. The money was used to op- erate a poverty program under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 for the 1966 fiscal year. Birmingham officials admit the, average family income for their community in 1960 was $17,700-. and county officials found only eight welfare cases in Birmingham. But Birmingham continues to receive funds designed "to meet the special educational needs of educationally- deprived children in school attend- ance areas having high concentra- tions of children from low-income families." A "low-income family," as defined in the Act, is one with an annual income of $2,000. Birmingham's coup is not unique: financial aid to education has fre- quently been channeled into some of the richest communities in the nation. Grosse Pointe has similarly gained funds to upgrade its schools. And while the schools of wealthy communities are being enriched, the truly impoverished schools of urban ghettoes have been neglected. The attack on urban under-education has at best dealt with ' symptoms rather than causes. The federal Civ- il Rights Commission said last year in its "Report on Racial Isolation in Public Schools" that programs to raise the educational levels of per- sons who have suffered from inade- quate education have largely failed -and that 'whatever gains have been made in such "compensatory education programs" have not been sufficient to be of any lasting help. Suburbs have financial resources which ghetto communities are de- nied by their very nature. The aver- age suburban school spends from one and a half to twice as much per pupil each year than the aiverage central city school district. And while suburban districts are able to devote more than half their budg- N surface. Efforts in and out of the courts since the decision to-desegre- gate Southern schools have knocked down the legal barriers to racially- mixed education without actually in- tegrating in the South. And de fac- to desegregation, in the North is a .much greater problem. While their current position is un- clear, only in isolated instances have federal -or state courts, notably in California, been willing to declare that segregation for any reason is a denial of Fourteenth Amendment guarantees of equal protectin of the laws. Most courts have let segrega- tion in public education stand if it is, not the direct result of school board policy, such as when former school board policies 'have mani- festly gerrymandered school attend- ance boundaries to segregate the races. Plaintiffs challenging the legal- ity of de facto segregation usually contend that segregated education for any reason is a denial of equal educational opportunity and there- fore violates the Fourteenth Amend- ment's equal protection clause. Sup- porting this contention is a large body of sociological data indicating that a youngster attending an all- black school is severely handicapped no matter how good his teachers and how much money is spent on his education. The problems inherent in segre- gated schools are primarily prob- lems of social class. Ghetto schools tend to be inferior not because they are black but because their quality of education is significantly infer- ior to that obtained in a predomi- nantly middle-class school. Nor is it a problem of lower quality teach- ers. Former Harvard President James Conant found that teachers in inner city schools were at least as qualified as those in suburban schools, and in a recent survey this person found the most highly quali- fied educators in Northwestern High School in Detroit's black ghetto. The so-called Coleman Report of the U.S. Office of Education, studies by sociologist Alan B. Wilson; and the research of former Institute for Social Research member Richard A. Schmuck indicate that of all the factors related to school achieve- ment-family background, personal ambition, personal ability, quality of teacher and peer groups - peer group relationships are most impor- tant. If a child goes to school with peers who do not have the means to achieve their goals, as in a lower- class school, then that child will not tend to achieve the means of reach- ing his goals. However, a lower-class student in a predominantly middle- class school is surrounded by stu- dents who can achieve their goals, and the tendency is that in such an and community affairs, understands the importance of activist students like Larry Mann. "There were an awful lot of black stu- dents between the 1940s and the 1960s, who went through the university leaving no mark. Hopefully, today's students will make an imprint, bring about some changes.'' In his 30 years on campus, Wheeler has observed stages in the black student's character evolution. "I think that Negro students here have come the whole swing of the pendulum. When I was an under- grad, Negroes lived together, ate togeth- er, sat together in the Union. The girls lived in a separate house. indifferent whites, and they don't want it to happen to them." Due to this change in attitude, Wheeler notes that there is today something of a generation gap. "But we can always count on white society to help us close it. Three years ago there was quite a gap between- militants-and moderates- but the sense of self-preservation is nar- rowing this rapidly." "Negro students have two roles today, the primary one being in the university. There is a lot to be done here. Students will have to take part in relevant-student organizations. They, will have to partici- pate in helping to shape new University policy. "A Nice Place To Live In" "This h due to the and part from inne limited : within th cipate. "They < tive critics evaluate s tive, bigot the Unive: if it is re versity ha to only c this must The sec is within the black do with t I think t both side "There go into t] grass-root would likA of this. It ties betw students. "Even i the white own com ponents t Nobody t black fol tility situ CHARL that whit do their "Take I their pea ins, and are whit can't comr society, t] anything "And di out of ti are burni hippies ar Like W' white libe perform. problems and radic urbanites "We bl the white LARRY erals have ing the b very disill care - e where. Ti didn't knc care. The would." "Tradit rationaliz just too p "Black that the on paper. reality. T can only know it. LUTHE: either Ma more optin "I agre intellectus sibility, b students : in the chE ever, the access to power lead the corpor "For ex talk to y talk to y his more "White : cere if the they must ions of th "The sa