(0r l mirIIgat t UL Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS N. Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN GRAY ..: ... The Bombing Halt: Too Little, Too Late CONTAINED in the President's address Sunday night was a guarantee of American suspension of bombing in Viet- nam outside the formerly Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Although dramatically upstaged by his announcement that he would not run for re-election in 1968, the President's promise has given hope to many that peace in Vietnam is not out of sight in the near future. These visions of an early peace may be quixotic. The premise that Hanoi would be willing to accept this gesture of inter- national goodwill while we augment the size of the American troop commitment does not seem well-founded. THERE ARE several good reasons why the Hanoi regime might not elect to The Politics Of Upheaval SSPECULATION: Erstwhile and would- be Presidential candidates will now be re-evaluating their chances in the per- spective of a Johnsonless race. Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy, their whipping boy no longer good for political mileage, will turn on each other full force. As the convention nears, and the prophecy that realists will support Kennedy because only Kennedy can win becomes self-fulfilling, Eugene will step down with the promise that he will be Bobby's Secretary of State tucked neatly into his back pocket. Richard Nixon, stunned by the thought that he might lose again to another Kennedy, will make "experience counts" the theme of his campaign. At the end of especially trying days he will be heard psychotically babbling to himself long into the night. Nelson Rockefeller will spend many a windy afternoon with a wet finger ten- tatively extended. Chances are he will become convinced that the long-blowing political gales around him now do con- stitute an honest and legitimate draft. Hubert Humphrey, itching to get back into the political swing, will ask Presi- dent Johnson if he can enter the West Virginia primary. Johnson, wiser and more mature in his political ways, will undoubtedly advise Humphrey: "No Hubert, 'you may not go out and play until Bobby and Gene are off the streets." Harold Stassen will begin to look more and more like a serious candidate every day. -URBAN LEHNER second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Dily except Monday during regular academic school year. negotiate now. For one, although we have indicated we will discontinue bomb- ing, there -is no indication we would be willing to make any political concessions at the conference table. Hanoi's recent Tet offensive shows that it cannot be cast in the role of the vanquished at a peace parley. In addition, the leaders of North Viet- namese may have every reason to believe that by holding out until after the No- vember election, they have still more to gain. They are aware now that Lyndon Johnson will no longer be running the American military establishment. And their expectations - whether correct or not - of possible American withdrawal by either Kennedy or McCarthy may make it worth their while to wait. MOST IMPORTANTLY, things just have not been going that badly for Hanoi. The call-up of American reserves shows that our troops are not able to meet Hanoi's forces with our present strength. And the success of the recent Tet offen- sive has also made it clear to everyone that the American military forces are not forging a lasting military victory in Vietnam. It boils down to a question of timing. Perhaps if the present American offer had been made a couple of years earlier, Hanoi would have accepted eagerly. American dissatisfaction with the war was not then at such a fever pitch as it is now. And America's military position then appeared far stronger as well. All Hanoi asked then was a cessation to bombing. Yet Washington was unwill- ing to yield. Now that things are improv- ing for the North Vietnamese, the United States can hardly expect Hanoi not to hold out for a more lucrative settlement.. So any expectation that Ho Chi Minh will rush to Washington with open arms should not be founded on the recent sus- pension of the bombing of North Vietnam. THOSE WHO would have us escalate the war will be able to point to Hanoi's stubbornness and conclude that the only way she will be brought to the conference table is by rendering her militarily im- potent by a further increase in the bomb- ing. Clearly there can be no justification for such an American reaction. For Presi- dent Johnson has really given Hanoi little alternative after all. The Hanoi regime has nothing to gain by negotiating now. To hope for genuine peace in Vietnam would require that the American govern- ment be willing to make substantive con- cessions at the conference table. -STEVE ANZALONE DANIEL OKRENTM Dear Mr.l President: