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January 13, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-13

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Light snow
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Seventy-Sevee Years of Editorial Freedom






Court May Hear
Tuition Test Case
Submit Statement Signed by 93
At Rally in Support of Resisters
The Des Moines. Iowa, Circuit Court of Appeals is ex-
pected to announce "within a matter of days" that it will
agree to hear a test case challenging the constitutionality
of state colleges or universities charging higher tuition for
*out-of-state students.
The decision of the court will be binding on all colleges
in the nation unless contested.
The basic claim of the case is that "the Constitution
requires a state to treat American from other states the
same as its own citizens in matters of admissions and
tuition in its colleges and universities to the extent that the
" state has room for non-resident students."
Stephen M. Johns, a junior in law at the University of
Iowa, and his attorney, Prof. Charles Clark of the Detroit
College of Law, are carrying on the battle which has lasted
for two years and will near its most critical point next week
in the Court of Appeais.
A lower court had previously dismissed the case with-1
- oaut a hearing.

Win Contract
From Army
The University's Cooley Elec-

Johns claims that because the
judge "was wrong" in dismissing'
the case without a hearing, the
Court of Appeals must agree to
hear his case. -
"The decision we ultimately get
will affect all of the colleges in
the country," Johns said.
The major problem which would
arise if the court decides in favor
of Johns is not the same financial
rohlDnin whiche unirie

Protesters March
To Draft Board
Submit Statement s ignedBv93
At Rally In Support of Resisters
Seventeen demonstrators marched to the Ann Arbor
Selective Service yesterday from a rally in the Administration
Building and turned in a statement of support :for draft
resisters signed by nearly 100 persons.
Clerks at the office assured the marchers that the state-
ment would be forwarded to state Selective Service head-
quarters in Lansing as the demonstrators insisted. But after
the march broke up the clerks said they did not know if
the statement would be forwapded.
"We don't know, call back next week and maybe we'll
know then. We have no comment now," one clerk said-
Harold Dorr, a member of the Selective Service board
and retired professor of psychology, indicated that the board
would not send the petition
unless it r'eceived very clear
documentation that the people Draft Suit
making the request and the
petition signers were "one and
the same."
"We might regard this as mis-
directed material. It sounds like;Ju t c D e
it should have been sent through s
the Post Office," Dorr said.
The marchers' real concern WASHINGTON U)-The Justice
was having Col. Arthur Holmes, Department asked U.S. District
director of the state Selective Court yesterday to dismiss a law-
Service, hear their complaint, said suit filed to prevent draft boards
Voice member Eric Chester. Ches- from hastening induction of in-
ter was sure Holmes would be dividuals who interfere with the
informed despite t h e board's operation of the draft.
change in attitude. The action was brought by the
The march grew out of a rally National Student Association last
in support of Dr. Benjamin Spock, December after Lt. Gen. Lewis B.
Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Mar- Hershey, Selective Service direc-
cus Raskin, Mitchell Googlman and tor, recommended that draft
Michael Ferber, who were indicted boards reclassify as lA those who
Jan. 5 for encouraging resistance interfere with the draft.
to the draft. The Justice Department attack-
The rally was part of a nation- ed the NSA suit on two grounds:
wide campaign to demonstrate ! That the court does not have
support for the indicted men. the jurisdiction to review reclassi-
About 115 people attended. fications of Selective Service reg-
At the rally the statement later istrants before they are actually
turned in to the draft board was inducted, and,
circulated. The statement reads: ! That the student association,
"We object to the recent in- because it is not directly affected
dictment of Spock, Coffin, Raskin, by any actions of a draft board,
Ferber and Goodman. We pledge has no standing to bring the case
our support of any person engaged into court.
in the draft resistance movement The department said in a 29
as well as our personal willingness page paper that a 1967 amend-
to aid any person who is subject ment to the Selective Service Act
to the draft in his efforts to specifically removes jurisdiction
resist induction." from the federal courts to review
Speakers at the rally included the classification and processing
Prof. Richard Mann of the psy- of any draft registrant before he
chology department, a signer of receives an order to report for
the "Resistance Statement" which induction.
was used in the indictment Th~e eartment said the plain-

