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March 27, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-27

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Vol. LXXVIII No. 148 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, March 27, 1968 Seven Cents
Milwaukee 's Housing Marchers: Hope SyJ
By JIM NEUBACHER ing drive. But the rationale is lost street demonstrations after vio- is that the efforts have continued But underlying the air of in- ear. He hit a 12 year old girl with T1
and CHERI GAY now. The marchers have one story, lence erupted when the Youth and the marches with them. In formality, there is a serious tone. ' his nightstick." Now
special To The Daily and the police have another. Now Council marched to the city's fact, a small march Saturday "See that squad car down Back at St. Boniface, the group mar
MILWAUKEE, Wis. - On a only the facts remain. This is the South side Monday and Tues- marked the 214th consecutive day there?" Pete said before the dispersed, and Pete talked about polic
dark night it's even more unim Associated Press report of Sep- day night. When the marchers of protest and marching. march began. the open housing struggle that I
pressive. A pile of timbers, burnt tember 3, 1967. the waek of the returned to their Freedom Saturday night's march was Hepitdt ml ht, has been going on since August. wauk
and broken, sitting in a pile of burning: House headquarters Tuesday, typical of the unpublicized dem- He pointed to a small white. I the
weeds, that's all. If someone didn't MILWAUKEE, Wis. ) -- A they found the building in onstrations that take place regu- unmarked car a block away. "It "Milwaukee is the most segre riy,
tell you, you wouldn't know it was swelling throng of civil rights flames. larly in Milwaukee's North Side stays there all the time, 24 hours gated cityn the country," said the
the remains of what used to be marchers moving without po "Of ghetto; 30 or 40 regulars meeting ardc. Wtefllow us oun." ae 3tiau
called Freedom House; used to be, lice interference for the first s in the basement of St. Boniface,You
that is, until it was burnt down time in four nights, surged into to a guy li ete, becauseidi marching a mile or so, and indd t .mt"the
last August. the virtually all white South- Bailey, member of the Youth formally dispersing. Cruising slowly a foot away from The South side, which is over- son,
Freedom House was the meeting side last night - a section the curb, three Milwaukee'police- .whelmingly Polish, has long form- versa
Coni.The atmosphere surrounding men glared at the marchers. "Hi- e h oeo eitnet pnW
place for the Milwaukee Youth where hoards of heckling whites the marches is casual. A special mngae ttemrhr."i ed the core of resistance to open W
Council, a predominantly Negro greeted them with stones and Pete is Peter Waldheim, coun- thelmary" asual.f pecil ya Sarge," yelled one of the housing efforts in Milwaukee. It They
group of 500 sponsored by the slurs earlier in the week. cil member. He has worked in the mar bad the oncil. marchers, under his breath add- was on a bridge leading into the with
called the Commandos, line thewaonaldigntth tc
NAACP, which has formed the The ban (on night-time open housing drive since the i- marchers up in double file and ing obscenities not meant for the South side from the black ghetto, to t
core of support for the open hous- marches) imposed by Mayor tial march, organized by Father officially lead the march. The officers' ears. "the bridge between Africa and was
eg drive currently being waged Henry Maier, earlier in the James Groppi of St. Boniface formality is soon erased however, A paddy wagon roams the area Poland" as it is often called, that he c
m Milwaukee. week, was lifted at 9 a.m. yes- Church as the line becomes small clus- along with the scout car. "We've Father Groppi's marchers had the but
Why was Freedom House burned terday as announced by the These first protest marches 6ters of friends moving down the had quite a few fights with the confrontation with angry South symb
down? It was a meeting place for mayor Friday. The mayor had drew widespread national publi- street laughing and talking be- cops," said Pete. "You know, I saw side residents that led to the ban their
the organizers of the open hous- ordered the night-time ban on city. But what few people realize tween themselves. one dop get his throat slit ear to on marches last August. they

Eight Pages
ings have changed since then,
the only attention the
hers receive is from the three
fact, two weeks ago, the Mil-
kee Journal, which also owns
other major newspaper in the
the Sentinel, reported that
marches had been discon-
ed. The Commandos of the
h Council had voted to end
marches, then for some rea-
changed their minds. The re-
l was riot even reported.
by do they continue to march?
only march a short distance,
out calling undue attention
emselves. When the question
put to one of the marchers,
ould not verbalize an answer,
merely agreed that it was a
ol; a means of expressing
determination. As long as
march there is hope.

