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April 02, 1968 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-02

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Tuesday, April 2, 1968


Page Nine

ruesday, April 2, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

Celts Take Pistons, Series

3M' Nine Salvages Last Game of Trip

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - The Boston Cel-
tics survived a 44-point barrage
by Dave Bing, including a record
37 points in the second half, to
defeat the Detroit Pistons 111-103
last night. It gave Boston the
best-of-seven semifinal National
Basketball Association Eastern
Division playoffs four games to
The Celtics, reaching the East-
ern Division finals for the 11th
straight year, meet the 76ers in
Philadelphia Sunday in the finals.

Detroit had a 24-22 margin at
the end of the first quarter, but
Boston took a 57-49 halftime lead
on the shooting of John Havlicek,
who hit 17 of his 20 first-half
points in the second quarter.
The Celtics led by as many as
14 points in the second half be-
fore Bing hit 16 straight points
to cut the margin to six, 85-79,
with 32 seconds left in the third
Bing hit 22 points in the third
quarter to snap a Cobo Arena rec-
ord. His 37 second-half points es-

tablished a record for the Arena
and for the Detroit Club.
Bing's shooting consistently cut
the Boston margin to six points
in the fourth quarter, but the
Celtics rallied each time to hold
their lead.
* *
76ers End Series
NEW YORK - The Philadel-
phia 76ers rode the second-halft
shooting of Hal Greer and the
dominating play of Wilt Cham-
berlain to a crushing 113-97 vic-
tory over the New York Knicks
last night and advanced to the
Eastern Division playoff finals in
the National Basketball Associa-
The 76ers, defending worldr
champions and regular season di-
vision winners, open a best-of-
seven series against the Boston
Celtics in Philadelphia Sunday.{
Greer broke open a rough-and-
tumble game in the third quarter
when he scored 13 of his 35 points
as the 76ers also won the series{
14-2. '

by Andy Barbas
Downers Grove:
The Squeaky City
If American Airlines is the airline for the professional traveler,
it's no wonder so many businessmen have ulcers.
Arriving at Metropolitan airport some thirty minutes before my
flight to Chicago was to leave, I found something that moved slower
than a Michigan registration line. It's a student-rate ticket line.
Not only are the salesmen unable to divide by two to com-
pute the half fare, but they are unable to make more than one
distinct accomplishment each minute.
Twenty-five minutes and three customers later, I found myself
at the head of the line. Upon being informed by the courteous person
selling tickets that I could not possibly make my flight, I bought my
ticket, set new world's records in airport corridor dashing and air-
plane ramp leaping, and found myself panting in my seat.
I arrived in Chicago three minutes before I left Detroit (those good
old time zones), and proceeded by taxi to the budding metropolis of
Downers Grove.
Fifteen dollars and twenty conversation topics later, I directed the
cab driver up to the largest building of George Williams University
(no, neither of us had ever been there).
The glittering new campus showed that contrary to the Mich-
igan administration's opinion, eight buildings can be coordinated
into a common architecture. Further investigation revealed that
the college was named after the founder of the Y.M.C.A., and is
devoted largely to the essential task of producing tomorrow's
playground directors.
Meandering into the gymnasium, I was impressed by two things:
total disorganization and the smell of something new. Neither sen-
sation disappeared throughout the day. The disorganization came
from the college's inexperience in handling gymnastics meets, and
the smell came from the gym apparatus, none of which had been
used before.
l' Soon after my entrance, the
Michigan gymnasts sniffed their
1 i way into the building. They were
i shortly followed by those from
Iowa. They greeted each other cor-
dially, many knowing each other
r.from high school.
Michigan's Dave Jacobs was the
first one out. He jumped on the
trampoline which responded by
squeaking noisily. After thirty
minutes, he had traced most of
theunoisesand eliminated them.
One stunt, however, still brought
out a screech of anguish from the
Michigan's Coach Newt Loken
wandered among his team, try-
ing to get them "up'' for the
SZYPULA 'BEFORE, meet. But as one member noted,
"How can you get aroused for
this after not competing for a month? At least in the Big Ten
Meet we were fighting for survival. Today we aren't even that
hipped up about going to the nationals."
Things heated up rapidly . as Michigan State walked onto the
scene. Spartan Coach George Szypula, fresh from a threatened boy-
cott of the meet, marched around with a scowl that would unnerve
John Wayne. After cursory salutations to the coaches, he looked
around for something to argue about. It didn't take him long to
find it.
When the rings apparatus was set up, it was found that with the
straps at normal height, the rings were too close to the floor. The
straps were adjusted and with the rings at the proper height, the
,; straps were of the wrong length.
Michigan's and Iowa's coaches both agreed that the length of
the straps wouldn't appreciably alter the performances and agreed
to compete with the adjusted equipment. Szypula, still fuming from
previous arguments, stated that the adjusted apparatus was un-
acceptable. The Big Ten Games committee then met and decided
that the complaint was unwarranted. Poor Mr. Szypula.
After the teams looked at the equipment, they retired to the
locker room to dress. Iowa and Michigan shared one room and
Michigan State dressed in the other.
The meet soon began amid mass apathy. The three teams stood
up at their seats when introduced rather than making a grand
Michigan State showed its strength in the earlier events but
soon petered out on the trampoline and literally died after that. Iowa
jumped ahead of Michigan at the beginning, and as the meet pro-
gressed, the Wolverines found they were not quite able to close the
gap. The result was an Iowa victory.
For those who are interested in such mundane matters, the
scores were: Iowa, 189.80; Michigan, 187.60; and Michigan State,

