Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS McCarthy Against the Kennedy Machine Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: HENRY GRIX The British Tax Hike: Moving Toward Stability T*HE WAGE ceiling and tax increases proposed Tuesday by the British gov- ernment are harsh measures, but ones which are probably necessary if the country's economy is to be saved from total collapse. Britain's balance of payments prob- lems, which has grown increasingly acute in recent years, has not been solved by the halfhearted economy measures in- troduced last year or the devaluation of the .pound from $2.80 to $2.40 last No- vember. Without the deflationary impetus which the wage ceiling and tax increase represent, the foundations of the British economy would have been further eroded and Britain's hope to enter the European Economic Community./dealt yet another setback. THE LABOR government's latest budget combines the highest taxes in the nation's peacetime history with a request for legislation allowing the government to put a ceiling on wages, prices and dividends. If this legislation is adopted, wage and dividend increases will be limited to 3.5 per cent a year and the government would have the power to roll back any individual prices found to be too high. The tax increases, designed to hit Brit9hs in all walks- of life, total $2.2 billion and will account for 8.5 per cent of the British tax revenues this year. The tax hike, which takes the indirect form of sales taxes rather than the more direct approach of an increase in income taxes, is designed to cut consumer spending without adversely affecting en- trepreneurial initiative. Nonetheless, it is estimated that the severe tax pro- grams will cause a one per cent drop in the real standard of living this year, as opposed to a predicted one per cent rise without the new budget. rHESE MEASURES will naturally arouse some opposition, possibly to the extent of ousting Labor from power. Organized labor has made it clear that it is un- alterably opposed to wage controls in any form whatsoever. How the specific proposals for such controls are received in Parliament today will show whether or not the Labor Party can convince the strong union element within its ranks that the program is indeed necessary. In addition, the party's left wing may also bolt--partly on grounds that the indirect method of taxation will hit low- er class living standards much harder than those of the more affluent. Should the Wilson government fail, the Conservatives can be expected to capi- talize on Britain's economic troubles of the past three years - troubles which Edward Heath yesterday blamed on the "disastrous incompetence" of Labor. Should there be an election in which the Tories triumph, however, it seems likely that they would adopt very similar measures upon coming into power. But the new budget just might have the opposite effect on strengthening Labor's political position, as evidenced by the enthusiasm with which Chancellor of the Exchequer Roy Jenkins' speech announcing the budget was accepted Tuesday. Because, as even the heavily-burdened British taxpayer is beginning to realize, this kind of action is what their economy most needs today. DESPITE BRITAIN'S key position in international finance, the country has not had a really favorable balance of trade since around 1900. It has taken two-thirds of a century for the British to realize that, in light of their position as raw materials importers, their export industries must be emphasized if they are to meet the competition of the United States, Germany, 'France, Japan, the Soviet Union, Scandinavia, and their own Commonwealth for manufactured goods. Some steps were taken in this direction last year when a tax measure designed to lure workers from servic to export in- pdustries was introduced by Jenkins and subsequently adopted by Parliament. The Labor government now realizes the benefits that Common Market mem- bership, with its attendant tariff elimi- nations, would bring to Britain. They also realize that one of the chief bars of British entry into the European Economic Community are her balance of payments difficulties and the related problem of the instability of the pound. ASIDE FROM the need for stability of the pound - and the dollar - as the two currencies upon which so many others rest, meeting the conditions for Common Market entry is reason enough for Britain to take the severe steps which are so desperately needed to restore the vitality of British trade and the health of her monetary system. The new budget is a necessary step toward the recovery of the British eco- nomy and eventual Common Market- membership. -JENNY STILLER EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is written by former Daily staffer George Abbott White, now a gradu- ate student at Brandeis University. