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March 26, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-26

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Io w--3":
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Vol. LXXVIII, No. 147 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, March 26, 1968 Seven Cents

Ten Pages

Students Boycott Classes,
" Set Pickets at Tuskegee

By The Associated Press
TUSKEGEE, Ala. - Students
boycotted classes and set up pick-
et lines in front of campus build-
ings at Tuskegee Institute yes-
terday to emphasize their griev-
ances against school officials.
A spokesman for the predomi-
nantly Negro institute said "it,
appears" that the boycott was di-
rected against all classes.
He said students milled around
the campus while pickets paraded,
in front of the academic building
and two or three other buildings.
In another development, Dr.

P. B. Phillips, dean of students,!
said he had turned in his resig-
nation. He said the student dis-
content "had something to do
with it, but it was a small, minute
Phillips is a native of Berkeley,
Calif. He taught at Hunter Col-
lege in New York and worked for
the National Urban League be-
fore joining the Tuskegee faculty
five years ago.
There were no reports of vio-
lence. The Tuskegee Police De-
partment and the Macon County
sheriff's office, both manned

mostly by Negro officers, kept a
close watch on the campus from
a distance but took no official
Both Sheriff Lucius Amerson
and Police Chief Eugene Harrison
are Negroes.r
One student who would not givey
his name said the boycott was
touched off by the expressed fear
among his classmates that com-
mittees set up to consider griev-
ances outlined in talks with Fos-
ter last week might take too long.
Boycott Classes
Evidence of discontent broke
out last Thursday when engineer-
ing students stayed away from
classes. All classes were suspend-
ed Friday by President L. H. Fos-I
ter so college officials could listenI
to the complaints, but classroom
work was refoyned the following

Regents To Meet
With Committee
Fleminig Slates Meeting ToI Discuiss
tiuldent Role in Decisio Making
University President Robben Fleming and the Commis-'
sion on the Role of Students in Decision Making met yester-
day and scheduled an open hearing with the Regents April
17 to discuss the commission's recent report.
Commission Chairman Prof. Inis Claude of the political
science department explained the meeting will be for "in-
formation and exploration, not implementation" of the com-
mission's report.
During the meeting yesterday Fleming called the report
"a little vague" concerning its implementation.
"We did not explicitly concern ourselves with implemen-
tation," Claude explained. Commission members expressed
the feeling they had neither' -
the time nor the mandate toUF
discuss the execution of the IJs*0,0 r I es
report's recommendations.
Dean Stephen Spurr of the
graduate school said, "We had Se eI
hoped we could develop a docu-
ment and bounce it off faculty sFF
and student groups and make some poek r
changes if necessary in content,"
before the report was submitted 4 yThe Associated Press
to the Regents.
Other members agreed that BOSTON--The government as-
student and faculty groups should serted yesterday the courts have
review the report, but Prof. Wil- no authority to consider the legal-
liam Porter of the journalism de- ity of the Vietnam war in the cases
partment said, "I think this is of Dr. Benjamin Spock and Yale

Council Fails To Act
On CORE Resolution

Foster dit cosed that five stu-
By DAVID SPURR I CORE members were somewhat dents had been put on disciplin-
Members of the local chapter of miffed, however, when last night ary probation for violation of reg-
the Congress of Racial Equality council meeting turned out to be ulations. A piece of concrete wasj
(CORE) attended the City Council a "working committee session" at thrown through a window of Fos-
meeting last night to hear a re- which council could not consider ter'* home while a group of stu-
sponse to their fiery resolution of action on any resolutions. dents stood outside.
March 20. The March 20 resolution stated The president said then that
Ann Arbor CORE's resolution that "the black community" would grievances had been submitted to
unanimously demanded "the sus- I be present at the meeting to voice student committees or college
pension of every Police Officer" ? its demands. About fifteen Negroes authorities.
involved in an incident two Sun- did show up at the session, as well Warn Students
days ago when Negro citizens were as Sheriff Douglas Harvey and ' Foster had warned students in
Subdued with the chemical Mace various members of the local chap- a letter that the institute might
in a scuffle with police. ter of the John Birch Society. But be closed if what he called un-
-- -- nothing happened. authorized campus meetings and
incidents of violence continued.
SLame Duck'jA student said yesterday the
Ezra Rowry, head of Ann Arbor students are demanding imme-

-Daily-Anita Kessler
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION delegate Bruce Kahn, '68, spoke at the first group's meeting last
night. Delegates discussed the basic role of student government on campus. Newly elected conven-
tion Chairman Don Tucker is seated in the background.
Convention e e ates Meet
To Study Student Government

