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March 30, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-30

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Sr tiBan


Partly cloudy,
chance of showers

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, March 30, 1968 Seven Cents

Ten Pages

On Crisis Legislat
In Mid-East
On Security CouncilBI AppT
jor~afl isrel allBy JIM FORSYTH
In Border Clashes Student Government Council's
campaign to make an effective
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A")- student lobby in Lansing got un-'
The United Nations Security derway yesterday as seven stu-
Council was called Friday night dents, all Michigan residents, trav-
to meet in urgent session at 10:30 eled to the state capital to talkj
a.m. today on the resumption of with members of the House Ap-
hostilities Friday between Israel propriations Committee.
and Jordan. One of the students, Bob Gros-
Jordan was the first to request line, '69, indicated he thought the
a meeting, charging there was a House Appropriations Committee
"renewal of Israeli aggression." would probably restore $1.6 million
Israel's request followed, al-
leging new Jordanian violations
of the 1967 Arab Israeli cease- ; "
fire. Find rew)
Last Sunday
The council last Sunday con-
demned a March 21 Israeli in-
vasion into Jordan against al- Fo Facull
leged guerrilla bases, deplored all IvroFccf
violations of the cease fire and
declared "actions of military re- By RON LANDSMAN
prisal" and other violations could A lack of nominations for
not be tolerated. teaching awards is plaguing
Israel this time resorted to air the committee on Distinguished
and artillery attacks without Teaching Awards for the second
moving troops into Jordan. time this year.
In a series of letters for the Six thousand dollars in awards
council's information, Israel and may go to 12 nominees almost by
Jordan accused each other of default. Only about a dozen fac-
starting exchanges of fire yester- ulty members have been nominat-
day that went on across the Jor- ed so far for the 12 prizes of
dan River from 11:30 a.m. to 6 $500.
' I .) un caiace ofa01 lc nUa,-U i J

ure, SGC Meet
opriations Battle

which had been cut from the Un-
versity's budget due to a "math-
ematical error."
According to Grosline, the legis-
lature thought all outstate stu-
dents were now paying only 55
per cent of the cost of their educa-
tion, and computed the amount
to be gained from a tuition in-
crease to 75 per cent on this basis.
Grosline pointed out this is not
the case in all the University
schools, and many students pay
Iy Awards

a much higher percentage than
the legislature realized.
The result is that when tuition
is raised so that all outstate stu-
dents end up paying for 75 per
cent of the costs they incur, the
gain to the University will be $1.6
million less than the legislature
originally thought. This is the
i amount Grosline anticipates the
Committee will return to the Uni-
versity appropriation.
SGC president Mike Koeneke,
'69BAd, said one of the problems
in dealing with the legislators is
their distrust of the University
due to some of its past use of
funds. While nothing specific was
mentioned, the feeling seems to
bA that the University "is trying
to give thema the slip," he said.

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

p.m. local time.
Jordan said Israel jet fighters'
"started bombarding" the north-
ern part of the east bank of the
Jordan River at 1 p.m. after Jor-
danian forces returned fire from
Israeli machine guns, artillery
and tanks.
Israel said "it became neces-
sary in self-defense to employ
the Israeli air force at 12:30 p.m.
when Jordanian forces resumed
earlier artillery fire on the Is-
raeli village of Gesher in the up-
per Jordan valley.

T wo series of awards--one fi-
nanced by the Standard Oil of In-
diana Foundation, the other by
| the University of Michigan Club
of Chicago-are both aimed "pri-
marily at teaching, rather than
other academic work," according
kto Daniel Fitzpatrick, director of
the office of student organiza-
tions and secretary of the com-
"Distinguished Undergraduate
Teaching Award," financed by
lStandard Oil, is for "(faculty)
members who have shown unique
ability in teaching undergraduate

