FRIDAY, JANUARY 12,1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE$ EVN For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M 557 FOR RENT The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- crtnination in the University com- munity. Questions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing. 764-7400. WANTED-Male student to share large room and bath in private home, near campus in exchange for 7 hrs. of maintenance work/week. 663-4740. C30 4TH MAN NEEDED for large modern apt. one block from campus and South Quad. Luxury and Brother- hood await you. 769-1649. CC APARTMENT and SINGLE ROOMS for rent, South U. near Washtenaw. Not j deluxe, but inexpensive. Call 761- 2795. C18 WANTED TO RENT: Spacious two or four man apt. for fall occupancy. with fireplace, mod. kitchen and bath, furnished, close to campus- hospital area. Call Mike at 761-3660 or Drew at 769-5947 after 5 p.m. CB %OF COURSE $48/mo. plus util. for a priv. bdrm. and shared house ,is cheap, but the semester's started. No lease. If interested and male, call 665-5022. C31 ROOM FOR RENT. Immed. occupancy. Share house with 2 others. $65/mo. 665-4594 after 6 p.m. C29 MALE NEEDED to fill 4-man modern apt. 1 blk. from campus. 761-9574. 021 FEMALE WANTED to share apt. with 3 girls. 761-6552 after 5 p.m. C20 205 NORTH INGALLS Fall Occupancy FOR RENT CAMPUS-HOSP. - JUST REDECO- RATEDI--Small, completely panelled, furn. 1 bdrm. apt. with study, very attractive. $122/mo. Lease thru mid- Aug. 665-0925 or 662-7992. C32 FEMALE GRAD. to share 2 bdrm. du- plex, own bdrm., need car. 483-0500. ext. 269 or 662-8046. C36 NEED 4th MAN for mod., lux. apt. TV. stereo, 3 bdrms., air-cond., 848 Tap- pan. Apt. 8. 761-9554 (Jeff, Roger, ,Pete). C3 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, 1 GIRL for 2 bdrm. 3-man apt. Dishwasher, gar- bage disposal, air-cond., $50/mo. Call 769-2844 mornings or evenings. C2 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - Large 1 bdrm. apt. Furn. all util. paid. 8-mo. lease. $150. 541 S. Division. Apt. 1. 761-1365. 09 THE SUMMIT HOUSE Fall rental. 1, 2, 3 bdrm. modern apts., completely furnished. Some feature a fireplace. After 6, call 761-5471. C6 MODERN APARTMENTS, INC. j Now taking applications for Fall 1968 FURNISHED 3-4 MAN, NEW APTS. For appt. and info. call NO 8-6906. C7 ROOMMATES WAN'TED 5-man apt. fully furnished, 3 bdrms. Call Tom at 769-2119. C8 OWN BDRM. in house for male studentI with car with 2 recent grads. 761- 6083. 037 1335 GEDDES- Fall Occupancy Modern 2-bedroom furnished apart- ments with wall-to-wail carpeting, spacious kitchens, laundry, parking, and storage facilties. Excellent hos- pital and campus location. FOR RENT FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for spa- BABYSITTER WANTED $1.00/hour. clous, 3 bdrm. house. Casual comfort Wed., 11 a.m.-1 p.m 662-8514. H28 and cats. Call 761-3280. C34 - -BABYSITTER - MWF 1-4:30 p.m. 2 FEMALE ROOMMATE to share large, napping girls. 668-7631. H29 2-man. $65/mo. 769-5960. 035--___ _________ -2m . / - . - 5 WANTED - GIRL to do cooking and NEED 1 MAN for modern, 2 bdrm. 4- domestic duties in exch. for BOARD man apt. TV, stereo, has everything. and ROOM with 4 male Grad Stu- 1 grad, 2 srs., 1111 So. State, No. 7. dents. PRIVATE RM. in house. 769- 663-5689. 053 3234. H23 SUMMER SUBLET: $10/month, view STUDENT WIFE to babysit in my Himalayas. write to Pete Sharp; c/o home. 15-20 hours/week. Good pay. American Embassy, Peace Corps, Ne- May bring another child. 663-6368. pal. C15 H26 NEW BI-LEVEL DUPLEX, unfurn., 2 WANTED-PIANO instructor stressing bdrms., balcony, air-cond., carport, theory. Call Jake, 769-1538. H27 Children and pets allowed. $150/mo. 932 Fountain. Call 761-3333 before 5 For appointments evenings and HALFTIME ASST. wanted for med. wkends. call.