CORE, called the meeting a "lame
E dduck" session, referring to the fact
E I orSe -.,o that no public testimony could be
heard and no resolutions would be

The Michigan Democratic Cen-
* tral Committee has decided not
to endorse any presidential can- n
didate. At its meeting yesterday, n
the committee voted 45 to 7 (with '
two abstentions) in favor of a d
resolution proposing an uncom-
mitted national convention dele-
Prof. Otto Feinstein of Wayne
State University proposed the
resolution urging the Michigan
party leaders to "consider means C
of 'achieving unity on the crucial
issues of peace and justice at
home and abroad before these is-
sues - which have already rent
the national party - have a sim-
ilar effect in Michigan." '
The vote indicates that party n
members are not solidly support- 1
ing President Johnson. All of the b
Congressional districts have yet s
to choose their delegates.
If the district delegates are split
among President Johnson, Sen. f
Robert Kennedy, and Sen. Eugene a
McCarthy, the 24 delegates to be r
elected at the state convention a
caucus would assume major im-
Al Fishman of Detroit passed out
statements to reporters on behalf 1p
of the Michigan Conference of s
Concerned Democrats. The state- t
ment expressed the option that
"in view of the certainty of Rich- c
ard Nixon's selection as the Re- o
publican presidential nomination, w
the renomination of Lyndon John- e
son for president would be a polit- U
ical and moral catastrophe for our n
nation and the Democratic party." t

considered at the meeting.
City council holds such workI
sessions monthly.
Although the March 20 resolu-
tion states that "if these demands
are not met then the black com-
munity will meet in mass to imple-
ment these demands by any means!
necessary," Rowry said he had no
definite plan to bring a group to
the next council meeting, April 4.
University students from the
Afro-American Liberation Move-
ment algo appeared at the meeting.
"We sympathize with the cause
f CORE," said Bernard Sims,
Grad, a spokesman for the group.I
Meet Lawyers
Rowry explained that the in-
dividual people involved in the
March 17 conflict with police will
meet with lawyers this week. They
may bring legal action against the
city for what Sims termed "police
brutality." In addition, a repre-

diate action to change the condi- By STUART GANNES hart of which is the lack of in-
tions they complained about, and Student Government Council's volvement in decision making."
that the boycott would continue Constitutional Convention met last Bob Frederick, '68L, suggested
until "all the demands are met." , night to consider the structure and the division of the campus into
Another said pickets twice function of student government at academic wards replacing the at-
turned Foster away from the ad- the University. large system to encourage moreI
ministration building where his ; The delegates elected Don Tuck- student participation.I
office is located but tnat he final- er, '68BAd, chairman and Bob The idea of a convention has
ly was allowed to enter after re- Neff, '69, vice-chairman. been under discussion since last
ceiving a prepared statement from year.
the student. After the election of officers the SGC put a referendum on the
Among the demands outlined convention moved into a commit - ballot of last fall's elections asking
last week were a relaxation of the tee of the whole to discuss the role whether or not students would like
institute rule which makes ROTC of student government on campus, a constitutional convention to con-
training mandatory; institution of The only resolution discussed at sider the role and structure of stu-
a policy of giving athletic schcl-,the meeting was introduced by i dent government on campus.
arships; changes in the curfew Ruth Baumann, '68. She proposed i The referendum was approved
rule, and improved housing core- the formation of a voluntary stu- by a majority of the voters and'
ditions. dent union. SGC established a select committee
"No government can get all the to recommend a method for select-
I'students interested," Miss Bau-'ing convention delegates.
SACUA PM arls mann said. "It is necessary to have, The committee's report suggest-
the students, not the student gov-
' A Series ernment make the decision." Stu-
dent goverments should be organ- -T
The Senate Advisory Commit- izing bodies which can reach all
tee on University Affairs the students, she said.
(SACUA) yesterday agreed to Former SGC President Bruce s
sponsor a series of seminars on Kahn, '68, said the convention ven tin g
student activities and student1 should address itself to making the .

ing election by an academic ward,
system was accepted and imple-;
mnented in this month's elections.
Fifteen of the fifty-one conven-
tion seats, representing 10 out of
17 schools, remained unfilled be-
cause no one petitioned for thesej
Every final proposal of the con-
vention must be approved by a
two-thirds vote.
The convention's recommenda-

basically a President's document. Thaplain William Sloane Coffin.
I assumed this report was to bej Spock and the others had chal-
delivered to you, and then trans- lnged indictments charging them
ferred to the Regents." with conspiracy to counsel young
Porter said that anything stu- men to violate the draft laws,
dent groups might want to say claiming that the war in Vietnam
about the report "has probably is illegal, that the Selective Serv-
already been said." ice act is not valid, and that Se-
The commission came to no lective Service regulations are a
formal conclusion concerning re- violation of free speech and other
view of the report by students or constitutional guarantees.
faculty before the Regents' meet- The government, in filing its
ing April 17. reply in U.S. District Court, as-
Dean James Robertson of the serted that the question of the
Residential College proposed a legality of the Vietnam conflict
review of the report by "special is a political question and a mat-
student units." ter of U.S. foreign relations.

