RESISTANCE: CONSCIENCE CRISIS See editorial page gwilt r4!Z i iiy SHOWERS High-70 Low-45 Warming during day; cloudier tonight Vo. LXXVIII, No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sunday, March 31, 1968 Seven Cents Ten Pages End Bowie Strike tAfter Negotiation BOWIE, Md. -R - Students at Bowie State College ended their boycott and relinquished control of the campus last night after four hours of negotiations with state and college officials., The students said they did so after Atty. Gen. Francis B. Burch promised, to come to the school Monday and in- vestigate their complaints, then report his findings Monday afternoon to the State College Board of Trustees. The students said they also were told Gov. Spiro T. Agnew would meet with student leaders by Wednesday. They made it clear that, if "some concrete action" were not taken by Wednesday, "our protest demonstrations are not at an end." Agnew, in his Annapolis office, said he wanted to make Johnson To Speak To Nation Tonight Investigate City Police Mace Usage it clear that he - personally - has made no promises or commitments of any type to the students. Agnew did not come to Bowie, despite student demands that he do so, saying he "would not yield to that sort" of pressure. Instead, he sent Burch and Col. Robert Lally, superintendent-of State Po- lice, to head up the negotiations. OnVietnam Policy WASHINGTON -'} - President of call ups and deployments that will not result in any broad chan- Johnson disclosed yesterday he in- have been speculated upon in the ges in military strategy. tends to tell the nation tonight press." Congressional sources have es- that there will be an increase in Some published reports have timated that Johnson will ask for troops and spending for the Viet- spoken of requests by the military an emergency appropriation of nam war-but not of the dimen- for boosting U.S. military strength about $3.3 billion to prosecute the sions that have been the center in Vietnam by as much as 206,000 war during the remainder of the of speculation. and calling up as many as 500,000 fiscal year ending June 30. Johnson said also that "there is reserves. Johnson said flatly he will not not anything to announce at this But military sources said yester- announce a successor to Gen. Wil- time" about another bombing day the plan that appeared to be liam C. Westmoreland as U.S. pause. hardening this weekend contem- military commander in Vietnam. It was a news conference ques- plates the shipment of from 28,000 Westmoreland is becoming Army tion about his thinking on the to 32,000 troops. chief of staff. possibility of such a pause that This would include some 23,000 The speech today would have Johnson used as a launching pad more Army troops, plus several been followed by 21 hours radio for announcing he plans to speak thousand more airmen and sailors, talk on the CBS network in which to the country by radio and tele- it was said. Republican presidential candidate vision from his office at 9 p.m. Johnson gave no specifics as to Richard M. Nixon had planned to today. what he will say about the war outline his views on Vietnam. Troop Speculations in general, but indications in of- Nixon promptly cancelled after "I will at that time," he said, fical quarters are that the review word of Johnson's speaking plans "discuss troop speculations that stemming from the Tet offensive came out. have taken place, what our plans are, and what information we have that we are able to talk about now. I will also talk about other questions of some importance." . "It will be more or less a report on the reviews which have taken*h, place, together with an announce- ment of some actions that we are taking.' At that time, Johnson said, he Burton I. Gordon, executive di- The governor had given the stu- director of the Michigan Civil dents a 5 p.m. ultimatum to get Rights Commission, announced out of the buildings they had yesterday his commission will in- taken over early yesterday or vestigate a recent incident here "they will be removed from the involving the use of Mace in a buildings by whatever means fight between Negroes and police- necessary." men. To reinforce the order, he had Gordon said the MCRC is in- about 200 State Policemen stand- tervening in the case because of ing by. But he extended the dead- a letter from Ann Arbor's Hunian line pending results of the after- Relations Commission he received noon meeting. Friday, and in response to re- The students took over the cam-. quests from the Ann Arbor chap- pus and buildings of the predom- ters of the National Association intantly Negro college after three for the Advancement of Colored days of protests and class boy- People and Congress on Racial cotts over school conditions. Equality. When yesterday's meeting broke, "Citizens have alleged the Ann up, leaders of