-761-5796. 017 study. Flexible hours, pay $2.00-$2.50 per hr. depending on qualifications. FURN. APT., 1 girl. Share kitch. and Experience with IBM keypunching & bath with 1 other girl. $73/mo. 714 coding preferred. Must be available; Lawrence. 761-9793 after 8 p.m. C16 thru Aug. Call 665-0505 after 5:30.^ HELP WANTED PERSONAL DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page at 2 convenient locations: S. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's. F17 LIKE TO COOK? Hungry student look- ing for 3-4 girls to cook dinners. Will pay handsomely. Call John, 761-6361. F21 MUSTACHED STARER-the universe is expanding at the rate of one foot per day-property value is going down; sell. Fred Newman. FB SNOBS, FOOD, time, attitudes, tem- perature, hair, sex, money, freedom, and words make us what we are.- THE GESTALT. F22 ZETA BETA TAU-If at all interested in the life and safety of your MOO MOO CHA CHA BIRD, please call 763-3872. F23 $15.00 OFERED FREE to anyone plan- ning to move into dorm this term. Call 769-2119. F20 WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- ies? Why ruin your papers with smudges? Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c per copy during business hours, or only 6c per copy on overnight service. 2 convenient locations, S. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's. F18 FOR SALE: Two tickets to London Royal Philharmonic Concert, Wed., Jan. 17, 8:30 p.m. at Hil Aud. Cost me $6 each but will sell for much less. Call Earl, 761-7179. MUST SELL. FBI PERSONAL PARTY AT HANK'S Saturday night. Call 761-8438. FE MSA-NO ping pong or the obvious, but here's to the State game and dear Ann Arbor town! Love LAP. FD WAKE-UP SERVICE. Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE,: 665-8871 (24 hours). F- LITTLE NUT (female) desires resource- ful male companion. Must be crazy, brilliant, beautiful, and have quite long. preferably red hair. 764-5929. F13 CHEAP LUXURY APARTMENT-4 girls need 5th for luxury bi-level for FALL next year. Close to campus, 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, spacious kitchen with bar. CHEAP!! Call 764- 6900 or 764-4919 evenings. FF BUSINESS SERVICES DON'T TSK IT... TASK IT! Typing-theses and term papers our specialty; IBM typewriters; execu- tive type and justified copy avail- able. Transcription-Medical, technical. business, conferences. Printing-Mimeograph, offset Photcopying Composition & Art Work Stuffing, mailing & addressing Resumes Telephone answering (Pick-up and Delivery) ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. 1900 West Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, Michigan AC 313 761-4146 eves. 665-3531, 761-1187, 662-8495 Marilyn L. Keith, Director J SUMMIT ASSOC IATES for the finest in campus Apartments Call 761-8055 C28 SUBLET-Leaving 3 great roommates in jam. Need a 4th giril. Mod., furn. bi-level apt. on campus. $55/tio. Call 663-7825 or 764-5400. C54 BI-LEVEL APTS FOR FALL H20 KITCHEN HELP-Lunch and dinner. Phi Rho Sigma Med. Frat. 76J-6515. H21 PART-TIME MALE OR FEMALE - Encyclopedia Britannica and Great Books of the Western World. Now hiring. Make an extra $80-$134/wk. No cold canvassing. Work on leads and by appointment only. Must have car. Phone for personal "interview. 761-1488. H22, MEAL JOBS AVAILABLE, Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. Contact stuard at 761-2330. 5:30-6:30 p.m. H POETRY WANTED Idlewild Publishers, San Francisco, Calif. for Anthology. 