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March 24, 1968 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-24

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Q, r trtgan 1Bally
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

U.S. Globali*sm
And the Draft'

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Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1968


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The Right To Vote:
Students Are Citizens Too

MANY UNIVERSITY s t u d e n t s over
twenty-one are barred from voting
by a Michigan statute which states a
person may neither gain nor lose a resi-
dence while a member of the University.
This statute must be fought at any and
all judicial and legislative levels because
it denies students their constitutional
right to participate in government merely
because they seek to improve themselves
by attending the University.
Students should be allowed to vote in
The Legislature
launching a dual pronged campaign
attempting to convince the Legislature to
restore cuts made in the University's
budget appropriation. To add effective-
ness to the campaign students should
organize a third prong of influence.
SGC plans to work through University
alumni and through personal discussion
with legislators to gain support for res-
toration of the cuts. Students should or-
ganize a letter writing campaign to in-
fluence the law makers.
Parents of. in-state students and those
students who are registered voters should
contact their representatives to urge that
the University be allocated a sufficient
amount of funds. This pressure in addi-
tion to the drives being organized by SGC
would provide a valuable lobby for the
The state Senate has approved a $61.3
million appropriation for the University.
University officials have indicated
that if the $3.4 million cut made by the
Senate i not restored, a $348 tuition hike
for out-state students would be neces-
While the financial pinch caused by
the cuts would affect out-state students
most, in-state students and Michigan
residents would also be hurt. The new
tuition proposed by the legislators would
be the second highest out-state tuition
in the country, one which many present
and future students would be unwilling
and unable to pay.
A DECLINE IN out-state students who
face tougher entrance competition,
particularly at the graduate level would
mean a decline in the calibre and diver-
sity of the school. If out-state students
leave, the faculty who would rather work
with a top-notch student body, will also
leave. Eventually the entire University
and state would suffer from the loss.
The argument that out-state students
are getting a partial free ride since they
do not pay state taxes is erroneous.
IT IS NOT in the best interest of the
state to either cut University appro-
priations or force a tuition hike. The
Legislature must be informed of how
large a segment of the voting population
holds this view. Students, with the aid of
their parents, must exert every pressure
they can on the state Legislature to in-
sure that the appropriation cuts are

Ann Arbor, but under the statute, the
City Clerk has often refused to register
One common argument against allow-
ing students to vote is that they are
merely guests of the community and
will not remain here after graduation.
While it is true that most do not re-
main after graduating, this argument
neglects the fact that students live in
Ann Arbor far longer than some people
who are, nonetheless, allowed to vote.
For example, a non-student could
move into Ann Arbor 60 days before an
election and still be allowed to vote, if
he came to the city 30 days before the
30-day moratorium on registration pre-
ceding the election went into effect.
On the 30th day he would be a legal
resident of the city and would be entitled
to register. After the election he could
conceivably leave the city.
ON THE OTHER hand, a student over
twenty-one who comes to the Uni-
versity to do graduate work may stay in
the city for over four years without being
allowed to vote.
Furthermore, since students spend the
majority of their time in Ann Arbor, the
U.S. Bureau of the Census started count-
ing students as residents of the city in
whichtheir university is located.
The effect of this switch is that addi-
tional sales and income taxes collected
by the state are rebated to the city. Yet
the student has no say in how these
funds, collected from him, are used.
In addition, student interest in city
government parallels the interest of
other members of the community. Both
are interested in improving public trans-
portation, and the enforcement of build-
ing codes, as well as generally making
Ann Arbor a better place to live.
To obtain the voice in Ann Arbor gov-
ernment which students over twenty-
one should have, eight University stu-
dents who were not allowed to register
by the City Clerk have brought their case
to court.
However, at the opening session of the
hearing Friday, it became apparent that
the County Circuit Court would not at-
tack the state law, but merely work
within its confines. This was because a
ruling upholding the law had already
been made by the State Supreme Court
in a similar case,
THUS THE ACLU sponsored case may
lead to an appeal to the State Su-
preme Court and, possibly, to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
The plaintiffs should be encouraged
to follow through with their appeals
should they become necessary. Hopefully,
they will succeed in securing for stu-
dents that basic right of our American
democracy-the right to vote.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
120 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press,
Collegiate Press Service and Liberation News Service.
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrie: ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mal).

