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April 04, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-04

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Thundershowers today and
tonight, turning colder by evening.

Vol: LXXVIII, No. 155 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, April'4, 1968

Ten Pages

Johnson Talks
White House Remains Silent
On Contents of Two Meetings

WASHINGTON (R-President Johnson met yesterday for
about an hour each with Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey
and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.).
The two meetings were separate and the White House
had almost nothing to say about either one. It indicated it
would maintain silence.I
Kennedy and Humphrey are possible finalists in the
showdown for the Democratic presidential nomination,

,.. r rr

along with Sen. Eugene J.
McCarthy of Minnesota.
Kennedy is actively campaign-
ing now and Humphrey is expect-I
ed to say within a week or two
whether he will run.
White House press secretary
George Christian said he knew of
no plans for Johnson to confer
with McCarthy and was unaware
of any request from McCarthy for
a conference.
Kennedy had asked for a
meeting with Johnson, and Hum-!
phrey had announced he 'planned
to see the President, too-obvious-
ly about what may happen now
in the wake of Johnson's renun-
ciation of any attempt for a sec-
ond full term.,
Kennedy was first in, at 10 a.m.
for a talk with Johnson in the
Cabinet room. Humhprey came in'
for a conference set at 11 a.m.
Beyond announcing the times,'
Christian had little to add and
showed little intention of trying
to provide d e t ai 1 s newsmen
Christian had no analysis tor
offer as to whether the Presi-f
dent's providing equal time to
Kennedy and Humphrey was in-s
dicative of his intention not to,
take sides in the scramble tot
pick a successor to himself fora

..LBJ.To Meet
Schedules Honolulu Conferene
To Consider Further Actions
>y The Associated Press
The North Vietnamese government offered yesterday to
send a representative to contact American representatives
with "a view to determining with the American side the
unconditional cessation of U.S. bombing raids and all other
acts of war against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam--
North Vietnam-so that talks may start," Australian cor-
respondent Wilfred Burchett reported from Hanoi.
This was the key paragraph in a 1,200-word declaration
by the North Vietnamese government in reply to President
s>;4, 'Johnson's March 31 declaration on a limited bombing -pause.
In Washington, President Jdhnson said yesterday he will
fly to Honolulu today to confer with U.S. officials on the
war in Vietnam, including the North Vietnamese offer to
jestablish contact "so that
talks may start." allI Street
The Hanoi statement released ;
at a news conference last night
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi follows over 48 hours of speculation Sets R e or
d ten blocks to the Ann Arbor on how the government would re-
grds read a statement repudiating '-act to, what was regarded here
s considerable divergence between NEW YORK (/Pi-Trading on
Johnson's statement and 36 hours the New York Stock Exchange ex-
of bombings ,of areas over 200 ploded to an all-time record yes-
miles north of the 17th parallel. terday in a burst of investors en-
( ~ It was considered in the highest thusiasm over Vietnam peace pos-
Hanoi circles that the government sibilities.
statement is a maximum effort by A total of 19,290,000 shares
the Democratic Republic of Viet- changed hands and swamped the
nam to get talks underway and exchange's ticker tape.
that from now on it is up to The volume spurted well above
President Johnson. the record of 17.73 million shares
In announcing his plan yester- traded Monday, which topped the
licemen were present at the local day, Johnson said "we will estab- previous mark of 16.41 million
i board. There were no incidents. Lish contact with the repyesenta- shares. set Oct. 29, 1929, the day
Only seven students had origin- tives of North Vietnam." of the historic market crash.
ally planned to mail in their draft Meanwhile in Saigon U.S. Am- Hanoi's broadcast of its willing-
cards, but an eighth, Foster, de- bassador Ellsworth Bunker and ness to talk with the United States
cided to join the group at the the envoys of five other allied about a complete halt of the
local board. nations with troops in Vietnam bombing of North Vietnam trig-
Foster explained he had not met today with President Nguyen gered the powerful reaction.
planned to participate with the Von Thieu to discuss North Viet- As trading volume set a first-
other seven because, he "was nam's offer to meet with the Unit- hour record, prices jumped. How-
afraid." ed States in a prelude to possible ever, profit taking and a closer
He changed his mind, however, peace talks. examination of Hanoi's intent
when he "saw all those people out Officials hope the talks might later resulted in a substantial
there doing it," and decided to See HANOI, Page 5 whittling of the early.gain.
join the other seven, because "you
can't live in a country whereyo r a
Ou raid.thloabadtee
Outside of the local board the
crowd of students sang the chorus

OVER 650 STUDENTS participated in yesterday's Day of Resistance. Four-hundred students marche
Selective Service Bureau where eight students who later mailed their draft cards back to their local boa
the United States involvements. In the picture, a coed mails in the draft cards in behalf of the resisters
Resisters March on Loca
'U' Students Return DraJ

