Tuesday, March 19, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Tuesday, March 19, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY House Members Ask War Review LBJ Seeks Support Program In Austerity WASHINGTON (A)-One third of the House membership-98 Re- publicans and 41 Democrats- urged approval Monday of a long dormant proposal calling for con- gressional review-of U.S. policy in Southeast Asia. At a news conference, two of the sponsors gave somewhat dif- ferent views of what it would ac- Mcomplish. Rep, Morris K. Udall (D-Ariz), said action by Congress would RF K Speaks At Kansas U MANHATTAN, Kan. (R) - Sen. Robert F. Kennedy told wildly cheering/ audiences that almost mobbed him on two state univer- sity campuses Monday that Presi- dent Johnson's Vietnamese war policy is a failure. And he concluded his first cam- paign speech for the Democratic nomination for President by shouting from the Kansas State University fieldhouse stage: "If you will give me your hand I will work for you and we will have a new America. The students swarmed from their seats in a near mob scene, tore at his clothing, and shouted "Bobby" as he left the jam- packed 14,500 seat fieldhouse. They almost pulled him from an open car as he drove away. The scene was repeated about two hours later when he appeared briefly in the fieldhouse at the University of Kansas in Lawrence and spoke to more than 17,000 persons, mostly students. In his speech at Kansas State, where he made a formal address on a lecture series, Kennedy said the Johnson administration has no answer to the Vietnamese problem except for "the ever ex- panding use of miiltary force and the lives of our brave soldiers in a conflict where military force has failed to solve anything in the past. either strengthen the administra- tion position or give Johnson an opportunity to "get off the hook.", "Just think how much stronger the President would be if after the debate the Congress backed him and he had a mandate from the members of the House and Sen- ate," Udall said. "If, on the other hand, the Sen- ate and House opposed his policy, this would be the President's best way out. He could say the Con- gress, representing the people, wants a change, so we'll make a change. This would be the best possible result for the President." But Rep. Paul Findleyh(R-Ill), said, "The strength of this chal- lenge reflects the breadth and depth of concern on the part of the American people with present policies. This action says clearly that more of the same policies, backed by still more American troops, will not do." Although noneof the House leadership of either party is among the sponsors, backers of the meas- ure believe such a large group backing the measure this year will force the committee to bring the resolution up for debate. Reps. Findley and F. Bradford Morse (R-Mass), introduced the measure last year. It was intro- duced this time by Reps. John E. Moss (D-Calif), James Harvey (R-Mich), Frank Thompson Jr. (D-NY), and John R. Dellenback (R-Ore). -Associatea Press "SITTERS" COUNTED some of the foreign go Id stacked in the Federal Reserve Bank in New York yesterday. Gold Agreement Drops Prices; Pact Regarded as Permanent By TIie Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. -- Presi- dent Johnson appealed to Amer- icans yesterday to unite in a pro- gram of national austerity until peace in Vietnam is achieved.' The President also urged "a total national effort" in supporting government leaders toward a vic- tory in Vietnam. - He promised intensified efforts to defend the dollar -by curbing non-essential travel outside the hemisphere and to curtail business spending and investment in West- ern Europe. On Sunday, he said, emergency gold crisis talks in Washington produced a decision that "we are no longer going to be in the posi- tion of encouraging the gold gai- bler or the gold speculator." Johnson also confirmed earlier reports that he was working with Congress to seek agreement on major budget cuts as a way to boost support for higher income taxes. He said these cuts would affect non-defense and non-war items "all across the board." They would, he conceded, "postpone many needed actions that all of us would like to see taken in another time." In what probably was his strong- est figthing speech since the 1964 campaign, Johnson repeatedly voiced the argument that the Com- munists are trying to win a vic- tory inside the United States that they cannot win from American troops on the battlefield. He said WASHINGTON (p) - Gold prices slumped Monday in the wake of a seven nation agreement halting government sales to spec- ulators. But President Johnson warned that the long range solu- tion to the monetary crisis de- mands "a program of national austerity." The price of gold in Paris dropped to $40.10 an ounce from last Friday's $44.36 peak as the crisis eased throughout the world. Trading was reported quiet also in Zurich and Frankfurt where gold sold for $38 to $41 an ounce. London Treasury officials said they will use gold statistics supplied by central banks to the International Monetary Fund as a checkpoint but one source said officials know enough about gold movements to --Associated Press President Johnson in Minneapolis U.S. To Equip New Troops In South Vietnamese Army SAIGON 0P) The South Viet- namese government will