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March 29, 1968 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-29

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414 iri tgan

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Vol. LXXVII1, No. 150

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, March 29, 1968

Eight Pages

Honors Convocation: 45 Years

of U' Tradition

The Honors Convocation,
now in its forty-fifth year, has
remained relatively unchanged
since President Marion Burton
presided over the first cere-
mony May 14, 1924.
Addressing 250 students in
Hill Auditorium on a rainy
Tuesday afternoon, Burton ex-
plained the convocation was
intended "to put a fitting em-
phasis upon scholarship, scien-
tific attainment, capacity to
think and genuine research,
the things representing our
first and real task as teachers
and students."
The idea for a gathering to
honor students was first sug-
gested by Burton in 1922. At
the April, 1922, Conference of
Deans, he proposed that the

University annually hold a spe-
cial convocation to honor pub-
licly students elected to socie-
ties or who hold positions
where scholarship is a main
qualification. The Honors Con-
v ication was also intended to
be the first public announce-
ment of Phi Beta Kappa, Sig-
ma Xi, and Phi Kappa Phi
A specific order of events
was established to provide for
"appropriate music, a short ad-
dress by the President explain-
ing the special meaning of the
occasion, and a longer address
by some invited speaker." The
program now includes the an-
nouncement of Angell scholars.
Though the basic program is
still the same, the Honors Con-
vocation has grown consider-

ably with the addition of new
honoraries, scholarships, and
University awards. By 1943, for
example, the number of stu-
dents invited to the convoca-
tion reached 831 and the num-
ber of honorary societies ex-
panded to 20 different organi-
Because of World War II,
however, the convocation par-
ticipants dropped to 553 in
1945, then climbed again to
723 students in 1946.
The Honors Convocation has.
grown the most rapidly over
the past three years. The 1966
ceremony honored 1546 stu-
dents. In 1967 the eligible stu-
dents jumped to 2034, and to-
day's convocation honors a
record 2400 students.
Following tradition, each

successive ceremony has in-
cluded a prominent speaker.
Over the convocation's 45 year
history, speakers have includ-
ed college presidents, industrial
engineering consultants, roy-
alty, statesmen, and authors.
In 1931, James R. Angell.
then president of Yale Univer-
sity addressed the honors stu-
Rlents. In 1934, the tenth anni-
versary of the convocation,
President Robert M. Hutchins
of the University of Chicago
was the main speaker.
In recent years, students
have heard such diverse celeb-
rities as historian Arnold J.
Toynbee in 1961; Prince Bern-
hard of the Netherlands in
1965; and last year, Secretary
General of the United Nations,
U Thant.

Finding a suitable speaker,
however, is not always an easy
task. Many times the Honors
Convocation committee has
had to make several attempts
to secure the eventual speak-
The first choice for a speak-
er in 1946 was Winston Chur-
chill. Churchill declined the of-
fer, explaining that although
he would be in the United
States for a time, he was or-
dered to rest and would be re-.
turning to England before the
date of the Honors Convoca-
The committee then ap-
proached Sen. J. William Ful-
bright who also declined. Ful-
bright listed his :eason as "too
many legislative responsibili-

Finally the committee settled
on John Philip Dawes. a law
professor from the University.
Organizing the Honors Con-
vocation was originally a func-
tion of the Office of the Dean
of Students. In 1954, however,
when Eric Walter noved from
Dean of Students to Assistant
to the President. he continued
to direct the convocation.
Since 1954 organizing the
ceremony has remained a duty
of the President's assistant.
The present assistant is Her-
bert Hildebrandt who is in
charge of today's events.
In addition to honoring a
record number of students to-
day's Honors Convocation is
unique in that it tuarks Presi-
dent Fleming's first experience
at presiding over the ceremony.

University President Burton


aF [

Hildebrandt's Office
Plans Honors Day





The honors convocation is plan-
ned and organized through the
office of Herbert W. Hildebrandt,
University secretary and assistant
to the President. Organization of
the convocation includes the activ-
ities of the honors convocation
committee, the organization of the
convocation program itself and ar-
rangements for the social events'
surrounding the convocation.
Th p cnvocation committee is

be recognized at the honors con-
vocation. Now, however, its main
function is to decide on a speaker
by making up a list of prospective
speakers and then contacting them
one by one until a speaker accepts
the invitation.
The student members are chosen
by Hildebrandt and President
Fleming from a list of five men,
and five women submitted by Stu-
dent Government Council, from

To Speak at Convocation


composed of two student members, # which one man and one woman
the registrar of the University, are picked to serve on the commit-
three other deans and Hildebrandt, tee.
the committee chairman. Invitations to the convocation'
In the early years of the com- are sent out and the business of
mittee's existence, it took part in actually gathering and processing
determining which students should the names of thehonors students
- ___.~ .- ~ . is done through the office of the
registrar. The registrar's office
A H onsends out invitations to the stu-
e o dents, parents, faculty, regents
emeriti. They are invited bth
R to the convocation and to the re-
R e00 1 II ZES ception and tea afterwards.

