THE BRITISH TAX HIKE See editorial page I ,I rP £i1rtigau &t3 ii CLOUDY AND COOLER High-39 Low-32 Chance of Rain or Snow Vol. LXXVIII, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, March 21, 1968 Seven Cents Ten Pages BROADER RANGE: U.S. Educators Back Birth Date Draft Pool WASHINGTON RP')-Support is would not be eligible for the draft who have not also gained exemp- mounting among U.S. educators again until a year later. Lion as students. for a broadened draft pool to in- In testimony before a special Educators view the broadened duct noncollege students, college House education subcommittee, draft pool proposal as a way to graduates and graduate students. prominent university administra- solve the dilemma posed for the Order of call would be based on tors have suggested the plan as nation's graduate schools as a re- monthly birth dates, with those an alternative to the present draft , sult of a Feb. 15 Selective ruling born in January subject to first policy which falls with major im- barring deferments for most grad- call according to local quotas. pact on the 22 to 24 age group. uate students. Thus, for September 1968, the In the present system, the oldest Lifting of draft deferments for draft pool for local boards would eligible youths in the 19 to 26 graduate school study also threat- consist of all draft eligible males, year old age group are called first ens to eliminate teacher assistants regardless of age, born in the with deferments permitted for for undergraduate colleges which month of September. If a draft 1 college undergraduates, graduate commonly rely on graduate stu- eligible male born in September students in the health specialities, dents for this duty. is not drafted in September, he essential occupations and fathers University administrators, how- -- ever, are not calling for a rein- statement of deferments for grad- aAe UHuate students but for an order of Seas call which will be more equitable and will fall on a broader base. "We're not seeking wholesale deferments,' says Fred Harring- L st o Apt 0 . U1 Twe ton, president of the 53,000 student University of Wisconsin. By ROB BEATTIE SHA-SRU urges students to bar- Broadened Pool Student Housing Association gain directly with the owners con- "We would like to see broadened and the Student Rental Union are cerning implementation of the manpower pool established so that currently undertaking a drive to University eight month lease. some of the students who grad- provide tenants with names of "All of the owners' names were uate from college and may be the owners of the buildings in obtained from records in the city planning to go on to graduate which they live. assessor's office," Schreiber said. students will be eligible for the SHA-SRU is distributing a letter "They are available to any ten- draft but not all of them." urging students to take their com- ant," he said. The present draft policy on plaints directly to building owners "SHA-SRU will be glad to look graduate students could set Amer- rather than deal with managing up the name of any building owner Ilan higher education back 10 firms. The housing organizations requested by a student," Schrei- years, says Betty M. Vetter, execu- are aiming their letter at tenants ber added. "We plan to provide ive director of the Scientific Man- living in buildings managed by this service next year." power Commission. Apartments Limited. The letter , Harrington agrees with Yale's includes the names, addresses and President Kingman Brewster and telephone numbers of owners of M Demand many other educators who favor buildings managed by Apartments iviOu J n1a1uS abolition of all student deferments PLimited o and a random lottery of all eligible Poor Record aGuns in Detroitl youths. a Apartments Limited's poor rec- President Johnson last year pro- ord in maintainance, repair work, DETROIT WP)-About' 150 dem- posed a random selection system and return of damage deposits is onstrators broke off from a 600 but Congress is yet to act on it. 0 cited by SHA-SRU as the reason member throng protesting the The broadened draft pool support- for the need to deal directly with jailing of black national leader ed by a growing number of educa- owners. H. Rap Brown, entered a large de- tors could be activated, according "The owner will be much more partment store in downtown De- to Selective Service Director Lt. concerned about the condition of troit yesterday, and demanded Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, by the his building anid tenant satisfac- free guns. President or by the secretary of tion t h an the management Their demands were refused. defense through executive order agency," the letter states. "Why Newsmen at the scene, however, I without congressional action. # not call him or drop him a letter?" reported that several boxes of Spread Liability Night Calls cartridg were stolen by demon- In support of the 4roadened GA To Request Regental Funds Seeks Financing Equivalent to SGC, Backs Democrats for City Council By JILL CRABTREE Graduate Assembly last night resolved to ask the Re- gents for "funds which are at least equivalent to the present level of funding given to SGC." The resolutions specified that GA does "not wish to be given monies which would be taken from the existing levels of