F 1' * °1; r 5' , _3 Page Twog THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Tuesday, April 9, -968 Tuesday, April 9, 1968 I The Michigan Daily Magazine N EAL BRUSS, Editor. ALISON SYMROSKI, Associate Editor HANK PFEFFER, Business Manager, CONV-TENTS 3: Professor as Author Sharon Fitzhenry looks at textbooks written by teachers whose courses she may one day take. 4: "Bay City Has No Race Problem . ..w Howard Kohn visits a sleepy Michigan town precariously hanging over today's racial revolution. 6: In Ann Arbor, Black Can Be Beautiful Alison Symroski and David Weir talk to neighbors who are living the new Afro-Americanism. 8: Jim Forsyth's Vietnam Album A Daily photographer shows what it was to be a medic at the great undeclared war. 10: The Alien Nation of Urban Students. Kenneth Mo gill searches for "equal educational opportunity" in ghetto schools and finds at best an uncomfortable integration. 12: Inside Northville Anne Buesser enters the world of the disturbed and finds it difficult to remember that she's just visting. 14.1 Yukon Eric Burton, Dan Share and Ed Zifkin find that the last frontier is rich in more resources than gold. 16: A Script About Some Familiar Players Mark Lafer presents some campus luminaries who regularly take to romping on stage. abound with feats of virility reminiscent of Jack London's- most exciting tales. When Windy John, now over 50, can't~ afford a dog team to go trapping, -he still loads his sled with a couple hundred pounds of supplies, throws a rope over his shoulder and packs it alone into some of the roughest territory in the province. (That is, if he's not in jail for drunkenly shooting up a saloon). Hopefully Windy John will be luckier than the Swede who immortalized him- self among Yukon folk by climbing up a tree to escape a grizzly. The bear's stomach, 'however,, was more patient than the Swede's sanity, and by the time he 'was fou ad, though uneaten, he was dead from fear. Ole Medby, who is about 55, remin- isces about the time he was sitting around a campfire when suddenly gun shots went -off all around him. He dived for cover, fearing that a band of robbers were after the gold he was taking to town, only to find out that his sled-dog had kicked a bucket of cartridges into the fire. But the sourdough's life is not made up of countless stories which thrill the out- sider, the cheechako. Life is simplicity itself. Sourdoughs take"from the land .what they need to survive and-surrender their strength. Still, there isn't a. man among 'them -who would-leave the North for anything; the quitters left early. As we drove to Ole's cabin on our trip we were gripped by the penetrating beauty and solemnity of the sixty miles of hills that roll between Dawson City and Ole's land. In the midst of this vast and primitive splendor, fifteen miles off the gravel highway, we immediately rec- ognized that Ole' was the embodiment of this incredibly masculine land. He stepped out of his cabin rugged, un- shaven, dirty and sloppily clothed, but with a sparkling smile and twinkle in his eyes, and a buoyant Norwegian ac- cent which bespoke life itself. His wife, the only person he generally sees, was built remarkably like him. But her voice was gruffer and she looked as though she could out-wrestle him -- and most other men, too. Ole Medby came to Canada from Nor- way at 19. He had owned a butcher shop in Tronheim, but gave it up in search of wealth and adventure -- after read- ing the tales of Jack London. He worked as a logger in British Columbia for a short time before coming to the Yukon. Since arriving in the Klondike he has made and spent several fortunes. At one point he was making as much as $29,000 a month. But though Ole owns 13 incredibly rich claims - which he could mine or sell'for enough to provide him with a life of luxurious travel and leisure - he doesn't have an ounce of gold lust in him. During the -two weeks that we "worked" with Ole - any day in which he puts in a couple of hours sluicing is a "work day" - we made $4,000. Ole offered us all the gold we wanted al- though the help we had given him was really negligible. When we first drove up to Ole's cabin he didn't know who we- were - we had merely gotten his name and directions to his cabin from a guy in Dawson whom we had asked if there were any local miners on whose land we could try pan- ning for gold. But it wasn't until after he had invited us inside and treated us to a delicious moose-burger dinner, that he finally bothered asking us who we were. After dinner, we listened to some descriptions of his way of life, before we realized that he was sending some tales our way: a classic case of the sharp city Burton, Share & Zifkin slickers being duped by a wizened old- timer. Ole led us to believe that the Yukon has giant blueberries so large that three are sufficient for a pie; or that there is an animal known as a Rockapeevie which lives its entire existence on the very tip of the mountains occasionally leaping. from peak to peak. Yet over a pleasant table with homemade wine; a fire roaring in the wood stove, anything and everything comes true. Ole says he used to make trips to Van- couver during the winters. In a pent- house suite he tried to enjoy the best the city had to offer - but it was no go. The peace and relaxed harmony of the" wild were an infinitely more powerful lure than the rushed pleasures, of the city. Money gradually became less and less important. Finally it became only the means to