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April 04, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-04

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Thursday,. April 4 1968


Page Three

Thursday, April 4, 1968 THE MiCHiGAN DAILY Page Three

Union Asks Senate:
'Ex ose Publishers'
LANSING MP)-A union spokes- The 40 1AM workers at the
man told a special Senate com- News and Free Press have been
mittee investigating the 140-day "cooling our heels for three
Detroit newspaper strike that it months" without a contract and
should "expose the publishers" for without negotiations for one, he
failure to negotiate. said.

Hanoi Offer: Qualified bya Big 'If'

In a nearly four-hour hearing
Tuesday night, labor group rep-
resentatives disagreed, however,
over what action should be rec-
ommended by the committee.
The five-man committee, chair-
ed by Sen. Robert Huber (R-
Birmingham), was named after a
Teamsters Union strike idled the
Detroit News and Free Press in
The Teamsters since have set-
tled their dispute, but four other
unions have struck the papers
over expired contracts. Detroit
Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh last
week brought a noted mediator,
University of Wisconsin Professor
Nathan Feinsinger, into the dis-
"Get the publishers to nego-
tiate," said Howard L. Copeland,
business. representative for the
International Association Machin-
ists (IAM) Lodge 60, which is not

"I think the committee should
urge the publishers to negotiate,"
he said, "expose the publishers. It
seems they're trying to champion
a cause without trying to settle
the dispute."
The 35 truck mechanics at both
papers have been without contract
since early this year, said Arthur
L. Mousseau, business representa-
tive for Mechanics' Motor City
Lodge 698, IAM. The union is
not striking.
"The publishers have not re-
sponded to our call for negotia-
tions," he said. "If they don't
want to sit on one side of the
table we can't sit on the other."
Mousseaul said he understood it
was the publishers' policy to bar-
gain with the larger unions first.
Also testifying 'was Harold
Rosemont, director of the Unem-
ployment Insurance Division of
the Michigan Employment Se-
curity Commission.


Associated Press News Analysis
North Vietnam's offer to meet
American representatives is care-
fully worded and qualified by a
big "if," but it could be the begin-
ning of a dialogue signaling
changes in the over-all picture of
the war.
Hanoi's voice remained bellig-
erent. It pledged itself anew to
the "liberation" of South Viet-
nam, the defeat of the Americans
and the elimination of what it
calls Saigon's "puppet govern-
. It was not an offer to talk
peace. The North Vietnamese of-
fered only to meet with U.S. rep-
resentatives to talk about circum-
stances which might lead to peace
negotiations. The central demand
once again was "unconditional.
cessation of the bombing and all
other acts of war" against North

Vietnam. It is not yet clear
whether Hanoi extends the "acts
of war" demand to. cover just its
own forces or the-Viet Cong south
of the demilitarized zone.
Yet it was apparently a step
t o w a r d discussion. President
Johnson started it with his an-
nouncement of a partial cutback
in the bombing of the North. Ha-
noi gave a more direct response
than in the past.
From here on, however, pro-
gress can be agonizingly slow, as
it was in the case of Korea in
the 1950's. That war finally end-
ed, but the machinery had moved
at an elephantine pace for two
years while men died by the tens
of thousands.
A presidential election cam-
paign in the United States was a
key factor at the time of Korea,

as it appears to be now. Like
Vietnam, the Korean War had
aroused feelings of frustration
and impatience among Americans.
The war had become a hot presi-
dential campaign issue, as is to-
day's war.
But in the case of Korea, United
Nations machinery was available.
The proposal for a cease-fire was
first raised there by the Russians,
two full years before the armis-
tice finally came.
The fighting was at its fiercest
in the fall of 1952, when Repub-
lican candidate Dwight D. Eisen-
hower promised that if elected
he would go to Korea and seek
peace. He did so as president-
elect. His trip was a factor in the
outcome, an armistice in 1953.
President Johnson, too, made a
gesture, in the form of a token

