Tuesday, March 26, 1968 THE MICHIGAN'DAILY Page Three Tuesday, March 26, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY V f Britain Deplores Israeli Reprisals By The Associated Press Foreign Secretary Michael- Stewart conferred on the Middle East crisis with Foreign Minister Abba' Eban of Israel yesterday and told him Britain does not condone Arab guerrilla attacks on Israelis but deplores Israel's military reprisals. The Stewart-Eban meeting - 4 following a U.N. Security Council condemnation of Israeli reprisal attacks last Thursday - brought, however, one expression of op- timism. Eban told Stewart that Israel had invited U.N. special envoy Gunnar V. Jarring back to Israel for new talks. Aides said Stewart expressed a belief Jarring will succeed in promoting Middle East peace talks in -the next few months. Meanwhile, in Amman, Jordan, at least 150 top Jordanian mili- tary, political and business lead- ers yesterday pledged allegiance to King Hussein as the army braced for a new Israeli attack. The mood was one of fervent na- tional unity, heightened after a special 21/ hour briefing by Hus- sein to the'leaders. Conflicting Reports While the monarch and the leaders were at the royal palace, they heard reports of two new Is- raeli-Jordan border clashes. A military spokesman said the Is- raelis opened fire on the Jordan Valley village of Al Karan and the Jordanians returned the fire, which ceased after five minutes. But, the spokesman claimed, it was reopened by the Israelis. The Israeli version was that the Jordanians began the shoot- ing. U.N. Condemnation At the U.N., the Security Council unanimously condemned Israel Sunday night for last week's attack on Arab guerrilla bases in Jordan. But Israel brush- ed aside the rebuke and insisted it acted in self defense. The 15 nation council voted as the guns of Israel and Jordan opened up anew along the Jordan River frontier. The council resolution also de- plored "all violent incidents in violation" of the 1967 Arab-Israeli ceasefire. But Arab delegates challenged the U.S. view that those words applied to Arab ter- rorist raids into Israel. The resolution further deplored loss of life and property from the attack. It declared that such ac- tions could not be tolerated and that the council "would have to consider further and more effec- tive steps as envisaged" in the! U.N. charter to prevent their repe- tition-a hint at economic and military sanctions. It called on Israel to "desist from'' mistreat- ing Arabs in occupied territory. The council acted at its eighth meeting iin four days on com- plaints filed byuJordan and Israel against each other. The compromise resulted from negotiations between the meetings. i Panama's Robles ,,Impeached; Guard Revolts in Support PANAMA (AI -- Striking behind scores of families from their homes of Arnulfo Arias in the May elec- clouds of tear gas, national guard- and hospitalized at least six per- tions. smen yesterday seized 300 oppon- sons. Guardsmen closed off the Na- ents of Marco A. Robles following Among those reported arrested tional Assembly building to all but his ouster as president by the Na- was Hildegrando Nicosia, the Na- "authorized" persons, qualified tional Assembly in impeachment tional Union's secretary general. sources said, and they made it proceedings. Spokesman for the National known that, while deputies would The guard-the nation's only Union claimed that guardsmen be allowed to enter, Delvalle would military force-was thus arrayed planted the arms in the head- be barred. on the side of Robles. quarters building to justify their Robles contended that the as- The newly sworn government of qrtehbidi u ti theIn sembly had no legal right to im- Max Delvalle met secretly and was raid. The headquarters is the nerve peach him. The National Guard reported planning to try to set center of a five party coalition said it would await an opinion up quarters in the troop surround- backing the presidential candidacy from the Supreme Court. -Associated Press PANAMA NATIONAL GUARDSMEN with machine guns and radios, stand outside the National Assembly building following the impeachment of President Marco A. Robles. The inauguration of the new president, Max Delvalle was in progress. Robles' impeachment has split the country's political system. IN DELTA DRIVE: American Air Strikes Smash Viet Cong Water Supply Line e d assembly, building. Schism May Involve U.S. As both Robles and Delvalle claimed power, the president re- public seemed destined for deepen- ing trouble and violence. The ex- plosive situation threatened to in- volve the United States over the issue of diplomatic recognition of the Delvalle government. In the impeachment trial Sun- day, the assembly convicted Ro- bles of influencing the selection of a candidate for the May presi- dential election. It also found him guilty of allowing the use of gov- ernmentf acilities for political progaganda and hiring and firing government employes for political reasons. The assembly swore in Delvalle, a 6 foot 2 businessman with a reputation as a hard driv- ing administrator. Army