allocations of SGC." At present, GA receives no money from the Regents. SGC receives an allocation equivalent to 25 cents for each student, graduate and undergraduate, at the University. In former years GA has requested oper- * - ating funds from SGC. However this year the request was opposed by GA members who said such a request would indi- cate GA was not a representativet- body in its own right,.u D w Moved but not seconded was a resolution asking the Regents to H give GA "full rights and recognit- oWapdU ion as the representative body of the graduate students" at the Uni- WASHINGTON 03)> - Predomi- versity. nantly Negro Howard University Opponents of the motion said it shut down indefinitely yesterday indicated that GA must appeal to after several hundred students the Regents for legitimacy rather keeping tight control of the ad- than 4o the students themselves, ministration building, prepared for Also defeated was an amend- a second straight "lie-in" night, ment which would stipulate that The students, demanding broad funds for all allocations to stu- changes in the school's operations, dent government organizations be Including "black eduatlon," sai increased, with GA receiving a ithey would not leave until t"e uni- percentage of funds taken from versity drops any planned dis- graduate students, and SGC re- vit o nt - ceiving a percentage of funds ciplinary action against about 30 taken from undergraduates. students who disrupted a Charter Jim Bishop, Grad, objected to Day program on the campus - the amendment on the grounds March 1. e that it would "pit GA against Student Demands a SGC." He added that the present At the Charter Day ceremonies -Daily-Robert Sheffield QUIZ KIDS SCORE AGAIN The "20th Century Limited" chugged under the wire last night to win the first UAC College Quiz, after an exciting last minute challenge from the "Best Minds of Our Generation." A team from Allen-Rumsey and Lloyd-Palmer finished third. Receiving clock radios and book gift certifi- cates for their victory are Douglas Honig, 69, (far left), Ronald Ban, '68; D. L. Silverman, '68; Joan Spielman, '69; and Myron Slovin, '68. FIVE SEATS OPEN: City Council Elections Focus, Mass Public Transportation By DANIEL ZWERDLING incumbent James C. Riecker, R., Building code enforcement and and Ernest L. Quenon, D., Second mass transportation will pose two Ward; Max Shain, D., Third Ward; vital issues in the upcoming City the campaign manager for Rus- Council election April 1. sell West, D.. Fourth Ward: and The 10 Republican and Dem- incumbent LeRoy Cappaert, D., ocratic candidates vying for five Fifth Ward. council seats in Ann Arbor's five Remington endorsed a liberal- wards have- focused their cam- ized student registration policy and, paigns largely on lax building called for unrestricted driving code enforcement, the haphazard privileges, arguing "Students are city bus system, and lagging civil humans, and they should be given right's programs. the same rights as everyone else." Students comprise over 30 per The Democratic candidate, who cent of Ann Arbor's population is a mathematics professor at the and thus have major interests in University, deplored the "unmerci- housing conditions and local tran- ful rents" in student housing, and sportation problems. Campus lead- questioned why ,"the University ers have urged students play a has never undertaken to build any realtors who have ouistand- ing code violations. Fourth Ward Democratic can didate West also endorsed strin gent building codes to improve city housing, and called for a mass transportation system. overlap of personnel and function militants went to the podium and Strict building laws, coordiia - between the two organizations was listed various student demands. tion of Ann Arbor's bus systems, "ideal" for graduate students, in Students interviewed at the scene wider participation of the black ta it gave them double-barreled of the demonstration said they community in the HRC, an-i lib- representation, were prepared to hold control of eral student voting reforms a e Insother actin GA ad the administration building until major proposals in Cappaf'rt'siresolutionsupporting the Ann Ar- officials agreed to reshape the campaign for reelection in the bormi ocic n eup- whole approach to education at the Fifth Warid. Cappaert is an ori- coming City Council election school. Howard University has long ginal proponent of the rent im- were: Richard Remington (D- beer, considered one of theNout- pairment plan, and asks that per- First Ward); Ernest Quenon (D- standing Negro institutions in the mits be withheld from violator. Second War)n Max Sha n (D- country. Cappaert, who is the only Dem- Third Ward); Russell West (D- Thole gathered in the admin- ocratic incumbent tip for re- Fourth Ward) and LeRoy Cap- istration building were equipped election, said, "Students are an paert (D-Fifth Ward). with suitcases and blankets for important interest group in com- GA also supported Air Force another overnight stay. munity affairs" and recommend- Captain Dale Noyd, convicted In control of all the facilities, ed that students form org aniza -early this month by a military including the school switch board, tiQns in each of the wards to gain ,,. nn fn. "Local owners won't like being called in the middle of the