Awwr f a rtt gan en Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS %-im' Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM . r Can You DIG It? THIS GIRL IN the Berkeley student union places a collect call to New York.t "Hello, Daddy? I lost my job." Pause. "Oh, no. I'm not worried." Pause. "But, Daddy, I am doing something steady." "Daddy, I'm into Meditation." Long pause. And as the San Francisco KDIA SOUL magazine would say at this point, "Can you DIG it?" Because if you can't, San Francisco is only the Mark Hopkins Hotel and the Condor Club, home of Carol Doda. As a former Detroit boy, now an expatriate in Berkeley says, "Listen, man, everyone in San Fran- cisco is turned on." THERE'S THE LADY who runs a ham- burger joint near the ocean and Golden Gate Park. "I'm a vegetarian, you know. Have been for nine years. I guess I've always thought of it this way: You are what you eat." Yeah. And later there was the boy who had quit the army and had been placed in a mental hospital by some devious Catch-22. On his day off he was bring- ing an eagle feather to Joan Baez who was spending the Christmas holi- days in the Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center for her participation in the Oakland demonstration. Of course he couldn't get in-it was only Christmas day, not visiting day- and the cops told him to get out fast, and maybe try again. "And, man, The Doors are really heavy." But so is the ticket collector at the Dylan film who told us that smoking isn't allowed inside-only cigarets "Now dig it- Out here we're into people." So they dig San Francisco Chronicle columnist Charlie McCabe who wants to legalize grass. And they dig the former Ohio State radical who digs ping pong and his dog Stokey. And you did them too. And what about the hundreds of stoned people who wander into the all-night U-Save market at 3:00 a.m. grabbing Hostess cupcakes and Japan- ese food with directions in Japanese? SOME PEOPLE can't dig it. There was the tired man in the restaurant on Market St. who told me to sit down and let him buy me a Coke. "My six- teen year old boy ran away to Haight St. today. Me and my wife, we've al- ways given him what he wanted. Why did he do this?" I'm sorry. The man in the old Chevy couldn't dig it either. As he drove down Uni- versity St. in Berkeley and saw us passing out Peace and Freedom Party leaflets he stopped to tell that we werc nothing but a bunch of dirty communists and what the hell did we think we were doing. We knew, but I gues. he didn't. And Roger Heyns can't dig it so he is methodically suspending those who can "And, you, know, the people on my block, they're not giving money to SNCC. They're saving up for the James Brown concert at the Oakland Coli- seum That's where they're at. Dig it." And you drive into Oakland that Fri- day night and do dig it. But then the most unexciting of flight annuoncements: In ten minutes we will be landing at Detroit's Metro- politan Airport." Detroit. And you can't dig it. -LISSA MATROSS A rI By WALTER SHAPIRO THE INDICTMENTS last week of Dr. Benjamin Spock, Rever- end William Sloane Coffin and three other anti-war leaders on charges of conspiring to promote draft resistance represent far more than merely the initiation of the long expected government counter-offensive against the po- tentially e x p 1 o s i v e anti-draft movement. Viewed from the standpoint of individual liberty, the indictments -and probable convictions-ex- emplify the massive coercive powers which our government can unleash against the freedom of the individual when it so chooses. While the problem is a hoary one, the theorists of liberty have never developed an adequate method of protecting the rights of a dissenting minority against the onslaughts of a hostile gov- ernment supported by the appro- val-or more likely-the acquie- scence of the majority. Traditionally the silencing of dissent in America has followed a style characterized by the arrest of pacifists during World War I and government's infamous Pal- mer Raids against all suspected radicals which followed soon after that "war to save the world for democracy." A MORE contemporary exam- ple of these traditional visceral reactions to dissent is provided by the continuing spectacle of the fulminations of General Her- shey. While the intolerance of the superpatriots is infuriating, their misguided attempts at re- pression usually resemble the fun- damentally purposeless frenzy of the late Senator McCarthy. However, the indictments of Spock, Coffin and the rest handed down by Attorney General Ram- say Clark represent a far differ- ent philosophy of repression than this. The initiation by Clark of the persecution of the draft resistance leaders was based solely on po- litical calculation and not upon emotional reaction. And dispas- sionate repression is infinitely more dangerous than the tradi- tional flag-draped variety. Furthermore the forthcoming prosecution of the five anti-draft leaders for counseling resistance to the Selective Service System- a charge they readily admit---'"f- fers from many other well a r- tised acts of civil disobedience be- cause