The Chicago alumni-financed In particular there is some ques-
award, the "Distinguished Service tion over the accounting methods
Award for Instructors, Assistant used by the University. (An Au-
Professors and Junior Associate ditor General's report on this sub-
Professors," is open to all junior
faculty members. Like the other rect is due to be released soon)
' awrdsthe ajo crierio is Grosline indicated there w~asn
awards, the major criterion is also some dissatisfaction in Lan-
Fitzpatrick said any member of sing about inefficiency in the Uni-
the University community can versity, even when funds were
nominate faculty members. That used as allocated.
includes students or student Grosline said one of the law-
groups, classes, academic admin-; makers brought up a case where D ~ tr4
istrative officers, faculty mem- a professor allegedly has been
bers or groups of faculty, depart- drawing a full salary for three
ment chairmen or the executive years for teaching a course in By STV deSse -
committees of any academic uni-I which there have been no stu- Students who demonstrate a-
Fitzpatrick added that his of- dents. gainst the war in Vietnam are
fice is willing to help a student in Professor prolonging the conflict and caus-
ing increased American casualties,
preparing a nomination, such as Grosline said the same legislator Wilbur Cohen told an open for-
by collecting information on the said he understood the professor t um in Rackham Aud. yesterday.
nominee's academic record. was going on a sabbatical leave at Cohen, the man President John-
There are two basic ways for full pay next year, and another son has nominated to succeed
students to nominate an instruc- man was being hired to replace John Gardner as Secretary of
tor, Fitzpatrick explained. The him while he was gone. Health, Education and Welfare, is
student or a class can submit the Grosline did say, however, re- a University professor on leave
nomination and ask faculty mem- actions from the legislators were from the School of Social Work.
bers to add material to the nom- "encouraging in the sense we were He said the demonstrations are
Iation." hnh welltreated and listened to with "making it very difficult" for





Colen AddressesJiHonors Convocation



American troops in Vietnam and(
distorting Hanoi's view of the!
U.S. war effort.
Cohen said he favors a "reduc-
tion of our commitment" in Viet-
nam, but asserted that "we can't
just go ahead and pull out com-
"Chamberlain did that," he
said, "and that was the cause of
World War II."
Cohen said he would support
President Johnson's bid for reelec-
tion but denied that this was a
condition under which he was ap-

pointed. He added that he and his
wife will "voluntarily" speak for
the President.
"President Johnson has done
more for the health, education
and welfare of the nation than
any other president," Cohen said.
Cohen denied that his prede-
cessor had resigned because the
Vietnam war was draining funds
away from welfare projects.
"Gardner never made a state-
ment like that," Cohen said. "He
resigned because he thought he

Memphis Quiet After Riot;


"Tlymigntas s h i
partment to place the nomina-
tion," he said. He added that the
former method was probably bet-

The students spoke with 15 le-
gislators, about half of whom were
on the Appropriations Commit-

Cohen Ignores Pickets,

Prot est
of U.S.
could make a contribution to the
Urban Coalition."
When asked if he thought the
$26 billion a year being spent on
the war was hurting the efforts of
his department, Cohen replied, "I
have $45 billion to spend."
Later, someone in the audience
challenged him on that figure
saying that $30 billion of HEW
funds are trust fund expenditures
subject to the discretion of Con-
Another questioner asked Cohen
what he was going to say when
Dr. Martin Luther King conducts
his march to Washington and
asks whether the United States
is going to spend $26 billion on
the war, or on the ghettos.
"We don't even have any plans
how to spend $26 bililon," Cohen
said. "Do you have any plans how
to spend that much money on the
ghettos?" Cohen asked the ques-
Cohen said he was doing his
best to implement the recommen-
dations of the Kerner Commission
report on lastrsummer's riots. He
said the report is "an extremely
thoughtful and provocative" doc-
But Cohen denied the assertion
that the report blames the riots
on "white racism." He said apathy
and ignorance on the part of both
races were the primary causes for
the violence.
Cohen also said he favors .a
draft system under which "every
boy and girl is required to serve
two years," but added that he
thought such a system should in-
clude public service options other
than the military.


