Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Foxy Rocky's Game: Hawk, Hawk, Goose Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. By PHILIP BLOCK ONE OF THE advantages a chal- lenger for the Presidency in 1968 has over the incumbent is the opportdnity to reflect in his cam- paing statements the people's gen- eral dissatisfaction with the Viet- namese war without offering speci- fic policy alternatives. Thus Richard Nixon two weeks ago swore up and down New Hampshire that, if elected, he would end the war in Vietnam. How? He would say after the con- vention in Miami or (alternately) after the election. But Nixon is a bungler. Even promising to end the war is get- praised Johnson's "tremendous courage and tremendous capacity for decisive action" in handling the situation. Later in the summer of 1965 Rockefeller repeated his stand. In 'a speech to a New York Armored reserve division of the National Guard he said, "I am convinced that you feel-as I feel-that Pres- ident Johnson merits the support of free men everywhere for his strong stand in Vietnam, and for his manifest determination to de- fend and save human freedom from Communist aggression and so ultimately to win a more certain peace." TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM HECK Breaking With. ROTC: A Farewell To Arms THE UNIVERSITY should terminate its contractual relationship with the de- fense department's Reserve Officer's Training Corps program. The University should cease providing ROTC with academic accreditation, list- ings in college catalogues, academic titles for ROTC officers and free use of Uni- versity facilities. ROTC as it is set up is not a legiti- mate academic undertaking, nor by its nature could it ever be. ROTC suffers from several academic ills: 0 Qualifications of ROTC instructors compare unfavorably with those of reg- ular University academic staff. None of them have doctorates and only a few have masters degrees. Despite an abundance of visual aids and course outlines provided by the na- tional ROTC offices, many of the in- structors do little more than present those outlines. Some even do a poor job of that. Lectures are perfunctory affairs often composed only of filmstrips and diagrams with little intelligent comment added by the "professor." 0 The courses suffer from ambivalent and sometimes conflicting goals. On the one hand, the instructors would prefer to teach - and the engineering students in ROTC prefer to take - technical courses. But these must be "toned-down" so that the literary college. student in ROTC can understand them. On the other hand, some of the cour- ses deal with the sociological and psy- chological aspects of military life "which the engineers wouldn't get anywhere else." But these are trivial and probably repetitious for literary college students. THERE CAN BE no doubt that students should not,, receive academic credit for ROTC courses. That they still do is only because the faculty up to now have failed to investigate. One faculty agency, the curriculum committee of the literary college, is cur- rently conducting a review of ROTC. They are centering their investigation on the issue of academic credit which the college gives for ROTC, 12 to 15 hours for completed four-year programs. NOT ONLY IS ROTC as it now exists of dubious academic quality. The very reasons for its existence negate the pos- sibility that it could be brought up to University standards by improving the quality of instruction or the substance of the courses. Behind the academic facade, the es- sential fact remains that the Department of Defense runs the ROTC program at universities because it is an effective way to encourage men of military age to en- list and to train officers. But to train of- ficers in no way requires education of the quality (courses of substance, quali- fied instructors) on which the University must insist. ROTC is in reality a soft boot-camp. Its purpose is to integrate students into the military. It would not add to the benefit the military derives from it by improving the academic standards of the program. FURTHERMORE, the goals of ROTC and the University are mutually incon- sistent. ROTC produces military officers -men trained to give and take orders in a spirit of discipline and with respect for authority. The University, ideally, produces edu- cated people - men and women who ask questions instinctively, who accept noth- ing on authority, who are seekers after truth. If the military wishes to run an ROTC program and students wish to participate in it, the University is neither obliged nor justified in sponsoring the affair. Re- ligious centers, for example, offer aca- demic courses and the University does not underwrite their programs. Neither should the University have anything to do with ROTC. It is not sufficient that the University withdraw academic credit from ROTC. Any form of University co-operation with ROTC units implies - in fact, is - ap- proval of the quality of the program. IN ESSENCE, the ROTC course offerings are literally a facade-a throw-in de- signed to gain University recognition. To train officers does not require either the machinery of academic courses or a uni- versity environment. -RON LANDSMAN "I am confident that you feel-as I feel-that President Johnson merits the support of free men everywhere for his strong stand in Viet- nam, and for his manifest determination to defend and save human freedom from Com- munist aggression and so ultimately to win a more certain peace ... r.lasseesisa iisisassae sslimimnmsiis eses PERHAPS THIS CHANGE of emphasis from outright support of the policy to outright support of the President was a sign that he was beginning to temper his hard line-view of the war. If so, that would have to wait for a while. Rockefeller would first have to concern himself with winning a term as governor. Thus, he make no comments