The confusion unfortunately had still not ended. As the sun
* set behind the sidehorse, Coach Szypula could still be seen
screaming about the illegal rings and about life in general ....

With the taste of vitamin C stillj
lingering on their tongues; that
gloriousdcopper-bronze look still
surrounding their skin; and the
sting of a 1-9 record still haunting
their minds, the Michigan base-
ball team returns from Sunshine
Country to try to mare a new
start in their own backyard.
After the disastrous trips to
Tempe and Tucson to meet Ari-
zona State and Arizona, respec-
tively, they next face the Hurons
of' Eastern Michigan and the
Titans of the University of De-
troit the week after next.
The baseballers lost nine
straight before garnering their
first win of the young season.
h in Tourney
before their first day on the
Coral Gables' green, averaged 74.4
shots per man, ona par-71course.
Frank Groves, the only other
senior on the team, matched
Schroeder's 296 total, but with
more consistent 75'sand74's

It was an unhappy road tripI
for the Wolverines, who lost by
every conceivable method: from
wide margins to extra inning
When the offense managed to
put together some kind of attack,
the pitching fell apart; but when'
there was a good pitching effort,!
the hitters failed to put out when
the RBI's were at stake.
In the last game, however, there
was a bright spot as pitcher Dave
Renkiewicz came through with a
fine performance to hold off the,
Arizona Wildcats and give the
Wolverines their first win of the
year, 6-1.
Renkiewicz had lost three.
straight before that second game
of last Saturday's doubleheader,
in which he went the whole dis-
He also aided his own cause in
the second inning by rapping out

a solid triple to the centerfield
fence, and later in the game ad-
vanced men on base with a sac-
rifice fly..
While giving up only four hits,
Renkiewicz struck out six Wild-
Local fans will be able to view
the team in action as they open
the home season April 11 at the
Michigan baseball stadium with a
doubleheader against EMU. The
first game begins at 1:00 p.m.

Baseball Schedule
15 Bowling Green
24 Notre Dame
26 Michigan State
29 Detroit
(Home Games in Capitals)