de-escalation, and waited for a
response. The Communist side
chose to portray this as a sign of
U.S. futility, of American defeat.
But Hanoi did respond, and with
a promptness which could sug-
gest North Vietnam was hurting
badly from a generation of war.
Saigon-and some Americans--
chose to regard the Tet offensive
as Communist desperation and
assess it as a failure, despite the
havoc it wrought in the South.
There is some ground for the
desperation theory, since clearly
the' Communists had suffered
grieviously from their losses and
from bombing in the North. Those
losses could explain why the
North Vietnamese, encircling the
U.S. Marines at Khe Sanh, did
not launch an offensive and why
the Americans now can mount

an operation seeking to relieve
Khe Sanh.
If Hanoi really intends to talk,
it will probably need firm support
from the Soviet Union to protect
it from the anger of Red China,
which spurns anything even ap-
proaching negotiations with the
The Saigon mood seems re-
flected among some of its leaders.
Now some of them say that the
Americans are in Vietnam simply
to protect U.S. Interests. They
suggest-probably too late-that
the Americans over-Americanized
the war and vow to build up
South Vietnamese forces to take
a more effective part. They prom-
ise-also belatedly-to crack down
on incompetents and thieves, even
suggest the Americans may soon
be able to withdraw some troops.


Open Housing Debate Goes OMEANY BACKS HUMPHREY
Amendments Delay Final Vote Morton Says Rockefeller


- - Free Press employes, locked out
by an interpaper agreement which
found their employer shutting
down with the struck News, are
BURSLEY not under law entitled to unem-
ployment benefits, he said.
BURLESQUE The Michigan Employment Se-
curity Act disqualifies from bene-'
COMING APRIL 8 fits all those involved in labor
disputes, he said, adding that
"the strike is just one type of
Suggested for industrial warfare."
mature audiences r "The employes' tactic is the
strike," he said.k "The employers'
________________________ Itactic is the lockout."
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LANSING (.) - The state open have agreed that the bill be de- bil
housing bill faced its fifth day bated fully on the Senate floor. wit
of Senate debate yesterday with - But even if the bill were placed r
backers still confident of ulti- in position for a final vote to- ed
mate passage despite a barrage of day, it would rank behind 54 other the
amendments offered by oppon- measures now awaiting final con- cri
ents. sideration. th
Senators debated the bill for Another 107 Senate bills must in
more than five hours Tuesday, be debated and either approved or{
considering 27 amendments and, rejected before next Thursday. bil
two substitute housing bills. In debate Tuesday, senators tut
Opponents, their supply of adopted 11 amendments, several cri
amendments running low, were of them representing compromises qu
considered likely to begin a page- between open housing backers and cri
by-page debate of the bill itself opoetad eetd1 other hii
today. oppndents and rjetedsustt11u
Asked if he believes he has the amendments and two substitute
necessary 20 votes to pass thek
controversial bill - banning rac-
ial discrimination in most real Cam bodians
estate sales and rental transact-
ions - Senate Majority LeaderP an
Emil Lockwood, (R-St. Louis, U .S. Plane O
plied: d
,i certainly believe I have." B The Associated Press
{When the bill, listing proposed i B
unfair housing practices and spel- In Saigon, informed sources co
ling out Civil Rights Commission said yesterday a U.S. Navy plane ME
enforcement powers, will come to patrolling the Gulf of Siam off tio
a vote was not certain. South Vietnam's west coast was bro
Lockwood had planned a vote shot down Monday by a Cam- St
on the measure by last Tuesday, bodian navy boat. ch
but debate has been slow and fur- The 10-man crew of the four- its
ther delaying tactics could put engine turboprop P3B Orion was 3
off final action until next week, missing. The plane was watching par
Majority Republicans, t h e i r for gun - running Viet C o n g ab
ranks split over the housing issue trawlers. a
- -- - - wil
The University of Michigan School of Music the
The Ann Arbor Symphony inv
I iI II uni