543 Frederick, 94117. F T H E PAR K L^NEWANTED: Babysitter every Friday 12- /HE\R4:N p.m. Call 665-0447. H19 lombining the charm of an older house with the conveniences of a modern apartment, this bi-level 3-bedroom furnished duplex includes a living room fireplace. new kitchen appli- ances with disposal, bath with double sinks, and wall-to-wall carpeting throughout. Ideal for nurses or a group of six girls, it is located within % block of St. Joseph's Hospital and less than two blocks from central campus. I 3 511 EAST HOOVER or 4-man, furnished, garbage dispos- als, dishwashers, free parking, laun- dry machines on premises. Call 665- 9627 or see mgr. in apt. 15 after 5j p.m. C61 FEMALE, 21 to 28 yr. old to care for. ..FRESHMEN--D.d...y. Like.y..... handicapped college student. Must FR EN Did eyou ik syour Fal be able to drive. $50 a wk. Sat. noon Orientationsleader? If so sign up to to Sn. igh fre, all769515 or be one yourself. If not, sign up to to Sun. night free. Call 769-5154 or mrvthr t.U ofcsse- MA 6-5298 in Birmingham. Hil improve their lot. UAC offices, sec- ond floor Union. F24 i CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 662-7787 C14 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 335 East Huron 662-7787 C22 1311 WILMOT near Washtenaw-Gar- age for rent. 662-7787. C23 NEW LUXURY APT. 10 min. from An- '0Bell Hall neds 3rd man for 4-man. Private bdrm., TV, stereo. Plenty of parking. $64mo., will take loss on rent. Call Charlie Held at 769-2838 after 4. C24 FEMALE GRAD student or working girl to share mod, attractive apt. with 2 others. Located near hosp. and campus. Cal eves., 761-7405 026 APPLICATIONS FOR LOADED WITH GOODIES 2 BDRM 4-man apt. Campus andI hosp. location. NO 3-9373. Eves., NO 5-0063. C36 NICE & CLOSE! Now renting for Fall Large, Modern four-man Apts. Convenit.t Access to Campus Central A-C Private Parking Beautifully furnished Competitive rents Many othervfeatures SUMMIT TWO- 1 ST IN STYLE & COMFORT Call 761-8055 C55 1 FEMALE toommate wanted. Large apt. close to campus. Call 761-3659. 014 MADISON APTS. FALL 1968 Lease applications being accepted. Large furnished four-man, also two bedroom, two bath, (girls only). -ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS -FREE PARKING -FREE AIR-CONDITIONING -RESIDENT MANAGER For appointment call NO 3-8866 09 1 OR 2 ROOMMATES, pref. male, need- ed to share large house with private bdrm., low rent. Call 761-8790. C12 4TH MAN for apt. $50 per month. Modern facilities. 727 E. Kingsley, Apt. 15. NO 5-4905. 013 1 GUY NEEDED for 4-man apt. 815 S. State. 665-0569. 038 NEED 4TH ROOMMATE. $50/mo. 711 E. Ann. 769-5523. C28 3 MEN NEED 4th to sublet until Aug. 20. Furnished 2-bdrm. Rent $57 each. 809 Catherine, Apt. 1. Call 769-1546. 09 NEEDED - FEMALE grad student to share furn. 2 bdrm. apt. with 2 others. Modern close to campus. 769- 3246__ 30 SINGLE ROOMS-4-man, quiet, lounge and snack bar. $10/wk. Call 668-9755r after 6 p.m. 032 CARRIAGE HOUSE-Girl ,wanted for lovely modern apt. Close to cam- pus. Immediate occupancy. Call Vicki, 662-8258. CD ROOM FOR RENT - sConvenient to campus and hospitals. 761-8297. 02 3 MAN APT., 3 bdrms. Newly furn. $180. 769-1235. C10 GIRL TO SHARE charming house. Your own large sunny room. No lease, parking. 668-9851. C43 2 BDRM. FURN. apt. avail. immed. New bldg. 4-8 mo. lease. Call 761- 8055. C45f Big Ones-Small Ones furnished and unfurnished Modern, Not so Modern Very Old On Campus-Off Campus r For the Widei t Slentio 500-5000-PLUS Miles of FREE air travelj offered to students willing to act as campus representatives for com- pany organizing student tours to1 Europe. Write: Student Wheels. Abroad Program, 555 Madison Ave.,# New York, N.Y. 10022. H2 NEEDED BABYSITTER within walking distance of .Packard, Hill, S. Divi- sion area. M, W, F in your home. 10-4:30. 