the protest told Arbor Police Department took ra- a hastily called assembly in the c i a 11 y discriminatory action administration building t h a t against them both on the street among other things they wantedt and at a hospital (St. Joseph Mer- the kitchen cleaned up, dormitor- cy Hospital), following the acci- ies plastered, and what they call-3 dent," he said. ed health hazards taken care of. Gordon said the investigation "If our grievances are note met1 will begin nextweek and will "be by Wednesday, we will not waiti concluded as swiftly as possible." any longer," the assembly was City officials, including Police told by Kenneth R. Brown, mid- Chief Walter E. Krasny, have in- Atlantic youth director of the Na-i dicated they will cooperate in an tional Association for the Advance-1 investigation conducted by an ment of Colored People.t "objective third party." In addition to Burch's visit, thet The use of Mace by Ann Arbor students were told that Bowie police was suspended by Krasny would be toured on Monday byr on March 18, pending an investi- members of the legislative Com-t gation of its potentially harmful mittee on Taxation and Fiscal contents by the University. Matters.n DETROIT CON VENTION: -Daily-Andy Sacks SENATOR EUGENE McCARTHY yesterday made an extensive walking tour of Milwaukee that lasted for over two hours and included visits with residents of the black ghetto and poor white com- munities. Starting from his downtown headquarters McCarthy maintained an extremely brisk pace, and at times broke into a run in front of newsmen. McCarthy in W isconsin: Students Pave the Way By NEIL SHISTER Daily News Analysis at im U'Im u-nib M a i Perhaps this -accomplishment in and of itself is not spectacular' MILWAUKEE - On the first UEU NUN E1P 3 gg *l® but t he symbolic importance of an soft Saturday of spring, a day cus- operation like this being under- tom-built for suburban lawn * taken and pulled off by an or- grooming and car-washing and ganization with almost all of its young boys playing baseball on visible parts younger than 30 still - soggy turf, the McCarthy years old is striking. For President thing geared up for that white liberals in their an- The students have taken on its hard push home. guish over Vietnam are beginning most of the jobs and they do a How it geared up is the real finally to understand what Ne- good job at most of what they story coming out of Wisconsin, for groes have known for generations: have taken on. it seems unlikely that there have the unbearable frustration and Last night Sen. Eugene Mc- been many campaigns waged like desperation of being unable to Carthy said, "We may not be too this one. It is propelled largely on lodge a legitimate grievance high well-organized at the top, but we the energy and lingering idealism; enough in the power structure to are the best organized campaign of thousands of college students be able to do something about it. at the bottom that this country not yet totally estranged from But here in Wisconsin the has ever seen." that "ominous system." "children crusaders," as the na- His audience, mostly people Norman Mailer wrote last tional press has branded the col- who had spent tie day working month in an article in Harper's lege campaigners, seem to have for him, cheered and cheered their --- --arien almost en masse OutOnf i would try to have an estimate of what he called the substantial cost of increases for Vietnam in items like helicopters, parts, guns, ammunition and other things flowing from needs that developed after the Tet offensive in Jan- uary. Speaking of supplies as well as the additional troop commitments, Johnson said: 'A Few Billion' "I would say they will involve a few billion dollars, but not any- thing like the $10 billion to $20 billion that I have seen and heard people use. It will not be anything like the hundreds of thousands 400 DEMONSTRA TE: Uneas Cali s Blacks -Associated Press President Lyndon B. Johnson Blacks Declare IndeF o Nullif itizensi1 DETROIT {P)--Delegates to a zenship and become citizens of Black nationalist convention yes- the new country. terday drafted a declaration-of in-I Those delegates who sign the: dependence from the United final version of the declaration States, which, among other things, of independence and constitution called for "blacks who go into today will have formally renoun- the street, fight for freedom and ced their U.S. citizenship, said a fall into American hands" to be: source close to the convention's, treated as prisoners of war. leaders. The proposed declaration of Government in Captivity independence was combined with The document called for a, a draft of a constitution for a "government in captivity," sup-1 separate Negro nation to be set ported by Negroes who wished to up in five states in the South. renounce their American