night concearning maintainance which should be handled by their man- agement agency," Mark Schreiber, '69, chairman of SRU said. "Per- * haps they will be more responsive to student needs if they are both- ered a few times," he continued. "What SHA-SRU is hoping to do is organize tenant unions for individual apartment buildings. Unions of this type could deal dir- ectly with owners and obtain bet- iwter service for tenants," he said. Management agencies don't par-j ticularly like to have their owners know about shoddy upkeep and lack of concern about tenant needs," he pointed out. "Some of the out-of-town owners surely, don't know about the recent pic- keting and rent strikes against Apartments Limited." -u - 1 1 + v+nbigger role in local government low-cost housing for its own stu- strators from the J. L. Hudson de- pool, Brewster says: "It would offer affairs. dents." partment store. a better way to spread this liability Several candidates spoke with Police said there were no arrests.;by age groups. It is certainly un- a student panel yesterday. Polit-spors syte is jThe Student Non-Violent Coor-f desirable to have the obligation ical participants included Richard bus system we have now is just dinating Committee, SNCC, and{ fall on a single group or class and D. Remington, D., and Norma a farce," she said Mrs. Kaker, o>ther black nationalist groups we should avoid placig pressure Kraker, R., from the First Ward; who is currently director of the sponsored the demonstration a on any single group." block south of the department President John W. Oswald of the Office of Off-Campus Housing, en- store. University of Kentucky also voices BULLETIN dorses a government subsidy as Brown, who is chairman of criticism of the present draft sys- a means of developing an effective SNCC, is in jail in New Orleans in tem, which he says places an "im- TEL AVIV P-Israeli forces busing system throughout down- lieu of $100,000 bond. He was ar- practical" impact on eligible attacked Arab guerrilla bases town Ann Arbor and the Univer-. rested last Aug. 19 on a federal youths. in Jordanian territory on the sity campus. indictment charging hime with Oswald, speaking for the Na- east bank of the Jordan River In the Second Ward, democrat takng rile romNe Yok t tinalAsscitio ofStae Ui- early today, the Israeli Army Quenon is challenging the seat' New Qrleans in violation of federal versities and Land GrantCollegess , held by republican incumbent laws. representing 99 colleges and uni- Israel, the government Riecker. According to Quenon, city a.p en 9radio, idicated Israeli troos and court on cnarges o asooeymng an larger voice in city government. order to train a student pilot for Presently, Republicans hold five duty in Vietnam, for his "cour- of the six Council seats not up ageous stand in following his con- for election. The GOP needs only I science despite rigorous sanctions." one victory in the April 1 elec- Noyd is a former instructor in tion to muster a 6-5 eduncil ma- I the psychology department at the jority. University. 500 Students Boost The department store is run bya J. L. Hudson Jr., who is chairman l of the New Detroit Committee., created by Gov. George Romney and Mayor Jerome Cavanagh aftert last July's riot.! MALE POWE Women Invade versities , across the country, be- government must step up eniorce- 1 "eves universities can perform the had crossed the river and in- ment of building codes and initiate I eves e tin pe t vded Jordan It said the Is- more stringent laws if necessary.. services the nation expects only'N aty racli forces would withdraw Rekrdsged oee n if selection for the draft falls ae1oceat al hr Riecker disagreed, however and equitably on all ages in the eligible fomer eastn By MICHAEL THORYN dents from Michigan colleges to manpower pool fectively enforcing its building Many University men will shave come to the state before the April - Iastheir prized beards and women will 2 election. R DECLINES Quenon has proposed a citizens wear skirts that demurely touch Robert Kennedy (D-NY) who is 'complaintbureau to make gov- the knee when over 500 students also running for President is not ernment more responsive to con- travel to Wisconsin to work on the i on the Wisconsin ballot. Mangan Astituent demands. primary campaign of Sen. Eugene said, "Kennedy entered the cam- O O ~r The candidate has criticized the McCarthy (D-Minn).I paing three months too late." Human Relations Commission for The effort, sponsored by the Many of those going to Wiscon- failing to represent the black con- recently organized campus group, sin think of Kennedy as a "polit- By LEE WEITZENKORN munity. "It's unfortunate, but the j Students for McCarthy, will occur I ical opportunist." main contact between the black _on the weekends of March 22 and- The last outpost of male power on campus falls today as the and white people is through the 129. It is still possible to sign up billiard parlor in the Michigan Union opens to female students. The police," he said. Quenon added the to go. event, part of Union-League Weekend festivities, marks the final step HRC must include representatives Best Hopes Co .