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April 02, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-02

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:4E a it~

Cool during the day;
partly cloudy and warmer tonight

Vol. LXXVII, No. 153

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, April 2, 1968

Ten Pages

City Dems TakeLBJ
3 Council Seats





Quenon Beats Riecker byOne Vote;
Voter Turnout Lowest in Years
Democrat Ernest Quenon eked out a one-vote upset vic-
tory over his Republican Second Ward opponent James Rieck-
er in *Ann Arbor elections yesterday as Democrats swept three
out of five city council races.
City council will continue to be divided 7-4 in favor of
the Republicans.
Gaining a seat in thectraditionally Republican Second
SWard while losing a hotly contested Third Ward seat, Demo-
crats did much better than most local observers predicted.
Only 35 per cent of Ann Arbor's registered voters turned
out to elect Richard RePmin ton (D-Firc waet ",

Race Thrown
Into Chaos



Lodge, McGhee




VUUju" um vil1 Jrirst Yware), Ernest By The Associated Press
Quenon (D-Second Ward), Joseph Edwards (R-Third Ward) President Johnson's announce-
James Stephenson (R-Fourth ment that he would not seek re-
Ward) and Leroy Cappaert nomination for a new term yes-
y ppert'terday threw an already complex
ourt R ules (D-Fifth Ward). race for the Democratic nomin-
In the Second Ward, Quenon ation into near-chaos.
a defeated Riecker by a vote of 961- Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-
O n H oUSing 960, unofficial complete returns N.Y.) bringing his campaign into
show. However, Riecker said last Pennsylvania, said yesterday he
" night, "We're certainly going to he would "make some arrange-
u ]ilonask for a recount." ments" to meet with Johnson.
In addition to the council races, "I don't know what his schedule
city voters overwhelmingly de- is going to be, because his sched-
LANSING (AP) - In a long- feater a referendum calling for a ule is more important than
awaited decision, the Michigan charter amendment to allow hon- mine," the New York senator said.I
Supreme Court yesterday ruled , orarium payment of city council Earlier in the day, Kennedyl
'hat an Oakland County realty members. said he had asked the President
firm must treat all members of Remington won handily in the for an early meeting to discussI
the public alike regarding sale of 'solidly Democratic First Ward "how we might work together in
real estate, over Mrs. Norma Kraker. The the interest of national unity."
The 5-3 ruling in favor of the !First Ward seat had been vacated Meanwhile Vice President Hu-
State Civil Rights Commission, by Democratic councilwoman Eu- bert H. Humphrey withheld any
.n effect, upholds the authority nice Burns. disclosure last night as to whether
of the commission to hear com- Edwards beat Democrat Max he will seek the Democratic pres-
)laints of racial discrimination in Shain in the Third Ward seat left idential nomination.
housing. |byRobert Weeks (Democrat), Humphrey, arriving back home
The court ruled that the Beech while Stephenson defeated Dem- from Mexico City, indicated he
3 rove Investment Co., an Oak- ocrat Russell West for the post will delay any decision on his
land County firm, is obligated "by '_possible candidacy until after he
reason of the public nature of- meets with President Johnson to-
their enterprise to treat all mem- FINAL RETURNS day.
bers of the public alike." In Milwaukee, Sen. Eugene Mc-
"Based on the facts in this First Ward Carthy (D-Minn), in an eleventh.
case," said an opinion written by Richard Remington (D) 1,332 hour search for voters in today's
Associate Justice Paul L. Adams, MVrs. Norma Kraker (R) 1,009 Wisconsin primary strode through,
"we conclude that there is a two South Side business districts
:ivil right to private housing at ' Second Ward for nearly an hour Monday, shak-
Dommon law under the 1963 Con- Ernest Quenon (D) 961 ing hands with store clerks, cus-
stitution where, as in this case, James Riecker (R) 960 tomers and passersby.
that housing has been publicly of- At a Mitchell Street intersec-n
lered for sale by one who is in Third Ward tion he narrowly missed a direct
the business of selling housing Joseph Edwards (R) 1,968 confrontation with a group of°
to the public." Max Shain D) 1,536 about 50 young men who tempor- +
$ The court dealt specifically with Fourth Ward arily blocked the sidewalk, shout-d
ihousing offered for public sale by James Stephenson (R) 1,932 ing, "LBJ, Anyway."
a realtor. Ru B. West (R)1,262 McCarthy declined at a newsd
N opinion was expressed on usse (R) conference to predict the result
the question of whether there is Fifth Ward of today's balloting. He said he
he civi right to pivtehousing Leroy Cappaert (D) 2,155 hopes that there will be positive 1
where that housing has been pub- Linden C. Pettys (R) 1,732 support for his candidacy.
licly__offered for sale by one who He said he had not communi-
iclynoffered for sale byo -,newho ncated with Johnson since the lat-h