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Latest Vietnam War Victim

Letters to the Editor
An Inside View of ROTC

AMONG THE various explana-
tions of the war in Vietnam,
the grandest is that the United
States has fallen heir to the role
which Britain played in the nine-
teenth century: the guardian of
the peace, the promoter of law
and order, the defender against
aggression and protector of the
weak. Since Britain has had to re-
linquish this global, mission, the
United States in its power, wealth
and righteousness has been ap-
pointed to take over the glory and
the burden.
Only a few tactless Englishmen
have called this the glory and
burden of empire. The word has
been taboo, and a purified circum-
locution is to speak of the United
States as the organizer of world
peace. There are many Americans
who do not accept the idea of the
British succession. But true be-
lievers say that the dissenters lack
a sense of historic mission, that
they would shirk the responsibili-
ties of power, that they ignore
morality and honor and are paci-
fists and isolationists.
This would be quite justified if
it could be shown that it is possi-
ble for the United States to do in
the second half of the twentieth
century what the true believers
think Great Britain did in the
nineteenth century. But that is not
an easy idea to sustain, for it is
imposible to show that Britain ever
involved itself in the kind of war
that we have involved ourselves in.
And it is impossible to show that
this war can organize even as much
peace as Britain organized, in spite
of the many wars she did not pre-
vent and in which she did not in-
The strongest argument for the
notion of the British succession is
that there will be great disorder
In human affairs if there is no
global arbiter and policeman. The
argument is true enough. For 2,000
years since the Roman Empire,
Western men have dreamed of a
universal power which would en-
force universal order. But even
Rome ruled only part of the world.
There has never been a universal
order, and insofar as Americans
from Woodrow Wilson to 'Lyndon
Johnson and Dean Rusk have com-
mitted the nation to this dream,
they have led it astray. They have
set up false goals and diverted the
nation from the less grandiose ob-
jectives which it might be able to
BECAUSE the world would be at
peace if there were a global judge
and policeman, it does not follow
that any nation ever has played
or ever can play that role. The
plain fact is that the British
analogy is false. The British played
a much more modest and prudent
role than the doctrine of the Brit-
ish succession implies.
Those who believe in the British

succession, and invoke the British
analogy for our struggle in Viet-
nam, overlook an obvious but de-
cisive difference between Britain's
role in the nineteenth century
and ours under President Johnson.
It is that Britain performed her
global tasks, such as they were,
without conscripting her forces.
Britain relied on volunteers and
professional soldiers and merce-
naries. Nobody dreamed of draft-
ing the young men of the British
Isles to police the world,
The Vietnamese war is a very
important departure from the
British example. Those who don't
see the difference should remem-
ber that as long as our intervention
in Vietnam was performed with
volunteer professionals, which was
for the first year under Mr. John-
son, there were only a few critics.
Nothing like the present dissent
and revulsion existed then.
The country is increasingly
against the war because the
Johnson Administration is act-
ing on, the unexamined as-
sumption that men can be draft-
ed for war wherever the gov-
ernment decides to wage it.
This is a huge fallacy which
ignores the lessons of experience.
Conscription in the Western
world was not attempted until the
French Revolution, and it was in-
stituted as a defense of the home-
land against foreign invasion. Al-
though conscription for foreign
adventures was then used by
Napoleonic France and by Prussia,
conscription has rarely been em-
ployed and has rarely been success-
ful except where there was a clear
connection with the defense of the
country. Thus, if Japan had not
attacked the American Navy in an
American harbor, President Roose-
velt could not easily have sent
large conscript armies across the
The British never conscripted
Britons during the era of British
global responsibilities. President
Johnson is trying to do what the
British never attempted to do. He
is fighting a war that cannot be
won, if it can be won at all, with-
out conscripting an enormous
army and transporting it halfway
around the world.
THIS IS THE ROOT of our in-
ternaltrouble. The President is
confronted with the resistance,
open or passive, of the whole mili-
tary generation, their teachers,
their friends, their families. The
attempt to fight a distant war by
conscription is producing a de-
moralization which threatens the
very security of the nation. No one
living today has seen a time when
it was fashionable not to go to a
war and entirely acceptable to
avoid it. In all the other wars of
this century it was the fashion for
young men to go.
(C) 1968, The Washington Post Co.