662-8109. H25 SUMMER SUBLET LUXURIOUS 4-Man for Summer Sub- let-Air conditioned, two bedroom, 1% baths. Located in the beautiful Tradewinds Apts., 121 E. Hoover, No. 14. (Commuter bus stops every 10 minutes across the street). $50/man. Call 769-0839. UD WANTED TO RENT PARKING SPACES needed. Will pay reasonable price. Call Judy, 764-4944. Ll ROOM AND BOARD SIX KIDS IN SEARCH OF EGO MO- DELS, need you if you're male, feel strongly about people and issues, can live in, work eves. and weekends (occasionally). Rm. and board, small salary, car allowance. Call 665-8002 after 6 p.m. E3 APT. 208-"O.E. Who's the wise guy that put the prayer on the front door? Do you want to ruin our repu- tation?" FA SHUN MASS MEDIA. Directory of 100- plus radical publications right and left. Send 75c. Pete McAlpine, 1304 Gedes. F19 MASS MEETING ROUNDUP for Winter Weekend, Thursday, Jan. 11, 7:30 p.m. Union Ballroom. F9 BE READ IN GENERATION Michigan's inter-arts magazine Deadline for contributions for Winter issues: Jan. 17. GENERATION, 420 Maynard. FA WHO SAYS A PIN is not for pinning? We are happy to see that Tom gave in to Mary. Congratulations. M and M. FE PETITIONING NOW FOR JOINT JUDIC PETITIONS DUE JAN 16 F10 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed. 1-7 (18-21 years old need parent's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 F. ATTENTION - All subscribers to The Michigan Daily in the State, Pack- ard, Hoover Sts. area can still send Christmas tips to their carrier at 2104 Dorset Rd. FD WANTED - FICTION, NON-FICTION, POETRY, DRAWINGS, AND PHOTOS for GENERATION, the inter-arts magazine. Deadline: Jan. 17. 420 Maynard. , FD UNCOVERED? Enroll in SGC's Student Health Insurance. Call Sue, 663-0661. 1548 SAB. F11 S-I changed my name. Your turn now, but when?-R. FF FRED NEWMAN-Electricity gives me a charge. Here's hoping that it runs to a Billion Electron Volts. Un- requited love is the hardest to bear. The Moustached Starer. FD NERVOUS? Learn self-help. Recovery, Inc., Box 231, An Arbor, GL 3-0327. F WANTED-ROOMMATE 3 bdrm. modern apt.-male roommate wanted. 769-2119. FF IF YOU CALL your father Mr. Charlie, join the John Brown Clubs. FE MALE ROOMMATES WANTED for spa- cious four-man. Bi-level, air-cond. $65.00/month, excellent location. For next year, Aug. '68-Aug. '69. Call 769- 1874. FE REm of being an uptight honkie? Remember, color is anacieto birth. Join the John Brown Clubs. FD LOST AND FOUND FOUND in And. D during Drug-In, girls hat, call 761-3419 and identify. AE WOULL THE PERSON who took the toy pistol from the Michigan Ensian office please return it. AE LOST: WOMAN'S WATCH, black suede band, black enamel border. Lost Sat. Jan. 6. Reward. Urgent. A9 SWISS WATCH, revolving dial. Sub- stantial reward. Call Elaine. 761- 4188. A LOST-Cleopatra, charming setter. White with beige markings. 663-6759. A7 BUSINESS SERVICES EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires typing in my home. Phone 761-2070. J7 PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 6c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape or unlimitederasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox 2400 duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 6c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents). Immediate service during business hours only 8c per page. 2 convenient locations: S. Univ. right next to U. Towers; S. State right next to Marshall's. JJ Creative Photography Weddings, parties, candid and formal portraits. Professional quality at stu- dent rates. Call 769-3531 days, 769- 0868 evenings. Ji Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results FOR SALE 57 PORSCHE Super Speedster. New engine-all accessories. Best reason- able offer. 