about Viet- nam cntil the governor's confer- ence the following March. At this conference, the Presi- dent did not risk asking for sup- port from the Governors as he" had at the last three conferences. But in spite of this, Rockefeller volunteered: "He (the President) deserves our support and the sup- port of the people and the coun- try." He also blasted dissent by some democrats, saying "we go a lot farther than his own party." Two weeks later hell began to break. George Romney, Rocky's choice for the Republican nomin- ation, pledged his support for the President's Vietnam policy in a speech at Hartford, Conn. Instead of adding his own support, Rocke- feller surprisingly chose to remain silent. Some critics suspected that Rockefeller was using Romney's speech as a probe of public opin- ion on the war. IF THEIR SPECULATION was correct then apparently Rocke- feller saw that the country was not entirely pleased with a simple repetition of the Johnson doctrine. On the other hand, he did not want to turn abruptly from his former support of administration policy. Rocky's answer came on "President Johnson merits the support of free men everywhere. . ." ting dangerously specific. The best strategy a Presidential hopeful can follow is to attack the war in gen- eral terms, lambasting Johnson for "failure to provide leadership," without ever saying what it is ex- actly about the war he dislikes, much less offering specific policy proposals. For everybody dislikes the war. The hawks don't think there's enough of it. The doves think there's too much. By committing oneself only to "disliking" the war, one can command the allegiance of both. THE VIRTUOSO practioner of this technique could be Nelson Rockefeller. For many years an outspoken hawk, the New York governor last year began to tone down his comments on Vietnam and now is refusing to take a position for "lack of information." Yet many liberal opponents of the war reckon Rockefeller a dove. While the logic behind their conclusion borders on the incom- prehensible, there is no doubt that many believe it. Walter Lippman said it for everyone when 'he de- clared in a column headlined "The Case for Rockefeller," For myself, I have never been concerned about Rockefeller's refusal to talk about Vietnam or align himself as a Hawk or a Dove. That is a politician's tactic. I have never talked about Vietnam with the governor be- cause I feel the less he said the freeer he would be to commit himself to the inevitable task of liquidating the war. I am sure that he would have to liquidate the war in order to be the kind of President he can be and wishes to be. And if the polls can be trusted, Rockefeller's success with the tac- tic cp to now has been incredible. In a Gallup poll published in Jan- uary, 28 per cent of the people in- erviewed said they believed Rocke- feller was a hawk while 30 per cent thought he was dove. And with Bobby Kennedy's en- trance into the 1968 presidential race, Rockefeller chances for nom- ination have risen considerably. Republicans fear the outcome of another Kennedy-Nixon clash based more on personalities than on issues. For if the Democrats nominate Kennedy, the bulk of Nixon's anti-Johnson appeal will have evaporated. Thus if it appears that Kennedy has a good chance to emerge vic- torious from the Democratic con- vention in Chicago, Republicans may have to choose Rocky if they want to win in November. WITH A Rockefeller candidacy so distinct a possibility, it is im- portant to understand the genesis of his non-committal stand on Vietnam in the light of history and to study its evolution in the perspective of politics. There was a time when Rocky was one of the strongest backers of Johnson's Vietnam policy. In July, after 1965, just after he of- ficially dropped out of the 1968 presidential race, Rockefeller ap- pearing on "Face the Nation" THROUGHOUT the end of 1965 and the beginning of 1966 Rocke- feller maintained his strong Viet- nam war stand, a position largely emanating from the fierce anti- communist feelings which he had professed all his life. But at the beginning of Febru- ary, 1966, his views began to show signs of slight change. He started to emphasize the importance of formation to'form the basis for making recommendations. If Rockefeller was using Rom- ney as a stalking horse, then he realized that Romney gained his greatest popularity when he claim- ed he was not qualified to com- ment on the war. The event that clinched this realization came in September. It not only dealt the death blow to Romney's campaign but became the major determinant of Rockefeller's present Vietnam policy. he seemed to take notice of the country's reaction to Roimney's statement. ASKED ABOUT the speech, Rockefeller said, "It's too early to tell the effect of this thing. He has taken the offensive. He is bringing;home the importance . of knowing the facts. It's con- ceivable that he can turn this liability into an asset. I will con- tinue to support Romney." The pundits heralded the state- ment as the first thaw in Rocke- feller's position. On October 4, the New York Times published a story claiming that Rocky was beginning to turn away from John- son on the Vietnam issue. The article cited the change in at- titude of one of Rockefeller's for- eign affairs advisers, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, as the cause of Rock's shift. However, the next day Rocke- feller denied the report, saying, "I have not said anything about Vietnam and I am not going to, except that I share th:- .ope that an honorable settlement can be reached." ROCKY HAS -KEPT his word He has since refrained from say- ing anything about Vietnam, not' even his old line that only those who are informed should speak out on the war. Even after Rom- ney withdrew from the president- ial race at the end of this last February, Rockefeller maintained silence. It is