Honors Convoc ation
Order of EXercises
10:30 A.M.
President Robben Wright Fleming-Presiding
Marche episcopale............... ...... Louis Vierne
The Star Spangled Banner ...........The Audience
Presentation of Honored Guests .....H. W. Hildebrandt
Student Address ...................... Lewis J. Paper
Laudes Atoue Carmina ............Gayley and Stanley
The Men's Glee Club
Presentation of Honor Students .....H. W. Hildebrandt
President Recognition of
Honor Students .............. Robben W. Fleming
The Convocation Address:
"The World of 1976" .. The Honorable Wilbur J. Cohen
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Goddess of the Inland Seas.........Gayley and Peters
The Men's Glee Club,
The Yellow and Blue (first verse) ........The Audience
Crown Imperial .................... William Walton

Cohlen Probes Future
Am er ieaiiProbl eis
"As members of 'the establishment,' many of you will
be viewed by the younger generation of that time as being
out of touch with reality and not interested in new ideas.
A New, New Left will confront you at every turn, and the
Now, Now Generation of that time will undoubtedly declare
that you are over the hump," says Secretary of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare Wilbur Cohen's Honors Convocation
Entitled "The World of 1976," Cohen's speech addresses
the problems of over-specialization, community involvement,
poverty, challenges, and responding to the problems which
will face the honors students in 1976, the 200th anniversary
of the Declaration of Inde-T .1

- i ~iJ' / .IM1- *
Each year those Michigan stu-
dents who have earned a 4.0 over-
all grade for at least two consecu-
tive semesters are designated An-
gell Scholars.

Invitations to sit on the platform
during the program are sent to
regents, the convocation commit-
tee, and selected faculty members,
including representatives of each
university department. Front-row
seats on the platform are the
province of the speakers, regents
and regents emeriti, and the execu-
tive officers of the university.

The award was named after"
University President James Bar- Additional details to be man-
rill Angell (1871-1909) and was ' aged include lodging for the '
established in 1949 after a pro- speaker and a luncheon in his
posal by the Board of Regents. honor imediately following the
At their March, 1949, meeting, convocation, provisions and servers
the Regents proposed that "each for the reception and tea after
undergraduate student maintain- the convocation in the Vandenberg B
i n1l A rd for two on- Room and Ballroom in the League, -


Wilbur Cohen

Air ,


kt t
( S.

ing an ai- euuwL ci
secutive semesters be designated
as a James B. Angell Scholar. The
summer session shall not be in-
The resolution was referred to
the Deans' Conference where it
was discussed and finally accepted.
Angell Scholars receive no
mnetarv award since the designa-

decorations by the plant depart-
ment, music by the University or-
ganist and the glee club and print-
ing and distribution of the pro-
The Daily supplement is put out
by two freshman members of the
staff who work with the registrar's!
office and Dr. Hildebrandt's office

Wolverine Teams Pace Big Ten,
Most Successful in Minor Sports

Cohen warns "1976 will bring
with it justas complicated and
difficult problems as we face to-
day," and asks "how will you
prepare yourself during the next
eight years for the responsibili-'
ties that will confront you in
Cohen predicts the challenges
that must be met, "the deep divi-
sions in our society" racism and
poverty, make involvement andi
"an effort to understand the oth-
er fellow's world" necessary in re-
sponding to the problems of 1976.
In the speech, he warns against
being submerged from larger
problems in society by specializa-
tion and being over-involved in
business and personal concerns.
He says, "I would urge you to
make every effort, while master-
ing your part of a program, to
view that program in its entire-
ty," and warns "the employee who
devotes himself exclusively to his
iob, and becomes uninvolved in
vital community activities, may
never become re-involved at a
later date."
In speaking on the possibili-
ties of a positive solution, Cohen
says, "We must bring the fruits of
progress to more and more of our
people," and that "the Nation has
the economic resources to elimin-
ate these disparities."
He says, "Your commitment
can keep alive the faith of our
forefathers in the perfectibility
of man . . . You can help build,
brick by brick, a freer and more
just society."

