STUDENT VOICE IN THE CITY See editorial page LY W itCig &titi'& I CLOUDY High--60 Low--43 Cloudy and warmer; chance of showers. Vol, LXXVIII, No. 154 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, April 3, 1968 Eight Pages m:. . cCARTHY S EEPS 225, ISCO SI PRIM RY; U.S. JETS HIT MILES ORTH OF DI Z Hanoi Statement' Blasts Peace Bid, Air Strikes Limited to Area South Of 20t1h Parallel in North Vietnam By The Associated Press The Pentagon said yesterday that U.S. bombing attacks1 are being conducted against North Vietnam from the 20th parallel south, but said 90 per cent of the strikes have been limited- to within 60 miles of the demilitarized zone. This was the first official clarification of the extent of the area which may still be bombed under President John- son's order restricting air and naval gunfire attacks in a bid to get North Vietnam to the peace talk table. Nixon Wins GOP Race With 80 Madison Voters Reject Vietnami War Referendum by Sna l Margil MILWAUKEE, Wis. (N - Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, (D- Minn.), rode the anti-Vietnam war issue to a clear-cut vic- tory over retiring President Johnson in a prestige building torrent of votes in yesterday's Wisconsin Presidential primary. Holding steadily at 55 per cent of the Democratic total as returns mounted, McCarthy won the bulk of the state's 59 vote convention delegation to retain his place as a front runner for the nomination Johnson said he didn't want. A heavy turnout of Republicans indicated that former Vice-President Richard M. Nixon might top the 339,393 votes he got in the 1960 Wisconsin primary. Indthat year, when he won the party nomination he was unopposed. In yesterday's countdown, he had only nominal opposition from Gov. Ronald Reagan of California and per- ennial candidate Harold E. Stassen. A referendum question calling, for an immediate cease fire and withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam went- down to defeat in--* -- With 33 of the capital city's 41 p r e c i n c t s reported, the issues trailed 58 per cent to 42 per cent. Fa ~ 'l 'There were 22.278 "no" votes and ~~ o n o 16.221 "yes" votes. - With 1,844 of 3.291 precincts' counted in the Democratic pri- mary McCarthv had 289.658 9111 Ineb on It means that Johnson's q 'bombing assaults along a more Vietnam's panhandle - a Alexei Kosygin order permits wide ranging than 200 mile stretch of North much greater area than {> his announcement suggested. Nor'th Vietnam's official press was quoted yesterday as saying President Johnson has not agreed to halt all bombings uncondition- ally and is trying to mislead pub- lic opinion. This seemed an oblique indica- tion that Hanoi is unready to go to the peace table now despite~ Johnson's order Sunday curtail- igbmigith Not.Sen. Eugene McCarthy Richaj ing bombing ins the North. -- Mislead Both the ;Soviet news agency 10 PER CENT SURCHARGE: Tass and Peking radio quoted the North Vietnamese army newspa- per Quan Doi Nhan Dan as say- ing Johnson was trying to mis- In Vietnam yesterday, American bombers ranged up to -225 miles4 north of the demilitarized zone. ! ! ! A communique listed the farth- est penetration north as a strike $ by carrier-based Navy planesI against a railroad siding 12 miles north northeast of the city of WASHINGTON (P) - The Sen- conference with the House, which constitutional prerogative to Thanh Hoa or about 225 miles ate broke the logjam on President originally passed it primarily as iginate revenue legislation. north of the DMZ. Johnson's long sought 10 per cent an extension of the 7 per cent But one sponsor of those1 Tihesattack on the rail siding income tax surtax yesterday - at auto and 10 per cent telephone visions, Sen. George A. Smat was less than a mile below the least temporarily - by passing I taxes. In seven days of debate (D-Fla. while conceding 20the paralle w h the Pentagon a bill loaded with an assortment the Senate loaded on 18 amend- House would knock them out, defined as the northernmost limit of other tax provisions. ments on other subjects, which the Senate vote might enh of U.S. raids under Johnson's de- Included was a $6 billion feder- caused some members to label it chances of eventual House a escalation order. al spending cut and continuation an "Easter basket bill." on an income House action o: Exceeds Monday of excerise tax i'ates on autos Chances for the income tax sur- income tax surcharge. This strike exceeded the north- and telephone service which tech- tax and federal spending clamp- 57 to 31 ernmost raid of Monday when nically dropped on Monday. down are rated slim in the House, T57e vote on passage of Navy bombers hit just below The measure now goes to a which is stubbornly jealous of its measure was 57 to 31 and Thanh Hoa, 209 miles