Golfers Fifti
As the Wolverine golfers warm-
ed up to the Florida sun, so did

The 76ers, who fell behind 17-4 their scores in t
and 33-19 in the first quarter, Miami Invitational T
pulled within 57-56 at the half; One of the few nc
and finally went ahead 70-69 on to enter the tourney,
Greer's free throw. He added a Gables' Biltmore C
jumper for a 72-69 lead and hit: igan ended the first
Philadelphia's last six points of field of 42.
the period for an 86-76 spread. The next three da
New York made one last try bined scores of the
early in the final quarter on the tingent broke 300 an
shooting of Dick Barnett and vanced the team to
pulled within 90-86, but Philadel- finish, edging Arka
phia went on an 8-2 spree, six of strokes, 1191-1196.
the points by Chet Walker, and The key man in th
Greer added four more points for for the Wolverines
a 102-89 bulge and the game was John Schroeder. Hin
over, two days by a sty, he
Chamberlain, who dominated ered his scores, or a
the rebounding and blocked nu- Katzenmeyer put it,'
merous shots in the final half, as his eye got better.'
complemented Greer with 25 Differencec
points. Barnett and Walt Bellamy His compiled scorf
had 19 for the Knicks. 74 68), pistill far

he four-cay
orthern teams

held at Coa
ourse, Mich- Singled Out
day 12th in a Coach Katzenmeyer, however,
considered Randy Erskine's 299
ays, the com- performance the most outstand-
six-man con- ing, largely because Erskine is a
d steadily ad- sophomore participating his first!
a fifth place tourney.
nsas by five The remaining three members

Dodgers Buy Aguirre
LAKELAND, FLA. - Hank Aguirre, veteran Detroit Tigers'
left-handed pitcher, was sold to the Los Angeles .bodgers yes-
terday. The Tigers will receive an undisclosed amount of cash
and a minor league player to be named within 48 hours.
Aguirre, who was 0-1 last year, joined Detroit in 1958. He
has won 70 and lost 70 in his 10-year big league career; his best
year was 1962 when he was 16-8.
NEW YORK - Billie Jean Iing of Berkeley, California,
number one ranking woman player in the world, and former
Wimbledon champion Roy Emerson signed professional contracts
The announcement was made jointly by the Madison Square
Garden and the National Tennis League in Los Angeles, who
are jointly sponsoring a pro tour. It was reported unofficially
that Emerson was guaranteed $100,000 and Mrs. King $80,000
over a two-year period.
NEW YORK - The National Basketball Association began
conducting the opening round of its annual college draft by
telephone yesterday, almost six weeks before the scheduled
draft session.
"We are polling each of the 14 clubs within the next two days
in a pre-draft," said commissioner Walter Kennedy, "and they
are making a determination of their first round draft choices."

1e four rounds
was captain
dered the first
steadily low-'

of the contingent finished above
the 300 mark: Rod Sumnpter card-
ing an even 300 total, Mark Christ-
ianson a 306, and Rocky Pozza a

as coach Bert The entire golf season is made
"He got better up of similar tourneys: the Alma,
Northern, and Spartan Invita-
of 20 tionals next in line for the Wol-
f2 (78 verines.
e, 296 (78 76h Even the Big Ten conference
above the 2761 championship will be decided in
ney's individ- one 72-hole tournament.
reen of Flor-
Miami Invitational Top Six


,. ___ - -

_...._ ._._...... . ..--'i I..

Sunday's Games
Western Division
St. Louis 129, San Francisco 103,
San Francisco leads best-of-7 series
Los Angeles 122, Chicago 99, Los
Angeles wins best-of-7 series 4-1.
Last Night's Results
Eastern Division
Boston 111, Detroit 103, Boston
wins best-of-7 series, 4-2.
Philadelphia 113, New York 97,
Philadelphia wins best-of-7 series,
Today's Game
Western Division
St. Louis at San Francisco
ABA Playoffs
Saturday's Results
Eastern Division
Minnesota 114, Kentucky 108,
Minnesota winsbest-of-s series 3-2.
Sunday's Result
Western Division
Denver 108, New Orleans 100, best-
of-5 series tied 2-2,
Yesterday's Results
No games scheduled.
Today's Game
Denver at New Orleans

carded by the tourn
ual leader, Hubert G
ida State.

Katzenmeyer was especially well-#
pleased by his team's showing.,
"This is Michigan's finest perform-
ance ever in Miami," he noted.
"Besides we exceeded our orginial
objective which was to break
The Wolverines, who had not
played "a lick of golf" this year

Florida State
Florida, 1st team
Florida, 2nd team

Total Shots

April 7
7 and 9 P.M.
Angell, Aud. "A"
a documentary
film in color
sponsors-SPU, SDS


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