-Co D e1e in a process of gradual integration of the Union facilities since from such groups like CORE and Auditorium E in the Physics- World War II. the NAACP. - Astronomy building was filled last The Union, which was organized in1904 as a men's debating In the Third Ward, Shin and evening as Dave Mangan, Grad, O pe nng Sesse octeynmondstits resetuershin shalb1919. The constitution I Edwards are struggling for the explained details of the trips.N of the Union states: "The memrhip shall he crnfinedi to me seat vacated by Robert Weeks, Those going either by RhrerdB KEN KELLEY the leaders vowed to respond ac- cordingly to any forced attempt by officials to regain the building. Police officials said they would not step in unless asked by the uni- versity. University officials, including the president, James M. Nabrit Jr., would not make themselves avail- able to newsmen but issued a, statement saying parents of all students had been notified 'that classes and other school activities have been suspended. Resolution "The university will exert every effort to reopen the university at the earliest possible time and will continue to explore and consider all means of i'esolving the problem of the students' protest and un- rest," the statement said. It ordered that all dormitories be vacated by tomorrow. Leaders of the student revolt said they would organize to prevent the eviction. gates Named; onvPostponed Convention seats. also went to t and this provision shall limit all other provisions hereof." Frank Kuenzel, director of the Union, explains that pressure had been on the Board of Directors of the Union for some time now to open the entire Union to women. "The boys wanted to bring their! dates in to play pool," he says. Kuenzel realizes that times have changed. Formerly no decent1 lady would be caught dead in a pool hall. "The old-time billiard rooms used to be dens of iniquity," he reflects. And some students would like to keep women out of the pool hall. "The billiard parlor should remain the way it is," Joel Welber, '70, says. "You can go there and relax and not worry what you do since there aren't any women. I think it's a very nice tradition," he continues. Furthermore, Welber doesn't have much confidence in the skill of female hustlers. "I can tell you one thing," he warns, they'll be changing the felt on the tables every two or three months now. That's how long it will probably take until someone pokes a pool stick through it." "I think the billiard parlor is very nice the way it is now," he concludes. But other students, like David Presser, Grad, see the integration who is retiring after his second term on Council. "With the tremendous inciease in student enrollment, there came vultures who were assisted in fat- tening their pockets by a fat, lazy city council," charged Shain, a professor in the school of public health. Shain said he would strength- en building laws by introlucing measures to withhold rent from landlords who maintain sub- standard housing, and to forbid granting of building permits to Switch Plans Robert Carr, spokesman for Washtenaw Democrats for Mc- Carthy, announced a change in the senator's scheduled visit to Detroit tomorrow. McCarthy buses or by car were urged to Results of the election of dele- Wendy Kress, '70, 1653; Rooert bring sleeping bags, reasonable gates to the student government Rourke, '69, 1650; Mark Rosen- clothing, plenty of money, and constitutional convention were baumn, '70, 1649; Robert Gorsll e, "hope for the best." announced yesterday, almost one' '69, 1623; Mary Livingston, '70, Work in Milwaukee and other I week after balloting ended. 1613; Lee Mary Danielson, '69, Wisconsin cities will consist of In the race for 25 seats from 1602; Suzy Southon, '69, 1601; mailing pamphlets, m a n n i n g the literary college, the entire "A ' William Steere, '70, 1589; Eric phones, and going door-to-door 1 Slate" was elected. The slate was Chester, Grad, 1582; Tom Mowry, distributing literature, headed by Student Government '70, 1553; Bruce Levine, '71, 1507; Students will sleep in college Council Executive Vice President Stuart Katz, Grad, 1506; Maureen dorms, basements of churches, and Robert Neff, '69, who led the can- O'Shea, '71; and Therese Wester-' homes of townspeople. didates with 2486 votes, dale, Grad. Diag Doves The remaining seats were filled Newly elected Senior Class The group, which supports Mc- by 10 candidates from the "Stu-|Pr e si d e n t of the engineering Carthy's dovish position on the dent Union Slate." Out-going SGC school, Jeff Bowden '69, led the war in Vietnam, set up a table President Bruce Kahn led the ballot in his college with 571 on the diag to recruit workers and slate with 2463 votes, votes. Other winners were , Ken held a bucket drive to help sub- SGC rules require that the Purdy, '69E, 437; ,Carl Bloch, sidize travel costs. opening meeting of the conven- '68E, 390; Chris Bloch, '70E, Richard Feldman, '71, fundrais- tion be held within 10 days of 338; Eugene DeFouw, '69E, 331; ing chairman, reported that $1,200 the election. However, because of Robert Stenson, '69E, 293; and was collected during the past three the late posting of results the first Mark Harris, '69E. days. Someone paid $20 for a meeting has been delayed. Five other candidates will also single McCarthy for President but- Former University Activities represent their schools at the con- tmnn represent their schoons ntnthe cok- :. : ; s :.. : ..