Thursday, April 4, 1968
Page Five
Thursday, April 4, 1968THE MICHIGAN DAILY
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House Gets Ethics Code:
Aftermath of Powell Cased
adopted a code of ethics yester-
day that will require members
and top employes to make limited
public disclosure of sources of out-
side income.
The vote was 405 to 1 in favor
of conduct standards recommend-
ed by a bipartisan committee
created after the House ref sued to
seat Adam Clayton Powell as
Democratic representative from
New York's Harlem.
Several attempts to change the
code were shouted down.
The code does not require Sen-
ate action since it applies only to
House members, officials and em-
ployes. The Senate adopted its
own ethics code March 22.
The reports dealing with outside
interests will be required of each
member or employe annually
starting next April. One will be
available for public inspection;
the other will be kept sealed un-
less at least seven members of
the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct votes to open it.
The committee, a permanent
House body, is composed of six
Democrats and six Republicans.
The public report will list the
name of any company doing "a
substantial business with the gov-
ernment and from which the re-
Hanoi States Desire
To Start Peace Talks
porting individual owns or con-
trols an interest of at least $5,000.
It also will list the sources of
outside income in excess of $1,000
from companies doing business
with the government and the
sources of income in excess of
$1,000 from any professional or-
The sealed report, which will
be kept until the reporting indi-
vidual leaves Congress, will list
the amount of holdings in and
income from the companies named
in the public report.
The code requires members and
employes to conduct themselves
properly at all times, to adhere
to the House rules, to accept no
gift of "substantial value" from
anyone interested in pending
legislation, to accept no unrea-
sonable pay or honorarium for
speeches and writing for publica-
tion, to keep campaign funds
separate from personal funds and
to use campaign funds solely for
campaign purposes.
Money received from testimon-
ial diners or other fund-raising
events will be considered cam-
paign funds unless the sponsors
give advance notice that the
money is intended for other use.
Rep. Ogden R. Reid, (R-N.Y.),
one of the wealthier members
tried to add an outright ban on
testimonial dinners and to re-
quire public disclosure of income
or gifts in excess of $100. He also
sought public disclosure of all
debts with some exceptions and
all stock transactions, real estate
purchases and sales.
Rep. Richard L. Ottinger, (D-
N.Y.), sought more complete pub-
lic disclosure of outside income.
His amendment, like Reid's, lost
by voice vote.
Spray Mace
On Children
Connecticut Parents
Angered, Call For
Arrest of Officers
WATERBURY, Conn. (P) - A
group of parents seeks the arrest
of two policemen who used the
chemical spray Mace to break up
a crowd of children surrounding
a fight between two girls Tuesday.
Police Supt. Joseph Guilfoile
said today that the policemen
"were doing their duty. As far as
I'm concerned no action will be
taken against the policemen."
Witnesses said the two police-
men used Mace, a chemical de-
signed to temporarily immobilize
the persons sprayed, on 12 chil-
dren ranging in age from 9 to 15.
Three of the youngsters were
taken to St. Mary's hospital. A
spokesman there said they were
"looked at" and discharged. One
policeman also received hospital
attention and was released.
"There were 150 to 200 people
milling around and the policemen
had to stop it," the police super-
intendent said. He declined to
identify the policemen involved.
The two girls were on their way
home from Driggs School in
Waterbury's North End when
their fight began.
The parents held a meeting
Tuesday night to plan legal ac-
tion against the two policemen.
The Daily
Miles and miles of just a few words and holding hands.
(Continued from Page 1)
munists, even if the fighting goes
The Pentagon said Secretary of
Defense Clark M. Clifford and
Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will
accompany the President to Ha-
Johnson reviewed this new de-
velopment with his top advisers
at a White House luncheon con-
f Enroute to this meeting the
President dropped in on a gather-
ing of foreign and domestic news-
men who are going to tour Texas
with Mrs. Johnson this week and
said he was on his way to study
the peace situation.
Johnson said the Hanoi state-
ment indicated "there might be
some movement" in the search for
Hanoi's announcement marked
a shift away from North Viet-
nam's previous unwillingness to
get into discussions and signified
,the possibility that talks might
begin while the war is still going
At the same time, a Commun-
ist readiness to enter into discus-
sions would not mean necessarily
that Hanoi's peace conditions
would be agreeable to the United
The North Vietnamese state-
ment showed no backdown from
previous demands. It was recalled
that much of the Korean war was
fought while the two sides were
at the conference table.
A translation of the first Viet-
namese language broadcast of the
Hanoi regime's statement was
rushed to the White House, the
State Department and other key
agencies yesterday morning after
it was picked up by U.S. monitors.
This translation differed slight-
ly in wording from versions pro-
duced in other capitals which
also monitored the Vietnamese
language broadcast, but the es-
sential meaning appeared to be
the same.
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