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January 13, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-13

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US. Investigating

Terms of Hanoi Peace

Associated Press News Analysis
WASHINGTON-The announced
U.S. search for clarification of
Hanoi's peace talk terms hasn't
produced any assurances so far
that would lead the United States
to call off the bombing of North
Vietnam, informed officials say.
Indications are, however, that
American policymakers are look-
.ng for more than clarification of
the apparent shifting of North
Vietnam's position.'
They are reportedly seeking firm
indications that cessation of U.S.
bombing attacks would produce
not only prompt talks but also a
halt in the flow of North Vietnam-
ese troop reinforcements to South
Exast U.S. aims have not been
spelled out officially and Secretary
of State Dean Rusk made clear at

a Jan. 4 news conference he had
no intention of giving a detailed
acounting of the U.S. price for
stopping the bombing.
The State Department has re-
ponded with an almost daily "no
comment" since the Rusk news
conference to inquiries about what
results were b e i n g obtained
through diplomatic probes, which
the State Department originally
said were designed to produce
"clarification" of North Vietnam's
The U.S. probes began after
Hanoi broadcast a statement by
Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy
Trinh. He noted the U.S. govern-
ment had repeatedly said it want-
ed to talk to Hanoi but had re-
ceived no response.
After the United States has
ended unconditionally the bomb-
ing and all other acts of war

North Vietnam will hold talks with
the United States on questions
concerned," Trinh said.
The Johnson administration
was uncertain whether Trinh's
statement was a legitimate attempt
to spur peace talks or whether it
was designed to generate a U.S.
bombing halt without reciprocal
The trend in Washington now
is to regard it more as psycho-
logical warfare than as a peace
The U.S. position as stated by
President Johnson in a San An-
tonio, Texas speech was that the
United States would "stop all
aerial and naval bombardment of
North Vietnam when this will lead
promptly to productive* discus-
sions." And he added America as-
sumed North Vietnam would not

take advantage of such a bombing
U.S. officials said diplomatic
soundings so far have failed to
oring these two positions closer
together. From the U.S. point of
view North Vietnam has not met
the requirement that a bombing
halt would lead promptly to pro-
ductive discussions - although
Washington officials haven't ex-
plained how they could know in
advance whether the discussions
would be productive.
Such problems were reportedly
discussed by Rusk and British For-
eign Secretary George Brown in a
Washington meeting Thursday.
Brown said later he was "very
fully in the picture about the U.S.
assessment of Trinh's statement."
Part of Trinh's declaration has
made it appear "the Hanoi goven-
ment . . . indeed wants to start

talks," Brown said. But he found
other parts-evidently alluding to
Trinh's denunciation of the Unit-
ed States-to be "not so encour-
But any implication that some
new step toward opening talks
might be close at hand was not
borne out by U.S. officials who
said reaction so far from Hanoi
to U.S. interest in probing North
Vietnam's position had been very
meager. What it adds up to, in-
formants said, it word that Trinh's
statement was intended seriously.
Vice-President Hubert H. Hum-
>hrey said Wednesday in a talk
in Tunis that the United States
position on halting the bombing
"assumes that North Vietnam will
reciprocate and stop its bombard-
ment also."
Informed officials, in fact, say
the Johnson administration is

looking for a much more substan-
tial move than any North Viet-
nam suspension of artillery bom-
bardment of areas of South Viet-
nam which it can reach from the
North, which was possibly what
Humphrey was talking about.
What the United, States seems
to be seeking as part of a peace
talk package deal seems to be in
line with what has been basic U.S.
policy for many months-that the
withdrawal of direct U.S. military
pressure on North Vietnam should
be reciprocated by withdrawal of
direct North Vietnamese military
pressure on South Vietnam.
Officials said the policy implied
in the President's last public
statement, a willingness to
"assume" that North Vietnam
would not take a military advant-
age of a bombing halt, has not
been changed and the U.S. posi-
tion in detail is flexible.

But it now appears the terms
which Johnson and Rusk have in
mind for a peace talk-bombing
halt deal would at least involve
advance understanding about the
military as well as the diplomatic
position of North Vietnam once
talks started.
As a result of the probes since
the Trinh statement, Washington
authorities currently see little
prospect that the forthcoming
truce at the time of Tet, the
Lunar New Year at the end of
January, will lead to any extended
or exploratory bombing halt. The
truce is supposed to last 48 hours.
President Johnson, Washington
authorities believe, would require
much stronger indications than
he now has of North Vietnamese
interest in peace talks to prolong
the bombing halt beyond the
truce period.