665-6601. B6 FOR SALE: steel string guitar. Good condition. $35, Call 761-8680. BF DECORATE your apt. inexpensively. Manufacturer'ssclearance sale. Floor pillows and toss pillows at wholesale prices. Sat., Jan. 13. 9 a.m.-3 p.m 1342 N Main St. B 1 FOREST GREEN SKI SWEATER just bought from Aspen. Austrian import of the highest quality. Men's large. Call 764-0688. B5 DESPERATELY WANT to sell (or trade) -2 Europe Flight tickets. June 28- Aug. 14. Call Merrill, 769-0679. B3 PHOTO SUPPLIES PENTAX SPOTMATIC & Telephoto Lenses; Speed Graflex; Nikon-S. Must sell. 662-7113, D1, BIKES AND SCOOTERS MUST SELL-HONDA S90 Scrambler. Bored, KM, $125. Call 769-0236. Z2 BSA 175 CC, '58. 6 mo. insurance and 2 helmets. $149. Call Nick Lederer, 761-4811 or 971-0600. Z1 DOWNTOWN HONDA 310 E. Washington Phone 665-8637 Z Save $1.00 with this ad ALL MOTORCYCLES EXPERT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Free Parking HONDA OF ANNARBOR 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS CLASSICAL GUITAR instruction. Jean Collins, 769-2396. X1 TAS-X pre-amplifier. 662-5393. Xl STROBE LIGHTS -- 761-0195 X HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Unavailable instruments, repairs and instructions-209 S. State. 665-8001. X BUY U.S. PLEASE (;IECK YOUR AD The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p.m and 2:30 p m We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention Thank you MISCELLANEOUS ON CAMPUS PARKING. 769-5255. M3 DESPERATE!-Have single Tues. nite PTP tickets and a class conflict. Wish to trade or deal for Mon. nites. Call Kathy. 761-2385. U13 100 COPIES of an original, perfectly Xeroxed, only $3.00, 500 copies, only $11.00 immediate service on super speed Xerox 2400. Individual copies 8c per page, 6c if left overnight. Copy paper supplied free. 2 conven- vient locations, S. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's. Discount Photocopy Serv- ice, 769-0560; 769-4252. M2 CARS TO CALIF. Drive yourself. Must be 21 or older. Joe Sonc Auto Sales, TO 5-5700, 18018 Woodward, Detroit. MATH TUTOR, have Masters U of M and exp. Prefer basic courses. Mr. Siegel at 665-6950. M2 KEEP FREEDOM RINGING 1968-1969 are being accepted The Colony of Ann Arbor For upper classmen, grads, married and professionals. Furnished one bedroom bi-levels. Large 1 or 2 man efficiencies. Close to State Street, free parking, laundry and storage facilities, air- conditioning. For appointments call NO 3-8866. 010 SAVINGS BONDS rr e w esz ee cuon n O FREE ROOM & BOARD in exchange IN FINE APARTMENT HOUSING for evening baby-sitting. 1 child. Call Call 761-8055 971-0149 after 5 p.m. E2 -C-al-l-76-1-8-055-~ S CAM PUS FALL1968 New furnished, close-in, student apartments. DAHLMANN APTS. Office: 545 Church 761-7600 weekdays' 019 NEED TO REPLACE 2 drafted room- mates. , Large Apt. close to campus. Call 668-7328 or 663-3969. C52 FEMALE ROOMMATE for 2-man. 3 blks. from campus. Call Lynne, 665- 4061. C62 TWO POST-COLLEGE CHICKS seek quiet third. $54/mo. Ldy. Kitch. 764-1380 or 665-3580. 063 SINGLE OR DOUBLE ROOM. Large, comfortable, on campus. Female. $10 or $12. 761-7330. 724 E. Univ. C64 4th MAN NEDED for winter semester, 4-mo. lease, $55/mo., TV, steareo, off- street parKing. 769-5965. Cl BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore For "GUYS and GALS" JUST ARRIVED! FIRST IN ANN ARBOR LEVI CANVAS-SUPER SLIM $4.98 CORDUROY SLIM FITS $5.98 LEVI'S STA PREST $6.50 "NUVO" HOPSACK $7.50 S-T-R-E-T-C- H LEVI'S $6.50 LEVI's Superslims $4.98 LEVI's Dungarees $5.25 BUTTON LEVI'S! $4.79 (Guaranteed to Shrink ) 607 H ILL ST. On Campus 1 block from Law Quad 2 blocks from Central Campus 2-Mans-3 and 4-Man Apts. Bi-Levels Air Conditioned Private Parking Modern Building For Rental Information Call Summit Associates 761-8055 056 3 GIRLS NEED 1 for mod, apt. Jan.