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April 09, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-09

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Partly sunny;
winds diminishing.

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 159 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, April 9, 1968

Ten Pages

Johnson, Advisers Confer on





Possibilities Include













Cambodia, Vientiane T
Coifirm N. Vietnam, U.S. Meeting;We
New Areas Off Limits to Bombing
By The Associated Press
President Johnson, announcing North Vietnam's formal
acceptance of his bid for talks on Vietnam, summoned hisie laee c la re s E
top advisers to a Camp David, Md., breakfast conference this Dlwr

in Riots;
uir gency
yard Called Into

morning to determine the next move.
The President yesterday announced he had received April
3 a message from Hanoi! on peace efforts and said "We have
taken steps to notify our allies. We shall be trying to work
out promptly a 'time and place for talks."
Although Johnson did not give the text of the formal
North Vietnamese reply, Hanoi radio today said a repre-
sentative of ambassadorial rank was prepared to make con-
tact with an American representative in Phnom Penh, capital

Nation's Riot
Death Toll
Reaches 28
By The Associated Press
About 1,900 more federal troops

*: iGu


ity Dems

of Cambodia, or another neu-
tral nation for such talks.
The White House said North
Vietnam's reply to Johnson's bid


" T

for talks arrived through diplo- were sent into riot torn areas of
1 BB o matic channels at 4 a.m. yester- Baltimore yesterday to suppress
arday. ,renewed looting, arson and vio-
George Christian, White House lence, while Ohio National Guards-
press secretary, said it could be men were rushed into Cincinnati
SelectLions . assumed that the response came and Youngstown.;
through Vientiane, the capita) of In all, 28 men, all but foui% of
By DAVID SPUR neutral Laos. Both the United them Negroes, have been killed' in
- rme States and North Vietnam main- four days of rioting in dozens of
In a dramatic move to protest tain diplomatic missions there. cities. More than 1,600 were in-
the mayor's new appointments to Johnson,tinrevealing the HanoiI jured and more than 10,000 ar-
the County Board of Supervisers, message, refused to elaborate fur- rested.
City Council's for. Democrats ther on diplomatic arrangements The death toll includes 11 in
walked out of the meeting last that have been going on for the Chicago, six in Washington, five
ight blocking confirmation of last week and a half. Christian in Baltimore, two in the Detroit'
the ten appointments. told newsmen he had nothing fur-
After an appeal by 200 citizens ther to say.-areaoineMeac
led by Dr. Albert C. Wheeler, Talk Peace Minneapolis; Memphis, Tenn, and
,president of the Michigan confer- The U.S. Embassy in Vientiane, T
ence of the NAACP, the remain- yesterday confirmed that U.S and Troosteth i Balti
ing Republican'councilmen end- North Vietnamese met there Wed- was boosted to over 10,000, as fires
ed nearly an hourof heated de- nesday after Hanoi showed its blazed for a third day and a sus-
bate by failing to confirm the Ap- willingness to talk with the U.S. pected looter was shot dead.
pointments because of a lack of about peace. Text of Johnson's Pittsburgh, quiet for a time, was
affirmative votes. proposal was passed to the North hit anew by vandalism yesterday
Vietnamese. and 650 additional National
mative votes to pass any resolu- Sources in Saigon yesterday also Guardsmen were sent in to aid
tinand vofs th psx Republicans said that the area of North Viet- troops already on patrol. Gov.
remaining after the Democratics nam between the 20th and 19th Raymond Shafer said federal;
walkout, councilman John C. parallel has been added to territory troops have been designated spe-
Feldkamp (RThird nWard) cast off limit to American bombing cifically for duty in Pittsburgh,
e sole dissenting vote, d)c missions. The sources said Presi- if needed.
the issentinvoted dent Johnson placed the areah u ddoff-dd
Later, council voted 6-3, to con- limits, following his March 31 The new, troop assignments
tinue the present Ann Arbor: rep- order that no attacks be made pushed the nationwide deployment