I'llRemember You 'HANK YOU, President Johnson. In your five years as President, you have done more concrete good for America than any other chief executive in our nation's history. You have liberated the minds of a generation: you have reversed the perilous flow of the American mainstream; you have pushed us that first crucial step down the road to real American freedom. And 1 sat and listened to you spew out the same cliches that you have used since you became President. I forgave you, this one time. For your truly dramatic gesture caused me to reflect upon and recognize all you have done for America. The visible change in America's youth, something that only the completely imperceptive could not notice, is indicative of the reaction that you have created. Where people once passed by in monotonous sameness, crew cut and bobby sox and more of the tedious same, today they sport their new image with a greatly personal pride, each applaud- ing himself for being conventionally outlandish, plumed hat and drastic skirt and male shoulder length hair and costumes weird beyond description marking not their sartorial tastes, but their figura- tive thumbing of the nose at your society, Lyndon Johnson. IT IS A GRAND thing you have done for this country, and maybe only you could have done it. For the devastating changes to have taken place as they have, it took a manipulator without peer, an in- dividual who could revulse America with personality as well as policy. We have a long tradition of Lyndon Johnson's dominating our society, but you have done the best job of all of them. Nobody ever despised Dwight Eisenhower, or even John Foster Dulles; you, however, have achieved star status. YOU HAVE SO SHOCKED even the very power structure that makes it possible for a man like you to be President, that it has started to divorce itself from its own dim past. Within the past month, Life Magazine, nurtured into one of the nation's most influential publications by arch-conservative Henry Luce, published an agonizingly eloquent plea for real aid to the Amer- ican black man-and realized that this is impossible as long as we worry about setting up a fiefdom for a few Vietnamese landlords. On the campuses, where people once saw the major event of the year as a Homecoming Concert or a big football game, students flock to hear Rev. Coffin or Norman Mailer tell them'how impossible the situation is, tell them that they can do nothing, that the structure upon which you perch is indestructible. But, Sunday night, you opened a new door. In trying to salvage.- a complimentary notice in the history books for yourself, you have made us realize that we can, indeed, do something about our national sickness. IN YOUR RESIGNATION, you have rekindled a new patriotism, a patriotism of fresh resolve stemming from thoroughly deserving self- congratulation. We have beaten you, Lyndon Johnson. And we are very happy for it, but we can't let this one victory to the final victory; despite what happens at the convention, no matter who wins in November, there is much more to be done. "Gentlemen, you won't have Lyndon Johnson to hick~ around any more" t~pes olleDeluge' 4 By WALTER SHAPIRO IT MUST BE awfully frightening to be hated so much that the announcement that you will not seek re-election sends thousands to celebrate in the streets. This vast unpopularity of a man who wanted to be loved so badly is the underlying personal tragedy of Lyndon Baines John- son. No amount of personal vitu- peration can destroy the grace of his exit. Since politics is an arena in which a man's innermost motives are scrutinized by all, one does not have to be a devotee of "Mac- Bird" to see Lyndon Johnson as a mandestroyed by all-consuming ambition, And it was an ambition that not only demanded that the Texan be President, but exhorted him to be the best damn President this country ever had. ,It would be impossible to tell when Johnson's longing for the high office first arose. But it cer- tainly flowered during the Eisen- hower administration when he emerged as the second most pow- erful man in America as the Sen- ate Majority Leader under a weak President of a minority. Johnson vigorously sought the Democratic nomination in 1960 only to fail dismally beneath the Kennedy juggernaut. Only an acute, awareness of the political maneuvering that would be neces- sary to secure his election led Kennedy to offer the Vice-Presi- dency to Johnson. And only the unpalatability of returning to the Senate after striving so long for a higher goal kept Johnson from declining. LIKE ANYONE who has long sought (and long fantasized) reaching a goal, Johnson had de- veloped a fairly rigid mental image of the kind of Administration he would head. Lyndon Johnson had been deep- ly involved in Washington for 37 years and he had a fairly simple view of the Presidency. In his re- latively uncreative manner he firmly resolved that he would do everything his Democratic prede- cessors did, only better. 