buy the things he couldn't pro- vide himself:' a few supplies and some equipment to set up his mining opera- tions. Now, when Ole makes more money than he needs in a summer he puts the extra gold under his cabin. If the rain fails and his sluicing operations don't come off as well as he expected, he doesn't worry. Next year will be better and he'll be able to tide himself over. Last summer a couple of acquain- tances of Ole's came onto his land under false pretenses and ended up stealing several thousand dollars worth of gold from his sluice box. Though he claims he'll get the sonovabitches, it is appar- ent that he'll never bother to do any- thing- about it. ERIC BURTON, a senior in mathematics, aOs a chairman of this year's Creative Arts Festival. DAN SHARE, a sophomore who plans a major in history, is a Daily day editor. ED ZIFKIN is putting in his basic training at Fort Knox. The magazine wasn't coming to- gether all that quickly. What stories were written were late. - and developing layouts, photo- graphs and ads is always a hassle. The most heartening thing about the magazine was that several of the magazine's writers had turn- ed to their typewriters with an intense understanding - even a truly personal experience - of what they planned to consider. This seemed especially import- ant these days, for ilk seems that along with our various ID cards comes a certain dis-identificat- ion, a-feeling that one really isn't able to know one's world - to know what is true or right -=let alone to meaningfully act in it. The implication was that for many of today's Year 2000 men the world had grown void of meaning, indifferent or hostile and of course, absurd. And the reassuring thing was that the magazine's several writ- ers had negated all that, they knew what the world was about because in some -very untrite sense they had lived it. This was the feeling as the magazine began slowly to put it- self together, that although there were some problems, what cer- tain individuals had personally achieved made it all very mean- ingful., This, as one might expect, was the feeling early Thursday night. Later, the Rev. Martin Luther King would be fatally shot in Memphis. Now I'm not about to add my prose to the very sincere develop- ing King epitath. One hardly looks forward to listening to words which cannot make up for acts- forgotten or neglected. FurtheT'- more, one equally dreads the learned analyses of what Rev. King's death symbolizes and im- plies for race relations in- Amer- ica. The meaning and implicat- ions of Rev. King's death are very clear. But there is perhaps one thing, which should be said. Many per- sons have adopted 4ll too easily to the 2000 man syndrome, feel- ing too removed too quickly from the facts, too vexed by a cold and meaningless world They-are exactly the persons who most will be shaken by Rev. King's death, for those who worked in Rev. King's ways may have fully ex- pected it. The point is that the withdrawn man is not so with- drawn and indifferent that Rev. King's death will not overwhelm him. Certainly one cannot emotion- alize away a certain philosophic skepticism, an intellectual con- clusion that one cannot know what really is true. But one can still deal with whatever it is that- we find "out there" in the world. Perhaps more of us should know some aspects of our world as thoroughly as the several writers in the magazine.. And if we are committed to un- derstand our world, perhaps it will not be so difficult to go on to work in it. Rev. King is-dead, and just today we received a let- ter from him urging aid to the Southern Christian Leadershhip Conference. Many of us failed to act out of some sense of estrange- ment with the -world: Rev. King was active -in a world which was at times totally' hostile to him and to everything he wanted to 'do. There- are many things which can be done, and this is not the place to begin to name them. It 'is interesting, however, that an Afro-American quoted in a mag- azine story says, "We're always going to have problems unless the white intellectuals and radicals go out and talk to the suburban- ites, and the white factory work- ers. We blacks expose our Uncle Toms; the whites have to do the same thing." Many of us have amused our- selves for too long with jokes like "God isn't dead, he's just~ not Interested." Today Rev. King is dead and hopefully the rest of us will start being interested. Neal Bruss He never letting some his food; th anyone this, for it, as loi This code o lend a han people of V "Doors are he says it you're ever and need sh on going ir knowing its use it. Men a porcupine eating, unle a porcupine a starving n for himself. for granted ished. Anyc miner's slut sight - and say anythin Ole lives i rolled the st himself. He other mach his cooking Hunting an keeping a f the river are food supply Fruit comes the tundra, in front of t the moose a His norm around his feels like w, he'll work to rather read Life for Ole other thing learned how font porch all its fant ships. His Ii naturally, is date life is His critici on the way sized haste. same positic his song, "F The veloc highway Ignoring fast Their ner but can They run tons pas Petrified b Into nowh aghast And I wav And smile His land When he t whiteness an And the be are an une wonder for] Spring an+ citement of summer me, maimed fox doorstep. COVE A Vietnamese fishing junk sails off the coast of Chu Lai as life for a war-wrecked people presumes to go on as usual Ole at his sluice