- Apr. $60 mo. 422 Kingsley, No. 6. 769-0129. C3 FEMALE NEEDED to share one bed- room apt.-,- block from Frieze Bldg. For information call 761-1444 from 10-5:30. C40 -FIREPLACES!- STYLE - RUSTIC COMFORT Tired of Sterile, Modern buildings? 2-3-4-man Apts. in Older houses With and without fireplaces On Campus COMPETITIVE RENTS Call 761-8055 SUMMIT ASSOCIATES FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share small i bdrm. apt. Age 21. Near hos- pitals. Contact Cindy Drake, 665-7113 after 5 p.m. C41 Roommates Wanted CALL 761-8055 028 ONE OR TWO GIRLS needed to share mod. bi-level apt. Close to campus and hospital. Call 769-3436. C48 SUMMIT ASSOCIATES C57. 4TH MAN NEEDED for large apt. $60. Near I.M. Bldg. 769-2008. 011 GIRL NEEDED to sublet in 3-man apt. 2 blks. from campus. Immed. occu- pancy Air cond., furn. $66/mo. 662- 3843. C8 BOARDERS WANTED-Male or female. Michigan cooperative. 315 N. State. 761-7511 C35 GIRL NEEDED - Share house with 2 others. Own bdrm. $75/mo. Call 761- 7945 after. 6 p.m. C KINGSLEY APARTMENTS Immediate Occupancy Modern 2-bedroom apartments with brand new furnishings, drapes, and wall-to-wall carpeting. Parking, stor- age, and laundry facilities. Also unfurnished 2-bedroom sub- let, less than a mile from campus. Spacious and modern with stove, refrigerator, and disposal included. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 662-7787 013 WANTED-1 male roommate at 715 McKinley No. 1, $40/mo. 'til June. 761-4811. C51 GIRL WANTED for 3-man luxury apt., 1320 S. Univ. 769-5172. C47 TRADEWINDS APTS. 2-3-4 Man Units Among the Largest on Campus Now Renting for Fall Featuring: Central Air-Conditioning Bi-Levels Covered Parking Balconies Disposals Laundry and Storage facilities Completely furnished Management by: SUMMIT ASSOCIATES Call 665-8330 for Rental Information - C59 TRANSPORTATION NEED A RIDE North any weekend. Bay City, Saginaw, Midland. Call Chris, 761-7218. G2 DAILY RIDE NEEDED to and from Wayne State. Live in AA. Can leave from any convenient place. Share costs. 761-2801. Gi USED CARS '61 PLYMOUTH 6 cyl., Stand. Trans. Excel. cond. 769-0135 Nl 1966 ALFA ROMEO Spider Veloce. White with black convertible top. Red leather. Call 764-8996. N12 1958 MGA. Good tires, body, excellent interior, starts and runs fine. Call Dick, 769-2488. N 1965 VW, red, excellent condition. 761-2252 after 5 p.m. Nio '67 AUSTIN-HEALEY SPRITE MkIV, 4000 mi., red, excell. cond., must sell. Call 663-7825 after 5 p.m. N RAMBLER '61 Classic, Standard 6. Very good engine, snow tires. $185. Call 426-8171 or 764-7449. N5 '67 VOLKSWAGEN. Excellent condition. With full accessories. 483-2987. N6 SEE THE incredible shrinking price of 1964 Pontiac Grand Prix. Take your > Magical Mystery Tour in luxurious car. Excel. cond. 761-1911 eves. N3 I L J A ery Special Event THE DOUBLE HELIX T" soft f ow PuRWOhgoe- a 5 -Atlan tic #II I SIGMA ALPHA MU ii to Discover the Secret of DNVA byJmnes . s2wts" Beginning: T"" eDoubleHelix, a book about the biggest evntI biology since Darwi The story of the discovery of the key to the genetic code, by James D. Watson who won the Nobel Prize for his part in the achievement. The Atlantic publishes in two parts Professor Watson's personal account of a race to discovery as exciting as the race to the South Pole and immeasurably more important to man's knowl- edge of himself and his world. It inspired a stream of new research in biochemistry and has caused an explosive transformation of the science. The Double Helix begins in the January issue of The Atlantic and concludes in February. It is a great story not only for its scientific information liii ' i nI J' L , r " I, 1'.r P)r~A.A A I lD I ICu I i