Tuesday, April 9, 1968
Page Five
Gen. Loan: Controversial Figure
In War-Torn Vietnam's Police
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SAIGON (AP) - The chief of
South Vietnam's national police,
0 Nguyen Ngoc Loan, is one of the
c o u n t r y ' s most controversial
The Viet Cong hate him, and
so do others not associated with
the Communist-led movement. He
is a hero to the men who work
under him, and to not a few ad-
mirers of efficiency. To them,
charges of ruthlessness are offset
by. the dangers that plague the
government Brig. Gen. L o a n
When I first came upon Loan,
two months ago, he was firing at
the head of a man in a plaid shirt.
The general had appeared
suddenly that morning near An
Quang Pagoda. Saigon was reel-
ing under' the onslaught of the
Tet offensive. The man in the
plaid shirt had just been cap-
tured. Loan executed him in a
split second.
My first impression was the
f thin-faced Loan was a cold, cal-
lous killer. Since tien, I have
traveled for days across the coun-
try with him.
He is a product of modern
Vietnam and his time.
'Hitler' Tactics
Many think he represents the
worst in Vietnam. He has. been
criticized severely by some Ameri-
can and Vietnamese officials and
by some Vietnamese politicians.
He has been accused of using
"Hitler" tactics, illegal arrests,
torture and police-state methods.
He usually participates per-
pr sonally in the afrest of important
political figures, often brandish-
ing a weapon and shouting or
bullying down any opposition.
When. Nguyen Cao Ky maneu-
vered the generals against Ngu-
yen Khanh in 1965, Loan was at
his side, first as deputy, then as
! chief of military intelligence.
When Ky was premier, Loan was
his chief weapon against rebelli-
ous Buddhists.
Last July, when a national as-
sembly was voting whether to
allow Nguyen Van Thieu and Ky
to run for president and vice
president, L o a n and several
armed henchmen made their way
to the balcony to glare at mem-
bers as the vote was taken. The
vote went the way Loan wanted.
Not only dissident politicians
and shaven-headed Buddhists fear
Loan. Mop-haired students stay
out of his way as well. Recently
Loan was seen driving a barber
around Saigon' in his jeep' When
they 'spatted a long-haired "cow-
boy," the jeep would come to a
screeching halt and the barber
would give the cowboy a forceful
'Fervent Loyalty'
At the same time, Loan can be
warm and generous. He demon-
strates a fervent loyalty to his
men and his country.
During the Tet fighting Loan
was repeatedly out in front,
leading his police in efforts to
wipe out Viet Cong who had in-
vaded the capital. He was wound-
ed slightly three times.
"His men believe that be can
walk on water and is bulletproof,"
-Associated Press
LOAN SHOOTS Viet Cong suspect during Tet offensive.
says a U.S. police adviser who has
worked closely with Loan for two
years. "Loan has three qualties
which are needed for leadership.
He is positive, efficient and
Another American adviser says
Loan has "done more for his men
than any of the nine previous
directors of the national police.
He has gotten them more pay
and better living conditions."
The general was Vietnam's first
pilot qualified to fly jets, and re-
cently he- tutned down promotion
to major general.
"I would take the second star
only if many of my men receive
promotions they well deserve,"
Loan says. "Some of my former
classmates are only majors or
lieutenant colonels now and I'm a
general. I think eventually they
will see it my way." '
Loan was born in Hue in 1930,
the !oldest of three sons in a fairly
wealthy family. One brother is a
medical doctor and the other is
the director of a youth center.
Five daughters in the family are
associated w i t h medicine or
While still in school, he was
called up for military service and
the career was launched that was
to make him director general of
the n tional police, commanding
72,000 men.
Loan was first in his class at
the reserve officer's academy,
No one knows where the gen-
eral might be going when he
leaves his Saigon headquarters.
He keeps in touch with his office
by radio and'with secret vehicles
-heavily armed-by walkie-talkie.
The police general dislikes po-
liticians because "all they do is
talk and not take action." He be-
lieves south Vietnam's army, re-
gional and popular forces and
civilian irregulars should be com-
bined to make one fighting force.
And he says he and his men feel'
that much of the money spent to
send U.S. .soldiers to Vietnam
could be used better to equip and
train properly at least three South
Vietnamese divisions. "This would
save more U.S. lives," he says.
Pointing to a formation of
combat police, Loan says:
"These kids hate Communists.
I never told them about the Com-
munists. I don't have to, but they
know what would happen to each
and every one of them if they
were captured. They don't even
know what the war is all about,
they just'want to live."
Execution Publicity.