Romney Offers,
To Debate Nixon
Begins New Hampshire Campaign;
Requests Dialogue on War, Budget

Sihanouk Reportedly Agrees
To Closer Border Inspection

mittedly trailing in the polls as
he .began his presidential primary
campaign in New Hampshire,
Michigan Gov. George Romney
yesterday challenged the favored
Richard M. Nixon to a series of
"timely and needed" debates in,
this state on major issues.
Romney invited the former vice
National News
By The Associated Press
Lewis B. Hershey, U.S. Selective
Service Director, has cancelled a
speech in suburban St. Davids
because of the threat of an anti-
war demonstration.
Leaders of the proposed dem-
onstration deplored Hershey's ac-
tion and said he missed an op-
portunity to open a "construtive
dialog" with those who opposed
his conduct.
Hershey was to address the an-
nual business meeting of the
Valley Forge Council, Boy Scouts
of America.
* * *
WASHINGTON -- The United
States yesterday ordered an as-
sistant military attache of the
Polish Embassy here to leave the
country within a week, in retalia-
tion for the expulsion of a U.S.
officer from Poland this week,
Lt. Col1 Edward H. Metzger, U.S.
assistant military attache in War-
saw; and Lt. Col Kenneth J. Jef-
ferson, a Canadian officer station-
ed there, had been accused by!
the Polish government of espion-
The State Department made no
charge against Lt. Col, Henryk E.
Pojmanski in announcing the ac-
tion against him.

president to debate on "foreign
affairs; on the crisis of our cities;
on the moral decay and rising
crime in America; on inflation
and the dollar drift; on the need
for bold, forthright and broadly
experienced leadership."
In Exeter last night, Romney
planned his first major campaign
address on the role of the presi-
dency, explaining his reason for
running and the importance of
the primaries in bringing issues
before the people.
Debate Challenge
Following a morning news con-
ference in Concord, in which he
issued the debate challenge to
Nixon, Romney became an official
candidate by filing his nomina-
tion petition for the Republican
primary with Secretary of State
Robert Stark.
The opening day of Romney's
2,000 mile sweep through the state
which will hold the nation's ear-
liest presidential primary, March
12, began with a sub-zero sunrise
handshaking exercise at a elec-
tronics plant in Nashua.
Arrives in Manchester
In his call for. Nixon-Romney
debates, the governor said "any-
thing less would be a failure on
our part as candidates to meet
our responsibilities" to the voters
in "this crucial first primary of
the most crucial election year in
modern American history."
Romney said he would go along
with any debate format Nixon
might suggest.
Asked if he thought Nixon had
a "great advantage in foreign
affairs," Romney replied: "No.
People really haven't taken a look
at the background I have in for-
eign relations. The only job I've
ever had that didn't involve in-
ternational affairs is my present
job as governor."

BANGKOK, Thailand (A)- U.S.
Ambassador Chester Bowles ended
his visit to Cambodia yesterday
as the Soviet Union moved rapidly
to oppose any agreement he and
Prince Norodom Sihanouk might
have reached to restrict the use of
Cambodian territory by the Viet-
namese Communists.
Bowles, sent to Phnom Penh
by President Johnson, told news-
men as he left for New Delhi
that he was "very satisfied with
the successful talks."
It was believed in Phnom Penh
that Sihanouk agreed for the
three nation International Control
Commission to keep a closer watch
on the border between Cambodia
and South Vietnam.
ss But Cambodian sources reported
n thatdSoviet Ambassador Sergei
Koudriavtsev and M. Mylicki, the
y head of the Polish delegation to
.e the ICC, had called on Sihanouk
to express their opposition to a
U.S. offer of two helicopters to
assist the commission in border
The two Communist represen-
tatives said their governments op-
posed the offer because the United
States did not sign the 1954 Gen-
eva agreements which got the
French out of Indochina and set
up the control commission.
Sihanouk had said earlier that

foreign miilster, Prince Norodom
Phourissara, was attacking U.S.
actions in Vietnam and in effect
rejecting American charges that
INorth Vietnamese troops use
Cambodia as a highway to South
Vietnam and a refuge when press-
ed by U.S. and South Vietnamese
Cambodian officials reported
that Bowles assured the prince
that the United States intends to
respect the neutrality and terri-
Russia Exiles
Trial Termed

torial integrity of Cambodia and
has no intention of launching
any attacks against the country.
The U.S. Army's chief of staff,
Gen. Harold K. Johnson, said in
a speech in Chicago Thursday
that he opposes sending U.S.
troops or planes after Communist
forces that flee into Cambodia.
But he said he approves of pursuit
by fire-shooting at the retreating
enemy even if they are over the
'A Mockery'

-Associated Pres
MICHIGAN GOVERNOR GEORGE ROMNEY, hoping to snowball his way to the 1968 Republican
Presidential nomination, opened his campaign in New Hampshire yesterday. Seen at one of the many
Romney Home Headquarters throughout the state, the Governor began his campaign to win th
nation's first presidential primary.