By The Associated Press
Acting on his pledge to pursue peace instead of politics,
President Johnson announced yesterday that he hopes to
meet soon with South Vietnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu
to "strengthen and improve our plans" for ending the war,
Thieu has accepted Johnson's invitation, a government
spokesman reported early this morning.
Johnson also said yesterday that he will "surely" honor
Senator Robert F. Kennedy's request for a face-to-face meet-
ing, and at a time "convenient for him."
Kennedy had said in New York earlier that he hoped
to talk with Johnson to "discuss how we might work togeth-
er in the interest of national
unity during the comingfB r tai
months." n
Johnson also announced in the H
cabin of his plane yesterday that (I Ihs c a s d r e
his special ambassador, Henry k V~~ '.t.
Cabot Lodge, and his ambassador
to Germany, George McGhee are
trading jobs. Lodge formerly was
ambassador to Vietnam. Johnson
said he had asked him to become LONDON ( - Britain urgent-
ambassador to Germany and ly sought the help of Soviet lead-
Lodge accepted. ers yesterday for a new Vietnam
Johnson slipped quietly out of peace bid keyed to President
Washington while Sen. Robert F. Johnson's cutback in U.S. bomb-
Kennedy of New York, the man ing of the Communist North. Ini-
now widely viewed - as the new tial Soviet response seemed neg-
Democratic frontrunner, was pre- ative.
dicting that "the Democrats can The British initiative came as
win in November." the President's withdrawal from

- Asociated Press
(>oirig(>ii Annoiit u ," I< His Dec-is(ion
IIO . . u G
Democratic Leaders Uncertai~n
In ake of LI3J Withdrawal

NEW YORK (A' )- President;
Johnson's unexpected announce-
ment removing himself as a can-
didate for re-election left many
of the nation's Democratic gov-
ernors and national committee-
nen uncertain where to turn Mon-
day-but some were looking in the
direction of Vice President Hubert
H. Humphrey.
These points emerged from a
poll of Democratic leaders by The
Associated Press:
--A large percentage expressed
hope that Johnson would be per-
suaded to change his mind, and
a few talked of a draft.
-The name most often men-t
tioned as a possible alternative

T s e s ess o se ug
sousing to the public, or by his
The effect of the ruling on
pending legislation calling for a
Mtate open housing law tas not
immediately clear.
Many opponents of the proposed
open housing law have argued
that no action should be taken
until the court had reached a de-
Upon hearing of the decision,
the Senate temporarily postponed

beoy Republcan Robert F. ter 's announcement. He said, how-
Itchbtesever, he expects to write the Pres-
Incumbent Cappaert easily re- ident a letter but will not ask for,
captured his Fifth Ward seat over a White House appointment as
Republican Linden C. Pettys. did Kennedy.
Quenon's supporters attributed McCarthy reiterated he has no
his victory to increased student intention of seeking any accom-
voter registration. Quenon cited modation with Kennedy at least
a "great change in the usual until the Chicago convention
voting patterns" of the Second opens in August. He said he will
Ward. campaign as much as possible in
The Democrats won in the two all the primaries, including In-
student-dominated precincts of diana's May 7 race in which he
d- K, d 1 rnnpriv will haveaa hc ad nn


committeeman, said he wants to
stick with Johnson.
"I would be for drafting him,"
he said.
"Well, I'm hoping that enough
If he doesn't, I'm for Hubert
Humphrey," said Mrs. Annette
Baker, Florida's committeewoman.-
Few of the Democratic leaders
gave any indication of an early
switch to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy
of New York or to Sen. Eugene
McCarthy of Minnesota. Of the
governors, only Gov. Philip H.
Hoff of Vermont has come out
publicly for Kennedy.
President Johnson's announce-
ment taking himself out of con-
sideration could spark a rash of
favorite son candidates at Chicago.
So far at least six names have'
been mentioned. They are Gov.
John Connally of Texas, Gov.(
Buford Ellington of Tennessee,:
Rep. Carl Albert of Oklahoma,
Sen. Henry Jackson of Washing-
ton, Gov. Roger D. Branigin of
Indiana and Gov. John McKeithen
of Louisiana.
Branigin, a Johnson stand-in in
Indiana's May 7 primary against
Kennedy and McCarthy, said,
"When you read the ballot, you'll
know I'm a candidate for presi-
"There's nothing- on there about
being a stand-in. I'm on there, and
I can't get off, and I'm going to

She said she hoped Gov. John!
McKeithen would run as a favorite
Other opinions from across the
country: Jim Arrington, Oklahoma
committeeman: "I am shocked,
but there are such things as dark
horses . . . We should call a meet-
ing and get united behind Carl
Gov. Otto Kerner of Illinois:
"No comment."