The criteria for both series of tee. For the most part the students
Few Incidents M ar Curfew awards are determined solely by an legislatostwere felngueach.
the University through the st other out, Grosline said. We
MEMPHIS, Tenn. UP) - A Earlier, Dr. Martin Luther King dent-faculty awards committee. didn't try to apply any pressure,"te s Da n g er sf
rigidly enforced curfew, clamped Jr., who led the march in sup- The committee includes in its he said. t
on the city for the second straightl port of striking sanitation workers lists of criteria for the undergrad- Individual Legislators
night, was marred by onlyscat-lThursday, indicated another mass uate award some of the following: The students' arguments were By LUCY KENNEDY "Why Join This Blood-Stained Lewis Paper, '68, the, first stu-
tered incidents" last night in the demonstration would be held next ! enthusiasm for teaching un- made in presentations to individ- "At least picketers in Ann Arbor Government . ,
wake of a protest march which week. dergraduates; ual legislators, in the hope of , can't say 'Go Home Wilbur,'" said Cohen, ignoring a 12-foot ban- a University Honor's Convocation,
erupted into rioting Thursday. "We can't allow the city to feel 0v extracurricular involvement having more of a dialogue. SGC I Wilbur Cohen, addressing yester- nr held by three students ac- and a member of the convocation
Asst. Police Chief Bill Price there will be any retreat," King Frwith students; plans to continue this procedure Cay's 45th honors convocation. cuing HEW of being "a welfare committee, stressed the import-
said numerous small fires, most I told a news conference as 4,000d For the junior faculty awardsn during the rest of the campaign. Cohen, a professor of public sigleaf on a warfare state," told ante of finding an individual com-
of them from piles of garbage national guard troops maintain- they look for: The legislators were not against welfare administration in the Uni- students they must be prepared mitment to develop true freedom.
accumulated during the 47 day ed an uneasy peace in ravaged 0 evidence of effectiveness as the idea of having students come versity's school of social work, was in 1976 to face the same problems Cohen, who has been HEW un-
old sanitation workers strike, sections of the city, where 40 per a teacher and success in revital- Ito argue their case, but neither appointed secretary of health, ed- 'the world faces today. a I dersecretary since 1965 and as-
were quickly doused. cent of the 700,000 population is izing courses and curricula; and were they showing any signs of ucation and welfare by President "Be are of becoming apathetic sistant secretary from 1961-65,
Most of the blazes, Price said, Negro. 0 evidence of extra-curricular changing the appropriations bill, Johnson last Saturday. ciens," olt stude continually emphasized the role
were set by small groups of Ne- King said he has cleared his interest in students and interest according to Grosline. "They pre- Half a dozen students picketed parents, faculty members and Re- the college-age youth of today will
gro youths who were quickly dis- calendar of all other commit- and ability as an academic coun- sented their arguments against Hill Auditorium before the con- Y gents in his audience. be playing in ten more years.
banded by police and guardsmen ments except planning for his selor. ours," he said. vocation 'carrying signs saying "You will need courage in 197h "Your commitment,' he said,
patrolling the city. !Poor People's March on Wash- steadfastness to carry them out.ca keep alive the faith of our
A patrolman. E. W. Maxwell, ington April 22, and would call NOTES F AR OF RITS~~sedatest ar hmot forefathers in the perfectibility of
was slightly injured while trying on other national civil rights fig- NOTES FEAR Continue Learning man.. . You can help build, brick
to arrest a young Negro during ures to join him in what he call- "In order to grow you must con- by brick, a freer and more just
a disturbance call. Price said the ed his upcoming Memphis "unity TIe tDns1 f tinue to learn-you must cast aside society."
officer suffered knife wounds on meeting."Gr D9 Gn old ideas and open yourself to new

the hands and arms.
Students in Wisconsin
Over 850 University students
traveled to Wisconsin this
weekend to help in Senator
Eugene McCarthy's (D-Minn.)
presidential primary campaign.
About $5 cars carrying a
total of 515 people, and at least
350 students on chartered bus-
ses, made the trip to try to en-
list support for the senator in
the Tuesday election, accord-
ing to Jim Walrath, Coordin-
ator for the Washtenaw Demo-
crats for McCarthy.

As King spoke, the striking -.s a v'a -t-1- - -
sanitation workers - 98 per cent
of them Negroes-prepared to
hold another "sidewalk" demon- otlkcia l a s il
stration much like those they,
have staged almost daily since
thae strked fost higher wags Rising gun sales in major cities protect themselves, not to kill are n
eIontik e ityeo thes' do not indicate a white-Negro each other," he said. me of
uniogman byestheckty of ean iarms race, according to Prof. "A little time spent in finding Su
union and dues checkoff began Ross Wilhelm of the business ad- out what is going on at the grass gunt
Feb. 12. The temperature inearly ministration school. roots will show that most whites kill a
afternoon reached 81 degrees. . and Negroes are buying guns for ly ab
King said he would not parti- Speaking on his radio program, the same reasons-not to kill per- P]
cipate in Friday's demonstration, Wilhelm acknowledged that both sons of the other race but to pro- alarmn
but would return to Atlanta to whites and Negroes are buying tect themselves against anyone, numb
map plans and return here "in guns because of the fear of riots, vhite or Negro, who tries to harm black
three or four days." He mdi- but he disputed Mayor Jerom them or to destroy their property," ing t
cated the mass demonstration - Cavanaugh's claim that Detroit is etheiproned" i
Ihe explained, was r
would take places late next week, in the midst of a racial arms race. "There is no black-white war "E
but gave no specific date. "The citizens are buying guns to pending." gun o
-_ -_ - Wilhelm pointed to a major dan- "and
;.>.F ;:;;: g e i to h th e c itiz e n s e e k i n g to p r o - in g a
2. :.......might, if he fires the gun, be guns
thought to be a sniper, and be «
..:::.::....... ..: ::;>:::::-.: :::>:::::; :>r;: ;kshot to death by som trigger-
happy policeman or National R
Some of these same guardsmen, LP
he claimed, "shot at every shad-
ow or noise during the last riots or
shot down civilians on streets and Rot
in homes for no reason. tor o
'<.. "The great danger in any future post
riot is in the guns in the hands i Mond
_.; of our police or military who will with
return fire without learning first 1964,
why the origina1 shot was fired." recru
The arms purchases in the ma- portu
jor cities reflect a loss of faith in ; estim
I the ability of elected and appoint- dents
. ed officials to perform their as- his o
signed duties and protect individ- of th
uals, Wilhelm said. he sa