Y oungstown, Cinci
Youth Bands Ranipage in Brooklyn;
Looting, Arson Hit Jackson., Mich.
By The Associated Press
New violence broke out yesterday in Cincinnati' and
Youngstown, 'Ohio; Wilmington, Del.7 Brooklyn's East New
York section and in JacRson, Mich.
A white man was dragged from his car and fatally stab-
bed by a gang of Negro youths in Cincinnati, while his wife
was beaten. Gov. James Rhodes sent in 14,000 National Guard
troops to quell widespread looting and arson.
The turmoil followed a peaceful memorial service for
slain civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Within a few hours after their arrest, three men were
sentenced to a year- in jail and fined $500 in connection with
the rioting.
The cases involved charges of violating a curfew which
had been ordered shortly after -
the rioting started. "
k U


-Associated Press
1IRS. MARTIN LUTHER KING LEADS MARCH in her husband's honor in Memphis. In the front
row with her .are (at left) her children and singer. Harry Belafonte and (at right) the Rev.
Ralph Abernathy, head of the SCLC which Dr. King headed.



resentatives on the county board
until their successors are ap-
proved by City Council.
At the beginning of the meet-
ing, Wheelei', backed up by a pre-
dominantly Negro crowd, accused
City Council of "political dema-
goguery" and "racist politics",
and demanded that couiacil re-
ject three of the men Mayor Wen-

north of the 20th parallel. ;1f uiuieis ana Na iUni uuaUs-
President Johnson took off for. men to 57,500, apparently the.
C dlargest such force ever turned out
fCamp Davind last night from the ,
White House with Christian, Walt for a civil emergency in the'United
W. Rostow, presidential assistant. States.
reidentialassist The Army, which has 20,000
Gndanothera. ewtroops on riot duty, reported an-
General Review other 22,000 were ready, most of
Ambassador to ' South Vietnam them on one hour notice.
Ellsworth .Bunker, flying in from Soldiers kept order in other'
Saigon early today, will be joined major cities hit by Negro violence

Memphis Marchers Mourn
King; Atlanta Funeral Set

By The Associated Press
Thousands of marchers parad-
ed through Memphis yesterday in,
silent grieving remembrance of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His
widow and three of his four chil-
dren led the ranks.{
"I came to you today because I

The Atlanta airportr and train Abernathy told the crowd: "To
and bus terminals were jammed those of you who think I may not
with the steady arrival of visitors be ready for the task, I say ready
for the funeral. At SCLC head- or not I am going to lead until
quarters a staff manned a battery victoryis won.

Some 400 National Guard troops
moved onto Youngstown* streets
last night to assist police after
two white policeman and a Negro
man were shot and wounded in
a disturbance on the city's south
A spokesman for Rhodes said
another 200-2 0 guardsmen were
standing by if (needed.
Police arrested more than 40
persons, many for violation ofa
6 p.m. curfew. A dozen firebombs,
mostly duds, were reported in
riot areas of the east side and
near southwest side of the city.
Police said relative quiet was
restored to the, south side four
hours after the shooting, but there'
were reports of scattered rock
throwing incidents and fire bomb-
ing elsewhere.
The entire state of Delaware was
declared under a state of emer-
gency last night after looting and
firebombing by roving Negro
gangs in parts of Wilriington. Gov.
Charles Terry ordered 125 Na-
tional Guards men on, standby
alert and sent state police to Wil-
Sporadic looting and arson hit
Jackson; Mich., about 70 miles
west of Detroit. The violence broke
out a few hours after a memorial
march for King, then intensified
after &ark. At least three fires
were reported and windows in
several stores in the downtown
district were broken.
The rest of Michigan, including
Detroit, remained calm.
Roving bands of Negro youths
'smashed windows andlooted stores
in Brooklyn's East New York sec-
tion last night, breaking a two-
day calm that had settled over
the city after two nights of dis-
order following King's murder.