Draft Resistance Group Plans
Rally, Considers Card Returns
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The meeting included a gener- maximum penalty," said another
About 25 people met at Guild al discussion of draft resistance participant. Most of those pres-
House last night to consider re-' during which several participants ent agreed they-would discourage
turning their draft cards on Ap- said they had already returned people from deciding at the Diag
ril 3 in conjunction with a nation- their draft cards, rally to participate in mailing in
wide draft resistance movement. The organization sponsoring their cards, fearing they hadn't
Several of ,those present signed the nation-wide movement is Re- considered the problem thorough-
a list indicating they would or sistance, a New York-based anti- ly enough.
were considering mailing their draft, anti-war group with offices The maximum penalty for draft
draft cards to their local boards, across the country including one resistance is five years and a $10,-
to the justice department or to in Ann Arbor. On April 3, says a' 000 fine according to federal law.
President Johnson. Resistance announcement, "we Many of the participants, how-
The participants planned a will publicly and collectively re- ever, indicated that in most
noon Diag rally for April 3 which turn our draft cards to the Selec- cases the sentences were consid-
would include several speeches tive Service System." erably lighter.
and a procession to the Ann Ar- There was also some discussion One participant wanted to
bor draft board where the cards of the penalties and procedures kn i student convcted f
would be mailed. Which could result from mailing draft resistance found it easy to
During the procession, women in the card. get paroled,
aswell as those who were mailing "I think there's just a natural
in their cards would be able to curiosity about it," said one par- "They .nowsyou're nota rim-
participate, thus gaining complic- ticipant. inal," responded another.
ity in the act, one participant! "You shouldn't go into resist- Another participant has found
noted. ance if you couldn't take the another way of avoiding the draft,

Panama Guard
Stops Assembly
Deposed President Robles Orders
Legislative Palace Closed to Delvalle
PANAMA i)-On orders of deposed President Marco
A. Robles, the national guard yesterday prevented the Nation-
al Assembly from entering the legislative palace to hear a
message from the rival chief of state.
The confrontation touched off rioting in downtown Pan-
ama. Guardsmen, the country's only military force, dispersed
the rioters with tear gas and rifle shots into the air.
Max Delvalle, 57-year-old businessman sworn in as pres-
ident by the assembly Sunday, was caught in the turmoil,
but dodged in his car. The guard has continued to recognize
Robles as president despite his impeachment conviction by
the assembly of unconstitu-'-*t--.. .........

Daily--Bernie Baker

Professor Miller at the Unioi

tional political activity.
Robles was accused of promot-
ing his finance minister, David
Samudio, as his successor in pres-
idential elections scheduled for
May .12. The opposition, which is
backing former president Arnulfo
Arias in the electioncampaign,
claimed such support violated

$6.8 Million
Voted for 'U'

_ _ _ _ _ . _w .. .,

He said he plans to renounce his'
American .citizenship and fly toe
Israel where he can obtain citi-s f r o r ols
zenship. immediately.