Literary College Dean William Haber in His Office


Co mittee

tronics Laboratory recently signed
would find themselves. Rather, By HENRY GRIX
a $430,000 U.S. Army classified universities would be forced to Secrecy still shrouds the activ-
4ontract to continue a project in take the maximum number of in- ities of the faculty advisory Com-
"countermeasures research." state students who apply. This mittee on the Deanship elected to
According to Cooley Labs, "the would leave little room for out-of- suggest candidates to replace re-
work in no way involves weapons state students, in some cases there tiring literary college Dean Wil-
systems or any equipment devices would be no room at all. liam Haber.
produced which would be used by Johns claims, in a complex plan, Although the advisory commit- I
the Army in a military situation." that state universities could "ac- tee operates under no deadline,
commodate" their own migrating it is expected to submit a "pre-
The project, sponsored by the students. In effect, a student sumably small number of names,"
Army Electronics Command at would pay to go to his own state to President Robben Fleming and
Fort Monmouth, N.J., was begun school, but attend on a "student Vice-President for Academic Af-
by University researchers in 1951. arranged leave" the school of his fairs Allan Smith well before Ha-
The renewed contract is for a two- choice. ber retires June 30, explained
year period, involving $215,000 per Since all school would be work- chairman H. R. Crane, of the
year. ing in the same way, no school ym
Project director Thomas W. would receive less money in pro- physics department.
portion to the amount of students Fleming and Smith will recom-
Butler, director of Cooley Labs' it houses than another. mend a final candidate to the Re-
stated that the research involves If Johns wins in the Court of gents, who must appoint the new
"keeping abreast of the state-of- Appeals, the decision is expected "dean' j
the-art in electronics and the con- to be immediately contested by te ne and siftosem on
ducting of studies on how new other state universities. The prob-tthenesta t thegd
techiqugs ordviesmigh neclem would then involve an issue to the ones that would make good
techniques or devices might affect beyond state borders and would deans, by any means we can,
current and future communication have to be settled in the Supreme Crane said. "And we're anxious to
systems." Court. complete our work as soon as
systems. f Court

is a "representative mixture of,
candidates from both inside and I
outside the University," Crane'
said. But he declined to com-
ment on the number of candi-
dates selected or nominees still
being considered.
Since November, when most of
the nominations submitted by the
faculty had been turned in, the
committee has b e e n meeting'
weekly to examine printed infor-
mation on the nominees and to
interview sources.
The committee has also keptI
Fleming and Smith informed
about their operations.
But until a final decision is
reached on the selection of a
candidate, the candidate himselfj
is not usually informed of his
status with the committee.
From the criteria suggested by
the faculty, the committee has

found itself in the position of
seeking an ideal candidate "an
administrator, a scholar and a
gentleman, perfect in all re-
spects," Crane said.
However, both GA and SGC feel
that students should have some
role in this difficult process of
selecting a new dean. Although
there has been no official nom-
inee from ny of the student
groups, GA pit "a strongly word-
ed letter" to the committee de-
manding "full and equal voting
rights" for students on the com-
mittee, according to Roy Ash-
mall, president of GA.
But since Crane does not have
the power to admit students to his
committee, he referred Ashmall's
letter to the offices of Haber and
Crane wrote Ashmall explain-
ing that his committee was elect-

ed and that "any' change in the
composition of the committee
would have to be done by having
the faculty change their election
Such a change in the "long-
standing procedure" could not be
expected this year, because the
committee h.a d already been
formed, the chairman continued.
The student group has received
no response to its demands fronst
Haber or Smith, and GA expects
to support its own nominee in the
Haber, a professor of economics
siioe 1936 and chairman of his
department in 1962, was appoint-
ed dean in 1963. Although he
"hasn't had time" to consider1
plans, Haber "does not believe in
retirement" and intends to con-
tinue working, perhaps by re-
turning to teaching.
fically designed for the program.,
Visiting professors were brought,
in from Wayne State Universitya
and the Merrill-Palmer Institute
in Detroit to aid staff from the
Institute of Gerontology.
The first institute, concerned
with multiservice senior centers,
studied the role of senior centers
in community life and taught the
skills needed for their administra-
Field Work
This course, covering everything
from training 'staff to recruiting
membership to fiscal management,
also provided field work at local
senior centers.
Retirement housing manage-
ment was the focus of the second

Howe Begins Stay
With Franitic Agenda

Irving Howe, the University's
second writer-in-residence in re-
cent years, will arrive on campus
Monday for two weeks of lectures,
discussions and a seemingly end-
less run of luncheons, dinners
and parties.
Known as a severe critic of
American society since the De-
pression days of the 1930's, Howe
refers to himself as a "Democratic
A belief in democratic ideals
combined with scathing criticism
of the present state of society is
embodied in his books "Steady
Work; Essays in the Politics of
Democratic Radicalism 1953-19-
66," "Politics and the Novel," and
0~ "The UAW and Walter Reuther."
He is also the author, with Lewis
Coser of "The American Com-
munist Party," a definitive his-
Howe's literary efforts include
studies of Sherwood Anderson
and William Faulkner along with
writings on Yiddish literature.
Born in 1920, Howe graduated
from City College of New York
in 1940. He has taught at Stan-
ford and at Brandeis University.
FTe is currently a professor of'
English at Hunter College in New
Howe also serves as editor of
"Dissent" magazine and is a con-
tributor to the "New York Re-
view of Books," "The New Re-
public" and "Partisan Review."
Howe's ambitious schedule for
the n-xt two weeks will keep him
busy. His opening lecture will be
Monday at 8 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom, with a reception follow-
ing the speech.
During the week, . Howe will
mee" with classes and will join

the Writer-in-Residence Board, a
group of 14 students formed byI
the authority of Student Govern-
ment Council.
The board was created in 1965
after 44 years had passed since
Robert Frost served as the last
writer-in-residence. In 1965, the
group planned to have author
Louis Lomax come to campus, but
Lomax cancelled at the last min-
ute. Last year, author and critic
Leslie Fiedler served as writer-in-