As for the curbside execution
and the publicity that followed, he
recalls: "Many men were getting
killed and wounded and I had
many things on my'mind at the
time. I am a military man and not
a politician. The picture was just
an unfortunate situation."
Vietnamese officials said the
victim of the execution was
identified by another Viet Cong
prisoner as a man named Nguyen
Tan Dat alias Hoan Son, the
leader of a Viet Cong sapper unit.
They said he was captured near
the pagoda, firing out of a second-
story window at firemen trying
to halt a blaze set by the Viet
Cong. He killed a policeman who
attempted to capture him, they
said, and when seized and ques-
tioned, he spat in the face of the
interrogating officer. He was
taken around a corner where he
was met by Loan.
Loan said later , he wasn't
aware that AP and NBC camera-
men had taken pictures of the
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear only once.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"Management of Managers No.
56": Michigan Union, '8:15 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. and 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-Program for Institutional Man-
agement Education - 'Leadership for
Women Executives" : Statler-Hilton Inn,
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fire Officers Training Course-Regis-
tration, Civil Defense Center, 8:30 a.m.
School of Music Recital - Flute
Students: School of Music Recital Hall,
12:30 p.m.
School of Music Recital - String De-
partment Students: School of Music
Recital Hall, 3:45 p.m.
Zoology Special Lecture: Dr. william
Miltead, Dept. of Biology, University
of Missouri, "The Origin of American
Box Turtles", Rm. 2009 Museums, 4:00.
Museum of Anthropology Lecture -
Edwin N. Wilmsen, Smithsonian Insti-
tution, "Some Aspects of Late Pleisto-
cene Paleo-Anthropology"; 35 Angell
Hall, 4:10 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
H. Ralph McIntyre, French Horn.
School .of Music Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Recommendations for Departmental!
Honors: Teaching departments vhshing
to recommend tentative April gradu-
ates fromn the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, for honors or
high honors should recommend such
students by forwarding a letter to the
Director, Honors Council, 1210 Angell
Hall, before noon, Fri., April 19.
Teaching departments in the School
of Education should forward letters
NO MEN's is aailale to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only. Forms are available in
room1011 BAB.
SPU-Resistance will sponsor a poetry
reading by Denise Levertov, at Canter-
bury House on April 9, 8:30 p.m.
UM Scottish Country Dance Society
meeting Wed., 8:00-10:30 p.m., Women's
Athletic Bldg. Beginners welcome. In-
struction given.
directly to the Office of Registration guistique du Massif Central). on Mon.,
and Records, Room 1513 Admin. Bldg., April 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 3050 Frieze
by noon, Fri., April 19. Bldg. Chairman: E. Pulgram.
Foreign Visitors Placement
The following are foreign visitors who
can be reached through the Foreign
Visitor Programs Office. 7¢4-2148.
Dr. Mary Fulton. Epidemiologist,
Scotland. March 30-June 30.
Dr. Leon Epstein, Epidemiologist,
Hebrew University, Israel, April 8-
May 22.
Mr. Y. Okazaki. Librarian. Business
Economics. Hitotsubashi University,
Japan, April 7-9.
Mr. Spyros Papaspyropoulos, Execu-
tive Secretary, Faculty of Philosophy,
University of Athens, Greece. April 7-12.
Mr. Ramlal Dahyalal Parikh, Chair-
man of the Indian Experiment in In-
ter-National Living; Head, Dept. of
History and Political Science and
Registrar, Gujarat Vidyapeth, India,
April 9-11.
Mr. Vojislav Colanovic, Editor, Chief
of the Cultural Section, Press Serviev,
News and Features Agency, Belgrade;
April 11-12.
Mrs. Vera Smiljanic-Colanovic, Asst.
Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of
Arts, Belgrade University ,April 11-12.
Prof. and Mrs. Rumen Yanakier, Prof.
and Head of Dept. for Management and
Data Processing of Economic Informa-
tion, Higher Institute of Economics,
Sofia, April 15-22.
Mr. Nelson H.-Young, Academic Reg-
istrar, United College, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, April 17-18,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. M. Mackeen.
Dept. of Islamic Studies, University of
Malaya, April 20-25.
Dr. and Mrs. Kroo, Prof. of Music-
ology, Ference Liszt Academy; Musi-
cal Editor-in-Chief and Music Critic,
Hungarian Radio and TV, Budapest,
May 5-9.
Dr. Adam Fraczek, Psychologist, Staff
Psychologica Laboratory, University of
Warsaw, May 6-10.