ls. Several amendments were
thdrawn by their sponsors.
Much of the argument consist-
of charges by the bill's backers
gat opponents were attempting to
pple by amendment a bill which
ey did not intend to vote for
any form.
Opponents responed that the
1, as presently written, consti-
tes a hodge-podge of quasi-
minal and civil procedure, re-
ires a person accused of dis-
mination to testify against
mnself and creates an all power-
I Civil Rights Commission.
'hoot Down'
S. Vietnam
rhe U.S. Command declined to
mment on the incident, pre-
mably because of delicate rela-
ns with Cambodia. Cambodia.
oke relations with the United
ates in 1965 and has repeatedly
urged that U.S. planes violate
air space.
In Washington, Defense De-
rtment spokesmen said yester-
.y they, had no information
out when the expected an-
uncement on a Reserve call-up
11 come.
The Pentagon said first word
the call-up would come from
White House.
To put a call-up into motion
volves the President signing
executive order naming the
its to be summoned.


Try for Nomination

By The Associated Press
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller will
become an active candidate for
the presidency before the end of
next week, "possibly in the next
48 hours," Sen. Thruston B. Mor-
ton (R-Ky.) said yesterday.
Morton, former Republican na-
tional chairman and a leading
Rockefeller supporter, said of the
Republican New York governor:
"I believe he will become an ac-
tive candidate in the next week.
I trust that by Monday some
definitive announcement will have
been made and certainly by the
end of next week."
Won't Run Campaign
The Kentucky senator, who
had been tabbed to head Rocke-
feller's campaign for the presi-
dency, said he now would not
accept the campaign chairman's
Rockefeller declared on March
22: "I have decided today to re-
iterate unequivocally that I am.
not a candidate campaigning, di-
rectly or indirectly, for the presi-
dency of the United States."
In Albany, N.Y., Rockfeller's
press secretary, Leslie Slote, told
a reporter yesterday the gover-
nor's position had not changed
since his March announcement.
Slote gave this statement 4fter
learning of Morton's prediction.
In Washington, President
George Meany of the AFL-CIO
urged Vice President Hubert

Candidate Rockefeller? Candidate Humphrey?



Humphrey yesterday to declare
himself now as a candidate for
the Democratic nomination for
the presidency.
Meany said in a statement that
"in no other way can the Ameri-
can public be assured of an effec-
tive spokesman and advocate for
the programs needed to continue,
the social and economic progress
of the past eight years and to
unite the American people behind
the defense of freedom and de-
mocracy in the world."
Long-Time Fan
Meany voiced regret that Pres-
ident Johnson has taken himself
out of the race.
."We have long supported the
President; we have hailed the
splendid legislative record of his
administration; we have respect-
ed and admired his steadfastness
and courage in 'the defense of
freedom and in'the search for an
honorable, durable basis for world
peace and order," Meany said.,
Meany said he had looked for-
ward to supporting Johnson for
in Haydn, Mozart, Liszt,
Brahms, etc.
Jelly doughnuts and
conversation afterwards
Guild House-802 Monroe
For Further Information
Coil 769-3342'


another terml and that "we are
convinced the American people
would have supported him, de-
spite the unfair, unremitting, un-
conscionable personal attacks up-
on him.
"No man - and certainly no
President-should have been dub-
jected to such a torrent of abuse
-from the press and from other
politicians - including some in
his party upon whom he was en-
titled to rely for support, but
who instead have cultivated and
exploited division and disunity for
their personal political advant-
Novotny Aides
Give UPPosts
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (lP)-
Deputy Premier Otakar Simpnek
and Defense Minister Bohumir
Lomsky resigned yesterday as the
new Czechoslovak reformist lead-
ership pushed a sweeping reshuf-
fle of the Communist government
and party hierarchy.
The two formerly were sup-
porters of the ousted president
and party chief, Antonin Novotny.
They surrendered their posts at a
meeting of the party's Central
Committee called to discuss per-
sonnel changes and a new action
program to carry out political
and economic reforms.
Simunek, a former planning
expert and deputy premier since
1959 defiantly told the committee
that he disagreed with criticism
of his hard-line policies.


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