increase its armed forces by 125,000 men this year and the United States has agreed to equip them, inform- ed sources said Monday. The increase would bring the number of military and semi- military forces in South Vietnam to almost 900,000 by the end of U U the year. Thus South Vietnam would have the largest number of men under arms in Asia after Red China, although its regulars would still lag behind the 540,000 man armed forces of South Korea. Included in the program is a lowering of the draft age to 18, recall of some veterans and re- servists and a halt in discharges. South Vietnam now has 340,000 men in its regular army, navy and air- force. Another 342,000 are in the regional and popular forces. The U.S. Special Forces pays and equips another 20,000 civilian irregulars. In addition, the govern- ment has 70,000 national police- men, who often perform military functions. Sources familiar with South Vietnam's manpower problems say the Vietnamese already are scrap- ing the bottom of the man power barrel to increase the size of the armed forces by 656,000 by mid- summer. i 1 The London market, the world's realize when someone is trying to largest and the focal point of the make a quick profit, yg wild speculative buying of the kCknres. last two weeks, was closed and Congress will remain so until April 1. Meanwhile in Congress, Sen. wi i s u John J. Williams, (R-Del.), said U.S. officials emphasized the the weekend agreement merely new gold agreement does nothing bought time "to put our house in to lessen the need for this coun- order." try to end its balance of payments He said the gold agreement. deficit, raise taxes and cut fed- must be supplemented by spend- eral spending.s hing cuts and a tax increase, but But they insisted the gold Sen. Russell B. Long, (D-La.), said agreement can be permanent if the agreement is "totally irrele- these steps are taken and other vent to a tax bill." nations cooperate as hopes, jSen. Wallace F. Bennett of The New York stock market re- Utah, senior Republican on the acted to the agreement by jump- Senate Banking Committee, said a ing more than 13 points early in tax increase is now inevitable but the day but at the close the Dow it can only be achieved if the ad- Jones industrials average was up ministration cuts nonessential a modest 2.54 points. spending proportionately. No formula for spending cuts Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, (D- has yet been drafted, it was Ark.), of the House Ways and learned, but it's likely to be sim- Means Committee, said "I am ilar to one approved by Congress pleased by that word austerity" last year calling for a percentage in comment on Johnson's Minne- cut on programs for which spend- apolis speech. Mills's committee ing can be controlled. has kept the President's tax in- Another tactic reportedly t- crease proposal bottled up pend- der discussion is to tell each gov- ing further spending cuts. ernment agency to cut spending by a s ecife. mi numb ,f d Allarz this must not be permitted. As he spoke, some 200 pickets - many of them college age youths, picketed outside the hotel. One carried a sign reading, "LBJ, stop killing American boys." Often leaving his prepared text far behind, the President used firey and emotional language and arm waving gestures as he made an unannounced appearance at Civil Rights Guidelines Issued; Court Rules on Discrimination WASHINGTON IM - The government issued yesterday a new set of nondiscrimination guidelines for school systems, applying the racial rules for the first time to the entire nation rather than to the South alone. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court made it easier for Negroes to force service at restaurants and other facilities covered by the 1964 civil rights law. The assist is a finan- cial one. TODAY!! DRAFT TEACH-IN Hill Aud.-4:-5 P.M. py uebl~luSuor o aonars. Treasury Officials Meanwhile, Treasury officials foresee no problem in enforcing one provision of the agreement designed to bar governments from making a sneak profit by selling their gold at the higher market; price and then replenishing their stock from the U.S. treasury at $35 an ounce. In abolishing the London gold pool, the seven nations which met in Washington this past weekend agreed they will not sell gold to' any government "to replace goldI sold in private markets."' the convention of the National Farmers Union in this city which is one of the political strongholds of Minnesotian McCarthy. Johnson, perspiring freely as he warmed to his defense of admin- istration policy, called on all Americans to join in united sup- port of "our leaders, our govern- ment, our men and our allies until aggression is stopped." world News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON -Britain's ex-foreign secretary, George Brown, who re- signed in the midst of the world monetary crisis, told Parliament Monday he quit because democra- tic rule inside the British govern- ment was in jeopardy. In an evident reference to Prime Minister Harold Wilson's hand- ling of the gold crisis, Brown told the House of Commons: "Power can very easily pass not merely onowsommu..