Lions will also have to be approved
by a two-thirds vote.of the student Fleming also queried the com-
body. Either the convention or mission on their suggestion that
SGC may split the recommenda- the proposed University Council
tions into separate sections for in- (UC), be chaired by the President.
dividual consideration on the stu- Fleming said the President does
dents' ballots. "not usually do operational
The convention will meet things" because of the time in-
at 7 pm Sundaynight in room ;volved, and "thereafter, thereI

3-S of the Michigan Union.

See FLEMING, Page 2

"The presence of American
troops in Vietnam is a matter of
foreign policy, the setting of
which policy the constitution has
committed to the executive branch
and Congress," the government's
paper said.
Spock and Coffin were indicted
with three other men, Michael
Ferber, of Boston, a Harvard
graduate student; Mitchell Good-
man, of New York and Temple,
Maine; and Marcus Raskin, of
Washington, co-director of the
Institute for Policy Studies.
The government said that Spock
and the other defendants have
no standing to raise the legality
of the Vietnam conflict in their

o Callenge Stature
Voter Registration

entative from the state Civil services iIconnectiith te
Rights Commission will hear a services in connection with the
i f ccurrent restructuring of the Of-
formal complaint from citizens fice of Student Affairs (OSA).
against the Ann Arbor Police in The proposal came in the form
egard to the scuffle two Sundays of a letter from Student Relations
ago. Committee Chairman Leonard
Councilman Robert Weeks, (D- Greenbaum of the engineering.
Third Ward) explained that the English department. It recom-
April 4 council meeting would I mends that a number of speakers'
probably also -be a "lame duck"
essonb ein g the firstameting ' whose professional concerns are
ession, being the first meeting af- "in the area of student activities!
er 'council elections April 1. and student services" be invited
At its last meeting, council to conduct seminars on the re-
alled for suspension of the use structuring of OSA.
f Mace until it is determined SACUA is currently looking in-{
whether the chemical has harmful to ways to finance the seminar
ffects on the human body. The I series, Chairman Frank Kennedy
University's department of phar- of the Law School said yesterday.
nacology is currently investigating The series will be conducted in
he chemical's formula. May and June, he said. j

University a "humanizing place."
"We should think about students
and their situation in the Univer-
sity," Kahn said, "I think there is
a lot wrong at the University, only
TheEnglish Department has
schanged the list of courses
that it will offer under the
Honors Summer Reading Pro-
gram. Instead of the five
courses listed in Sunday's
Daily, the following six courses
can be taken for credit by sat-
isfying reading requirements
over the summer: 232, 235, 269,
350, 432, and 444.
't '