Johnson turned up in Chicago,
making to the National Associa-
tion of Broadcasters his first
speech since Sunday night's stun-
ning announcement that he would
not seek or accept renomination-.
and would halt the bombing of
most of North Vietnam.
Johnson appealed in Chicago
for reason and unity "amid all the
frenzy and emotion of an elec-
See LBJ ,Page 2

Wisconsin Primary:
Voters React Today

calls lai I

MILWAUKEE, Wis. P) -- Wis- and the state at large to win the
consin citizens log the first voter 57 delegate votes, telescoped his
reaction to President Johnson's campaigning on the eve of the
surprise decision not to run in a election. He cancelled a campaign
primary today that might give swing in preparation for a nation-
Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, (D- al television broadcast at night.
MIinn.), 57 votes toward the Dam- Republicans, as stunned by
ocratic nomination. Johnson's exit from the contest
The extent of a vote of confi- as the Democrats, wondered if the
lence in a President who dece- action might out down on their

Debate on the open housing bill the Second Ward and lost in the an nney wil nave a e candidate was that of Vice Presi-
to allow senators time assess the other two precincts. He has ex- meeting. dent Humphrey.
court's ruling. pressed support for student voting The President's decision Sun- -Some leaders said it was pos-
The opinion further held that rights and civil rights measures. day night not to seek renominat- sible their state delegations would
Freeman Moore, a Negro high.. . , ion - an announcement thatsbethisaedlgtonwud
chooln M , Ner gh The voter turnout in this year's isnnnd then go to the convention supporting
3chool- principal from Ecorse, as election was the poorest in the lastunned the world-made Ken- favorite son canddates.
a member of the public, "is en- five years. nedy an apparent front runner for The Democratic leaders in-
titled to the same traeatment andfieyas the party's presidential nomin- :TeDmcai edr n
onsiderationsanyoemee In a victory statement, Cap- aton. dicated they would give the matter
The case involves alleged hous- paert cited a "distinct need for Kennedy and his wife Ethel of whom they will support for the
ing discrimination against Moore financial reform in Ann Arbor." arrived at Philadelphia Interna- nomination much thought before
and was being heard by the high He expressed his eagerness to I tional Airport late yesterday for reaching a decision.
court at the request of Gov. "move ahead with the housing a two day tour of the metro- Hatwaii Gov. John A. Burns said
George Romney. program." politan area, including Camden, he "fervently hopes" that Presi-
The plaintiffs contended that Stephenson said he ran on a N.J. dent Johnson can be persuaded
the commission, created by the "common sense" platform, and Kennedy was met at the air- to change his mind. John Krug-
State Constitution, does not have that he plans to take each issue port by a throng of reporters excited citizens can persuade
.urisdction in the matter. as it comes. and some 300 supporters, most of 1President Johnson to reconsider.,
s nm mSee LBJ, Page 5 lick of Phoenix, Ariz., a national'

the U.S. election campaign and
his new call for peace in Viet-
nam echoed and re-echoed aropnd
a shocked world. It evoked re-
sponses ranging from applause to
dismay among America's friends,
and from skepticism to rejection
among its. foes.
London at once began sounding
out Moscow on whether the Rus-
sians would play a role, as co-
chairman with Britain of the 1954
Geneva conference, in establish-
ing peace in Southeast Asia.
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
sent a personal message to his
counterpart, Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin, now visiting in Iran,
I urging him to join in a ,new peace
First Soviet reactions fore-
shadowed failure of such initia-
tives, at least for the time being.
The Soviet news agency Tass
commented sourly on the Presi-
dent's announcement Sunday
night that bombing of 90 per cent
of North Vietnam would be
stopped at once and his plea to
Hanoi to respond favorably to
this step.
The Tass dispatch from Wash-
ington, published in Moscow, com-
plained that the President "did
not mention any period for the
cutback in the attacks. It added
that by "refusing to stop fully tne
barbaric bombings of the Demo-
cratic Republic of Vietnam, the
United States as before ignores
the lawful demands of the North's
government and all the world's
people to fully and uncondition-
ally stop the bombings and all
acts of war against the Vietnam-
ese people."
Reflecting skepticism about the
Johnson decision' not to seek re:
nomination for the presidency,
Tass said "It is difficult so far to
say whether this step is a public
recognition of failure of the Viet-
namese policy or a pre-election
Red China, consistently against
peace talks in Vietnam, was ex-
pected to reject or ignore the
Johnson overture.