Cohen 30-Year
Public Servant
New Secretary of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare Wilbur J. Co-
hen, speaker at today's Honors
Convocation, has distinguished
himself for 30 years as a scholar,
author and public servant in the
field of welfare administration.
C o h e n was HEW under -
secretary since 1965, after having
served as Assistant Secretary in
the same departfient from 1961-
He was assistant to the execu-
tive director of President Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt's cabinet com-
mittee on economic security
which drafted the original Social
Security Act in 1934-35. Cohen
was also a technical adviser to
the Commissioner for Social Se-
curity, in charge of program de-
velopment and legislative coordi-
nation work from 1932 to 1952.
He has served on various wel-
fare agencies and committees
since 1952 and has represented
the federal government in inter-
national security conferences.
Cohen graduated from the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin with a degree
in economics in 1934. He was an
on-leave Professor of Public Wel-
fare Administration in the Uni-
versity's School of Social Work
from 1956-61, a visiting professor
at UCLA in 1957, and a lecturer
at Catholic University in 1961-62.


mwlui y bublsUicuos~
tion is an academic honor in in gathering the names of the
recognition of outstanding scho- honors students, the honors which
lastic achievement. Students who each award or honorary confer,
have earned an all-A record for information on the speaker and
three or more consecutive semes- the speech, and news on special
ters however are individuallya -ards.

recognized at the annual Honors
No application is required for
Angell Scholars. Any student ful-
filling the one requirement is
automatically selected for the
M honor.

Faculty members, administra-
tors, and regents on the stage at
the convocation are expected to
appear in full academic dress.
However, the honors ceremony
does not include a processional
like the commencement does.

By ANDY BARBAS (tie for fifth) and basketball (tie
One of the least known facts for sixth) finished below a second-
this year is that, athletically, Mi- place berth.
chigan has been the most success- The football season was one of
ful Big Ten University. not quite catching up. The Wol-]
The reason for their success verines slipped during the firstI
has not been the two major sports, half of the season and weren't1
football and basketball, but the quite able to make up the differ-
smaller sports. Michigan has grab- ence, ending with a 4-6 record.I
bed two championships-hockey Not catching up was also the
and a tie for gymnastics-as well Maize and Blue method of playingi
as placing second in swimming, individual games. Four times the
wrestling, and track. Only football Wolverines were unable to make1
up deficits.
Come from Behind]
California started the come-<
from-behind technique against!
Michigan in the second game of'
the season. The loss started a
five-game string including a 34-01
drubbing at the hands of Mich-
igan State.1
The biggest problem the grid-:
ders faced was replacing holes!
..left by seniors. Losing over half!
of their starters, the Wolverines
had much to do. They ended up
replacing even some of the re-
.....>< >> turning starters.
Dennis Brown, a junior, came!
- on in the middle of the season to!
replace Dick Vidmer at quarter-
back, and in somewhat over half1
a season he managed to break]
three Big Ten records. Another
record setter was his halfback,,
Ron Johnson. Johnson led thel
Big Ten in rushing as well as be-
ing the first Wolverine to gain;
more than 1000 yards rushing in;
a season.,

ailing Ray Phillips to hold up one the three schools. Trampolinist
side of the offensive ,ine. Dave Jacobs defended his indivi-v
It was the other man on that dual championship while Ront
side of the line, split end Jim Rapper won the parallel barsd
Berline who made the most re- title.
markable showing. After riding For the grapplers, their second- v
the bench for two years behind place finish was disappointing.r
All-American Jack Clancy, Ber- Ranked first in the nation beforel
line gained more yards catching the season, the grapplers lost cru-
passes than any previous Wolver- cial meets to Oklahoma and Mi-t
ine except Clancy. chigan State. The crushing blows
After closing the gates on foot-; of the season, though, came whenl
ball, the Wolverines opened the heavyweight Dave Porter lost>
doors on the long-awaited Events twice, in a dual meet and in the t
Building. While the building was Big Ten championship, to Spar-a
a success, the cagers were disap- ton Jeff Smith.
pointing. Porter's Revenge
The opener against Kentucky Porter, however, took his re-f
was a dismal 96-79 failure, and venge in the NCAA champion-c
the Big Ten season followed suit. ships last week. He took revengex
The Wolverines lost their first on Jeff Smith in the semifinals,j
five conference games before run- and then beat top-seeded Jeff
ning Minnesota 113-101. After Lewis from Oregon State in the
dropping a game to Iowa, the finals, gaining Porter the na-
cagers won their first road game tional title.
since Cazzie Russell graduated, The grapplers as a team were
squeeking past Illinois 67-65. not nearly as impressive. They
Final Four Games slipped to eighth place in the na-
After dropping the next two, tional championships' after finish-
the Wolverines finally found their ing second last year.
feet and grabbed the final four A balanced scoring attack and
games. Their finish against Iowa excellent goal-tending by Jim Ke-
was amazing. After grabbing a 14 ough led the icers to a Big Ten
point advantage in the first half, title and a ,fourth-place finish in
guard Jim Pitts found himself the very tough Western Collegiate
with four fouls. But in the second Hockey Association. Like the bas-
half a much worse tragedy struck. ketball team, the icers started
Forward R u d y Tomjanovitch slowly, but gained their balance
sprained his ankle after blocking as the season progressed.
a shot and had to be carried off Swim Team
on a stretcher. Iowa worked on The swim team did consider-

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