I t11CkjJJ


dell E. Hulcher, had appointed to-n
by Secretary of State Dean Rusk in t
the Board of Supervisers, and Secretary Clark Clifford for int
After Wheeler's speech the the Camp David talks, according aKin
crowd left on a silent march to to Christian. Tl
the .Ann Arbor Commuiity Cen- W. Averell Harriman, the Presi- food
ter, where Wheeler proposed a dent's roving ambassador desig- and
series' of weekly demonstrations nated as a peace;envoy, is expected neigh
at council meeting. to sit in. The Hanoi message will strip
In other action, City Council be part of a general ,review on cities
defeated Charter Realty's John See LBJ, Page 10 troop
Stegeman's petition to rezone land ------
adjacent' to Albert Terrace for i
parking. The parcel requested for 200 DEMONSTRATE:
rezoning was a central part of
long dispute involving the plush
student apartments on Geddes;
Road. Stegeman needs the park- archers
ing spaces to comply with the
Councilman LeRoy Cappaert3
(D-Fifth Ward), speaking against u a rd a t A
the board appointments, called it

he five days since the assas-
ion of Dr. Martin Luther
, Jr.
he government sent surplus.
into Washington, ChicagoI
Baltimore, where in some
hborhoods grocery stores were
ped clean by looters. All three
s were patrolled by federal
ps and National Guardsmen.

of 20 telephones, answering re-
quests for lodging and transpor-



was compelled . . . I felt he would Some estimates were that asv
have wanted me to be here," Mrs. many as 100,000 visitors would bet
Coretta King told the marchers in Atlanta for the funeral.
when they arrived at their des- Among the dignitaries who have
tination, the city's marble and said they will attend the funeralF
starkly modern City Hall. are Sen. Robert Kennedy and
"I ask this question," she said, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New
"How many men must die before York,, Undersecretary General}
we can have freedom and peace Ralph Bunche of the United Na-
and truth in this society?" tions, New York Mayor John V.
On occasion a light drizzle fell Lindsay, a number of actors, sing-
upon the line of marchers-many ers, diplomats, prelates and mem-j
of them smartly dressed, others bers of Congress.
in the humble working garb of In Memphis, from a platform
field and mill. About 30 per cent in front of City Hall, Mrs. King
were white. r in an even voice told the crowd:
Closed Eyes "I come to you today because I'
A newsman estimated the crowd was compelled. During my hus-j
at 13,250, although police said it band's lifetime I have always been,
swelled to 19,000 at one point and at his side when I felt he needed
march leaders proclaimed an at- me. And so today I felt he would
tendance of 40,000. have wanted me to be here." .

"Martin Luther King took his
cross on his shoulders over at
the Lorraine Motel and there he
was crucified . . . But I want to
tell you now that the crucifixion
is over."
All University classes will be
cancelled today from 10 a.m. to
noon during the funeral of the
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in
Atlanta, Ga. Allctelevision net-
works plan live coverage of the
funeral starting at 10:30 a.m.
Interfaith Council for Peace
and the Catholic Peace Fellow-
ship have re-dedicated a na-
tional fast to Dr. King; a
"reconciliation meal" will be
held each evening this week at
6 p.m. at the Newman Center,
331 Thompson.,

From IHA
Request Voluntary
Membership; Three
Refuse To Pay Dues
Leaders of three University hous-
ing units-Rotvig and Bartlett in
Bursley and Emanuel in Oxford-
last night withdrew from Inter-
House Assembly and refused to
pay dues for the preceding year.
The action may expose the resi-
dents of the houses to withhold-
ing of credits by the University.
Four other houses - Elliott in
Markley, Hamilton and Douglas,
in Bursley, and Fletcher Hall -
which have already paid their
dues also announced their with-
drawal from.IHA.
The Board of, Governors of the
Residence Halls voted last week
to uphold the current policy of
withholding academic credit of
students whose houses don't pay
their dues to IHA.
However, credits would not be
withheld automatically, but only
at the request of IHA.
'May Vary'
"I doubt that credits will be
withheld this year," Steve Brown,
IHA' president, said, "but what
happens next year may vary."
-University Housing Director
John Feldkamp would withhold
credit only at the request of the
Presidents' Council of IHA. How-
ever the council held its last
meeting of the year last night,
making it unlikely any action
would be taken.
Brown noted, however, that
some other punitive action may
be taken in the fall, such as
denying the houses the' right to
apply for block tickets for con-
certs on campus.
The move to withdraw from
IHA was led by leaders of Bursley
Hall. They maintain that IHA
performs no real functions for
Bursley's president-elect, Wal-
lace Long, '71E, explained, "We
see Bursley as, a unit unto itself,
that's the feeling of Bursley resi-
dents." He added, "We're forced
ito that because of our physical
s Money Spent'
Long went on to explain, "There
are enough organizations on cam-
pus with enough activities or ways
to handle grievances making time
or money spent on IHA a waste."
The withdrawal by the seven
houses followed the defeat of a
motion offered; by James Bus-
cetta, '69, president of Bartlett-
. House, asking that President's