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-It has been a busy week out here, even by Cambridge standards. Senator Eugene McCarthy had Adminis- tration polsters revising polls hour- ly in the north, Secretary of State Dean Rusk decided to talk to Sen- ator Fulbright in public (Secretary of Defense Clifford Case unfor- tunately, declined) down south, and in Cambridge, everybody's darkhorse candidate for Secretary of State-McGeorge Bundy-de- livered his three Godkin Lectures at Harvard. The dust settles as the campaign moves west, and the meaning of the action becomes clearer: Eugene McCarthy deserves the title "Can- didate for the Presidency." He has emerged as a truly national candi- date with a purpose, and, with a following that appears sound. McCarthy capitalized on an at- mosphere created as much by Lyn- don Johnson's blunders (both in- tended and accidental) in Asia, and New Hampshire, as by the in- tellectual push left by Black Power advocates and SDS community or- ganizers. He avoided the daigers of mere personality and concen- trated on issues--solidly. He car- ried an incredibly sophisticated campaign into the granite-like hawkishness of New England-to villages and towns as well as in- dustrial centers-and in a manner that made his "non-personality" charismatic by interjecting a much-needed factor into American political life: integrity. McCARTHY very nearly excludes integrity,-from the way he simp- ly and fully answers reporter's questions, to the almost painfully sincere and low-keyed speeches on everything from recognition of the N.L.F. to an all volunteer Army or solutions to urban chaos. Many here think this factor has been in large part responsible for his cap- turing the group the New Left de- spairs of and Democratic liberals thought hopelessly apathetic: the great American Middle. McCarthy got not only margin- ally-left students to shave beards and tie ties, got not only those totally ignorant, politically; Mc- Carthy got the sons and daughters of the Middle to put aside their books and beers for leaflets. His. And more importantly, he got their parents to vote for him. In aston- ishing addition, he persuaded 5,000 New Hampshire Republicans to cross over the line and write him in, bringing him near for past, depending upon how or who counts) President Johnson. Several months ago, Senator Robert Kennedy's entrance into this race would have been read as Divine deliverance. Now, it seems not only to have split strategy, but also possibility, i.e., can Johnson be defeated for re-nomination? The air is electric with talk of Deals, counter-deals, sell-out am- bushes, et al. Soldiers run from one camp to another, then back again. A bittter fight split the Harvard Crimson Editorial Board and the paper, which had previous- ly vigorously supported McCarthy, voted Friday 13-11 to switch to Robert Kennedy, '48. KENNEDY'S entrance was anti- cipated, and it could have been read, even last week, between the lines of McGeorge Bundy's lec- tures, with their frequent refer- ences to "President Kennedy" and the newly-vindicated virtues of electoral politics. Beneath the surface, beneath talk of "opportunism" and "ar- rogance," are the more subtle and more important questions of genu- ine emphasis and genuine change: Is Kennedy a man to be trusted to end the war in Vietnam or is he just another Harvard boy who wants to be President? Worse, has a deal been struck with President Johnson, or worse yet, electing Kennedy, are we to find ourselves re-electing a grouping that for- mulated and implemented the pol- icy that makes, has made, Vietnam and other countries like it, reality? There are those who think the latter two questions unthinkable. The Crimson, for instance, gave reasons for its switch to Kennedy in the usual Harvard version of realpolitik: "Kennedy's candidacy has obvious advantages. The for- mer attorney general is an expe- rienced national campaigner . . . Kennedy has a greater knowledge of the Byzantine ways of state ... Kennedy can command the funds for the massive media cam- paign. . ." with the usual qualifi- cations: "He realizes the costs of Vietnam and has admitted the shortsightedness of the policy his brother pursued . . Yet those familiar with the "Byzantine ways of state," those never fully committed to McCar- thy, or committed out of frustra- tion, have reservations that com- mand most careful scrutiny; re- servations that might make greater support of McCarthy a necessity. Their arguments run that rather than markedly escalate the war to dispose of the rising McCarthy tide, the President has decided to run again as a "Peace Candidate" against a man perceived as more hawkish than he. Nixon is almost ideal for this sort of ploy, but Johnson can hardly expect to be believed this time around. He must make a characteristically drama- tic gesture. The perfect, if some- what painful solution, is to select Robert Kennedy as his running mate. Kennedy's announcement to "re- consider" came within hours after the New Hampshire results. (Those responsible for the McCarthy cof- fers were most outraged about this. Couldn't he have waited at least a day?) McCarthy and the peace issue immediately lost their priority in press covers. Rusk and Com- pany were nearly forgotten. Sud- endorsement of McCarthyism, the advocacy of greatly increased de- fense spending, the adoption of a counter-insurgency strategy, the Kennedy clan's modus operandi is clear. And the fact that both I. F, Stone and Arthur Schlesinger are agreed