Mary Margaret Heiser, Romance Lan-
guages & Literatures. Dissertation: "A
Phonological Study of the Massif Cen-
tral Region in South-CentralaFrance
(Based, on Pierre Nauton's Atlas lin-
3200 SAB
Thursday, April 11
Placement interviews at Genera Div-
ision, Bureau of Appts., 3200 S.A.B., call
764-4760 before 4 p.m. for appoint-
Teachers Corps, throughout the
U.S., - Men and women, all day, call
764-4760 for appts. Two types of as-
signments. Teacher interns - recent'
graduates or special qualified upper-
classmen. 2-3 mo. preservice training
at 50 participating college and univ.
acquinting them with social and econ.
problems of poverty, and with the
communities in which they will serve:
then enter a nearby university, yield-
ing MA and cert. at end of 2 years.
Teacher Corps team leaders - have
graduate degrees and teaching exper in
poverty areas. After preservice training, ,
which includes more background on
techniques used with disadvantaged,
Spanish communities, Indian reserva-
tions, and migrant labor camps, they
may serve as leader of team of teacher
interns, work with school officials on
programs, serve as liaison between the
university, school and neighborhood.
U.S. Civil Service Management In-
tern Oral Examinations will be held
April 24-26 at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3200 S.A.B. Students will be
notified individually by the Civil Serv-
ice Commission as to which day they
are scheduled.
Applications for Federal Service En-
trance Examinations are due tomorrow,
Wed., April 10. The test will be held
in May. These are given monthly, the
applications being due the previous
month. Applic, avail, at Bureau, Gen-
eral Division.
Current Positions received by Gener-
al Division, call 764-7460 for further
Optics Technology, Palo Alto, Calif.-
Two positions for field sales engineers,
one in New York/New England area,
other in Chicago/Midwest area. Degree
in EE, Physics, Chem. or related Ylds.
mn. 1 year engrg. or lab. exper. and
two years in technical sales.
Whio wants .to
cTart all thiat stuff
CALL GREENE'S for a Handi-Hamper. Fill it at
your leisure-leave it for summer storage and
get your garments all fresh and clean when you
get back next fall.
USE THAT EXTRA ROOM to give people rides,
split the cost of gas and pay for your storage
box that way. Storage isn't expensive, just regu-
lar cost of cleaning and $4.95 for storage and
SHIPS may be picked up at the Busi-
ness Office in the Union from 8-5 P.M.
Monday thru Friday
and 8
where Ky was a
have been- close
and both are air
Loan became
tenant in 1951,
years attending
classmate. They
since that time
force pilots.
a ,second lieu-
then spent 32
military schools
Noon on Saturdays. All those who
have attended 8 semesters thru this
Winter are eligible. I.D. REQUIRED.
in France. He also attended the
U.S. Command and Staff College.
Returning to Vietnam, Loan
held various posts in the air force
and took part in 1965 in the first
joint Vietnamese-U.S. air raid
over North Vietnam.
He has gathered a personal st'aff
handpicked from elite airborne,
ranger and marine officers and
noncommissioned officers. One
man tells' jokes. Another Is an
expert at cards. Another is a
ii II
Our designer.
ca me home from.
London with
a Beatle haircut,
a cricket bat,
a case of kippers,
Store it with Greene's!
Have it delivered when
you return next-fall
JUST CALL GREENE'S for one of those fabulous
HandiHampers. Pack all the clothes you won't
wear until fall - Clothes you would ordinarily
pack up, take home, hpve cleaned, pack up
again and bring back ir the fall.
DO is turn
Peter Brett
John Conron
Christine Dredge
Doug Fiero
Lemuel Johnson
Thomas Nadar
Richard Keller Simon
Thomas Snapp
John Kennedy Snyder
Rosa lind Stone
Justin Vitiello
Daniel Wire
Hmper over to Greene's. They clean the lot at
regular cleaning prices and store it in a refrig-
erated moth-proof vault. When you return in the
fall, call Greene's again, your clothes will be
taken out of the vault, returned to you freshly
pressed on hangers and packed in neat poly-
ethylene bags, ready for your clothes closet.
Call Normandy 23-23.1 or Stop at
any Greene's Plant for Information
anid an idea
Because as soon as he got back-in a fever of crea-
tivity, he began designing the Bounder.
He made it brash and dashing-like a Lon-
don ankle boot. He made it rugged and supple,
soft and durable-like a moccasin.
And when he finally revealed the Bounder
to us, it was just that-half a moccasin, half an
ankle boot.
With top grain leather from ankle to heel
to hand-sewn toe. A buckle or twin eyelets. And
smashings colours.
Ingenious! We wonder what'll happen
when our designer visits the Continent. More
savoir faire? A new Weltanschauung?
Who knows? But we know he'll be hard
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NO 23-23-1
1213 S. University
NO 3-3016
1940 W. Stadium
NO 2-2543
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