Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1Nednesday, March 27 1968 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 27 1968 CAMPAIGN ROUNDUP: McCarthy Woos GOP; RFK Speaks on Draft DAILY OFFICI SEATTLE (P)-Sen. Robert F. Kennedy stepped up his appeal Tuesday for the support of college students in his drive for the Dem- ocratic presidential nomination. "If you'll help," he told 8,000 cheering University of Washington students, "we can win in Chicago, we can win in November, and we can have a new day for the Unit- ed States of America." Meanwhile, in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Sen. Eugene J. Mc- Carthy moved into traditionally Republican central Wisconsin yes- terday in a frank bid for Repub- lican votes to swell his total in next Tuesday's primary contest with President Johnson. The Draft But the New York Democrat, given an opportunity to score ex- tra points with his student audi- ence when questioned on the draft, refused. They cheered lustily when he said he would "like to develop in the United States a professional army so that we would not have to rely on the draft. But then he added, "However, while the war in South Vietnam is taking place I am in favor of a lottery system. And student deferments should be abolished." Receiving a mixed response to that statement, which he has made before, Kenedy asked: "Is it fair, in your judgment, to those others that they should be drafted and have to go to Viet- nam? Why should it be those who are poor who have to bear the burden? "Should you be deferred be- cause you have the advantage of this kind of life, while Negroes, Mexican Americans, Indians and others are the ones who are fight- ing and dying for us now?"' Kennedy was surrounded as he spoke by about a dozen signs reading "McCarthy Country." Kennedy drew his biggest ova- tion when he told the students the primary significance of Sen. Eu- gene McCarthy's strong showing in the New Hampshire primary is not the number of votes but the fact that it showed "the desire of the people for a change from Lyndon Johnson." Wisconsin Wisconsin's voters nay cast either ballot in the open primary, and with Richard M. Nixon coast- ing on a long lead in the Repub- lican race, a heavy crossover to the Democratic ballot has been The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Uaily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only, Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27 Day Calendar Departments of Social Work and Public Administration Colloquium - "Innovation in Social Welfare Policy:{ Help or Hinderance from the Profes- sions?" Rackham Amphithgater, 3:00, p.m. Center for Programmed Learning for Business Seminar-"Management of Behavior Change": Michigan Union 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. New Careers in Community Service-s Registration, Lobby, Rackham Bldg., 8:30 a m. Department of Anatomy Lecture - Charles Severn. Dept. of Anatomy, The University of Michigan, "Morphological Development of the Human Liver", 2501 E. Med. Bldg., 4:00 p.m. Astronomical Colloquium - Prof.j Eberhart Jensen, Institute of Theoreti- cal Astrophysics, Oslo, Norway, "Opa- city Properties of Sunspot Models and the Wilson Effect," 807 Astro-Physics Bldg., 4:00 p.m. ., :.and Savings Balances," on Wed, March Engrg. degree, exper. desirable. Buss-':a 27, at 4 p.m. in ISR, 3rd Floor Confer- ness applications programmers, Bus. de- A L BUL LE TI eneR.Cara:E ue. gree plus 360 and ornCOBOL d RG N IZAT ION P lLTM ii e n S t s n e , . ieschedulers syst., BBA, IE, cr 0tg.C E S Phice -tent or acctg., extensive exper. in niwstlr N T E sched., PERT, Oper. Res., or sy stems BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS proced. Quality Control engr., 3S/BA f! . g g g Department of Philosophy Lecture - 3200 SAB plus 5-8 yrs. Prof. Jaakko Hintikka, University of GENERAL DIVISION - Head Ski Co., Inc. Timonimn, Md. - USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- Helsinki, "Does Ought Imply Can?" ANNOUNCEMENT: Undergrad student for company c3m- NOUNCEMENTS is available to off!Cil- Thurs., March 28, Aud. D, Angell Hall, pus representative, ability to ski, ly recognized and registered student 4:10 p.m. knowl. of local ski retail and resort organizations only. Forms are avail- Bureau of Appts., Bus. Ad. and Econ. business, aptitude for aggressive sales- able in room 1011 SAB. Medical Legal Problems and Social Mars pa rticulacrit union projeco bymanship promotion. Will be trained by, Work Seminar - Speakers from Syn- VISTA work with and report to District Sales Baha'i Student Group, informal dis- SpenHoue, D t, aeso thVISAManager, will amount to approx. 