that John F. Kennedy's anger over Cuba was not so much the exposure of a reactionary theo- ry of social change, but "misinfor- mation" by the generals, or that the showdown with Kruschev was, finally, a matter of "touchiness" and "honor," should put flesh on whatever bones of pure idealism are still associated with Robert Kennedy's image. IN SPITE of whatever gestures of reconciliation are made, or are said to have been made-whether the questionable loan of Kennedy- writer Richard Goodwin in New Hampshire, or statements of "sup- port" by Robert Kennedy-the Kennedy family role in Massachu- setts seems to indicate that any previous reconciliation was sharp- ly undercut. An article by Leslie Carpenter of the Boston Herald Traveler Washington Bureau de- serves general notice. Carpenter contends that Mc- Carthy knew Senator Edward M. Kennedy didn't want him to enter the Massachusetts primary because it would divide the state Demo- cratic Party and embarass Ted Kennedy personally. McCarthy de- clared he would, but immediately after he learned the results of a vote of the Massachusetts State Committee on a resolution sup- porting President Johnson (includ- ing a strong statement in favor of the Administration's Vietnam pol- icy). Carpenter believes that Kennedy, didn't think McCarthy would run in his state if the committee vote went against him by a large mar- gin. There is evidence of Kennedy trying to rig it that way. At least, says Carpenter, friends of Ken- nedy were on the phone trying to get all 80 members of the State Committee to the meeting. And the outcome, considering the size of the tally (only four voted against the resolution) and Kennedy's in- fluence within the state party leadership, suggests the word was also passed to vote for the resolu- tion. There is little doubt in Cam- bridge that the Kennedy's are greatly preferable to Lyndon John- son. Yet it is not merely loyalty to a courageous McCarthy that makes people want to stick with him, The thinking is that McCar- thy is far less likely to sell out to Johnson on the crucial issues of war and peace than Kennedy. And moreover, neither Robert Mc- Namara and Walt Rostow, nor people like him, would have a place in his administration. People here are becoming more and more aware too, of McCarthy's substan- tial record in Congress. * * * I RECEIVED a call tonight (Sunday) that Senator McCarthy was flying in from Washington to speak at a small rally at Woburn, about ten minutes north of Boston. Snow here has finally gone away, but it has been raining cold and steadily for days. There were a few questions I wanted to ask, and be- sides, in the downpour, the crowd would be small. McCarthy was his quiet and firm self: "I applaud the vigor and courage of my supporters . . . No matter how this thing goes, years from now, when your children ask: 'Where were you in 1968? What was your stand?' you can answer, 'We stood up. We fought the good fight. We served our country in truth.'" The school seemed to shake as 2500 people started screaming. And that was that, McCarthy looked my way. "Mr. Senator," I said, "it seems to me that the major point of differen- tiation between you and Senator Kennedy is that the character of people around you is substantially different in emphasis and experi- ence than his. Could you comment on that?" "Well . . . two days ago, I was told that Senator Kennedy had a good more experience; to recom- mend him; that, for instance, he had sat on the National Security Council for several years .. . I am not so certain that is a recom- mendation." The moment he finished, a tall man thrust his mouth .over my head, two more on either side of McCarthy, and there was the ex- pected chorus of "Thank you Mr. Senator." Outside, the crowds ,had gone It was still pouring. A man who identified himself as, one of the Massachusetts Steering Com- mittee for McCarthy,. came along- side. He had noticed my Daily card. "Say, you people in Ann Arbor don't like Bobby very much, do you?" I watched the huge l*cCarthy bus lumber into the night; Maine, I had been told. "I've heard that some buses just left Ann Arbor for Wisconsin . . . all I know is that they all have 'McCarthy' painted on them . . ." Bobby's not much different in some ways than our man." Oh. I thought, but he is. 4 * Eugene McCarthy denly there was the introduction of "personality" into a campaign that the McCarthy supporters had sought to keep issue-oriented. Sud- denly there were the same old gen- eralities and the loose identifica- tion with "peace." Finally, so the argument goes, Kennedy probably believes that he can consolidate control over the party as Vice President (since Johnson has allowed the organ- ization to disintegrate). Johnson, on the other hand, presumably feels he could manipulate situa- tions to such an extent that Ken- nedy, as his Vice President, would eventually become a general ob- ject of ridicule and contempt. There are, of course, few illu- sions by anyone about the Kenne- dys. From stock market manipula- tion and rather strange remarks about the Nazis in the 1930's to the * 4 U Letters: Rationale for ROTC To the Editor: THREE recent feature articles have appeared in The