Loyalty Unchanged But Delvalle's new government did not take the customary step of changing the command of the 4,000 man National Guard. Early yesterday, gas masked troops smashed into headquarters of the opposition National Union and a communique announced guardsmen arrested 300 persons in senal cached in the building. The they had carted away a small ar- tear gas supported raids that drove France To Help U.S. For Money Revision King Hussein BE A STEWARDESS FOR UNITED AIR LINES Are you a college girl with a desire to go places? Look ahead . .. look to an exciting future as a stewardess with America's leading air line, UNITED AIR LINES.. If you're single, age 20 to 26 (191/2 to apply), height 5'2" to 5'9", weight in proportion, vision correctable to 20-30 in each eye, and possess a sincere desire to serve the travelling public, you may qualify. CONTACT YOUR PLACEMENT OFFICE MARCH 27 and 28 Interviews Wednesday and Thursdav SAIGON W-) - American air power has struck hard at the Viet Cong water supply line in the Mekong Delta, where the enemy is believed preparing new attacks, and 245 sampans have been smashed in three days, the U.S. Command said yesterday. Violent explosions aboard some of the sampans indicated they were carrying ammunition and fuel as well as weapons to the Viet Cong, whose supplies ran low during the enemy's lunar new year offensive. Aground, American infantry, pushing the war's biggest offen- sive in five provinces around Saigon, reported late yesterday they had found 22 more enemy bodies in a battle area that hadA seen sharp fighting Sunday. It raised to 87 the number of enemy killed in the action about 35 miles northwest of the capital. The heaviest blows to the enemy's supply line were delivered Sunday. Helicopter gunships sup- porting a ground operation dis- covered a huge sampan flotilla about 115 miles southwest of Sai- gon near the Cambodian border. The gunships flew to the attack and destroyed 114 sampans and damaged 50 others, the U.S. Com- mand reported. Earlier Sunday, South Vietna- mese infantry saw a force estimat- ed at a battalion of Viet Cong moving in sampans near the delta city of Sa Dec, 80 miles southwest of Saigon. Increase Patrols U.S. fighter bombers were call- ed in, and pilots said they sank 36 sampans. The surviving Viet Cong fled into woods nearby. The canals and rivers that lace the delta long have beentused by the Viet Cong as a means of transporting troops, weapons, am- munition and food. Helicopter gunships patrol them BRUSSELS, Belgium (P) - France asked yesterday for a complete overhaul of the world monetary and commercial system at its price for helping the United States out of financial troubles. "France," said Finance Minister Michel Debre, "is willing to co- operate." "As usual," he added in a state- ment here, France "is ready to take its share in the effort re- squired by this cooperation-but on condition that beyond pro- visional and inequitable exped- ients, a global solution is sought that will give a lasting solution to the basic problem, following agreement by the countries con- cerned." U.S. officials believe this means that France will try to get a gen- eral discussion this weekend at a meeting in Stockholm of finance ministers from 10 of the world's most important financial coun- U.S. losses in the clash were listed as 11 men killed and 70 wouncled, bringing American loss- es to 41 killed and 463 wounded since the operation began two weeks ago. In that time, about 1,300 enemy soldiers have been reported killed. The action was one of a series of widely spread clashes that mark the current pattern of the ground war. Several of these in- volved South Vietnamese forces in the Mekong Delta. tries. U.S. Secretary of the Treas- ury Henry H. Fowler, will attend. The main purpose of the Stockholm meeting is to complete work on a new kind of interna- tional money to be used by cen- tral banks in settling their ac- counts with one another. This "paper gold" is expected to go into use next year. Meanwhile, other nations want to work out ways of helping the United States export more goods and stop the outflow of American dollars and gold that has badly disturbed the development of world trade and investment. Debre came to Brussels yester- clay to sit as chairman at a meet- ing of cabinet ministers from the Common Market countries: France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxem- bourg. The main purpose of the meet- ing was to consider plans for speeding up reductions in cus- toms duties by other countries in order to encourage U.S. exports and to discourage pressure in Washington to enact broader tax- es and other restrictions on U.S. imports. Economists generally think it better to help the United States balance its international pay. ments by stimulating trade rather than restricting it. The Kennedy Round of trade talks that ended in Geneva last spring obligated all participants to cut their tariff walls down by roughly 35 per cent in the follow- ing five years. The cuts were to be made in five annual install- ments. The United States and most other countries made the first step last Jan. .1. The Common Market countries have been plan- ning to make two cuts on July 1. 