not going to kill me or burn
Lut if I can help it."

Cohen stressed the dichotomy
between the type of learning stu-
dents- are involved in at the Uni-
versity and the learning they must
deal with in 1976."h
"For the last four years," he
ca. *'i-,,',h.v haPn freet o con-

ch sentiments as "I want a j (1'yo av '=1* c "ms
to kill whitey" or "I want to template the world's most per-
black man" are conspicuous- , vasive problems and you have!
sent, he said. been able to criticize and dissent,
4iticians with their cries of but you have not been forced to
n overlook the fact that large i take responsibility for existing
bers of citizens, white and problems."
in the cities had guns dur- r Support


he last riots, and yet there
no war, Wilhelm pointed out.
very hunter in America has a
or access to a gun," he noted,
yet the bulk of the shoot-
nd destruction done by guns
ng the riots was from the
of police and military men."!
obert Marion
esigns Post
bert Marion, assistant direc-
f admissions, will resign his
at the University effective
day. Marion, who has been'
the University since June,
has been instrumental in
iting students for the Op-
nity Awards Piogram. HeG
ates there are 237 OAP stu-
at the University now. and'
ffice made contact with allt
em somewhere along the line,

"We as teachers have supported
your right to criticize and dissent
while we continue to search for
solutions to today's problems." '
Students, he pointed out, will
encounter two temptations to non-t
involvement when they step into
the "real world of solving prob-
lems on a day to day basis."
Overspecialization, he warned,
can rob a problem of its meaning
and excitement. "You must reali-
ize," he said, "that problems are
incredibly complex. They do not
lend themselves to simple solutions
that can be used as slogans on
Students also may get involved
in what Cohen termed "employ-
ment myopia"-feeling they will
woriry about the problems of so-
ciety after they have taken care
of their crabgrass and gotten set-
tled in their jobs.
"You could be the generation to;
eliminate poverty and discrimina-1

Vietnam: 'Dime Pof
NEW YORK () - A young availability of marijuana, say-
college correspondent s a i d ing it "is grown throughout
marijuana can be purchased Vietnam and can be easily ob-
openly all over Vietnam, usu- tained in the major cities or
ally for 10 cents a "joint" cig- in any area where there are
arette and thousands of Amer- large concentrations of U.S.
ican soldiers are slnoking it troops.
regularly. Dembart said the supplier
And many military officials of marijuana in one provincial
take a tolerant attitude to- capital is a Vietnaimese wh1I
ward the widespread use of also the local CIA undercover
marijuanna, said Queens Col- agent.
lege graduate student Lee All bars in Saigon sell "pot,'
Dembart. he said, and one favorite drink-
Dembart, who also teaches ing spot puts out little plates
night classes in philosophy at of hashish instead of peanut
Queens College, is one of two as its "free lunch."
correspondents in Vietnam Dembart said many soldiers
from the college, were pot smokers before they
Writing in the campus news- came to Vietnam, but many
paper the Phoenix, Dembart others have acquired the habit
said he had seen "pot" parties there and are worried about
in almost every major city in their return to the United
Vietnam and had seen soldiers States, where marijuana is
buying marijuana cigarettes at much more expensive and hard
public cigarette sands, souve- to find.
nir shops and even in beer Dembart quoted a soldier as
shop set up around military saying of one prostitute's row
bases. near Saigon:
Dembart said he sought an "There's so much marijuana
interview with the provost in that alley that if it ever
marshal on the question of caught fire it would stone out
marijuana use and arrests, but all of Saigon."
was allowed only to submit Dembart quoted soldiers
written questions. from a group assigned to es-
In the written answers, he corting American bodies to
was told there had been 1.391 mortuaries as saying they tooki
arrests in 1967 for possession marijuana from the bodies of
a A /onr ,of amIriinafanfi four out of five Americans


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