above the roll call on the surtax spen DMU. war planes swarmed over , cutback was a surprising 5 North Vietnam's southern pan- Po iticia s InterpretR35L handle yesterday in the second . eirkSenaof Llinoi straight day of intensified attacks mre t imsic fhn rs designed to check, the enemy flow T[e more optimistic than Smat of men and supplies to South I1ta Turnout U Vote=information is that the Hi Vietnam. conferees would accept both Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark.)surtax and the spending cut charged yesterday the bombing By DAVID SPURR enforcement, human relations- added that Rep Wilbur Mills Daily News Analysis are controversial enough to bringadethtRpWibrMls cutback ordered by the President In the wake of Monday's city tre votersinaenumbg Ark.) chairman of the Ways "is of no consequence and certain- council elections, local politicians the voters out m large numbers. Means Committee, "is not in ly not an inducement for the cui eletin o t oiins! Furthermore, there is always a sible to the fact that we've North to come to the conferencew are speculating on the unusually lower vote total in years without to have a tax bill." ~ ~~~~~~low turnout and waiting for te! aoat aeo odise.t aeatxbl. table." results of a recount in Ward Two. a mayoralty race or bond issues. Leaders in Congress have. Senate Democratic Leader Mike The low election turnout, how- There just wasn't anything to Johnson's announcement tha Mansfield, of Montana, and some get people excited commente will not seek another term other members disagreed. ever-35 per cent compared to Republican James C. Riecker, who wlnoeeanother ter Fulbright held that, in an- over 50 per cent in previous years lost by one vote in the Second nouncing the change in bombing .-is not surprising. None of the Ward. Riecker reaffirmed yester- eissues-mass transpdrtation, code day he would call for a recount See U.S., Page 2 - --__ ____ - 1 day he ,+would cafor a .rcoun increa se F-u re Cut li , l%% lU 1u Gu ,vV votes, or 55 per cent of the party total; Johnson had 195,280, for 37, per cent. In the Republican balloting, with 1,831 precincts counted, Nixon had 267,590 or 80 per cent; California Gov. Ronald Reagan 35.894 or 11 per cent; Stassen 19,348, or 6 per cent. The mounting total for Nixon Birininghain Vote Upholds Fair Housing BIRMINGHAM, Mich. (A)-With riot-scarred Detroit next door, the white, well-to-do residents of this city of 27,000 have made theirs t the second U.S. community to al- low an open housing ordinance to survive a referendum.- The margin was a slim one, 383 votes, after several weeks of in- tensive campaigning by backers of the measure, plus a -personal boost by Gov. George Romney, * who lives in the affluent iteigh- boring suburb of Bloomfield Hills. The vote in Birmingham, which has only one Negro family, was 4,205-3,822, a turnout of more than half of the city's 13,000 reg-! istered voters in an April election that usually attracts only about 1,300 votes. One City Backers of open housing in Michigan say only one other city has allowed an open housing or- dinance to stand through a public vote, and that also was in Michi- gan-a month ago at Flint. -By contrast, though, Flint's 200,000 population is about 25 per cent Negro and its open housing ordinance was approved by fewer than 50 votes after Mayor Flower McCree, a Negro, battled vigorous- ly for it. "This is terrific," said Mrs. Julie Candler, one of the Birmingham residents who helped organize a drive for support of the open housing ordinance. Most Affluent "This suburb is one of the most affluent and best-educated in the nation and we believe it could well be a weathervane that tells the United States Congress and our State Legislature, both of which are considering open housing or- surtax which he recommended indicated that few Republicans last August. took advantage of the opportunity Pro- Sen. Russell B. Long, (D-La.) offered Wisconsin voters to choose ,hers, chairman of the Senate Finance either ballot and cross over the the Committee who opposed the pack- line. said age amendment, told newsmen he McCarthy forecast at a news ance believes it would have been de- conference that he would wind up ction feated before Johnson made his with 55 per cent of the vote. He )n an bombshell announcement. He add- said he considered it "a most sig- ed that he knew of several voters nificant victory." which changed because of John- The Minnesota Senator said he, the son's noncandidacy declaration. was sorry that Johnson "did not the In debate on the package, Sen. stay in down the home stretch." ding illia oxmir e, - . He said he thinks he would have 3 to William Pro xmire,Senate H se benefitted from a GOP crossover coarnocomiteSenpteHoseif the President, whose name re- Ev- mEconomictCommittee, protestedmhedPonhe ballot, had not said was that the income tax increase he would not be a candidate. "as" n he wou11d not+be ,.o..