5 hrs. cussion. "The Dawn of the Promised anon House, Detroit, "Aspects of the'wekI Age," Fri., March 29, 8:00 p.m., 520 N. Synanon Foundation," Thurs., March Opportunities for Further Study and week. rA l" wechme.,Call 662-,528 i 28, 220 Hutchins Hall, 3:30 p.m. Financial Aid, received by General Div- MCh.ysrou. Sle Re., Er.t, Ayo Aee trnsort.C4 ision, call 764-7460 for further infor- mtg. degre pl rs. in o Unegaut-rnr ovcto.iation: kg dgrepus5yr.iroj. r .Lc Undergraduate-honors Convocation. teNe. project engrg. Analog Computer Pro- Student Zionist Organization, Lec- The annual Convocation recognizing United 1i(atians, N.Y . - New York grammer, BSEE or Phys. plus 4 yrs. ture discussion, Wed.. March 27, 8:30 undergraduate honor students will be Program, Intern Program, provides op- in analog programming. Research en- p.m., Mines Rm., 2nd floor Union. held at 10:30 a.m., Fri, March 29, at portunity for limited number of out- gineers, BSAE plus 5 yrs. Research Speaker: Leon Fine, "American Settlers Hill And. The Honorable Wilbur J. standing students from different coun- engrg, MS/AME or EE with mat bckrnd, in Israel." Cohen,.Under Secretary of Health, Edu- tries specializing in fields of interna- n ,en catonandWelar, wll ddrss hetional relations, government, law, and Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., Senl- cation,eca falls, N.Y. - R & D engr., MSBS UM Scottish Country Dance Society Convocation on "The World of 1976." economic and social affairs,, to study in physics or EE, exper. req. Sr. Design meeting every Wed., 8:00-10:30 p.m the principles, purposes and activities iWoyisorEepr eq r ein metngs tevry wed. :0B0e 0p. All classes, with the exception ofo the U O ptmen and woen engineer, BS/MSEE. Technical writer, Women's Athletic Bldg. Beginners wel- clinics and graduate seminars, will be Egraduate students. Closing date for ap- E. Salesman. Cost accountants come, nstruction given. dismissed at 9:45 a.m. for the Convo- plications is April 1. Applications are Bus. Ad. degree plus 3 yrs. Design cation. However, seniors may be ex- available at the Bureau of Ats., con- tengrs.Project leader. Commercial p- Uuie l, eg, instruction, cused from clinics and seminars. atMs enyre476.oic plications engineers, BSEE. CupeeeyWd - cuedfrm liic ad emnas, tact Mrs. Heaney, 764-7460. Costs are Campbell Soup Company, Napoleon, p.m., ROTC Range. The honor students will not wear the responsibility of the student. Ohio*and oe loany, Proesn, caps and gowns. Main floor seats will State University College, New Plat, Orod otserlocationse-hncess UM Judo Club Promotional Tourna- be reserved for them and for members ( New York, Graduate programs for pro- umtiosupmrvrsrsndeshniaload of their families, and will be held until spective secondary school teachers in ministration. Maintenance supv ac- vited to come to the restli g R. of 10:15. Doors of the Auditorium will English. MAT and MS degrees open to f gME Ch Ie IM Bldg., March 28, 7:30 p.m open at 10:00. The public is invited. Engl. majors, MS degree applicants CE EE, Lib. Arts., Biochem., Chem., * must have provisional certificates. Lim- Microbiol., Transportation. ' Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill at Undergraduate Summer Research in ited amount of financial aid available. Forest Ave. Lenten Service, Wed., Medicinal Chemistry: NSF grants are University of Toledo, Ohio - Gradu- Midwest Research Institute, Kansas March 27, 7:15 p.m., "A Layman In- available to undergraduates who have ate assistantships for good students in City, Mo. - Openings in Bacteriology, terprets the Christian Faith," Mr. Wil- completed a year's course in organic variety of fields for work leading to Immunology, all areas of chemistry, liam Hartman, Chrysler Company. chemistry. Apply by April 1 to Medi- MBA degree. Encourage non-business polymer science, Indust., Chem., and * * * cinal Chemistry, 2521 Chemistry-Phar- degree applicants, day or evening study, Regional Economists, Engineering in Delta Phi Alpha, the national Ger- macy Bldg., telephone 764-7366. can work locally while studying. many areas, Mathematics. Bio-stat., n honoray fraternity il ol i ___I_ Psychologists, Oper. Res., Syst. Anal., spring meeting and initiation cere- Current Position Openings received EDP syst., Chem. Phys. monies Wed., March 27 at 8:15 p.m. in by mail and phone by General Division, Wisconsin State University, Superior, the W. Conference Rm. of the Rack- call 764-7460 for further information: Wisconsin - Head Resident in Wo- ham Bldg. The art historian Dr. Egon .n .oState of Illinois - Personnel Execu- men's residence hal, Student Affairs Verheyen will speak on the topic, Exainina lions tive, BA in person. admin., bus, or Staff. Supv. 11 senior counselors, and "Erwin von Steinbach und Goethe - publ. admin. plus 10 yrs. exper. Asst. other duties in student affairs or Betrachtungen Uber das Strassburger Arlene Marjorie Jackson, English Lan- Purchasing Agent, degree w courses in teaching. Prefer MA in Guid.