VOTING RIGHTS: STUDENTS, TOO See editorial page C, 4c h1it1411 471 i at WINDY High-36 Low--16 'Gusty winds with chance of snow flurries Vol. LXXVIII, No. 146 Ann Arbor Michigan, Sunday, March 24, 1968 Seven Cents. Eight Pages That Sultry Spring in Ann Arbor It was the second day of spring, and winter-weary residents of Ann Arbor were getting ready to enjoy a well-earned day in the warm sun when ... -Photos by Jay Cassidy 6CT.T d N.Q Nl.Q .QK'lRTV- of f . Un MT, Harvey Notes Further Seek Budget Restoration tude its End L + organ ! ! ! R e 11RStuc JalCellDeiciencies:p n Jaaign lature Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey called because he wanted "to clean my the former County Road Commis- theL [or improvements of his Wash- skirts of this." sion's garage on N. Main.;priati tenaw County Jail yesterday in Harvey said the jail still did not However, the county supervisors SGC response to the criticism he re- conform to state regulations in at have decided to allocate the north ' n toc ceived for operating an "incor- least four respects. Main space for general storage. uingio rigible cell" the building. He claimed according to state Finaly Harvey said that another "If we're so hot to conform to regulations, the jail needed a food standard which has not been ful- cut fr the state law then we better do it elevator and a passenger elevator. filled th dit that ex recomi thele statetlawtheniweibettertdoxitsend all the way down the line," said He added the jail is not presently terior lightingbe constructed Lasi Harvey. able to maintain the required around the jail. budge Harvey Allocates Duties stable temperature of 75 degrees. e committees, in turn, ap- The Harvey commissioned the Sher- "I'm a little disturbed about the Tecmitei un p h iff's and the Ways and Means heating because I asked for this proved a bid of $916 for the instal- compi Committees of the County Board two years ago and was turned lation of exterior lighting around memb of Supervisors at their meeting last down," Harvey said. the jail from the Electric Service tions. Fridayrto insure the jail met state Harvey noted the jail's officejCo. m mpeside standards.! space is overcrowded and asked At the same time, Harvey esti- hopes Harvey said he called these mat- the supervisors to consider alloca- mated the cost of converting "cell 4,000E ters to the committee's attention, ting space for his department in block ten" into two new incor--' r - - ibigle cells at "eight, nine, or "We possibly $10,000." accord Did Not Meet Standards Koene Dorm Campaign: The original incorrigible cell was cover closed by the State Department of must F - which 1Corrections because it did not meet contac Q a LiigIs Fun state jail standards. cna Although the committees took will tr no immediate action on the other! u±Ih±i By ROB BEATTIE Koeneke says, "We need stu- dent Government Council is dents who will be able to give izing a two-pronged cam- an intelligent presentation of the to persuade the state Legis- need for the appropriations. Wer to restore proposed cuts in will work through personal con-E University's budget appro- tact with the law makers." ion. "However, since time is so short, C is asking University alum- we are -going to use the less ex- contact their legislators and tensive campaign" he explains. gthem to restore the $3'.4 Approved $61.3 Million n which the state Senate The state Senate has approved rom Gov. Romney's budget a $61.3 million appropriation for mendation. SGC will also the University for the coming delegations of students to' year. This represents a cut of ng to lobby for the increased $3.4 million from GovernorcRom- t ney's request and a $14.5 slash in' names of alumni are being the University's request. led from lists of former The appropriations bill will ers of student organiza- come up for discussion in the Mike Koeneke, '69 BAd, middle of the week. lent ofSGC, says aCbuncil University officialshave mdi- to contact by letter about cgted if the cutsm made by the alumni. Senate were not restored, a $348 Division by Districts hike in out-state tuition will bej . must divide up the list necessray. ding to legislative districts," "Students represent a new ke explians, "so we can lobbying group and a new pres- all parts of the state. We sure," Koeneke says. "The Uni- also inform the alumni versity lobbies are old faces' legislator they should: - -- ct.'' a delegationsof students u H n r P r ravel to the capitol within ors Progr ext few weeks to present the,_ i i f i i i around the cpaitol, and legisla- tors tend to brush them off." "If out-state tuition were rais- ed, the University would be sec- ond only to Vermont in cost." he remarks. "A hike would drive a lot -of students away from the University. This, can only hurt the quality of the school." "Out state students actually bring money into the state." Koe- neke believes. "They pay enough! taxes to carry their own weight with the present level of tuition. This is particularly true of grad- iate students who live here all year around. They in particular form a large segment of the out-state student population." i ti At Howard U Beige, rroiesi WASHINGTON O)-Several hundred students at Howara University yesterday ended a five-day siege of the campus administration building after reaching a compromise with the college's board of trustees. Students at the predominantly Negro university had oc- cupied the building since Tuesday to protest disciplinary 'charges against 39 students accused of