By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN indicated it would not rule on the Ann Arbor City Council elections, case.
Eight University students who constitutionality of the statute. Lawrence Berlin, chairman of
had filed suit last week against the The amended complaint was re- the American Civil Liberties Union, It said the question is one
Ann Arbor city clerk for refusing quested by the three-judge Wash- declined to comment on the ap- which "cannot be answered by
to register them to vote have in- tenaw County Circuit Court which parent change in the status of judicially discoverable standards;
itiated steps towards challenging began hearing the case last Fri- the case. Last week Berlin said rather it is impossible of resolu-
the ichgan tatte uderwhic ILion without an initial policy de-
the Michigan statute under which day. The students were asked to the case. sponsored by ACLU,
registration was withheld. submit specific information con- would not challenge state laws.
In an amended complaint filed cerning their qualification as resi- Section 6.1011b is properly used
yesterday, the students asserted dents. "only to protect the right to vote
that section 6.1011b of the Mich- Although such information was of the students who are electors
igan statutes, which bars voters included in the amended com- and may not be utilized to pre- f
from gaining or losing a residence plaint, the nature of the docu- vent students from acquiring the
while a student, is in conflict ment was further altered by in- status of elector under the con-
with the state constitution. cluding the challenge of the legal- stitution, the complaint states.
The re-wording of the complaint ity of section 6.1011b. The statute "is an attempt at
classification and restriction of f
may be the first step toward ap- The court will reconvene Wed- rightiof endtrstivteon o
peal of the case should the stu- nesday hoping to reach a decis- the right of electors to vote and
I dents lose. The court has already ion in time for next Monday's one" of the state constitution,
complaint asserts.
The students also claimed the
city clerk applied section 6.1011b
in a manner which violates theof
Fourteenth Amendment to the {
SrCr U.S. Constitution, by discrinan gistd.
Under section 6.1011 student
vassers marked "R" on the party, and the system, for a status is "entirely neutral in the
card. Canvassers were instruct- great guy," said one student. dI intsates s
ed to encourage Republicans to And once the students are "But the (city clerk) and his
take advantage of Wisconsin's there, they are invariably staff," the complaint continues, William Sloane Coffin
special primary law, which al- caught up in the excitement and "utilize this provision to fence out
lows cross-party voting, trappings that go with any pres- from the franchise the student termination of a kind clearly for
A vote for Nixon, the theory idential campaign. The nation- population of Ann Arbor in viola- non-judicial discretion."
goes, means nothing since he al photographers and newsmen tion of the Equal Protection "This court has no jurisdiction
has no opposition to speak of. at the dinner, for example, or Clause of the Fourteenth Amend- to examine questions concerning
But you can vote "against" the newsmen who took footage ment." the 'legality' of the Vietnam con-
Johnson, voters were told, by of the student workers which flict because the exercise of ex-
casting a McCarthy vote in the was shown on the Huntley- t ecutive and legislative power .. .
primary. Brinkley show last night. State Boards is not subject to judicial exami-
Republicans were very recep- And then there are the peo- nation," the government said.

U' Students

Special To The Daily
WAUWATOSA, Wis. - Uni-
versity students, 120 strong,
chartered buses in Ann Arbor
and spent the weekend working
in this Milwaukee suburb for
Sen. Eugene McCarthy, (D-
Minn), in his primary cam-
paign for the Democratic pres-
idential nomination.
They were joined by students
from campuses all over the
country. Some 8,000 students
worked in the Milwaukee metro-
politan area alone, and others
spread out across the entire
"These students are really
fired up," said Len Miller, co-
ordinator for the Wauwatosa
district. "It's rubbing off on
Recruiters expect more than

ncade WI
floor, no heat to speak of," said
Miller. The girls were put up in
private homes of McCarthy
supporters around the city.
The adults worked as hard as
the students, giving up their
homes, time, and weekend to
throw themselves headlong into
the mounting campaign.
One supporter, Dr. John
Harkness, fed, transported, and
looked after six of the girls, and
even obtained tickets for them
to hear McCarthy's Saturday
night speech after a $50 a plate
dinner in a downtown Milwau-
kee hotel.
The work started early Satur-
day morning. Students and,
campaign leaders met at head-
quarters to plan the day's work.
Most of the students were as-
signed to canvassing voters,
which required door to door
campaigning throughout the

action to the McCarthy cam-
paign, giving out literature,
bumper-stickers, and buttons,
and ranking the voter accord-
ing to the political leanings ex-
pressed in the short encounter.
The ranking was listed next to
the voter's name on the card,
and tabulated later at head-
"The idea is to find out how
the voter feels without asking
him if he's going to vote for
McCarthy," said Miller. "You
mention the senator's peace
stand on the war, for example,
and watch the reaction." The

tive to this idea. "At least if
McCarthy runs, and then Nixon
loses in the fall," said one voter,
"we won't have to go back to
Johnson for four more years."
The Wauwatosa canvassers
covered nearly all of the four-
teen thousand homes in the city
in two days. At least one regist-
ered voter at each address talk-
ed with a student, or took liter-

ple, who, seeing your McCarthy
button, ask you if you are "one
of those out-of-state college
kids" they read about.
"If you came all the way from
Ann Arbor to talk to me," said
one housewife, "I guess I can
at least let you in to hear what
you have to say. I think it's
so wonderful of you kids to
work so ha~rd for s.omet4hingr you

To Call 3,26The gvernment paper said that
other contentions about the con-
flict of the war which Spock seeks
LANSING (i) - Michigan local to raise, including his application
draft boards have been ordered to thecutgfor pision
to deliver 3,262 men for induction taketh25 deositions all oer th
into the Army during May, state workd,2"are politicnsalsulvov-rth
Selective Service headquarters world are political issues invol-
said yesterday ing the executives discretionary
The May call compares with guidance of this nation's foreig
3,66 fo Apil nd ,9? inpolicy, aided by the Congress
a3664 for April and 2,978 In in its appropriate constitutional

... .

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