'From Franklin D. Roosevelt Johnson took the intellectual bag- age of the New Deal and the no- tion that Government could im- prove the lives of the people through a vast extension of social welfare programs. And with this came the paternalistic corollary that Government knows best what would improve people's lives. From Harry Truman Johnson inherited the fundamental cold war doctrines which continued to regard Communism as our num- ber one enemy. Even though the ideological differences which sep- arated them from us had been tempered over the past generation. From John Kennedy Johnson borrowed a lot. This is under- standable because for all his per- sonal loathing Johnson respected Kennedy in the way that any hon- est egoist respects the man who bests him. JOHNSON ADDED a few New Deal extensions to the program that Kennedy failed to maneuver through Congress and this con- stituted the much-heralded Great Society. Internationally Johnson accept- ed in toto the Kennedy foreign policy which differed little from that of his predecessors. Given these time-tested ide- ologies and the deep conviction that he had the skills to pilot all his programs through Congress, Lyndon was convinced that he could become a great President. Unfortunately for the Texan's place in history, his administration inadvertently demonstrated the fundamental bankruptcy of these hoary liberal doctrines. The key to Johnson's downfall was that his insatiable desire for greatness im- pelled him to over-extend dogmas which were basically shallow. IT IS THIS pathetic fate of being caught clinging to outmoded doctrines and tired responses as the rapidly changing world refuses to quietly return to focus which history seems to have had in ,store for Lyndon Johnson. By wanting too much he destroyed it all. One can only hope that the twilight of Lyndon Johnson marks the end of an old ball game. And the noises emanating from the bullpen and the locker rooms represent the start of an entirely new contest. Letters to the Editor To the Editor: IN SATURDAY'S Daily article "Won't You Come Home, Re- sistance" several serious misun- derstandings of the strategies and goals of Resistance were revealed. Far from abandoning campus organizing, m o s t Resistance groups, including the one in Ann Arbor, intend to maintain their efforts on campus while also at- tempting to move into local com- munities. In the words of Dan Brody of New England Draft Re- sistance, "We have to build a radical awareness-not just on the college campuses." Resistance groups are not shift- ing their attention but are in fact expanding it. Since most college students rejoin their local com- munities when they go home for the summer, Resistance would, in The Daily's phrase, be "leaving students to fend for themselves" if it did not try to work in these communities. Yet The Daily displays a more fundamental misunderstanding in its interpretation of off campus Resistance organizing. Part of this confusion rests in its defi- nition of community. In its view, the community is something rad- ically different from the college campus. If it conceives of the community as one large undifer- entiated ghetto or poor neighbor- hood then it is quite right in its conclusions. As white middle class individuals, we cannot and should not organize in black areas. Yet most communities contain large middle class segments. Ann Arbor High School and Washtenaw Community College, for example, aren't so alien to our backgrounds that work there would be useless Equally disturbing is The Daily's perspective on the draft as an issue. "Furthermore," comments The Daily, "this new attempt by Resistance is ,another attempt by the non-poor to organize the poor for what are ultimately middle class ends." One of the most im- portant criticisms of the draft law is that the poor pay the cost of the war while the middle class, through the system of deferments, is exempted. While the draft is not the ma- jor ghetto issue, it nevertheless forms a part of that system which oppresses the poor, black or white. Organizing on this basis seems reasonable if done by ghetto res- idents in a manner which they deem appropriate to their com- munities. Although this probably would not consist of turning in draft cards, it would still com- prise a part of the resistance ef- fort. To call the draft ,a middle class issue is to perceive it from a middle class perspective. Regarding demonstrations, Re- sistance has shifted its emphasis from ;size to kind. As Warren Camp of New York Resistance put it, "We want a solemn, moving demonstration." This does not ne- cessarily mean that large demon- strations are being "phased out" or abandoned (as The Daily states) unless one assumes that only small demonstrations