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March 29, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-29

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See editorial page

- C, r

111k i6r


Partly cloudy with
chance of showers.

Vol. LXXViII, Nb. 150 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, March 29, 1968 Seven Cents
Big Ten Athletic Heads To Evaluate DISC(
By HOWARD KOHN Neither Commissioner Bill Reed sing said similar practices exist- admitted he employed athletes on passed in 1957, which prohibits available to athletes on their Be
Executive Sports Editor nor Examiner John Dewey are ed there. The original Daily in- a part-time basis from 1958-67. tendered athletes from receiving campuses "without the approval disc
Big Ten athletic directors will talking about the information un- vestigation also disclosed that Some of the most recent athletes any aid beyond their regular of the athletic departments." view
wrestle with the question of dis- covered. "It would be premature Spartan athletes had long dis- employed were Cazzie Russell, '66; scholarships as rmeward for their "We are devoting a lot of time of ti
counts to college athletes from to give you our conclusions now," tance telephone privileges. George Pomey, '65; Carl Ward, athletic achievements. to this issue because we don't "A
collegetown merchants at the next Reed says. A recent Daily probe revealed '67; Dick Wells, '66; Bill Yearby, "I think we have over-reacted want people to say we're sweep- haus
conference meeting May 14-18 in Five local businessmen admit- that drugstores owned by How- '66; and Barry Dehlin, '67. All to the disclosures," Reed says. ing anything under the rug," scale
Minneapolis. ted giving discounts and free mer- ard Wikel also have an estab- were on tenders. "They would be much more sig- Reed says. did"
They will decide if athletic dis- chandise to varsity athletes upon lished discount policy for varsity Conference rules prohibit ath- nificant if an organized fund Along with the conference in- recoi
counts are a clear and present presentation of an 'M' Club card. athletes. letes on tender from accepting within the athletic department vestigation, a faculty committee whe
violation of conference rules. Managers at Tice's Men's Shop, Thomas Copi, '69Ed, was one of part-time jobs during the aca- had been found." at the University has been ex- math
Hinging on the decision are The Brown Jug, M i c h i g a n several former employes at the demic year. At the time they were aiscosed, amining the allegations. Chaired
possible penalties against the Theater and State Theater and drugstores who told The Daily Sources also said athletes have Dewey stated his opinion that by Prof. Edward Halpern of the Re
University and Michigan State the former manager at Michigan that they had given free meals been and still are employed at "discounts would be in violation mathematics department, the ize o
where discount practices were re- Pharmacy told The Daily that to athletes. (The other ex-em- Thano's Restaurant. Athletes if given to the exclusion of the committee was commissioned by ties
vealed in an independent Daily they had given discounts with the ployes wished to remain anony- mentioned included Jim Berline, general student body." the Board in Control of Intercol- he h
investigation in February. prior knowledge of the coaches. mous.) '68, and Ernie Sharpe, '68. Reed stresses that the Big Ten legiate Athletics. disco
Triggered by The Daily probe, Several athletes corroborated Two businessmen have also Until the athletic directors de- office has undertaken a fact- Halpern says the committee will tices
Big Ten examiners interviewed that they had received discounts provided athletes with part-time cide, Reed does not wish to clas- finding mission to study piefer- be finished by the end of next hear
coaches, athletes, administrators and free gifts. One of the coaches' jobs in apparent violation of con- sify discounts as violations. He is ential treatment of athletes week and will report to the Loard Th
and businessmen at the two also said he knew of the practice. ference rules. unconvinced that they violate the around the conference. as soon as possible. He would not main
schools. They completed their in- Athletes and the manager of Roy Snyder, former owner- spirit of Part Two. Rule Seven, Both Minnesota and Wisconsin comment on the committee's find- judg
vestigation this week. Butterfield theaters in East Lan- manager of Michigan Pharmacy, Section Two of the Big Ten code have said that discounts may be ings. mati

Twelve Pages
sides studying" The Daily's
osures, the committee also re
ed the general undertakings
he athletic department
Ve've tried to conduct an ex-
tive study on a much broader
than what the conference
Halpern said. "We will make
mmendations to the Board
a we evaluate all the 1:ifor-
ed does not want to general-
n the scope of discount prac-
throughout the Big Ten. But
as referred to movie theater
unts as "time-honored prac-
which do not strike at the
t of the rules."
e athletic directors have re-
Led silent, refusing to pre-
e the case before all infor-
on has been assembled.