erites . themselves them, to r It means t Black Pow to get our society." "Yes," a are a lot lot of thir dred and can't expe It requires work. We Copyrigi (Continued from Page 5) And, more significantly, there has been range in the white-over-black syn- drome. "Very few low-income people have been allowed in the program. A few have been fitted into positions with little re- sponsibility. But the OEO is run by the well-educated and well-provided-for," McDaniels said. "Poor people need to find someone in these programs to identify with, some- gardner, OEO director in Bay City. "They City, the audience baited and heckled need a lot of help." "People in Bay City don't even want to recognize that there- are black people living here - let alone poor black peo- ple," said Jim Mosby, reporter for the Bay City Times and a member of the NAACP. Over 40 per cent of all Negro families living in Bay City-have an annual in- come of less than $2700. Mosby, former public relations man for ~~~~...*,.*.;:t .".: ...'. :''. . YJ. ":. '."Y.::'t.".:::T J.!" *. . . . . .".. . . .: r::. . .:".'..: : ".'. .':. . . . . . ..."" f!..x. :t A School Playground: Cleveland, Ohio Photos hy Thomas R. Copi " . The comfortable American does not enjoy thinking about the human misery festering at the other end of town. He does not enjoy knowing that many of his fellow ciizens live in conditions that breed every hind of social eviL It is not easy for him to acknowledge that his own infant, if dropped into that ruinous environment, would just as surely fall victim to it. He avers his eyes from the human damage that occurs there." -Former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare John W. Gardner Robinson. "But can you believe in God?" asked one woman. First Presbyterian, although located only three blocks from the First Ward, has no Negro members in its congrega- tion. Except for Jim Baker, few Negroes are known in the white community. Baker's wife, Joy, is the only local Ne- gro woman to break the social barrier on the Times' women's page. The bedrock in Bay City still has not begun to erode. Almost unanimously the white majority sees .. the problem of ghettos as a function of poverty rather than race. "We have Mexican families who arecworse off," is a common refrain. But does Knepp hire Negro clerks? "Well, I've hired a. few colored - boys to wash the windows," he answered.' Only a small percentage of Bay City's down-, town business establishments have' Ne- gro employees. When McDaniels was in high school, he repeatedly stressed his conviction that America had a non-racist society. "Edu- cation and economics are the keys. Race is not an issue by itself," he said then. Now he isn't certain. He plans to leave his OEO position soon and return to Central Michigan University in the fall. He has not decided whether he will re- turn to. Bay City. "Bay City Is just like the rest of Amer- ica. It has refused to adapt to its prob- lems while they can still be solved by conventional methods," says Bruce Les- lie, Central High social studies teacher. "It has always tried to remedy today's problems with yesterday's solutions, even when it has known that the answers were no damn good even then." McDaniels is an unwilling member of the black power revolution. "I still think I can find a way to work out my ideal- ism," he repeated. But he also admitted. "There must be a better way than the one I'm trying now." Copyright, 1968: The Michigan Daily All Rights Reserved ets to education, only about a third on their schools. big cities spend of their budgets Cities are further plagued by a- vicious spiral of increased transpor- tation, police, sanitation and wel-. fare costs; they are vexed by de- creasing -tax bases due to the flight of families and businesses to sub- urbs. As the needs of citiesgrow, their ability to meet them declines. As their problems grow, more per- sons flee to the suburbs - exacer- bating the decline even more. The urban education system, the only governmental agency requiring vot- er approval for financial support, suffers most. But if urban schools matched sub- urban schools in -finances; they'd still be defeated by the overwhelm- ing effects of segregation. At the elementary and junior high level, whites go to school with whites and blacks with blacks. Surveys indicate that while secondary schools are somewhat desegregated, the Ameri- can public education system as a whole is still 90 percent segregated. High school teachers in the lily- white Detroit suburb of Hazel Park say, "We don't have any racial prob-m lems in our school; we don't have- any Negroes."- Desegregation is not integration. When black and white students at- tend the same school they are de- segregated. But unless they can so- cially relate they are not integrated. When the Supreme Court in 1954. found segregation "solely on the ba- sis of race" unconstitutional, the problems of racism in education were not solved, they merely came to the , ... , mvrl sw;y :,e'+y.:"rAv ."#;.v .vtrrr lr til.,{; ° 1' .S ",A 3" ,lw,., wti f .,:" '{ r "" -.'''+ .'dr'.":':+. ,'+ .vr...a r . 'a''z y '"11 e -.: x' A: "": 1 1:. ' wr.l ':1.". t. . r, "f ~fit , ' r '.-'"" '. ..{ 'sl:.: d:.L l'",";1. ! .V}r. AY. n... r. a .lfA'"9 '}.1...... :L.' .: :..'N.".. ''ITl J.'r SJ .YiJ t h s.':s. . J. .. af. 1: {:. " i tlt1J .. '.# ... ."::."::: e. .*. :'fir one they can respect,"' McDaniels ex- plained. "They need someone who rises from within their own ranks and be- comes a director. That's not happening in many cities and it's not going to happen in Bay'City, because the people- here won't let -it happen." McDaniels accused OEO directors of administering their program with a mis- sionary-native psychology. "They're'very patronizing," he said. . "It Is simply going to take awhile be- fore these poor Negroes can accept re- sponsibility. We're trying to start them in that direction," said Mrs. Doris Baum- folk singers Peter, Paul, and Mary, is exasperated at the; low leyel. of social- awareness in Bay City. "I grew up as a hard-core Republican. But I'm becom- ing more and more radical as I watch problems being ignored or suppressed." The Women's Association of Bay City's First Presbyterian Church, one of the most 'prestigious In town, recently at- tempted to probe the Negro's point of view. Edwin Robinson, claims represen- tative for Bay City's social security of- fice, was asked to speak at a luncheon. 'Dominated by older women represent- ing some of the oldest families in Bay