Daily dealing with ROTC programs at the University. In these articles two very important questions were raised: "Is ROTC a legitimate part of an academic program" and, "Are the present instructors qualified to teach at this univer- sity?" I believe that both these questions can be answered af- firmatively. To say that ROTC or military science is not a legitimate aca- demic study because it is a pro- fessional training program is to object to engineering, medicine, and professional programs also. Often the underlying reason for the objection to ROTC is a per- sonal value judgment. Some people feel this training and information should not be available at the University even if of, our own free will, I and others desire it. This point of view is censorship in its purest form. Only in an atmosphere where all knowledge is available can free- dom really be said to exist. If I believe that this type of training is necessary to the welfare of the country why can it not be taught at a University? BUTuARE the present instruc- tors qualified to teach this sub- ject? The Daily article insinuated that, because most of the ROTC personnel hold only bachelor de- grees they are not as qualified to teach as the teaching fellow with a masters degree. This sort of objection is the result of ignoring the different forms an advanced degree can take. In their field the instructors of ROTC all have advanced de- grees. They are all of a captains rank or higher. All have seen ac- tive duty in Vietnam who have taught me. All these men are pro- fessionals with a great degree of experience. In light of these realizations I think we can dismiss these par- ticular objections to ROTC at Michigan. -Roger L. McCarthy '70 Elvira Madigan To the Editor: DANIEL OKRENT thinks that "Elvira Madigan" is a better movie than "A -Man and a Wo- man." Its tough to compare movies as far as which deserves more - taste is taste. I would, however, like to explore some mis- representations which I think Ok- rent makes in his characterization of the two movies. T will disregard the comment about Lord Byron except to com- ment that he seems to think that Byron was a lousy poet, as though Byron were a synonym for super- ficialwriting. Why didn't he men- tion Keats, Shelly, Robert Frost or any other poet he's heard of and doesn't like. (You probably like Ferlinghetti and Ginsberg a whole lot more, don't you, baby?) OK. Be sophisticated. "Lelouch did not establish any kind of depth; his character were merely in love, they did not en- gage in the necessarily concomit- ant agony of love." Let us then compare the two kinds of love. I have no idea what "merely in love" is, but let's look at "A Man and a Woman" anyway. I distinct- ly recall a scene in which Woman is lying below Man ("merely in love" I suppose) and at this mo- ment of total involvement we sud- denly hear Woman's heartbeat tense as she returns to herself and thinks of her first husband (now dead). This flashback scene of rolling in the snow or riding on horses (I forget which it was) was really real. I mean there she is in bed and she starts thinking about her dead husband. This seems to me like agony - deep personal anguish. In "Elvira" the agony is all external. The cruel world says "you're too young," or "he's no good," or "wait till Resistance Drafts Coffin ,THE REV. WILLIAM Sloane Coffin is proof that resistance against the war in Vietnam is no longer just a series of individual acts of protest, but a move- ment witn a nationai voice. He is proof that the movement has become coordinated, and that its goals are crystallizing to a point where the movement as a whole can be directed consciously. He represents the "disen- chanted youth," "the frustrated liberal," and even George Wallace's "pseudo-lib- eral." The growing number of people skeptical of the nation's policies will listen to him hear the other side's point of view. And with his eloquent speaking style, his wisdom, his wit and his insight, those who were once unsure will find themselves discarding their blind faith in the "establishment" to realize that the "American dream may become a nightmare." No Comment LANSING M- - A Republican legislator has blasted the University of Mich- igan as "a citadel of radicalism" where students risk both treasonous philoso- phies and pregnancy. "Could it be possible that legislative action is long overdue?" asked Rep. Thomas Sharpe, R-Howell, in a newsletter to his constituents. Alleging demands by "radical students" for "the right to entertain coeds behind closed doors in their bedrooms" and their support of leftist political ideas, Sharpe Rev. Coffin, though he will deny it, is a leader of the movement. Rev. Coffin is neither a politician nor a diplomat. Some of his views of America's role in world affairs are sketchy and open to much debate. His sacrifice of "purity for relevance" is not always congruous with his identification as a chaplain. He even seems somewhat naive in thinking that youth can turn on and off at will "their great moral view of the world." He fails to under- stand that young people will rarely dis- card their morals simply to attain their. ends. But Rev. Coffin does understand our