Students To Ask Lansing Looting,
Tn Ros in r Iudnt (;pi




-M n-*w .- %U./ R X wlkf f%-001 M prw %.aW v ' 60W a/

By DAN SHARE - some 30 students to Lansing to
Student Government Council speak with their representatives,
today will open the campaign to The students' arguments will
pressure the state Legislature to centefor fuds and the irrationality of
restore cuts made in the Univer- ofudanth rtinlyof
sity's appropriations. Eight stu- arguments that out-of-state stu-
dents will go to Lansing and talk dents are a burden on the state.
to key members of the House The State Senate has approved
Appropriations Committee. a $61.3 million appropriation for
The trip will allow the students the University for the coming
to sound out attitudes of the com- year. This represents a cut of $3.4
mittee members and give SGC an million from Gov. Romney's re-
idea of the kind of opposition ',quest and a $14.5 million slash in
faced in the Legislature. the University's budget request.
The major push will come next University officials have indi-4
week when SGC president Mike cated that if the cuts made by
Koeneke, '69BAd, expects to send the Senate are not restored, a

$348 hike in out-state tuition will
be necessary.
A mailing campaign will ask
5000 select alumni to write their
representatives and urge the Leg-
islature to restore the cuts.
Koeneke said that a basic rea-
son for student involvement in
this area is that "students can
give a different kind of lobbying
force than the University. I doubt
that the University can have much
effectiveness at this point. In-
dividual students can," he ex-
A position paper distributed at
last night's meeting pointed out
that once an individual completes
a Michigan education, whether or
not he remains in the state -
and contributes his talents to the
state's' welfare - is not a fun-
ction of his place of residence be-
fore entering school.
In other action, SGC abolished
the Student Traffic Advisory
Board (STAB). Mike Davis, Grad,
called the move "another sign
that traffic regulations for stu-
dents are over and done with."
Abolishing STAB reaffirms the
position taken by SGC last week
that Council will have nothing to
do with any reinstitution of driv-
ing regulations.
"There aren't any driving regu-
lations, so there isn't any need
for anradvisory board," explain-
ed Carol Hollenshead, '71. 'She
added that the board has not been
meeting for the last few weeks.
SGC also voted to ask the Re-
gents for an increase in its ap-
propriation from 25 to 50 cents
a student. Counoilw ill run a $3,000
deficit this year:.
The request is similar to one
made last April and rejected. Ex-
ecutive Vice President Bob Neff,
'69, who made the motion, 'said
that the move is "a safeguard in
case we don't get incorporation."
Sam Sherman, '68, said that he
does not expect the request to
be granted since SGC funds are
appropriated from the office of;
Student Affairs budget, which has
already been drawn up for next
Miss Hollenshead said, "I don't
expect to get the increased funds,
but trying will give an impetus
to our incorporation plans."
SGC also approved plans of the
Student Housing Association to
direct pressure for the eight-
month lease at owners of Apart-
ments Limited instead of the



u tsDLifts Travel
res trictionis
To Issue Passports
For Previously Listed
'Off Limit' Countries

Mayor Sets
Curfew, C alls
Legislature Rushes
Control Measures;
48 Hurt by Fighting

-- a a.----------.MEMPHIS, Tenn. OP)--A protest
The State Department will noi by up to 6000 Negroes, led by
no longer prosecute people who Martin Luther King, burst into
travel to countries previously list- ?shattering violence yesterday, and
ed as "off limits." The decision sporadic looting, burning and at
will, in effect, eliminate as of to- least one incidence of sniping con-
day restrictions on travel to all tinued into the night.
countries except Cuba, Commun- One 16-year-old Negro youth
ist China, North Vietnam and {<:::.
isth Ci or t V n dwas killed and 48 other persons,
Nr th orea d t " including four policemen, were in-
Passports will be issued for tra- jured, police said.
vel in these countries, but they Police using tear gas and night
will not be validated and pro- sticks s e en
tections will not be guaranteed. match after young Negroes using
Previously revoked passports will rc ad clus beg reaking
be reissued as long as theon- o and looting downto
er's swear not to use them to adloigd
enter any of the restricted coun- stores.
tries. -Associated Press Even after an emergency dusk-
The State Department admits A MEMPHIS POLICEMAN levels his night stick on a looter during violence that erupted during a to-dawn curfew went into effect,
its decision was the product of a civil rights march led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in behalf of striking sanitation police reported more looting, and
number of recent court decisions workers. Tennessee Gov. Buford Ellington yesterday afternoon declared a state of emergency, fmen were ke buy h
which have gradually undermined pae h iyudracre n ree 00ntoa urse noteae numerous fires set throughout the
its claimed authority to impose placed the city under a curfew and ordered 4000 national guardsmen ito the area. Negro district.
tr'avel restrictions. At midnight, fire officials re-
. The suit which brought today's NOR TH CAMPUS1 S TE-o ported 148 alarms from the down-
changes was that of Prof. town Negro district, five of them
Staughton Lynd of Yale Univer- major blazes. A fire department
sity in the United States Court spokesman said almost all were
of AppProgramstM aycGranrtouched off by gasoline bombs.
of Appeals last December. '[.V'(TO t-ra n tNational Guardsmen, called In-
The State Department had re- to the riot earlier in the day,
yoked Lynd's passport in 1966 af- rode each fire truck as it answered
ter he went to North Vietnam onn _ '' L iI I 1 c "cll hog alo tns
wN i Funds for N w 1 ,CC H allotrogs higof toes
a peace mission. He was later re- E Ui r1 41 tUt'/~~ Police officials reported that
fused a new passport to go to five shots were fired at officers.
'England because he refused to By MICHAEL THORYN total of $300 million per year at oeprative residences in Canada. at the intersection of Beale and
sw~ear he would never return to
North Vietnam. Inter-Cooperative Council may a ceiling interest rate of three per A student co-op in Oregon has Hernando, the main trouble spot.
The court ruled unanimously have found the source of funds cent. been the only co-op to receive a Policemen put on bullet proof
that the passport should have been to build low-cost housing for more The University has offered JJC loan from the program. vests, and national guardsmen,
returned because its seizure viola- than 200 students after years of 2.9 acres of land on North Cam- A lot of momentum came out of armed with sniper scopes, moved
ted the Fifth Amendment right of search. pus at $15,000 an acre. The site .the conference held at the Uni- into the area.
free travel. The court decided that ICC is asking for a $1.18 million overlooks Baits Housing and Zeta versity during spring break for Mayor Henry Loeb, acting un-
the State Department has author- loan under the College Housing Beta Tau fraternity. organizing student co-ops on a der new laws rushed to passage
ity to say where a passport may be Program of the Department of The University is prevented much larger scale," said Nancy by the state legislature in Nash-
legally used but may not control Housing and Urban Development. from acting as a co-signer of a Meyerson, Grad, ICC education ville and signed by Gov. Buford
travel. The program authorizes lending a loan agreement under provisions chairman. See MARCH, Page 8
- of the Michigan Constitution. g__ Counci__Recomme_ ds
A ~~~However, the Housing Act which k$atoie oe o h rga y oni
?states that "approval of the pro- E ec Rornm ien
ject b h institution may be
accepted in lieu of cosignature." Adoptio o P s a Plan
CUierityna V icer t aPass Fail
;r":fI Chief Financial Officer Wilbur do