To the Editor:
AM AMAZED at how much Mr.
Landsman (Daily, March 9) is
able to learn about the quality of
a course and teacher .in the one
short period that he spent in my
Naval Science 302 class. It usually
takes me three or four classes to
decide whether or not a class is
worth going to. Since in my three
years in the Navy ROTC program.
I have loggedaabout 400 times as
many hours in Naval Science class
as Landsman, I feel qualified and
obligated to disagree with him on
a few points.
First of all, concerning the dif-
ficulty of the courses, I would have
to rate the average Naval Science
course on a par -with most of the
lit school courses I have taken with
regard to difficulty and amount of
work required. I will grant that
with any effort at all Naval Sci-
ence can be passed but it is not
easy to get an "A" either. In my
N.S. ,102 course two years ago,
there were four "A's" in a class of
nearly 60. This seems to me at
least as difficult as the average
freshman course at the University.
Concerning quality of instruc-
tors, Landsman implies that a
man without a PhD. is not very
qualified to teach and that imme-
diately upon receiving his doctor-
ate, he miraculously becomes a
highly qualified teacher. I submit
that a Naval Science instructor is
every bit as much an expert in his
field as a math professor with his
PhD. With few exceptions, my
Navy ROTC instructors have been
much more interesting, much more
informative, and much more will-
ing to help a student than the
professors I have had in my sever-
al courses in the math department.
LANDMAN'S statement concern-
ing the "conflicting goals" of the
engineering students and the liter-
ary college students in Naval Sci-
ence seems to contradict the Uni-
versity's goals of a broad educa-
tion, The outcry has been for en-
gineers to take more non-technical
courses and for the humanities or
social science majors to take some
technical courses.
As far as the goals of the Uni-
versity and ROTC being mutually
inconsistent goes, I was under the
impression that a primary goal of
the University is to educate and

train students for a future career
as a contributing member of so-
Lastly, to Landman's statement
'. to train -officers in no way
requires education of the quality...
on which the University must in-
sist," I can only ask how he could
possibly know what is required to
train officers and how this com-
pares to the rather nebulous level
of quality on which the University
must insist.
-David P. Troup, '69
NSF Registration
To the Editor:
]PIS WEEK members of thir-
teen national professional so-
cieties are receiving biennial ques-
tionnaires to be filled out for the
National Register of Scientific and
Technical Personnel. The data re-
quested pertain to education, pro-
fessional employment, principal
areas of research and/or teaching,
income, and knowledge of foreign
languages and countries.
Under the National Science
Foundation Act of 1950, the N.S.F.
is required to ". . . maintain a
Register of scientific and technical
personnel and in other ways pro-
vide a central clearing house for
information covering all scientific
and technical personnel in the
United States . . .". The Register
may then be used ". . . not only to
obtain an up-to-date'profile of our
profession, but to identify those
whose special knowledge and abil-
ity might suddenly be of para-
mount importance to our Nation."
As a matter of moral principle,
particularly in a time of ever-in-
creasing emphasis upon the mili-
tary aspect of our existence as a
nation, I question the wisdom of
complying with the request of the
National Register. I suggest that
others who dislike the idea of
having strings attached to their
particular interests and talents to
be pulled upon at the "proper"
time do likewise.
--Darrel J. MacConnell,
Research Associate
The Legislature
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is a letter sent to Rep. Thomas
Sharpe (R-Howell).
IN THE MARCH 21, 1968, issue
of The Daily you were quoted