ierated the U.S. military effort in
Vietnam while announcing he
Mans to retire next year could
affect not only McCarthy's stand-
ng but the fortunes of former
Vice President Richard M. Nixon.
McCarthy, who needs to carry
all of the 1 o on no4ool dis, Nctric

party's crossover.
Johnson's nameremains on the
ballot and Rep. Clement Zablocki,
See Related Pictures, Page 10
:ead of the President's campaign
forces in Wisconsin, urged an
'overwhelmiig" vote for Johnson
to avoid the appearance of repu-
jiation of the latter's new course.

Gov. Mills E. Godwin Jr. of
Virginia, a Johnson supporter in
1964, said, "The two announced
candidates for the Democratic
presidential nomination have not
stirred any marked enthusiasm
in our state. And I believe we
should await further developments

a 1 euc

ry Group

Harold E.

Stassen: Sexy Toupee and All

Special 10 The J)aily
old E. Stassen is running for
president. Again.
His once-shiny pate covered
by a slick, sexy toupee, his
shoulders still broad and his
smile very winning, American
politics' 60-year-old Man of
La Mancha is out stumping for
votes in Wisconsin, shaking
hands, kissing babies, address-
ing luncheons, signing auto-
graphs, issuing statements -
and losing, for sure.
It doesn't bother Harold
Stassen that ever since he re-
signed his Minnesota governor-
ship to serve in the army in

the American electoral process,
there is really no reason why
the "Boy Governor" of the '30's
should not be running for presi-
dent (for the fifth time), and
no reason why people should be
laughing at his campaign. His
credentials are impeccable (he
was a special assistant to Eis-
enhower, and one of the writers
of the UN Charter), his exper-
ience broad, his views no less
sound than the next candidate.
But the Stassen candidacy is
nevertheless grounded in futil-
ity. The Wisconsin that gave
him a smashing victory in the
1948 primary, when he was
very much within reach of the
White House, before Tom Dew-
ev heathim in O(regon. was not

before attempting to chart Vir-
ginia's course in national Demo-
cratic affairs."
Tom Corcoran, Kansas national
committeeman, said he believes
Kennedy will "be moving into a
very strong position." He declined,
however, to predict how Kansas
might go.
Mrs. Geri Joseph, national com-
mitteewoman from Minnesota,
said the President's removing him-
self from consideration "certainly
strengthens' Kennedy's candidacy
and "weakens" McCarthy's.
John E. Powers, Democratic
committeeman and clerk of the
Massachusetts Supreme Court,
said it appeared to him that Ken-
nedy had been strengthened. But
he said, "Sometimes a man is more
popular the day after he's defeated
than the day before. This may set
fire to the idea that we'd better
slay with this fellow."
Committeeman Tom Harper of
At kansas said he thinks Hum-
iihia "ic n rnrA ,no,' INit+ that

State Democratic Chairman
SOK s ,H atcher Richard Cudahy, joining Zablocki
in a news conference, asked the.
votersto show "we approve of the
Pane~l pogram the President proposed
Snaeortesni htCudahy is generally
The Senate Advisory Committee xcted to shad his nominal sup-
on University Affairs will send a port of Johnson after the voting
gencral endorsement of the report IeportopJohnnaferthe.votng
of the President's Commission on aedy (D-N.Y. for the nomin-
the Role of Students in Decision- ation.
Making to the Regents, according
to Prof. Frank Kennedy of the ap reurthfer appeal for a vte
Law School chairman SACUA. ,ame from John Schmidt, presi-
At its meeting yesterday SACUA dent of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO.
also approved a report to the Fac- He said in a statement:
ulty Assembly favoring continu-
ation of the trimester system until "The officers of the Wisconsin
1970-71 when a complete review state AFL-CIO urge our union
will be made. members and their families to
The endorsement of the com- vote for President Johnson to-
mission report came in response I pmorrowima Wisconsins presi-
to a request from the Regents i
that SACUA give them some com- Zablocki was asked whether he

ment on the document.
The endorsement contains two
reservations to the report:
-SACUA favors a larger role
for the faculty in reviewing deci-
sions of the proposed student
judiciary. The current proposal
limits faculty review to cases of

,vould support Vice President Hu-
bert H. Humphrey. "I'm going to
mpport President Johnson or who-
ever will pledge himself to carry
>n the policies of the President.
The state's two Democratic Na-
tional Committee members, as-
sured of two votes on the 59-vote

. <


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