citizen- The leaders of the convention ship, to take office on Tuesday. said 50 Negroes had achieved "The objectives of the govern-! "delegate" status at the conven- mentmust be to acquire land, on tion by indicating they intended what is now the United States to renounce their American citi- i land mass, over which it would 'ONCE' 'Upon A )endence, their numb stupor of impotence, and arisen quite well, it appears.; Friday afternoon, the McCarthy1 press room languished in confu- sion. McCarthy had been schedul-! ed to speak in Madison but his plane had troubles at Washington1 and he cancelled out. approvai--aprovai o L emseives as much as of him. Even some of McCarthy's sup- porters have said he is not a win- ner. One must see him and watch him in action to understand this. It is not meant to be cruel, but simply candid. He strays from his" speech and swallows his good lines, m Hits Memphis Mlarcl in Protest VHis press staff-which since the appealing to an audience in spite By DAVE WEIR Negro Civil Rights leader Martin riers-armed trucks and jeeps- departure of the two top people is of himself and not because of and ALISON SYMROSKI Luther King who flew to Mem- rumbling f r o m the stadium almost entirely green students himself special To The Dayphis in support of the marchers, through the city. have complete control," the draft unfamiliar with the extent to What is apparent, then, and eblamed "a small group so young The march was marred by two said. which the working press expects what is so important, is that with MEMPHIS, Tenn.-A relative militants" for the destruction. incidents. The first came when The authors of the declaration to be pampered-was bumbling. all these limitations there are still calm continued here yesterday as "I officers searched-and then re- proposed to acquire Mississippi, They didn't know when McCar- 9.000 college students working for Lr. H. R. Johnson, a black minis- knI wouldn't have come if I had Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina thy was expected. They didn't hirn in Wisconsin today. Walking ter, for the second consecutive known the outbreak of violenceleasea te ann o w and Louisiana, "through negotia- know if there would be a bus to the streets and asking people to day led a peaceful march of 400 wastpossible. I would have held watching the demonstration from tions with the United States, transport the reporters. They give him their vote. They ask for blacks and a small group of white up the march," he said. a sidewalk. I trnsprt te rportrs.They. MThe second incident came when through political activity and se- knew very little. a vote not so much for Mc- Memphis State University students King is expected to return to Sam Evans, a police inspector, cession, or through a combination Somebody cracked, "Don't these Carthy as against what America ! down the main street of town. Memphis Tuesday to lead another jerked a young Negro from the of these moves supported by ap- people understand that they don't is and threaten to become under Shut down by a dusk-to-dawn march on Wednesdy. line of marchers. Baxton Bryant, propriate military action." have a prayer unless they take the leadership of Lyndon Johnson. curfew, the town was patrolled by Civil rights leaders have called director of the Tennessee Council "Life is meaningless for black care of us." Those on the streets are saying national guardsman last night, for a federal investigation into the on Human Relations, protested people in these United States," { And the press left with a pic- iagain, and again, that what is and police reported no recurrence death of Larry Payne, 16, who Evans' action. Milton Henry, one of the organi- ture of a rather harried organiza- critical is that the spirit of the of racial violence which left one was killed in the Thursday vio- Asked by Bryant why Charles zers of the convention, told a news tion inadequately taking care of I steadily generating movement not Negro youth dead Thursday. lence. More than 60 others were Owen, 21, a Vietnam veteran, was conference. Henry said the dele- the detail work needed for victory, be dissipated, and that the can- The marchers, civil rights work- injured, not allowed to march, the inspec- gates represented "thousands of But elsewhere in Milwaukee the didate himself is less important ers and garbage collectors, are A Negro boy, Alfred Jameson, for replied, "He's Black Power." black people in this country who' real work was being taken care of than the substance of what he protesting Mayor Henry Loeb's was wounded with a pellet gun The entire march was escorted have never been citizens, but on- with great precision. stands for. refusal to authorize a dues check- while walking in the Beale Street by armored troop carriers, un- ly nationals." These same political amateurs McCarthy himself, although off for