After the general discussion the 1 opt r u ~ubullw
metng eerap intscsonle a ta m~ a th ert XThe State Senate last night
meeting broke up into smaller The National Guard said it passed by a vote of 23-10 a bill
groups. copld not accept the assembly's that would allocate to the Uni-
During the group session at CGdecision but would wait for a rul- versity $6.8 million for planning
least one participant said he felt By MARCIA ABRAMSON for accuracy; periodic elimination most 'important development has ing by the Supreme Court, due and building in the fiscal year
mailing in draft cards was a dan- Prof. Arthur R. Miller of the of outdated material; prohibiting been dubious. "The Freedom of to meet Monday. Meanwhile, it '68-'69.
gerous tactic, though he said he law school yesterday called for a access to unauthorized personnel; Information Act may force dis- supported Robles. Included in the appropriation,
had done it himself. "set of appropriate limitations" on and providing absolute identifica- closure of a great deal of sup- The scene of confrontation be- which must still be approved by
computerized information-gather- tion of records with individuals, posedly private information." tween the deputies and the guard the House of Representatives, is
. for example, through voice prints. The Freedom of Information occurred at a street intersection $2 million for continuing con
& D To ofprivacy.t Federal eavesdropping is' only Act requires disclosures of broad about 150 yards from the entrance struction of the new Dental Build-
l y one area of the problem which ex- categories of federal records, of the legislative palace. ing, $2.12 million for completion
"Congress must establish a bal- tends to education, industry, trade The third ingredient in this Delvalle, who was vice-presi- of the Medical Science Building
ourtFac ittesance between necessary data col- nd state and local authorities. patchwork of standards is the re- dent under Robles, arrived at the II, and $750,000 to plan and begin
lection and individual rights, set Miller cited. a New York credit cent Hill decision of the Supreme legislative palace late yesterday construction of a new classroom
The Ford Foundation has award- up a procedure to maitai this bureau which affects eight million Court which overturned.'a claim afternoon accompanied by As- and office building to be located
ed a $197,000 grant to the Uni- balance and rectify deviations people and records the filing of of invasion of privacy against Life sembly President Carlos Arias, behind Hill Auditorium. The new
versity's Law School and School with statutory civil remedies and lawsuits but not their results magazine and supposedly allows He shook hands with Col. Omar building will be primarily for the
of Architecture and Design for a penal sanctions," Miller explained "The proposed Rights of Pri- the mass media "breathing space" Torrijos commanding officer of Language and Speech depart-
two-year study to establish stan- to a capacity audience at the vacy Act does demonstrate gov- for fieedoi of expression the 'national guard force deploye ments.
dards for modernizing the phys- Union ballroom. ernment concern, but unfortunate- "The full implications are not around the palace. Thirty guards- The appropriation for the mod-
ical facilities of courts and court- "I can't understate the utility ly applies only to wiretapping and yet apparent, but the decision men were strung out across the rnI- languages building is the
related agencies of private efforts," added Miller. eavesdropping," explained Miller. could encourage cavalier treatment main access to the assembly first for new state-financed con-
The aim of the study will be "Especially for the legal profes- However, he added that the by the media," explained Miller. building. struction since 1966.
to establish comprehensive guide- sion. now is the time to come to The University has challenged
lines for physical and environ- grips with preservation of pri- When Deale attempted t Public Act 124 which requires the
mental arrangements of courts in vacy. ' raduate enter the building, rocks began architect for state-financed build-
relation to community needs. Miller said increased informa- to fly from the crowd which be-
atelgan toisurgectwarddthe troops.ligs to be chosen by the State
The study will be conducted un- tion-gathering multiplies the risk gn touaidsen repondedtrooh Budget Director. The University
committee representing the Aer- 'chine malfunction, abuse of data Cauh in emr gas nd000 appropriation in compliance
ican Bar Association and the by analyzers, 'misuse of data by Caught i the middle, Arias with this state law, but will con-
American Institute of Architects. persons with access, use of data By LESLIE WAYNE Previously , city planning was and Delvale went back toward tinue to challenge the constitut-
The grant was made to the out of context and violation of The changing nature of urban an area of specialization within their car and drove away. The ionality of the 1965 statute in the
American Bar Association Fund the individual's understanding problems will be reflected in the the architecture school. However'fminutes