the alleged crime did not in any way imperil the rights of the majority. FOR THE ONLY conceivable right endangered by those who counsel resistance to the Vietna- mese War is the state's morally dubious power to ship young men without any viable legal options to fight a destructive balance-of- power war in a distant land. Furthermore the government is seriously overstepping its just powers by attempting to apply to the War in Vietnam laws created to protect the Selective Service System at a time when our na- oscri ption effective law enforcement, while they avoid appearing repressive to those liberals .ho are sensitive to indicators of a New Mc- Carthyism. But except when dealing with the hard core of incorrigible dis- senters the Johnson Administra- tion believes such symbolic prose- cutions can be almost as effective .as wholesale government indict- ments in inducing a stultifying sense of caution into the anti-war movement. THE GOVERNMENT hopes that the overhanging spectre of poten- tial indictment-made abundantly clear as a result of the Spock case - should effectively discourage many liberals and students tee- tering on the edge of militant re- sistance from resolutely opposing the war they deem unwise and immoral. In fact it is conceivable that the impact of the government in- dictments may be so severe as to deter the timid from participating in even perfectly legal anti-war activities. There is something innately to- talitarian about the paranoia which these arbitrarily selected symbolic prosecutions will tend to induce in draft resisters by caus- ing them to worry as to if and when they are to be indicted. For there is little more injur- ious to continued effective action that the knowledge that your freedom can be revoked by the government at will if you ever become too dangerous or obnox- ious in your dissent. CONSEQUENTLY last week's indictments present a twofold challenge to the rights of the in- dividual through persecution of a foh Dr. Spock dissenting minority and by the arbitrariness of punishment. These are fundamental threats to the right of the individual to mold his own behavior without fear of legal sanctions as far as this behavior does not interfere with the maintenance of society. A And therefore the need has never been greater for conscientious and concerted individual action to preserve these rights. But the ultimate tragedy of this attempt at repression lies in the denial once again of the untapped libertarian potential of American society. For as a consequence of the stability induced by its unpre- cedented e c o n o m i c prosperity, America could safely stretch the boundaries of legally sanctioned individual behavior far beyond the arbitrary limits currently set by t those paralyzed by a deep fear of real freedom. IN THESE perilous days of un- checked government arrogance, conscientious civil disobedience in those areas-such as draft resist- ance-where majority rights are ' not thereby imperiled cannot be abandoned as one of the funda- mental tactics of the anti-war movement. It is in this vein that the in- dictments of Spock, Coffin and their three compatriots must be fought to the utmost on both the 4 legal and ethical spheres. For this country and those liberties which once appeared imbedded in its very fabric will be the ultimate losers if anti-war and anti-draft activities are in any way slackened as a conse- quence of the government's at- tempt at 'slap-dash' repression. Rev. Cofffn Dr. Spock tional territorial integrity was threatened. For the unhampered existence of the state is certainly not threatened by the outcome of the current war whose rationale at best lies in protecting some nebulous national interests. Observers of our deeply revered democratic practices can hardly be surprised that minorities are given such little protection in contemporary America. All that the much vaunted American electoral process offers to the majority is the periodic opportunity to exercise its veto power in what usually amounts to meaningless exercises in lesser- evilism. AMERICA'S traditional bastion of individual rights, the Supreme Court, has exhibited in its refusal to hear almost all draft cases a decided unwillingness to impinge upon the almost all powerful military prerogatives of the Ex- ecutive Branch. Such subservience to the Presi- dent marks a return of the Court to their policy of non-involvement during World War II when they ignominiously sanctioned the in- ternment of Japanese-Americans on the West Coast. These indictments of anti-draft leaders also illustrate the almost total arbitrariness of American jurisprudence when confronted with a massive discrepency be- tween social practice and the law of the land. The government recognizes that it has to make at least a sem- blance of enforcement to main- tain its credibility with both the electorate and the violators of the law. BUT WHEN confronted with the social prestige of those who counsel draft resistance - or the millions who violate what are commonly known as narcotic laws -the government recognizes the staggering political and social consequences of any attempt to