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NCAA 's Next as Swimmers Invade Dartnt
Thnsict o h utr v
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^isao focsesi.oaesposdt nwihtte r
inhforsgrtchesdoffhcutti erl
a,- e xvt / . 7t1 s omc httetln a ial xa ndqaei xa
T ristHrhder, rntrLlofttnotbakoekus agery
9, z WolverinfcahtGs Stoaesupposedlythano hthg taloo
Jua Belo how hi bcksrok .. \°< thdingnucleswofreigla thcoMibckgandswamihopeamhereof te
con ferencaedoulteieakhi er. .
over tcheire canenocetchatmichiaaanafteYrdhavingcoe
a> WolTooibadcforhMGus thegnewsupoosedoyveadneotfooledotheo
fowatexpiddevlopt of sophomores Garynkn nkadandtrJuan
thiBeno tuchso edgtufflagrco igurekd rm hoe stattha t lofstbes
.. . ra~~~~~~~~cereewould be h w20-ard.niiulmde.I h itrsaoe
hverstdemor angs rxgetsat inchea baktr, utterfly.ig brest
n ' - ?'trokehandtfreestylenich compth yrisefe
heTo or MhePeUviaheneweloed Woevenferinthoed200-ardm
q~ badl** resy, danrihmtofisthe fstspsioeonlht.vnti
B..............teatuhio. ofe.Saerfshowed fo h tr htBlosbs
'. e ( he's d~~~~~petyonstthg100-yarouterfly hebcsroe utefybes-
~ l n i h e 1 0 - a d b u t r f y u a t 5 , 4a s h e w o n t h e B i g T e n 's . N S .
Kinkead turned into a stand-
e 3* ,w sa ei u3 .G yk',sggout distance threat, challenging S.a'. ,;
the nation's best times at both
kN'' he ;h' K 0 and 1650 yards. And it was ..
=',: > s \ <> g hewho became a ig Ten IM
........t.is...h..x.champion for Michigan, the first's &aThe Jfleel.y~
A4 '44n in years, as he routed the best
...n.." ::< .. , ," _, .:: ; J . " .G , ;; ,;,..a,.of the rest of the conference in
BUJTTERFLYER TOM ARUSOO could be the number one Canadian Olympic representative in the the 400-yard event.x
200-yard fly this October. In 1967 at the national collegiate championships in East Lansing, he thrghinhoosylBlsornaey
finished fourth while last year's Wolverine cap tain Carl Robie won the event. Arusoo took third truhi odsye ilDre
GAYKIKAD'was among the nation's leadeis '~. ..
in the Big Ten meet this season and could do even better in Hanover. GR IKA
a with his time in the 200-Yad
backstroke, and proved he wxas
even better at 100-yards as he
.S- grabbed third in the Big Ten. Tom
. ~Mertz was sixth in the Big Ten int
v ". v the 100-yard backstroke, Bob.....
: ~ ~':Kircher did well in the sprits,
'..;and Bruce McManaman, Pete>n1
S .~Enond and Paul McGuire all
S ~ showed potential in diving.
a Junior butterflyers Tom Am- 5A
soo and Lee Bisbee did just as'
expected in turning the butter-4
~~~~~~~~fly into Michigan's strongest$ ya/.<y.'~w(eA x"
A l Q s event. Constantly finishing 1-2
in dual competition, the pair has ."
s ~to make Stager feel pretty good>
about net year.:
-~Mike O'Connor's improvement in T~ . .
the long distance races was really ..,
welcome in these events wxhich
ruesdoy, March 26, 1968
-9 AF
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"eaitstroke ...
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r~t . den added depth to the diving. And
.5John Robertson and Jay Mahlei '
aX k t were highly respectable in the'
o G 2 breaststroke to cushion the loss ofz
f r si Y e: .h Scheerer.
r There are only three seniors SPRINTER KEN WIEBECK is
on. .. the whole team;: John Salas - N'
:S h adtebs meet of his university News Service th5010,ad20yidfety
H ^ ^~~~~~~~~z career in inspiring Michigan inCATIFRDBONonueusrlyta .
r V'~ the Big Tens with his perform- C PANFEBRNofnmrureatas
; t ? , , ' rk ~ " ~ 'a; anes in the relays; Ken Wie-
Sbeck, whose solid sprinting has e w
been his trademark for three k
years; and Captain Fred Brown.
Although it isn't a ususal thing
to have a diver for a captain of a
" ,. ,Y r :Y ,",. , i~x.:; swimming team, Brown was a real
eader this year. ,_ y +> 4^:_
Although not having a really efy
S JUNIOR LEE BISBEE, a swimmer with geat potential accoding to Coach Stage, was ill much great Big Ten meet, Brown will , xts+ Y, G a
~4~ of last season However he came back in fine style in this year's Big Ten meet grabbing second have a chance for a comeback in "a..
place ini both the 100 and 200-yard butterfly eve nts In the 100-yard event Bisbee had a tremen- Hanover, New Hampshire, sight of
JOHN ROBERTSON dos duel with teammate Bello, but was edged out in one of the closest races of the championships. Datot Clee ve.hek-a yh
end in the NCAA championships. K y St
There the swimmers will see if
. ~.:.::. . . . . .. ~. :. :. ~. S. .. . ~ ~ . . .....their strong second place in the
't t BgTen was just a fluke or if ~ S
h . ey can approach last yars v .
position as numer four in the d r
Assocate Sports Editor,
Ab- : 4. *
one of the few seniors on the
n to continually placing high in
les, Weibeck has been a mainstay
..: .