-Couns. Munster." guage and Literature, Dissertation: econ., mktg., bus, ad. plus 3 yrs. exper. _----- -- "Ideals and Realities in Victorian Eng- Commodities inspector, exper. req. Fur- land. A Study of the Idealistic Quest chasing Agent, degree in business areas Theme in the Novels of George Eliot plus 10 yrs. exper. and Thomas Hardy," on Wed., March Bell Aerosystems, Buffalo, N.Y. - 27 at 3:30 in Rm. 1611, Haven Hall. Contract Admin. BBA ius5-7 r ' I 'I; -Associated Press Sen. McCarthy in Madison Statistics Seminar - Miss C.I will speak on "Decision theory partial a priori knowledge," at p.m. in Rm. 3201, Angell Hall. Page with 4:10 [ f I; t_ , V ltn u n u u., DDX y Z - Y . Chairman: A. L. Bader. Supv. Manuf. Estimating, Bus. Ad. de- gree plus 10 yrs. Manager PBPS Config- Wallace Hunter Wilson, Economics, uration mgmt., Engrg./Bus. Ad. com- Dissertation: "The Determinants of bination plus degree. Applications Pro- Short-Run Change in Consumer Time grammer Analyst, Math, Phys., or1 predicted, although GOP leadersf are trying to head it off.I At a qulestion and answer per- iod in Wisconsin Rapids, McCar- thy was reminded by a member of the audience that Vice Presi- dent Hubert Humphrey had said President Johnson was the only real peace candidate and was will- ing to negotiate at "any time, any place.' McCarthy replied, "I/m willing to negotiate at a specific time, and a specific place, and on a specific proposition. "They haven't said where or when, or on what conditions," the Minnesota Democrat said of the administration spokesmen. And, he said, as he has in the past, that he feels the United States would have to be "prepared to accept a coalition government in Vietnam which would include the National Liberation Front forces." Monday night at Madison, where more than 15,000 persons crowded the coliseum with the largest audience of his campaign, his own supporters were joined by those of Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy-who has urged such support in Wisconsin-and by Wisconsin's Republican first lady. But yesterday with McCarthy, who has described himself on oc- casion as leader of a "Children's Crusade," there were reports of dissension in the ranks-and some possible changes. Asked by newsmen about ru- mors of staff frustration and dis- content, McCarthy said that such signs were standard in a political campaign and added, "I have not accepted any resignations." Genteral Notices IST Ocean Engineering Seminar Series - Vice Admiral Charles B. Mar- tell, USN (Ret.), until recently Director of Antisubmarine Warfare Programs in the Office of the Chief of Naval Oper- ations, will give the eighth seminar, entitled "Ocean Engineering Aspects of Antisubmarine Warfare," Thurs., March 28, at 2:30 p.m. in the Main Lecture Hall of the Chrysler Center for Con- tinuing Engineering Education. Colloquium in Education - Arthur Pearl. Director, Division of Remedial Education, University of Oregon, "The Irrelevancy of the Schools; What Does the Future Hold?" Thurs., March 28, 131 Bus. Ad. Bldg., 4:00 p.m. I STATE STREET at NORTH UNIVERSITY WILL BE CLOSED FOR INVENTORY ON FRIDAY, MARCH 29 AND SATURDAY, MARCH 30 II THE CONCERT SOUND OF HENRY MANCINI WITH ORCHESTRA OF 40 SATURDAY, MARCH 30 UNIVERSITY EVENTS BUILDING 8:30 P.M. LEN QUENON Believes: "TODAY'S PLANNING CAN A ALLEVIATE TOMORROW'S CONGESTION" DEMOCRAT SECOND WARD Saturday, 9 to 4:30 $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 TICKETS AT EVENTS BUILDING Vote Monday, April 1 Paid Political Announcement L|------- -----_____________ -- -------- Join in a Drama I With a Cast of Thousands e C I. I 0 41 " 'Tis deeds must win the prize." - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE This past weekend, over 130 students from the University of Michigan, with over a thousand other students from the whole Midwest traveled to Wisconsin by bus, car, and plane to de- vote two days of work to the presidential campaign of SENA- TOR EUGENE McCARTHY. Students returning from the trip ING WEEKEND. Most of those who went last weekend have may be available. We require a minimum of $5. Sign up for decided to go back this weekend. 250 others have also signed up; but Wisconsin is begging for much more help. THIS IS THE LAST WEEKEND BEFORE THE PRIMARY ! All who can drive are uraed to do so. For those who cannot, buses through Friday on Diag or at Fishbowl, or at IMPORT- ANT MEETING TONIGHT at 7:30 in the Ist-floor auditorium of the 2-story wing of the Physics-Astronomy Building (all as- pects of the trip will be discussed). Those planning to drive e .r n iv ...e ... .rw .,,,. .. .,... .J ..... ... ..... ..... .... .. .,. _. ... _