expected that he will continue this policy until he fin- ally decides to officially enter the race. And that's where it stands now. 32 per cent of the American people, more or less aware of what Rockefeller has said, think he is a dove. 28 per cent think he's a hawk. And 40 per cent have "no opinion." And that 40 per cent is the key figure in the poll. WHERE DOES Rockefeller, who for all extents and purpose is an announced candidate, go from here? He can't run for President on an "I don't know, I won't talk" platform. It would be out of char- acter for him to come out against the war. The trend now is for candidates to announce with af- fected anguish that they don't like the way the war is currently being waged. That stance, the "goose" position on Vietnam, may be what Rockefeller will take. For as long as Rockefeller can hang loose and still convince 32 per cent of the American people that he is a dove, and all the lib- erals who see Rockefeller as -their last ,and best hope will continue to be outfoxed. * The Enemy Within "If nominated, I will not run. . . If elected, I will not serve!" THE REAL DANGER of Senator Robert Kennedy's Presidential candidacy was hidden in two little-noticed words ut- tered during his maiden campaign press conference on Saturday. Not surprisingly, the New York Sena- tor was asked to articulate his Vietnam position and Kennedy obliged by offering the standard mildly dovish concoction of de-escalation, more participation by the South Vietnamese, an end to the corrupt- ion of the Thieu-Ky regime, and the rec- ognition of the National Liberation Front as a party to any peace talks. All these suggestions might have re- sulted in constructive peace talks had they been applied in 1965. But due to the time lag of American political response, they represent little more than meaning- less political rhetoric when offered as a constructive program in 1968. BUT THE TRUE nature. of Kennedy's dissent emerged when the talk turned to bombing halts. Kennedy enunciated -his position as follows: "The North Vietnamese have re- fused to, come to the negotiating table until we stop the bombing. I'm in favor of taking that step. They have not re- quested or suggested that it be done on a permanent basis and, as I have said, if the negotiations are unsuccessful or if they use that period of time in a way that is adverse to our military forces there, then I think we can take retalia- tory action." Sounding slightly reminiscent of Dean Rusk, Kennedy's advocacy of "retaliatory action" indicates his belief that if Amer- ica cannot win a satisfactory negotiated peace, then this nation is totally justified in continuing the carnage in Southeast Asia. This.statement vividly illuminates the The danger of such a political chamel- eon is that many will be deluded by the panaceas Kennedy appears to dispense. And too few will notice that they're mostly sugar water. BUT MANY who are acutely aware of Kennedy's flaws have argued in the past few days that he must be supported because only he can beat Lyndon John- son at the Chicago convention. While it is probable that Kennedy has a somewhat better chance of defeating Johnson than Senator Eugene McCarthy, the odds against either of them pulling off this political miracle are high enough to destroy this as a valid practical con- sideration.. Furthermore this approach ignores the important long term effects of the Ken- nedy-McCarthy clash. For what we are really witnessing is the first and probably crucial round of a battle for control of the Democratic Party in 1972 and there- after. Supporting Kennedy on the very out- side chance he can win in Chicago will have the practical effect of bequeathing the entire Democratic Party to the Ken- nedy family until at the very least 1980. A NEW KENNEDY ascendency will very effectively lock the Democratic Party into the Cold War myths of the early sixties for the next decade. It should be remembered that Ken- nedy, beneath the external exuberance of an eternal adolscent, is a veteran cold warrior who was there during the missile crisis, when we were eyeball to eye- ball and the other side blinked. Furthermore at a time when the Pres- idency carries with it almost omnipotent powers, there is an extreme danger in electing a man who is worshipped bythe backing the President because he is President rather than supporting Vietnam policy itself. Folowing Johnson's resumption of the bombing of North Vietnam, Rocky called for bipartisan sup- port of the President, saying that any talk of Republicans' "capital- izing" on Administration mistakes was premature. Rockefeller followed up this position at the March, 1966 gover- nors' conference. He seconded a resolutios drawn up by the 41 gov- ernors present which backed John- son's handling- of the war. The resolution stated that the Presi- dent's policies were the "only ra- tional ones to be followed under the circumstances." After the conference, Rockefeller threw in his personal view of the situation. "I don't really think this is the time for politics. It is a time for study and analysis and deep concern for those who have given their lives and are risking, their lives." June 9, 1967, just after he repeated unequivivocally his denial that he would be a candidate in the 1968 race. "I have supported the President because he is our President and supported him as our leader in an action where American boys are giving their lives. I do not have the intelligence data or secret in- On 9 September, George Rom- ney announced to all the world that he had been "brainwashed" by American military advisers dur- ing his visit to Vietnam the year before. A week later, the Detroit News withdrew its support of Rom- ney and palled for Rockefeller's entry into the race. Publicly, Rocky didn't accept the suggestion, but 4. I, K t t < 1/ ,. - Ix rI( ~- ~ ' it ) ~ ,,. s-., >5,;,.. 5Ul*; .. XA-/'U W - 4e- i