city sanitation workers, area, but police said they have no sheathed bayonetts, and a steady Closed to Whites had come up with a house-by- taking potshots at Sen. Robert thereby ending a 48 day old strike. evidence to connect the shooting line of soldiers with Mace and Except for news conferences, house registered-voter-by-regis- Kennedy in his speech, concluded The protest is part of an overall with march-connected violence. teargas. the convention, held at a church tered-voter list, mapped out and it by saying, What is happening, program organized by a group The boy was only s i g h t 1y The marchers are also advocat- on Detroit's West Side, was open distributed to the store-front of and what we are about, is a re- called the Community on the wounded. ing a boycott of downtown Mem- only to Negroes. Fifty delegates fices from which the campaign birth of everything that is good March for Equality (COME). The Rev. James Lawson, a phis merchants. One of their pla- ondy t0obserrm NegrYorkoperates, and pasted onto pieces in America." And a renaissanceMThefrsEqufte MEs leader in the movement support- card slogans reads, "Don't buy and 100 observers from New York, fcrbadt eue ydo-pehp tibrtn ot rm The first of the marches, held IigtegraesrkadJsenwcohsfrEse. Chicago, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, of cardboard to be used by doo pehaps it is, burstg forth from Thursday, erupted in rock and ing the garbage strike, and Jesse new clothes for Easter Gary, Ind., Cleveland and Cni bell ringing volunteers in theiri the bottom in the person of the bTtsa rupteg winocks and Turner , president of the local A minister reported that the Ssearch for votes. countrys youth chapter of the National Assoc- economic boycott suported by nati attended, a source said. *;and looting. o ns.ation for the Advancement of COME, had resulted in a 35 per- Henry, a former Pontiac. Mich., *Colored People, asked the Jus- cent reduction of business down- councilman and a graduate of tice Department to investigate the town the last few days. Other ob- Yale University Law School, and shooting of Payne. servers claimed it was down by as his brother, Richard, are both lea- Police said the youth was shot much as 60 percent. dehs of the Malcolm X Society- afters he threatened an officer Loeb is a major businessman in which sponsored the meetngwith a butcher knife, but Lawson the city-he transferred owner- Richard Henry writes technical said he has statements from 15 ship of a huge business empire in manuals for the U.S. Army's Tank witnesses who swore Payne was Memphis to his brother when he Automotive Command in subur unarmed and was. shot when his took office. A grass-roots cam- ban Warren, Mich. hands were in the air. paign is underway to recall him. A spokesman for the commanid isOne death and 62 injuries werepnr said that Richard Henry's secur- reporteci from Thursday's riot. ity clearance would be ireviewxedx A Mephis hopitlatnat 7 should he irenounce his citizen-Ihwvr leedysedyta s h i p Ih a t l e a s t 3 l b a k s y w e r e d e l i v e r dR gser e d vt e r r e y Raeoc eiec rdvegistered voes are re- A source close'tothe Hem 'v I dead Thursday at the hospital." minded to vote Monday, and A source close to the Henrya da up The Memphis police and Te- choose among the following brothers said they had drawn up ne naionlsgur an taeniae o AnAbrCt the declaration of independence nessee ntoa ur n tt addtsfrAnAbrCt and constitution of the new Ne police were prepared for any pos- Council seats: n anitnft nw -sible violence from daybreak yes- First Ward: Democrat Rich- By STEVE WILDSTROM Managing Editor and JIM FORSYTH A dinner honoring Nobel laureate physicist Eugene Wig- ner at the Washtenaw Country Club in Ypsilanti Township, nearly turned into a melee Fri- day, when delegates to the Midwestern Association of The- oretical Physicists clashed with membeis of Ann Arbor's ONCE dramatic company. According to a dinner guest, who requested that he remain anonymous, the ONCE group had been invited out by Prof. Martin Perl of the Stanford University's Linear Accelerator Laboratory to create a minor disturbance during Perl's after- dinner speech. Perl began his speech and, as though nothing had hap- pened while, according to the informant, a fight broke out involving some 15 people. The fight was broken up by other guests and the ONCE group began its planned pre- sentation - an entire day of network television, condensed into 30 minutes and shown on three projectors simultaneous- ly. After the show began one of the guests, reportedly a mem- ber of the University physics department, got up and over- turned the projection table, then pushed a tape recorder the length of another table, breaking a number of wine glasses. One guest said, "Everyone had had a bit of wine." After the projectors were ov- I