disrupting the school's Charter Day ceremony March 1. The demonstration was called off late yesterday after- d Of t a5, reed thatthe student Le ne By TOBE LEV staff feels the image of the dorms matters mentioned by Harvey, student's case concerning ther For years, University Residence has improved, he says. they did approve an expedenture budget. "We plan to contact key ' iiui1ie I ie Halls have been a gray eminence The results of the campaign are of $6,866 for the installation of legislators first." Steve Handler, on the Ann Arbor scene. No one as yet difficult to measure, of- new doors and locks in the jail. '68. "Then we will talk to a By BRIAN FORD tried very hard to promote them, ficials says. However, they add State jail inspectors had ecom- broader group." h but somehow the dorms were al- that while at this time last year mended the locks to increase sec- "Our first target will be the For those students who don't go ways filled, even overcrowded. 60 per cent of the students in urity. members of the House Appropria-, to class anyway and for those who But, with the construction of dorms had committed themselves Robert Harrison, vice chairman tions Committee," he adds. "We don't like to, the Honors Program new dorms and the liberalization to live in fraternities, apartments of the Ways and Means Commit- will then have individual students of the literary college has de- of residence requirements, some or co-ops for the next year, only tee, told Harvey his request for meet with their home district's signed the best of all possible dorm spaces have begun to go 48 per cent have done so this year. more space should go to the super- representative.Applications are currently avail- begging. In an effort to fill thesvisors' Buildings and Grounds The appropriations bill is cur- Alication aie Haly avail- Salowitz says the original idea Io~te able in 1210 Anigell Hall for the dorms and to improve residence for an image-building campaign Committee. Afterwards, he ex- rentl before the House Appropria- s a to nwas his, but that the publications plained to the sheriff, the other tions Committee. It is expected to grs Summer a ding Pro- siHousing Office has turned to iessol etasitdt h oeu o icsinb h gram by which any student may sity office suggested a newspaper cam- items should be transmitted to the comittees in a letter. middle of the week. take any course regularly offered advertising. paign. They have been running in the literary college if the Advertising Campaign about one ad per week, course work can be completed by "People like you make the dif-rednale.tSloizthasI ference between living and really rAcinte edto anowitz, theads Eoss M Increase N o in English living, declares on he ad se the most common student criti-jThe English department, how- placed in The Daily. The ads stress cisms of dorm life, particularly of Ieever, takes exception to the pro- U ethe idea the dorms are a fun place Mey t m 'r Du ae ecpintotepo to live, the quality of the food and the P;gram, allowing students to com- tof Universityhoue ofprivacy.plete only five courses under the rect of Uivsithusing says th Privacy, No Longer Problem By PHIL SEMAS i stimulant drugs" would be a mis- program. Prof. Knott, 1625 Haven a i-Hall, is the sole faculty super- ads are designed primarily to im- Privacy, he says, is no longer as collegiate Press News Analis I demeanor and "illegal manufac- visor for students who will take prove what he feels is the "bad great a problem as it has been in WASHINGTON - A student ture and traffic" and "possession English 231, 232, 269, or 444 this image" students have of the dorms, the past. because of the liberal- who loans his roommate a pep for sale" of such drugs a felony, summer. Salowitz says he hopes to in- ization of conduct rules and the pill to stay awake may soon be The bill contains proposals Students must convince a reg-I t,rease the percentage of students elimination of freshman women's liable to a ten-year prison term made 'by President Johnson in 'ular faculty member to supervise living in the dorms from 33.6 per hours. and a $15,000 fine. his State of the Union and crime them and to help plan their cent this year to 37 per cent next Officials also say they hope to Under an administration bill messages in January. The House course requirements, which usual- year. The ads, which are designed counter the impressions dorms are now before Congress, possession of Subcommittee on Public Health ly include one or two papers and by the University Publications Of- places of "impersonal, bureaucratic "hallucenogenic drugs (including and Welfare completed hearings a final exam in the fall. fice, will continue until the housing treatment." I LSD) and other depressant and 'on the bill early this month. To participate in the program, No Official Action Yet honors students must also obtain Although no official action has the permission of their counsel- been scheduled, with all but one ors, and non-honors students of the subcommittee members must obtain the permission of having come out in favor of. the jOtto Graf, director of the Honors bill, approval is certain. It may! Program. Seven be put into stronger form. "The program is available to everyone who qualifies," Graf Both Sen. Edward Kennedy (D- says. "We will not exclude anyone Mass) and Food and Drug Ad-ability for miitain(FDA) ,wihmhedeireaniailtyfo mini titio Comisson-independent study and explore- er James Goddard questioned the in"yr .:."c.. _. :2.".... .:bi ....... ..... I ..F ... f: ,... .. ... -P '4,.. ' T-% - -4- - L o-. r Carol Hollenshead, '70, SGC 110011wonhenLnuth oaravi ru member, says there will beGa government would handle cha meeting of all interested students the Charter h Day exercises,' today to get, the campaign un- and when it was agreed there derway. The meeting will be held would be no charges prefer- , at 1:30 p.m. in the SGC offices. wd be no carge s er I red against participants in I "We need many people to work the mass sit-in. addressing letters and sorting out The school will reopen to- names," she comments. morrow. Trustee Kenneth Clark of New York said after the agreement am To Offer was announced at a news confer- ence, "We're all very happy that n this matter was remedied without n Cou rs intensification or irrationality and . without bringing law enforcement officers on this campus." for possible acceleration that is It was announced at the con- difficult in a regular curriculum." ference that several other student Another advantage of these demands will be worked out by a courses, according to Graf, is committee of board members, Stu-. they cost much less than regular dents and members of the fac- correspondence courses or courses dets Theemc ethe establish- taken in residence. Correspond- ment of a Black Awareness. In- mence courses cost about three stitute, the formation of a stu- times as much as those in the dent judiciary. and convening at Honors Surr-ner R~eiding Pro- Howard an all black convention gram. Courses taken in attendance of college students to discuss stu- during the regular academic year dent roles. cost about one and a half times as mch or n-stte tudnts University President James M. Out-of-staters pay almostufive Nabrit Jr., 67, who in the past has times as much for regular courses. said he would not permit Howard "These courses should be taken to become a black oriented uni- to satisfy prerequisites or to versity, is reported to be retir- broaden one's education, rather ing, though this was not con- than being used to shorten the firmed by the trustees. period of study at the University," Students earlier this week de- Graf comments. "Students should manded the resignation of Nabrit, spend a full four years in resi- a Negro. dence here." The well organized takeover Citing Ohio State University as began Tuesday afternoon with an example, Graf remarks that about 200 students invading the many universities are "anxiously" various offices in the administra- trying to develop honors pro- tion building, including that of grams. Nabrit., 17 Student Body " Asks Voie At Howard By The Associated Press The students who took over Howard University last week say Black Power expresses only part of what motivated them. They wanted more power-stu- dent power-in the operation and disciplinary system of t h e i r school, a predominantly Negro co- educational institution that long has been one of the most promi- nent Negro colleges. They urged Dr. James M. Na- brit, Jr., the university president, to resign. But the prime desire of these stu'dents is what they call black awareness or "black conscious- ness." They're developing a new pride in being Negroes. They hunger for knowledge about Negro history and Negro culture. They identify deeply with Africa and with their ancestoral roots there. And they want their university to help them establish this new self-awareness. "We think this university should prepare us to be leaders in the black community," says Joseph Middlebrooks, president of the en- gineering and architectural stu- dents association. arges against those accused in ' ' , -_ NEW COURSES . Humanizing the Engineer effectiveness of the FDA's exten- $35 Tuition Cost sive "education program" on For.-every course he takes, a stu- drugs. dent must pay $35 to the Cor- "LSD is 100 times more danger- respondence Division of the Uni- ous than marijuana, yet we have versity Extension Service. Of this a lesser penalty for it. In light of fee $25 is given to the faculty sup- these inequities," Kennedy quer- ervisor. ied, "do you think young people Participants are responsible for will pay any attention to an edu- o b t a i n i n g their assignments cational program?" and/or reading list before leaving By GERG ZIEREN The Engineering English Department is trying to erase the all-too-often used image of an engineer as the embodiment of a cultural void. Beginning next fall, freshmen will embark on a two-year English sequence (12 hours instead of the five currently required) which will take them through the Ellysian Fields to Joyce's Ire- land to hopefully discourage common literary college snickering of the slide-rule steward. The Great Books Course,-contrary to popular belief, will not include Modern Introduction to Calculus, Fuller's Quantum Mechanics or the CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry. Instead, students wil study works by Homer, American and European literature courses, "American Art," courses in modern fiction, poetry and drama, "The Cinema," and, "Literature and Art." Shafter says class size will be limited to 15 or 20 persons, "small enough so instructors can find out the abilities and interests of particular students." The courses will be inter-disciplinary and guest lecturers from other University depart- ments will be invited. It will be a "true atempt" to fill the schisms between the literary and engineering schools. Seniors will be required to write a thesis, but the thesis may be in technical areas. m - U: stimam