for Public Education. Standards that data is to be used for one curriculum of the newly-formed the Regents established it as a In general, University officials
developed in the study will be purpose only. urban studies department, separate department at their Earlier in the day, Interior have expressed disappointment
published in book form for the Remedies he suggested include The department, which will be- March 15 meeting. Minister Joaquin Franco said he with the small size of the capital
guidance of governmental agen- eliminating certain personal infor- gin its program in 1969, will offer "We would like to make in- had ordered the guard to block outlay figures. Fund for Archi-
cies, courts, planning and build- mation from records; strict control a two year graduate program novation the cornerstone of the the deputies to insure the as- tecture and Design building were
ing authorities, and architects and of medical and psychiatric data; leading to a master's degree in urban studies department. Things sembly would not be the scene of not included in the appropriation,
urban planners, allowing individuals to check files city planning. are developing at such a pace a session "not convened by the nor were funds for renovation and
- _-- - - ----------- ------ - ---------- - - that a city planning program canf executive branch" and to prevent remodeling of the General Libr-
be obsolete in a couple of years," its being used "as a center of ary. However, University officials
says Gerald Crane department! subversive activities by persons are hoping for a supplemental
who seek to usurp public power." allocation during the fiscal year.
"Planning is now limited to
people with a design background,"!sos Million
keegee as part of its spring The School of Social Work of the department of forestry Crane explains. "With thisne
tour. has also sent graduates to Ala- said that cooperation with Tus- department we will be accepting
The Conflict Research Cen- bama for field instruction on keegee on a forestry program political science, sociology, econ-
ter here is doing cooperative re- internships the last two sum- "is just starting." omiics and engineering." ,-SoA id Increase T oday
search with Tuskeegee on the mers who, along with non-in- The School of Business Ad- Although the department will
effects of desegregation on Ne- tern volunteers who went for ministration is offering a course maintain a "strong design arm" LANSING ('P - Spared at least bill, which died in committee, to
gro education. The cooperation mainly in rural counties on in business policies for Tuskee- Crane explains, it will be open toj temporarily from facing t h e the big school aid act. But Rep.
includes a program for gradu- community development pro- gee seniors in their business ad- any student who "wishes to focus thorny issue of aid to nonpublic Thomas Brown (R-Lansing) chief
ate student training in Ala- grams. ministration program this year, on urban problems for two years." school parents, the House planned sponsor of the private school bill,
bama. The School of Architecture post-degree experience, worked In the student's first year of today to pass a multimillion dollar said supporters might try to at-
Dr. Irvin Katz of the psy- and Design's program for aid- after having taught a non- urban studies he will take a highly school aid bill spending $5 million tach the controversial provisions
chology department, resident g Tuskeegee's new six-year credit bus.ad. seminar last year. structured "core" program of more than Gov. George Romney to another measure. "There are
t "sychologist for CRS, explained program in architecture is sim- University professors travel to courses designated to introduce recommended. still lots of bills. on the calendar,"
that the studies are investigat- ilar. One of Tuskeegee's courses Tuskeegee to lecture on the him to urban planning. Included Rep. Clifford Smart (R-Walled Brown said.
ing "the broad range of social, in architecture is taught by four major concerns of business in this year will be classes intro- Lake) House Education Committee
professors hcor- , accounting ducting the student to the history chairman, estimated the measure "We didn't want to do it-with
Michigan poesr who cm administration coutn, in- ------ -'.*.~.- -'1 Q7 this one (the public school aid

-Daily-Bernie Baker!
Students Consider Resistance

"It is probably too soon to be
more than cautiously optimis-
* tic about the Tuskegee-Michi-
gan relationship" - but the
program of faculty, student,
and cultural exchange, cooper-
ative teaching and research,
and sharing of facilities is
making the University's exper-
iment with Tuskegee Institute
' a success.
The program includes sever-
al cooperative efforts between
various University and Tuske-
gee departments, a student ex-

the opportunity for students "is
environmental, not academic."
. Tuskeegee is the largest pri-
vate Negro university in the
United States, with about 3000
students in the nine academic
units, which offer thirty-three
degree-granting courses. Tus-
keegee owns an accredited 150-
bed hospital, more than 5,000
acres of land, and 50 major
buildings, with endowments of
over $18 million.
.However, under Title III of
the Higher Education Act of-
1965, which allows federal


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