Sen. I-oberit Kennedy
Endorse SGC
Plans to establish tnudent nv ov

About 400 University students
marched ten blocks yesterday
from the Diag to the Ann Arbor
Selective Service Board where a
statement repudiating "the ille-
gal and oppressive actions under-
taken by our government at homeI
and abroad" was read to local
board officials.
Following the confrontation
eight draft resisters mailed theirE
selective service cards to their lo-

Earlier, 650 University students-
had gathered on the Diag to par-{
ticipate -,in a noon draft resist-
ance rally. At least 250 students
lined up at the request of one of
the speakers to pass along ant
envelope which contained the
draft cards. Their action could be
legally construed as participation,
in draft resistance.
In Bostn Collegiate Press Serv-
ice (CPS) reports 200 draft cards
collectively sent to Sen. Robert
Kennedy (D-NY). Over 12,0001

persons participated in the rally
Further CPS reports indicate
144 draft cards turned over to
officials in the Federal Building
in San Francisco during a peace-
ful rally of 2,000 persons; 80 draft
cards turned in at a rally in Cen-
tral Park of 2500 persons; 250
s u p p o r t e r s marched through
downtown Chicago to turn over
15 draft cards.
The University students who
mailed in their draft cards were
Dennis Church, '68; Tom Beuk-
ema, '68; Richard Swenson, '69;
Darryl Dmytriw, '69; Michael
Husted, '69; Ron Foster, '69; and
Griffith Feeney and James Mal-

ernment Council (SGC) as an in- the Democratic nomination.
dependent corporation got into President explained he could
high gear this week as two more not devote time for campaigning
campus groups endorsed the pro- while taking on the "awesome"
posal. duties of the President.

i O

cal draft boards.

Last night the Panhellenic As-' ' -
sociation approved the plan. Ear-
lier in the week Inter-House As-"
sembly had endorsed it. Sae Mediation Bo r
The Regents are expected to
consider the proposal at their 'u
regular April meeting. At that
mittee of the Faculty Senate will o
report favorably on the plan to By RON LANDSMAN The representation election.,
the. Regents. They approved the which uniori leaders expect to be!
proposal recently by a 7-1 vote. The State Labor Mediation held "in about forty days," will!
According to the incorporation Board (SLMB) Tuesday defined offer employes Within the unit the
plan, SGC would be organized as an "appropriate bargaining unit" ichoice of AFSCME or "no union."
a legally autonomous, non-profit for 2590 non-clerical, non-acade- Fifty per cent of those voting plus
corporation. Under the proposal, mic Universtiy employes and willEiseredofovingry. s
SGC would be financed largely hold an election to choose a bar- one is required for victory.
through assessment of its mem- gaining agent in the near future.' A spokesman for the labor'
bers - all students. If themRe- The decision almost insuresa board, which will conduct the elec-
gents agree, the University would victory in the election to Local tion, said they will meet with rep-
sign a contract to collect the as- 1583 of the American Federation I resentatives of the University and
sessment along with tuition. of State, County and Municipal the union to arrange the election
Any increase in the amount of Employes, (AFSCME), which re- as soon as possible.
assessment would have to be ap- ports that 1600 of the employes The election will be held, he
proved by a campus wide referen- within the unit are already of their said, so as to insure maximum
dum. local, participation by employes. The
Davis explains that one of the The 2590 workers include all vote will be on University grounds
major advantages of incorporation$ service and maintenance employes? during working hours.
will be the ability of the organ- except those in the plant depart- The. decision by the state labor
ization to obtain funds for projects ment and the heating plant, which board dashed the hopes of Local
like SGC sponsored non-profit have already been designated se- 1 378 of the Building Service Em-
apartments for students or a stu- parate units and chosen bargain- ployes International Union, which
1 dents-run bookstore. ing agents. had hoped to represent at least
some of the 2590 employes.
P - BSEIU Requests
DetoihOt o E orThe BSEIU had asked the board;
to designate the Law Club, the
i Dearborn Center and University,
R aps Guard R Rot Action housing as separate units, while
large unit.

1 Chooses

oy. grads. of "Alice's Restaurant", the theme
The eight students had enter d song of the draft resistance move-

Draws World Hope

111G Glrllb ., I:UU GIl bi> lIaLL Gt14G1GU


the local board on East Liberty
' and Main Streets to read the joint
statement. One Selective Service
of over 250 plant department em- official took several photographs
ployes last September. of the eight students. Other of-
The walkout ended when the ficials sat calmly at their desks.
University and employes agreed The group them} proceeded to a
to let the SLMB settle the issue, nearby mailbox where volunteers
while the University continued its from the crowd mailed the eight
court challenge of Public Act 379, letters. The action qf those who
which gave the employes the right mailed the letters could legally
to organize. 'be considered participation in
The University lost its case in draft resistance.
circuit court but decided to appeal. Plainclothes policemen patrolled
No further action has been taken. the Diag rally and uniformed po-

ment written by Arlo Guthrie.
The demonstration was planned
by the Ann Arbor Resistance in
conjunction with a "National Day;
of Resistance."
Prof. Eric Lennenberg of the
psychology department who ledl
the march carried a sign upon
which was painted the Greek let-
ter Omega. Omega is the symbol
of the unit of electrical resistance,
one speaker explained.
A small incident occurred at
the noon rally while keynote
See 'U', Page 10