- <0 "1 ;Wr v- 000 II from Cabinet to one or two min- isters, but effectively to sources quite outside the political control altogether." Brown's resignation could shake the governing Labor party to its foundations by setting off a power struggle for the post of deputy leader of the party. Brown still holds the position, and he is ex- pected to make up his mind on whether to keep it after several days of weighing party feelings. * * * WASHINGTON - A State De- partment spokesman said Mon- day arrangements are being made to return to Hanoi three of 17 North Vietnam sailors who have been held as prisoners of war since August 1965. No reason was given for return of the three at this time, or for holding the others longer. The men are expected to be returned through the InternationalrControl Commission - the same route by which Hanoi released three Amer- ican prisoners last month. Henceforth the Negroes will be be albe to go to court to end dis- crimination knowing that if they win the balking proprietors will have to pay lawyers fees for the challengers. The guidelines announced by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare set deadlines for end- ing segregation in certain South- ern districts. And they form a base for the government's first big move into the North to check for discrimination. Northern systems won't be re- quired to balance the number of Negroes and whites in their schools. But the guidelines state that neither the new policies nor the 1964 Civil Rights Act "bars a school system from reducing or eliminating racial imbalance in its schools." Under the Civil Rights Act, federal officials have required mix- ing of Negroes and whites in the South, where the races had been kept apart by law or policy. But that cannot be done in the North, where school segregation generally has resulted from private housing patterns. The 8-0 court decision was based on a 1964 law. Congress, the court said, wanted to encourage individ- uals injured by racial discrimin- ation to seek judicial relief. In a different area-criminal law-thee justices laid down a new rule. It is: When a defendant testifies in a pretrial move to sup- press evidence as illegally seized the testimony may not be used against him at trial over his ob- jection. Otherwise, Justice John M. Har- lan explained in a 6-2 decision, a defendant might face the choice of giving up his right to challenge evidence or incriminating himself by lodging the challenge. The civil rights decision grew out of claims by a group of Ne- groes that they were refused ser- vice at five drive-in restaurants and a sandwhich shop operated in South Carolina by Piggie Park Enterprises. Last April the U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond, Va., established the Negroes' right to be served. But it ruled the Negroes could be awarded lawyers' fees only to the extent that the operators de.enses were made "for purposes of delay and not in good faith." The Supreme Court -found this interpretation of the 1964 law too limited. If they "were routinely forced to bear their own attorneys' fees," the decision continued, "few ag- grieved parties would be in a po- -sition to advance the public in- terest by invoking the injunctive powers of the federal courts." The Justice Department and ivil rights organizations sometimes supply lawyers for these cases but the appeal said: "Neither the De- partment of Justice nor the civil rights organizations have the money or the personnel that would be necessary to bring suits in hundreds of rural communities in the South." Brandt Urges Border Change NUERNBERG, Germany, VM -- Foreign Minister Willy Brandt de- clared in this old Nazi stronghold Monday it is time for Germans to face realities of Adolf Hitler's lost war and drop territorial claims against Poland. Brandt also asked for under- standing of America's difficult po- sition in Vietnam and spoke out against terror and intolerance, whether from the German Red radicals of the left or the Nazi- like radicals of the right. West Germany, in its own in- terest, should support efforts to halt the spread of atomic wea- pons, the foreign minister told cheering delegates at the national convention of his Social Demo- cratic party. Self determination rights of Ger- mans expelled from lands now un- der Polish rule "justify no claims that cannot be realized," he con- tined. "It is a reality that 40 per cent of the human beings who now live in those lands were born there and it would be unthinkable to suggest another expulsion. "A bigger reality is that the German people desire and need reconciliation with Poland espec- ially." Wednesday and Thursday DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH 4:10 P.M. Student Laboratory Theatre presents scenes from THE GAME OF LOVE AND CHANCE By Pierre Marivaux and EURYDICE, or THE DEVIL HENPECKED By Henry Fielding 20th & 21st March 1968 Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg. ADMISSION FREE I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM PRESENTS TWO MUSICAL HITS ! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! :.-:: v: r: ..,... ........ . . ..., :v: :."v."."'o:."::.. ..:. . ,.. .."." :-.... x::vx .vs:"^xv.:"n....r.:"r::vs-s<.v:...,: " <::. ::ti.,...,.. ";::, EDWARD . DAVIDC* EARLE JONES LESLIE RRICUSSE-AN1hOpY MEWLEY MUSICAL 001E ROAR -UE SMLLOMRow THE D*~~EQ4&j P? 0f 0 0 0 0 0 DOROTHY LAMOUR U'iI Inter-House Assembly presents its ANNUAL SPRING SEMI-FORMAL DANCE with "THE CHESSMEN" 8:30-12:30, March 22, 1968 MICHIGAN LEAGUE BALLROOM F GOWER CHAMPION i 0 I