can be "solemn" and "moving." It means only that demonstrations should correspond in tone to the very serious actions taken by the resisters. -Dennis Church k 4 i Kuc heI1Ra effrty: By STEVE ANZALONE in California that George Mur- RACE of faceless, godless phey's song-and-dance got him to a fArE omte tepp, godessfthe Senate. And everyone knows peasants from the steppes of that Ronald Reagan is not on Asia strives to reach across our "Death Valley Days" anymore. bodies for the prize of world dom-'The political make-up of Calif- inion. They are armed with all Thpni ialahtf-u Rafferty Th the sinister science which a psy- o i ht for Rafferty. The chopathetic society can produce. people that will vote for a man To defeat theirpurpose . . . wlike him are the shopkeepers, the demand the massed wisdom and PTA crowd, and some of the ranks understanding of the great minds of the service club noon-luncheon ha ar r" fiVti" set. From Fantasyland To Tomorrowland that nave gorse before us. These words were written by California's apostle of American-, ism in his book Suffer, Little Children. Since he wrote them, we have become involved in a war with "the faceless, godless peasants" and Max Rafferty is now a candidate for the U.S. Sen- ate. Rafferty, who suggests returning educationally to the 3 R's, has been the Superintendent of Public [nstruction for the state of Cali- fornia. And now he is ambitiously ?ngaged in a primary race to un- seat Senator Thomas Kuchel for the Republican nomination. The rise to fame of Max Raf- ferty, seven years ago superin- tendent of the La Canada school distict outside of Los Angels, can only be interpreted as a tribute' to the editorial influence of the, Reader's Digest. For a series of Digest articles focusing on educational funda- These are just people who would be influenced by Reader's Digest and like their dialectic simple, :lear, and hard-hitting. They are the sort who have had two years >f college and regard themselves as educated. ..AT THIS POINT the delinea- tion between the type of person who will vote for Rafferty and George Wallace supporters should be apparent. Wallace is more likely to get the hard-core hate vote of the uneducated - those who hate Negroes, college profes- sors, and the Supreme Court. But the Rafferty followers are more soft-core. They just do not like 't'he foolishness" involved in government. These "educated" voters prefer a seemingly level- headed candidate like Rafferty, who will make clear the things that they do not understand. A coalition of the Reader's Di- the total vote cast for Reagan. As an educator, Rafferty viol- antly opposes the cult of "pro- gressive education" associated with John Dewey that began in the 1930's which sought to rid education of memorization of dates and events and attempted to make the curriculum more in- teresting. Rafferty would replace Dick and Jane in the schoolbooks with such stirring literary figures as Ivanhoe. He reaffirms the import- ance of books in education, par- ticularly those dealing with pa- triotic heroes for Rafferty believes that only by tales of great Ameri- cans will teachers be able to awaken their students' interests. His favorite hero seems to be Nathan Hale. Countless times has orator Rafferty stirred the public with the story of Nathan Hale. And Rafferty does please the crowd with these forensics. WHAT MADE Rafferty decide to run for the Senate is probably related to his total lack of power although he won his last election by pulling 3,000,000 votes for the role of Superintendent of Public Instruction is only the executive lackey of the state board of edu- cation. So now Rafferty probably thought that he would turn his "Anl art. ifn l++om nil- - John Birch Society. But Kuchel's voting record does not show a very liberal leaning. His ADA rat- ing is only 45 as compared with 90 for liberal Republican Jacob Javits. It is no surprise that Ronald Reagan feels no special fondness for California's senior Senator. But Reagen cannot affordtoalien- ate the moderate wing of the party any more. So he has so far remained neutral in the Kuchel- Rafferty race. A RECENT New Republic feels that this neutrality on Reagan's part is a trade for Kuchel's sup- port of an almost completely con- servative slate of delegates to the national convention with Reagan as their favorite son. Kuchel must cater to the con- servatives of the Republican party in California without losing his moderate support if he is to stay in office. That will not be an easy task when running against a su- per flag-waver like Rafferty. SO FAR Rafferty's polemics have been more exciting than Ku- chel's rather rapid presentation of his record in Washington. For one, Rafferty favors declaring war on North Viet Nam and dealing severely with those dissenters at home who support the enemy. Ku- chel's stand is ambiguous, con- . ,