as saying, "Just how willing should
Michigan citizens be to provide
ever increasing amounts of their
hard-earned tax dollars for a uni-
versity to which they no longer
dare send their sons for fear of the
infectious philosophies of de facto
treason, or their daughters for fear
of pregnancy?"
There are a few facts which we
feel you should familiarize your-
self with. First, there exists near
your office an institution called
Michigan State University. We
have good reason to believe that
the promiscuityquotient at that
institution is substantially higher
than at Michigan.
SECOND, your insinuation that
Michigan students are traitors in-
dicates you have been misinformed.
In the best American tradition we
are primarily interested in preserv-
ing freedom and liberty in our so-
ciety. In our opinion certain in-
vestigative agencies constitute the
present-day threat to the freedom
of the individual. Their actions,
and your remarks, are in the best
Nazi-Communist tradition.
-T. Michael Turner, '70
-John H. Brockett, '68


Political Oldies, But Goodies

IF THERE IS ONE political
lesson to be learned from this
decade, it is the acute danger of
having a strong President running
the country.
Ascour involvement in Vietnam
and the Dominican Republic have
proven, any American intervention
in the Third World is fraught
with peril for everyone involved.
And as most ghetto residents will
testify, our domestic record is little
It therefore seems reasonable
that what this country really
needs is a good do-nothing Presi-
dent who, if he wouldn't change
the world for the better, at least
wouldn't do any harm. And these
days how much more can one
reasonably expect?
The only way to insure this is
to have a President who physically
is incapable of taking any action
at all. This President must have
infirm advisers unable to take the
initiative away from their peer-
less leader.
year, when it seems increasingly
likely that the country is headed
for a choice between Johnson and
Nixon, it is time for the creation
of a new political party to allow
the people to opt for total in-
Luckily for the nation and the
world, America is equal 'to this
vital challenge. For we have wait-
ing in the wings a number of
highly trained men, and one in-
domitable woman, with long ex-
perience in and around ,govern-
ment, though currently out of
This highly qualified team of
governmental experts-most of
whom are at least octogenarians
-could very easily form the nu-
cleus of a Grand and Really Old
Party (GROP) which could lead
America to unprecedented heights
of inaction in the years ahead.
A new generation has emerged

(b. 1877) of Arizona.
For a grand and really old
cabinet, we recommend:
Secretary of State-Walter Lipp-
man (b. 1889). Pretending for
years to have held this post, the
great pundit is uniquely qualified.
Secretary of. Defense-Dwight
David Eisenhower (b. 1890). There
is little else that can be done with
old soldiers in the process of fad-
ing away.
Secretary of the Treasury- Jos-
eph Kennedy (b. 1888). Long ex-
perienced in handling large sums
of money, he would also be ef-
fective in keeping the rambunc-
tious junior senator from New
York in line.-


Secretary of Labor-John L.
Lewis (b. 1880). The former presi-
dent of the United Mine Workers
will become the most controversial
person to hold the post since Fran-
ces Perkins.
Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare AlexanderRuthven
(b. 1882). Harlan Hatcher's prede-
cessor would bring to the post the
abilities generally associated with
beingyPresident of this great Uni-
. Secretary of Housing and Urban
Affairs-Robert Moses (b. 1888).
No urban problem is too great to
be solved by a twb-pronged ap-
proach of a Triboro Bridge and
another's World's Fair.


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'President' Thomas 'Vice President' Hayden

Attorney General-Hugo Black
(b. 1886). No better antidote ex-
ists to unchecked Presidential
power than the last of that great
school of men who believe in inter-
preting the Constitution literally.
Secretary of the Interior-Alice
Roosevelt Longworth (b. 188?). The
eldest daughter of the first Pres-
ident Roosevelt, the, Grand Dame
of Washington is outspoken on
conservation and almost every-
thing else.
Seretary nf Agriculture-Alf

Secretary of Transportation--
Eddie Rickenbacker (b. 1890). The
office's duties would effectively
prevent the World War I ace pilot
from adding any more to his auto-
In addition to this all-star cabi-
net, one additional appointment is
worthy of mention. In making
Alexander Kerensky (b. 1881) am-
bassador to Russia, the United
States would take a step toward
finally understanding that enig-
matic country. And as a native-
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