legally punish all the violators of the law. Since the government recog- nizes that any far-reaching at- tempt at law enforcement will point up the unjust absurdity of the law, they are forced to settle for symbolic indictments of law violators chosen through some mysterious and arbitrary process which can be considered 'slap- dash' repression. The arbitrary manner in which the five defendants in the Spock case were chosen provides an al- most classic example of 'slap- dash' repression in operation. Among the overt acts mention- ed in the indictment was the Oct. 16 meeting at Boston's Arlington Street Church where Cdffin and Michael Ferber, a Harvard grad- uate student, gave speeches which allegedly violate the law. How- ever, observers present claim that Howard Zinn, a Harvard history professor, who was not indicted gave what was by far the most potent anti-draft address of the meeting. THE OTHER major action cited in the indictment was the Oct. 20 protest at the Justice Department during which Spock, Coffin, Mar- cus Raskin, co-director of the In- stitute for Policy Studies, and Mitchell Goodman, a New York writer, tried to return several hundred draft cards to the gov- ernment. However, Seymour Melman of Columbia University and Arthur Waskow of the Institute for Policy Studies were not indicted although they were equally conspicuous in the delegation which presented the draft cards to Justice Depart- ment officials. By arbitrarily indicting five men as symbolic of all those who counsel d r a f t resistance, the Johnson Administration mimes w 'uI11r 3i4tipnuDaily The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. SDaily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan, 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN............Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW....... Associate Managing Editor RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director JOHN LOTTIER......... Associate Editorial Eirector SUSAN SCHNEPP................Personnel Director NEIL SHISTER ............Magazine Editor CAROLE KAPLAtk.........Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MATROSS......................Arts Editor ANDY SACKS........................Photo Editor GOT T~f GODtS ON DOCTOR ff0QK, ..a,. W tJ, .>::x:::. l.A r fr:XY^} " ,i"'."i;"':~ {{r"r/'Y ../'4r3 . }., 1 c :. . ' l .' ; f.6' *, TheV By ROGER SMITH MR. CHAIRMAN, Congressmen: the question to which I would like to address myself concerns the response of Vietnam's neigh- bors to (1) a continued high level of American involvement in that country- and (2) American de- escalation and phased withdrawal. Of South Vietnam's neighbors, only one, Cambodia, has been outspokenly critical of American military involvement in Vietnam. The government of Thailand and Laos, because of the restrictions imposed upon them by their alli- ance with the United States, have publicly voiced support of our actions in Vietnam. At least in Thailand, however, there is growing uneasiness about the intensification of the Viet- namese war. If the past is in any way indicative of the future, con- tinuation of the war will in- evitably lead to further escalation and ultimately to the involvement of other powers, in particular of China. When this should occur, Thai- land's own peace and security which she has strived to maintain, will be directly threatened. But even if the worst does not come to pass, That leaders are aware that in the face of a continuation of the status quo increased press- ure will be brought to bear upon them to provide more tangible support for our position. This they are reluctant to do for several reasons, among them being: (1) their feeling that they cannot afford to divert military manpower from their efforts to cope with insurgency within their own borders, and (2) their belief ietnam Conflict -- IV Southeast Asia's Response feel uncomfortable with respect to the presence of American military bases and troops in their country. Paramount in their minds is their fear that these may serve to in- vite the hostile acts of certain neighbors. Apartfrom this consideration there is widespread displeasure at the inroads which the American military presence, so evident in Bangkok and other urban centers, is making into Thai culture. IN UNDERSCORING the ap- prehensions with which Thai leaders regard the high level of American involvement in Vietnam, I do not mean to imply that the Thai would welcome an unquali- fied withdrawal of the United States from her commitments there. Such an eventuality would im- ply to the Thai that we have lost interest in Southeast Asia and, therefore in Thailand, leaving a balance of power in favor of China and North Vietnam, fear of whom is rooted both in his- torical relationships with these countries and in modern ideo- logical differences. However, if withdrawal were to follow negotiations in which we affirm our interest in seeing peace and stability restored in Vietnam and preserved in other parts of Southeast Asia, we need leave no question in the mind of Hanoi, Peking or of our allies that we are determined to help the Thai people. Moreover, continued