nation's tragic involvement in Vietnam. He displays an unusual amount of com- passion for his country and his fellow man, and carries a heavy burden of re-E sponsibility to help - correct the ills be- setting the country. His thesis of original sin displays an optimism about the future both unusual and refreshing. COMBINING HIS compassion with his energy and unrelenting faith and con- viction in that which he believes, he is the impetus for the movement to con- tinue. He has given the movement a cen- ter, a meaning. He has become a focal point for dissent. Having worked and lived among youth all his life, he understands them and can communicate with them. For this, he will undoubtedly be branded a perpetual adolescent by some of his own generation. But quietly, he accepts this all as al-? most predestined and certainly as though you're older children." That sounds like a 1959 rock and roll problem. Problems like not having food are agonizing and real - but they are also, external and outside of the love. In a sense it is a path- etic problem of not being able to face reality. The situation in "A Man and a Woman" is different in being more directly related to to love between the two people. The whole problem with Elvira and Sixten is their avoidance and denial of the external world. They are destroyed because they refuse to deal with problems. Coming out of societies as rigid and constric- ted as armies and circuses, they have a very distorted sense of reality. They escape their old roles and become "lovers." Sixten feels some doubt about abandoning his wife, he knows that he and Elvira are running out of food - yet he makes only the barest attempts to think about these problems or deal with them. THEY DENY reality more and more, until finally, in a scene for me strangely sad, they are des- perately reaching out for butter- flies, a physical embodiment of the unreality they are dying for. In this context the butterfly is beautifully used. It is fragile, elu- sive, ultimately unattainable. So he kills her and then himself and now there will never be another problem - no more loving, no more butterflies, no more world. Contrast this deluded way of looking at the world with the po- sitive affirmation of "A Man and a Woman." Instead of giving up they come together in the end in an act of love and hope, exactly the opposite of Elvira and Sixten's decision. Cinematic beauty was certainly in evidence in both. The parallel- ism is there in every good movie, however - if you're looking for it. (Did you notice how 'Bonnie and Clyde share a pear -in the car - they're first starting to feel how it is to be in love and to en- joy each other as people - right before they're killed?) ELVIRA MADIGAN is a beau- tifully produced tragedy. But don't believe that happy endings don't deserve more. Choose life and live, baby. That, I submit, is where it's at. -Mark Schoem, '71 IDA Education To the Editor: T n 1 i 'YTTr. TT St .. . . L.. them. It would have been a legi- timate display of student power, according to Lehner, et. al., if both referenda would have passed. However, as they ' failed, they are crying like pampered children who have been frustrated in the fulfillment of their desires. Ac- cordingly, they proclaim that the students need more "education," and of course, that the referenda failed because of the machinations of evil engineering students. As an "uneducated" person, I happen to see things differently. I have been exposed to six months of "teach-ins," "sit-ins," trumpet- ings from the editorial pages of The Daily, and the biased reports which have appeared upon its other pages concerning this sub- ject. THIS HAS all occured without the benefit of any campaign which sought to "educate" the student body as to the wisdom of opposing ideas. However, I have now become "uneducable," as I refuse to concern myself further with the drivel produced by Mr. Lehner and his other colleagues upon The Daily staff. Further- more, I chortle with glee when I think that this could possibly be the case with many others. Although not an engineering student, I voted against both pro- posals, and would do so again. Secondly, although I am ashamed to admit it, I voted for Mr. Koeneke, who is one of the parties who seeks to "educate" me. -James L. Russell, Grad Apartheid To the Editor: THE PROPOSALS made by Ur- ban Lehner and Walter Sha- piro in their editorial (Daily, March 5, 1968) are interestingly similar to the policy followed by the South African government. The following Quotes could have come directly from a government- sponsored information leaflet on "Self-determination" of "Separate Development" or "Apartheid": "More than anything else, black people demand to control the con- ditions of their lives, their politics, their school systems, their supplies of goods and services. . . blacks can take a maior significant step toward self-determination (etc.)." Compare the following, taken from a booklet compiled by the Department of Information, Pre- toria, South Africa: "Black Afri- can people have so far all refused -0 - --A - im job m-M I i s 3 ..--- '4-; £4-/ / , , s ° .. c ttt i " . -< s +. ( . \ l .s .cty r 1 fit 1 --- _ 1. * V I f I