In addition to Crane, the com-
mittee, elected by the LSA faculty
last July, includes Profs. Otto G.
Graf of the German departmentj
and director of the Honors Coun-
cil; Marvin Eisenberg. chairman
of the history of art department;
Alfred S. Sussman, chairman of
the botany department; and Rob-
ert E. Ward, of the political
science department and director
of the Center for Japanese
Crane's committee sent a letter
last August to faculty members
and to the LSA Steering Com-
mittee, the Graduate Assembly!
and Student Government Council
asking them for nominees and for
criteria to use in selecting a dean.
The faculty response provided a
long list of nominees which has
only recently been cropped. Therea

Gerontology Institute
Intensified Training I
By LESLIE WAYNE Dr. Wilma T. Donahue, co-di-
The University's Institute of rector of the Institute of Geron-
Gerontology has developed a tology said, "There are over 20
unique "crash" program of inten- million old people in the United
sified training to fill an immediate States with,the number increasingl
need for qualified personnel in the significantly. These people have
study of aging. no defined role in society and
The 14-week program, the first there is a need for trained per-
of its kind in the nation, has been sonnel to work to make ,themn a
designed to aid those who are al- real part of society."
ready in the field of gerontology With the assistance of a $250,0001
but have not completed a two-year grant from the U.S. Administra-
graduate course as a specialist. tion on Aging, the Institute im-
The first program, begun last plemented programs devised dur-
September, attempted to provide ing the previous year.
these people with immediate skill Since no such courses existed,
improvement, the curriculum had to be speci-


Institute. ThI'is course examined itn gormnalndc -!
g existing governmental and com-
1em amn S 1 ran atmunity housing programs and dis-
cussed maintaining retirement
housing. Field work in the daily
By STEVE WILDSTROM operations of such housing wasI
."" F t iialso offered.s
From the inside, it looks like a The third institute dealt with
- walled-in version of a vastly over- the way in which environmental
-" - grown bandshell. It has the un- se
distinguished. facade of any earlysetnsafcth bhviro
x{ ."20th century building. The seat- aged persons. Called "milieu inter-
-i-g20th crapeybdng thephosteryvention," the course attempted toE
ing is cramped and the upholstery discuss how environmental settings
has seen better days. can be used as therapeutic agents.
- But the brilliant Polish pianist Extensive laboratory practice'
and statesman Jan Paderewski was available in several therapeu-
- - :.called Hill Aud. "the finest concert tic communities set up by the In-
house in the world." stitute of Gerontology and the Yp-
Since opening its doors to con- silanti State Hospital.
certgoers in 1913, Hill has been After the course, the 29 class
visited by about 1,500 individual members returned to their regular
performers and groups. Few of the jobs. Many were already employedi
century's leading artists have not as staff members of multiservice
performed there. senior centers, or were associated
While Hill Aud. itself is owned with state agencies on housing.
by the University, the concerts are Others were involved in the direc-
the product of the University tion of various nursing or old-age
Musical Society, a financially in- homes.
dependent, non-profit corporation Series
now in its 89th season.
Musical Society Director Gail The next series of these insti-
:AM- jiitpe Wl's nnnaaritv tutes will begin during the spring-

against Spock: Rev. Erwin Gaede
of the Ann Arbor Unitarian
Church, another signer of the
statement; David Duboff, '69, who
turned in his draft registration
Dec.4; Prof. Richard Post, a gene-
ticist; Prof. Bert Garskof of Mich-
igan State University and Citizens
for New Politics candidate for
Congress; and Mrs. Karen Daen-
zer, '70, Voice chairman.
Rev. Gaede referred to a Selec-
tive Service memo on "channel-
ing" from April 1967 which in-
dicated that the U.S. government
is achieving the same kind of
direction of young people's lives
as in totalitarian states.
Real Support
Duboff called for "real support"
of Spock. He said yallies are in-
sufficient and people must take
risks. "I mean staking your job,
your future, by putting yourself
in the same position as Spock and
Coffin. Go out in the community
and break the law if you feel you
have to.'
Garskof urged dispelling the
myth that protesters should be
polite with government officials
who, in Garskof's terms, "are mur-
derers and will be hung sooner
or later."
Professor Post called Dr. Spock
"the epitome of nonviolence." He
urged all draft resisters to retain
non-violent techniques as their
most effective weapons. He also
mentioned the course in non-
violent techniques planned at
Guild House this morning.
Mrs. Daenzer, who suggested the
march, spoke of the indictment
as "the beginning-a very small
beginning-of a middle class war."
One Out of F
Admit Drug
Over one-fifth of students and
faculty at the University of Wis-
consin at Milwaukee (UM d

tiffs are trying to prevent use of
the Selective Service laws "with-
out showing that they have sus-
tained or are in immediate danger
of sustaining some injury to a
legally protected right."
It noted that any registrant
who is dissatisfied with his classi-
fication can contest the action
before his local board, then before
an appeal board, and finally to
the President.
In addition to the National
StudentdAssociation the suit also
See JUSTICE, Page 8

Ramsey Clark

ive Students
Use at U-,W
tion of opinion," according to the
The Post poll was part of a spe-
cial drug supplement which con-
tained an editorial advocating

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