-Daily-James Forsyth
Carey McWilliams

Me Wiliam sUrges
Dissent in Politics
By JAMES JENSEN The lack of response to dissent
Carey McWilliams, editor of is due to "25 years of rot in the
"The Nation," placed the United political system," McWilliams
States "on the threshold of revo-j said. "Political parties are not
lutionary politics" as he spoke atune to the times," he added,
last night at the League ballroom. j noting that they are organized
McWilliams urged college stu- outside the Jurisdiction of the
dents to preserve the value of Constitution and federal law and
dissent and concern themselves work with an "antique structure
with politics. He said the passive, unchanged since the days of
cynical attitudes taken toward: Tippecanoe."
politics in some dissent should be Many Failures
avoided.Ot her rea sons McWilliams cit-


TCokyo Riotelrs
Hit Hospital
TOKYO (A'-About 400 radical
students armed with staves and
rocks stormed the new U.S. Army
hospital for Vietnam war casual-
ties at nearby Oji yesterday in
a wild, bloody surge that resulted
in 111 injuries.
Police said 169 students were
arrested.-Among the injured were
75 policemen, 27 students and nine
bystanders. All were taken to hos-
pitals and many were reported in
serious condition. - -

ed were the lack of correlation
between foreign and domestic
policy, the disintegration of co-
alitions of interest groups be-
tween the parties and the failure
to recognize the new issues and
their respective constituencies.
Looming over these problems is
the fact that Americans today
cannot relate to their historical
values, which need to be rede-
fined for use in the present.
Saying that only men can make
moral decisions, McWilliams ex-
plained that those who feel mor-
al decisions cannot be made
through politics have a lack of
trust in the people and no Aai h
that the truth can bring change.

K. Pierpont has sent a letter in By GREG ZIEREN essary approval "basically a for-
support of ICC to Washington. Engineering Council last night mality."
Other University offices are approved a recommendation for a Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the
working on a detailed eight-page 1 pass-fail program for technical, engineering college was optimistic
application form that asks such j social science and humanities about faculty approval of the plan
questions as average family income electives which may become ef- and said the proposal would prob-
of students and number of sub-'fective as early as next fall if a ably come before them this spring.
standard units owned by the cor- curriculum committee and the "If it passes, the pass-fail program
poration. Engineering College faculty ap- will be in effect for next year,"
ICC is a non-profit corporation prove the plan. Van Wylen added.
owned by 320 co-op members in 11 Sophomores and upperclassmen; Oppose SGC Incorporation
houses. Members save $400 a year with a 2.00 or better grade point In other action, Council ap-
over dormitory rates by doing all average would be eligible for the proved a resolution against the
their own work: pass-fail option. Pass-fail would proposed incorporation of Stu-
The loan effort was encouraged be elected during the first two dent Government Council on the
by Trevor Thomas, director of the weeks of the term, in contrast to ; grounds that more "in depth re-
College Housing Program, who at- the literary college program where search into the problems and re-
tended the TCC Student 'Housing'ntf r1ontc min+.i - no ai h.a - ,enonsihilitie nf incornnration" is

A ~ .:;

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