"a civil rights issue, pure and By BILL LAVELY One of the organizers, Prof.
simple. It is downright sacrile- About 200 students marched Julien Gendell of the chemistry
gious to mourn King without lis- from the diag to the National department, explained that the
tening to his wors."u Guard Armory yesterday to pro- use of the armory symbolized
'the whole attitude of the white
After council had turned down test use of the Armory this week communit
an amended version of Cappaert's end in preparation for possible "The response to the rioting
resolution, he said, "I deplore this deployment of guardsmen against Th e respose t e rioting
action," and left the room, fol- rioters in Detroit., sion. Nothing has been done to
lowed by three other Democrats. The demonstration, made up alleviate the actual causes of the
They returned after the appoint- mostly of white students, was riots," Gendell said.
ments had failed to pass. without incident. Increase Tension
"The use of the armory just a
} block from the ghetto, only in-
} creases tension and acknowleges
that law and order is an instru-
ment of repression," he said. The
demonstrators crowded around
the armory and heard statements
by the leaders of the march, who
{represented several campus or-
ganizations, including Students
S...for Democratic Society, Radical
.t Education Project, Citizens for.
;. .., New Politics, and People Against
". }Y Rascism. :
The group marched up Main*
Street chanting "no more guns"
and "a change is going to come,"
Afterwards they headed back to-'
ward City Hall for a brief march
through the lobby
White Racists

The widow marched at times
with half closed eyes. Her lips ap-
peared fixed in a slightly nervous
half smile. Her children glanced
from side to side at the crowd.
The King family, save only its
youngest member, flew to Mem-
phis from Atlanta for the march.
They will return to Atlanta for
funeral services there today for
Dr. King, who was slain last,
Thursday by a sniper's bullet.
The church in Atlanta where
Dr. King had preached a doctrine
of peaceful dissent yesterday re-
ceived the body of the slain Negro3
Services will be at 10:30 a.m. at
the church where Dr. King, 39,j
was co-pastor with his father the
past eight years. A memorial serv-a
ice will follow at 2 p.m. at More-
house college.
The morning funeral service
will be led by the Rev. Ralph
Abernathy, one of Dr. King's clos-
est companions, Abernathy was
jailed with King 17 times during
their crusades of civil disobedi-1

U' Expected To Cut IDA, Ties

The Regents are expected to terminate the
University's official affiliation with the Institute
for Defense Analyses (IDA) at their regular
meeting this month.
"I'm assuming we will take a proposal to the
Regents recommending individual rather than
institutional membership in IDA," University
President Robben W. Fleming said.
If the Regents approve the change, professors
would still be permitted to work for IDA, but the
University will no longer provide an official
spokesman to sit on IDA's governing board of
The new relationship with IDA will have "some-
body from the University serving as a represen-
tative, but not as a University spokesman," Flem-
ing said.

The University joined IDA in 1959 and des-
ignated former President Harlan Hatcher to
serve as the University's representative on IDA's
board of trustees. Professors are allowed to go
on leave or spend part of their time doing re-
search for the institute.
Although this set-up worked well for several
years, the suggestion to withdraw from IDA is
not hew. "When President Hatcher retired,"
Fleming explained, "The reorganization of IDA
was already in the works, and'"no one was offi-
cially appointed to replace him on the board of
Fleming has said repeatedly that he endorses
the Chicago faculty's stand against IDA mem-
bership. "Some people feel it is improper to have
an individual speaking for this institution when
there is no play back with the institution," he
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