and in- creased economic assistance to the Thai would be further evidence of our unwavering interest. On Nov. 28, 1967, five leading Asian scholars, four from the University, were assembled in Wash- ington to give their analysis of America's Vietnam involvement to a bi-partisan group of 19 Congress- man. The hearing was initiated by Rep. Donald W. Riegel, Jr., a Republican from Flint. The team of experts was lead by Prof. Alexander Eckstein, di- rector of the University's Center for Chinese Stu- dies. Today's article, the fourth of a six-part series, is by Dr. Roger H. Smith, an assistant professor in the University's Political Science Deparment and a research associate for the University's Center for South and Southeast Asian Sudies. Prof. Smith visited Laos, Cainbodia, Thailand, and Vietnam in 1960-62 and 1966-67 under grants from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. He has recently published a book on Cambodia's foreign policy. freedom of action in international affairs. His task has not been easy, for he has had to contend with polit- ical rivalries among his subordi- nates and with pressures exerted on his country by one or the other blocs in the cold war. For several years he has viewed with alarm the increasing military activity of the United States in Vietnam. In Sihanouk's view, American intervention under- mines the very respect of inter- national law on which Cambodia depends for her survival. Furthermore, the Cambodian leader believes that because it of- fends Vietnamese nationalism, American policy can in the end lead only to a North Vietnamese victory, the reunification of Viet- nam, a discrediting of the United States and its subsequent banish- ment from Indo-China. To many of you familiar only with Sihanouk's castigations of American policy, it may appear puzzling that he should be so con- cerned with the preservation of American influence in Indo- China and Southeast Asia. The fact is that on many occasions he has declared that for her sur- vival Cambodia depends on the balance of power in Southeast Asia fostered by the American presence. Prince Sihanouk is keenly aware that his country's independence to a large degree depends upon op- portunities to balance one rival power against another. When this balance is upset by the fading in- fluence of one or the other anta- gonist, he fears that Cambodia, will be at the mercy of the re- ally, and Vietnam, now unified and emboldened, will resume the expansionist policies which char- acterized their relationship with Cambodia before the French in- tervention in 1862. APART FROM THE dire con- sequences which he has predicted, Prince Sihanouk opposes the Viet- nam war on still other grounds, including the fact that Cambo- dian villages bordering on Viet- nam have been bombed and strafed, albeit accidentally, on several occasions. Moreover, he is apprehensive that with further intensification of the fighting, it will inevitably engulf all of Cambodia. For these reasons, then, Cam- bodia is anxious for the cessa- tion of hostilities in Vietnam. Beyond this, Cambodia, having her own survival in mind, would like to have assurances of Amer- ican recognition of and respect for her borders, either as part of the Vietnamese settlement or in the form of separate agree- ments. In essence, it is hc. Ad that this would have the effect of putting all potential aggressors on notice that the United States is stand- ing behind Cambodia in her ef- forts to remain independent. IN SUMMARY on the basis of the feelings of the Cambodian, Lao and Thai leaders, one can conclude that we stand to lose face and faith more from a pro- tracted "no-win" war than from a negotiated withdrawal. Even if military victory were eventually to be ours, it could be Roger Smith control of the Hanoi-backed Pathet Lao. Given this dependence of the Lao government on the United States, one might reasonably ex- pect that it would favor the con- tinuation of a strong American involvement in Vietnam. Yet, Souvannaphouma has re- frained from addressing himself to the American commitment in Vietnam, and on the few occa- sions when he has been led to do so, he has been extremely circum- spect in his treatment of the is- struggle use their country as a corridor between North and South Vietnam. In light of this, they look for- ward to an early settlement of the Vietnamese war, but not in the form of a complete abandon- ment of the American position in Indo-China. Ever mindful of the historical rivalry between Thai- land and Vietnam to exert domin- ance over Laos, usually by playing off local factions against each other, they are fearful that with the withdrawal of the protective promise by the North Vietnam- ese to cease their material support of the Pathet Lao and guarantees by the United States which would give substance to Vietnamese as- surances. In short, they would like to see terminated all foreign interven- tion in what they regard essen- tially to be a struggle for power among domestic elements. Some hope that when this state is achieved, the Pathet Lao will be forced to yield their recal- citrant position and that a com- I