NFO Market Action Parallels
jAdministration Farm Policy

WASHINGTON (P) -In asking
its members to withhold grains
from the market place to gain
higher prices the National Farm-
ers Organization appears to be
following the Johnson adminis-
tration practice.E
The Agriculture Department al-
ready is holding government con-
trolled grain stocks off markets
in a bid to boost farmers' prices.
And the NFO action in other
w a y s parallels administration
farm marketing and production
policies, which call for reducing
production when prices are low.
NFO President Oren Lee Staley

said in Corning, Iowa, the "no
price, no production" campaign
would be followed later with
withholding of meat, milk and
other commodities in the move
announced Thursday.
The NFO has conducted six
withholding actions previously,
the latest last March focusing on
milk prices.
Secretary of Agriculture Orville
L. Freeman declined comment
Thursday on the NFO action. But
in urging last year that grain be
withheld from markets he ap-
peared in effect to be giving prior
approval to such moves.

last summer that 1967 crops
would reach record highs and
that prices would weaken, Free-
man urged growers to hold crops
off markets by putting them un-
der government support loans.
He suggested farmers sell hogs
and cattle at lighter weights than
normal. This would hold down
the total tonnage of meats avail-
able for consumers and conceiv-
ably bring about higher prices
for beef cattle and hogs. Freeman.I
When it became apparent late
has also recommended farmers go
slow in expanding pig production
this year.

he was favorable to the American
offer but acceptance was up to
the commission's three members-
India, Canada and Poland-and
the two cochairmen of the Geneva
conference-Britain and the So-
viet Union.
The Soviet ambassador also in-
formed Sihanouk that his govern-
ment agreed to new military aid
for Cambodia, including 50 trucks.
All reports from Phnom Penh
told of pleasant and cordial re-
lations between Sihanouk, the
Cambodian chief of state, and
Bowles during the four day visit.
But at the same time Sihanouk's

MOSCOW (M'-Four Soviet in-
tellectuals active in Moscow's lit-
erary underground were convicted
yesterday of anti-Soviet activities
and sentenced to terms of up to
seven years imprisonment.
Their five day trial was closed
to all but a half dozen relatives
and was unreported by Soviet
news media. The mother of one de-
fendant told waiting friends that
all were found guilty as charged.
The defendants had served al-
most a year in a Moscow jail
awaiting trial. Three of them are
expected to be sent this weekend
to Potma, a labor camp on the
Volga, notoriout among Soviet lib-
eral intellectuals. The fourth, sen-
tenced to only one year, will be re-
leased Jan. 20, sources close to the
defense said.
Writers Sentenced
Friends of the defendants broke
through a police line outside the
courthouse after the trial to pre-
sent red carnations to the four
defense attorneys. "Thank you so
much, you did all you could," one
girl told them.
The court handed down sen-
tences precisely as demanded by
the prosecution:
--Seven years for Yuri Galan-

skov, 28, also charged with illega
-Five years for Alexander Gins-
burg, 31, compiler of "The White
Book on the Sinyavsky Daniel Af-
fair," a collection of documents
from a literary trial two years ago
published only abroad,
-Two years for Poet Alexei
Dobrovolsky, 29, the only defen-
dant to plead guilty and testify
against the others,
-One year for Vera Lashkova,
21, a typist who helped prepare
manuscripts for Ginsburg and
Litvinov and Daniel
In the crowd awaiting the end
of the trial in the late afternoon
darkness were Pavel M. Litvinov,
grandson of a former Soviet for-
eign minister, and Mrs. Yuli M.
Daniel, wife of the imprisoned
satirist whose trial was document-
ed in Ginsburg's book.
Litvinov and .Mrs. Daniel earlier
in the day denounced the trial as
a "cold mockery, unthinkable in
the 20th century."
Litvinov told a reporter Galan-
skov declared in court that "by
arresting me you have won the
battle, but you will lose the war
for democracy in Russia."


' CEli





You Heard?

Federico Fellini's








Saturday, January

13, 1968 at &30 P.M.



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