By The Associated Press
Hanoi's announcement yesterday
it would agree to preliminary
talks with the United States pre-
cipitated immediate reaction from
other parts of the/world.
President Charles de Gaulle,'
after reported advance consulta-
tion with North Vietnam on
its intention to mbve toward Viet-
nam peace talks, described the
U.S. bombing curtailment as an

Peace Talks Alter Election Plans

Kurt Luedtke photography di-
rector for the Detroit Free Press
charged the National Guard yes-
terday with irresponsibility and
trigger happiness during the De-
troit riots.
Substituting for Free Press!
managing editor Frank Angelo
who was scheduled to speak to
journalism students, Luedtke cit-

the results the deaths were caused To petition the board to desig-
by stray bullets rather than the nate a unit a union must have
supposedsnipers. signed up at least 30 per cent of
Luedtke told the journalism the workers as members. BSEIU
students the details involved in had the required number only in
laying out a newspaper page. He the three units, which totaled
illustrated his remarks with slides about 500 workers altogether.
of actual Free Press pages from BSEIU might still have appear-
the summer papers. ed on the ballot against AFSCME
Luedtke briefly criticized the ed o he ma st AFSCE
paper for its riot coverage i it could have mustered 10 per
iing it with "lack of tone." "Read- ceto telre nta mmes

Associated Press Political Writer
Hanoi's offer to talk about an end to
bombing that could bring peace talks may
force Democratic and Republican presiden-
tial candidates to shift their tactics rapidly
in campaigning for their party's nomina-
Even if the North Vietnamese proposition
turns out to be a demand for an uncon-
ditional halt in the air attacks without re-
ciprocal Communist military deceleration,
President Johnson has at least provoked a
response other than the usual flat rejection
of peace offers.
Thus far Sens. Robert F. Kennedy, (D-
NY), and Eugene J. McCarthy, (D-Minn),
have focused their attacks on ,Johnson's
policies. Even after he renounced renomina-
tion, they have complained that his bombing
reduction was not enough to bring results.

Richard M. Nixon racked up-a better show-
ing than he made in 1960- primary when
he won the nomination and carried the
state in his losing race with the late John
F. Kennedy-are classed as partisanly anti-
When these are added to the 51,574 polled
by California Gov. Ronald Reagan and the
28,453 that went to former Minnesota Gov.
Harold E. Stassen, the Republican anti-
administration total reached 465,079.
In the two parties there was a total 15,614
vote of "no" against any of the candidates
offered on the ballot, a further indication
Camnpaign A
of negative reaction to the general state
of the nation.

the ballot in Madison, scene of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin anti-Vietnam demonstra-
tions, was defeated in party because of
Johnson's change of stance.
The referendum, voted down 27,555 to
20,127, called for an immediate cease fire
and withdrawal of U. S. troops from Viet-
nam. Maurice Zeitlin, university associate
professor and chief sponsor of the referen-
dum, said Johnson's action influenced the
If Hanoi gives the President the oppor-
tunity, he could become the country's sole
agent of hope for an end of the fighting in
Vietnam. As such, politicians think he
would be under extreme pressure to reverse
his decision and run again.
If Johnson chooses to rest history's ver-
dict on what he achieved while sacrificing
a possible second term, Vice President Hu-
bert H. Humphrey apparently would be the

apparent "first step in the dirc-
tion of peace."
It was an unusually positive ap-
proach in view of De Gaulle's close
ties with Hanoi and constituted
his first gesture in months favor-
able to the United States.
Informants said De Gaulle1
learned of North Vietnam's prob-
able reply to President Johnson's
peace initiative Tuesday, after his
director of Asian affairs, Etienne
Manac'h, met with Mai Van Blo,
chief of Hanoi's delegation in
r UN Response
At the United Nations in New
York, a spokesman for Secretary.-
General U Thant said Thant wel-
comed North Vietnam's readiness
to meet with the United States
and offered the UN headquarters
in Geneva-the Palace of Nations
-for negotiations.
The British Foreign Office in
ondon, in a statement made
public after a meeting between
Foreign Minister Michael Stewart
and South Vietnamese ambassa-
dor Le Ngoc Chan, said: "We wel-
come this decision by Hanoi
which encourages our hopes of
progress toward a just and last-
ing settlement."
Prime Minister Harold Wilson,
referring to Hanoi's announce-
ment, said: "We believe that it
may advance the prospect of a
just and lasting settlement."
Puts Out Feelers
Stewart has put out feelers to
the Soviet government, theother
co-chairman of the 1954 Geneva
conference on Indochina.
In Ottawa Foreign Secretary
Paul Martin said yesterday the

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