'Peblo Crew's Letters Called Propaganda For U.S. ------- - rrr-r -----r ---r---rr--- --------rr-- r--- 1 a Thompson's PIZZA THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR i 1 S OoAf5DI0UMORcLARGE ONE ITEMff- (O M R IZZAregularly in an attempt to slow UNITED AIR LINES (OR MORE) P this traffic, but it recently has COUPON Is Good Only Monday thru Thursday, increased. U.S. officials said a ma- An Equal Opportunity Employer , March 25-28 jor effort has begun to intercept A1 Equam mpport nity pm.e m m 25 -28 m the sam pans. -,._-__-__-__--_-___--___--_-.__- .--w--th------- Another Body Count SHeadquarters spokesmen said elements of the U.S. 25th Infantry THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Division earlier had reported kill- ing 65 enemy in fighting that GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOCIETY egan Sunday as partRofOpera- Stion Quyet Thang-Resolve to Win, with 50,000 U.S. and South Se tSVietnamese soldiers involved. Q The enemy force was identified tentatively as an element of the JLJL.9L.SI. Viet Cong 7th Cu Chi Battalion. M Also found on the battleground, March 27, 28, 29, 30 a spokesman said, were 10 individ- ual weapons and three portable Q flame throwers. Wednesday, Thursday Performances.......$2.00 f t Friday, Saturday Performances............$2.50 Wednesday & Thursday - Saturday Matinee.....................$1.50 DEPARTMEN Sold Out Saturday Night STUDENT LABORATOF Tickets on Sale 9:00 to 5:00 March 25-30 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN PRESENTS S THE CAUSE by LEOZ By The Associated Press r A State Department spokesman yesterday characterized the re- lease of letters of captive crew members of the USS Pueblo as a propaganda campaign aimed at securing a U.S. apology. Press Officer Robert J. Mc- Closkey, however, declined to comment on the substance of the twelfth private meeting between the United States and North Ko- rea on Friday, or on an open ses- sion Sunday night, Washington time. He said it is the U.S. view that if the talks with North Korea are to be productive, the substance of the discussions and the private{ meetings must remain private. Furth~r Meetings Scheduled He said that a thirteenth meet- ing between the U.S. and North Korean authorities at Panmun- jom, in Korea, will be held soon, but the date has not been scheduled. Questioned repeatedly whether any progress is being made toward gaining the release of the 82 American crewmen, the spokes- man recalled that he had said after the Friday meeting there was no progress, and there has been no change in that situation. As for the authenticity of the letters reportedly signed by the crewmen of the Pueblo calling' for an apology by the U.S. gov- ernment for trespassing inside North Korean waters, McCloskey replied: Letters Possibly Falsified "We are aware that a number of letters have reached the fam- ily and next of kind. We do not want to comment on their au- thenticity. We have not seen all { of them. "Their delivery, with the con- sent of North Korean authorities, has propaganda overtones," he said. "It looks like a "propaganda campaign." Eversince Jan. 23, when the Pueblo was captured, North Korea has demanded that the United States apologize for intruding a "spy ship" inside North Korean waters. Th spokesman declined to comment on questions of what would happen if the United States did purposely apologize to North Korea. ' Ronmneyr Gets Mail Michigan Gov. George Romney has received letters from three men identifying themselves as .Apology. a governor also had heard from two other crewmen from "outside Michigan." North Korea's official news agency, " Korean Central News Agency, said that Mack had writ- ten Romney and Secretary of State Dean Rusk that the Pueblo was captured "intact with secret and top secret documents and materials, plus logs and charts detailing its espionage activities." Romney's office said the news{ agency quoted the letter cor- rectly. 4:10 P.M. IT OF SPEECH RY THEATRE PROGRAM'" CENES FROM E OF IT ALL TOLSTOI . yr ___ ' ELECTRA by HUGO VON HOFMANNSTAHL Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg. ADMISSION FREE members of the USS Pueblo crew, held captive by North Korea, his office said yesterday. A spoke'sman said Romney last week received a letter from Law- rence William Mack of Detroit and added, when asked, that the FRIDAY ot 7:30 P.M. (following special Sabbath Service) 27 & 28 March #illel 9natallation '( Ogficep and / ir' C0,n0catin ADDRESS BY DR. MARVIN FELHEIM Professor of English 1968-1969 OFFICERS DAVID MOVSKY ..... .............. ...................President GIGI GOLDIN ....... . . ........................... Cultural Vice President PEPPY GOLDSTEIN ............. . .................. Social Vice President DORIS SELIGSON...... ......... .............Religious Vice President MARILYN ZIFF......... .. .............................. .........Secretary BRIAN ZEM ACH....................................... Treasurer ADVISORY BOARD i 3 I