-in. xr( Ml. Nixon By 'The Associated Press Students at a college in Virginia took over the school's administra- tion building yesterday in an at- tempt to air their grievances, while concessions were granted to protesting college students in Pennsylvania. In Richmond, Va., Virginia Un- ion University students occupied the school's administration build- ing yesterday and took over the college telephone switchboard 3% hours before Black Power advo- cate Stokely Carmichael visited the campus. About 500 students marched on the administration building, Pick- ford Hall, after a meeting of the student body at which the col- lege's 1,300 students were urged to escalate the protest that began with a class boycott Monday. In Cheyney, Pa. The adminis- tration of Cheyney State College agreed yesterday to grant stu- dents' demands which arose dur- ing two days of disturbances at the school two weeks ago. The concessions include student control of all student committees and representation on all college committees; student representa- tion on the judicial review board and equal voting rights with fac- ulty and administration in stu- 4 dent cases; student control of the campus newspaper and a student committee to evaluate faculty and curriculum. e could well lead to a recession. vie" He called it "the most significant and far reaching economic leglis- the lation of 1968." . He (D- and nsen- got said at he en- cent Two Provisions There are two other pi'ovisions restricting spending but they are not considered as effective as the mandatory ceiling. One woulds slash appropriations by $10 bil- lion for fiscal 1969. The other would require a cut in the federal payroll by 315,000 by filling onlyI one of each two vacancies. J S LATEST RETURNS 60 per cent of precincts DEMOCRATS ohnson 203.617 37 pc McCarthy 308,431 56 pc REPUBLICANS ixon 285,692 80 pc leagan 38,275 11 pc tassen 20,853 6 pc et ct et ct et NOON DIAG RALLY after the city Board of Canvassers sults official. Five Days Riecker said he has five days from today to file his request for a recount, which will probably take place next Monday. While the overall electorate iny poor turnout, students and faculty appear to have voted in large By STUART GANNES numbers for certain DemocraticB candidates. Several University students Democrat Ernest Quenon, who and Ann Arbor residents plan defeated Riecker, said, "Certain- to turn in their draft cards to- ly the students are the ones that day in a protest designed to carried me." Quenon won heavily indicate non-cooperation with in the two student-dominated pre- the Selective Service System. cincts of his ward and lost in the The demonstration, coordi- other two. nated by The Ann Arbor Re- Once Before sistance. will be part of today's The Second Ward has only sent National Day of Resistance a Democrat to city council once which will consist of protests before, in 1958. Quenon believes at many college campuses and he gained votes from moderate cities. and liberal Republicans who sup- A rally is scheduled for the ported his views on code enforce- Diag at noon at which Prof. lents To Turn In Cards of Resistance how many persons plan to turn in cards. It is planned to pass the draft cards from hand to hand before turning them in to Se- lective Service officials. Organ- izers of the demonstration say that anyone who passes the cards will be registering a sym- bolic protest against the draft and the Vietnam war. Turning in draft cards or helping or encouraging others to do so might be considered a violation of the Selective Serv- ice Act. Pediatrician Dr. Benja- min Spock, Yale University and, as a minister, -I have to stand with them. "The best traditions of the country and the church are agreed in teaching that one should not violate one's con- science," he added. Tipton said he had been told at least seven men plan to turn in draft cards. Individual resisters gave dif- ferent reasons for their oppo- sition to the draft and for turn- ing in draft cards. Darryl Dmy- triw, '69, said "The Selective Service System contradicts prin- ciples of human dignity and personal liberty. My . action is Protest culture. I cannot cooperate with the Selective Service System without seeing myself as a par- ticipant in mass murder," he continued. "It is necessary to confront the middle class whites in terms of their assumptions about the war and the poor of the ghettos," explained -Dick Swanson, '68. "You have to use some psychology other than burning draft cards in confront- ing middle class Americans so you won't close their minds." The extent of today's Na- tional Day of Resistance is not is - 4~&x x