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March 19, 1968 - Image 1

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411 i C t9 an


Possible Showers
Continued Mild

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 141 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, March 19, 1968 Seven Cents

Ten Pages



To Investigate

Faculty A
El erfield

ssemby Passes
Research Plan


Viola tions
City Council stamped its ap-
proval last night on a committee
investigation of building code
violators and government enforce-
ment, called for possible law re-
forms, and suspended police use
of the chemical weapon "Mace"
until the city has concrete proof
the chemical is not permanently
The Council endorsed Mayor
Wendell's Hulcher's motion to
form an investigation committee
"to seek out and investigate tho-
roughly . . . repetitive violators"
of city building codes which per-
tain to multiple unit apartments.
...... ......... .Recommend Law Reforms
Under the resolution, the spe-
cial committee must report its.
findings and recommend law re-
forms or other corrective actions
by May. Committee recommenda-
": tions are expected to deal with
S -controversial issues such as oc-
cupancy of apartments before
f completion, enforcement of Ann
Arbor building codes, and penal-
1 ties for violators.
In other action, the administra-
> tion decided to immediately sus-
: pend use of Mace, . a disabling
chemical spray resembling tear
gas, until an investigation has
Daily-Anita Kessler proven it harmless to humans.
Two hours of heated debate was
ks prompted by reports that Mace'
contains chemicals which may
permanently damage the eyes,
blood, and other parts of the
body, and by a fight Sunday night
during which police sprayed MaceI
( on Negroes.
Began in February
The police force began supply-
ing Mace "on an experimental ba-
id a csis" to selected officers early in
.(,, February. Since then, citizen
;coups and some chemists have,
announcement, but questioned the physical and moral
reasons. effects of using the spray, which
udent Government has a burning sensation in the
r Carol Hollens- eyes and 'skin.
rt Kennedy whole- H. C Curry (D-First Ward) cit-F
t agree with Ken- ed a statement by Col Fred Davis'
eas," she sahK. -of the State Police that Mace hast
says not yet been proven harmless asl
ead also says she manufacturer brochures claim. j
her Sen. Eugene "We are dealing with an 'un-!
3-Minn) plan for known'," said Leroy Cappeart (D-
the war can work.-Second Ward), "which is verys
ys he's being "kind frightening to the public. We musta
about supporting determine exactly what that un- j
hat he has, "more known is if we are going to use '
Carthy." He and I Mace as a weapon." '
ort Kennedy seem "The city must stop using Maceo
thy but agree with until we get a strong verification s

Minor Amendments
Adopted To Report
GA, The Daily, SGC Voice Boycot t
Meeting To Protest Closed Sessions
Faculty Assembly voted overwhelmingly yesterday to en-
dorse a slightly amended versi5n of the Elderfield Committee
on Research Policies' report on classified research.
The Elderfield report recommends the University con-
tinue to do classified research as long as it does not develop
ways to "destroy human life" and the University can disclose
the nature and sponsor of the work.
Four policy statements will be sent to the Regents for
approval, while specific recommendations for implementing
the policies will be sent to the University administration,
Before the vote, Assembly heard representatives of six
student organizations give five-minute position. papers on
classified research. Repre- *
sentatives of Graduate Assem- ru L
bly, The Daily, Voice and Stu- de e"cnil u ln
dent Government Council re-
fused to testify in protest of fAm 'le o lOpens
Assembly's closed-door policy. IL
Assembly chairman Prof. Frank -W

Councilman Robert Weel
Reaction Favo
Kennedy Cand
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN happy with thea
"It's probably the first really for a variety of
exciting thing that's come out of Some, like Stu
this country in a longtime," says Council membe
Stuart Katz. president of Graduate head, '71, suppo
Assembly. . heartedly. "I jus
Katz's comment was prompted nedy in most ar
by the decision of Sen. Robert Miss Hollensh
Kennedy (D-NY), to seek the questions whet
Democratic presidential nomina- Mc-Carthy's (D
tion. Most student leaders were de-escalation of
- ~Even Katz sav

--Daily-Thomas R. Copi
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Robben Fleming answers questions last night during "Symposium '68."
Others participating from left to right: moderator Prof. Jin Holm of the speech department; J. Min-
dez, State Board of Higher Education; Prof. Robert Knauss of the law school; Mark Levin, '69,
editor of The Daily; SGC member Sam Sherman, '68; former Grad Assembly president Roy Ashmall.
Fleming Speaks Against
'66 HUAC Disclosures

Kennedy of the Law School read
a communication from the archi-
tecture college faculty expressing
"regret" the report "did not more
r'PAr ifhin andhanlvlimit"

'1oday at Hill

types of acceptable research proj- Yale University's Rev. William
ects t Sloane Coffin will initiate a draft
Four policy statements, in the teach-in jointly sponsored by Stu-
amended form adopted are : dent Government Council, Grad-
* The University "in its en- uate Assembly, Guild House, Can-
'devor thoug ree~irch toterbury House and the Wesley
'deavors through research to Foundation at 4:15 p.m. today at
broaden knowledge will not enter Hill Aud.
into any classified research con-
tract the specific purposecof Coffin, recently indicted with
which is to destroy human life or Dr. Benjamin Spock for conspiracy
to incapacitate human beings;" to violate the draft law, will speak
The University will not en- on the topic of "Vietnam and the
ter into any contract which would draft: Crisis of Conscience."

By STEVE NISSEN , spective institutions to withdraw Fleming defended the Univer-!
University president Robben W. from IDA. sity's new policy of inviting con-j
Fleming said last night he per- Fleming also discussed Univer- troversial employers who wish to
sonally would not have responded sity policy toward outside speakers recruit on campus to participateI
to a subpoena of the membership particularly controversial ones. He in open forums. He rejected ther
lists of student organizations by ,said he didn't think the University suggestion by panelist Sam Sher-
the House Un-American Activities should restrict speaking on cam- man, '68, the University should
Commission (HUAC). pus. "The University would be require recruiters to participate in
Flemings comment came in re- nothing more than a trade school the forums. Fleming said he be-
sponse to an audience question if we couldn't have free expression lieves students are mature indi-
at a Hill Aud. symposium, "New o idea he saidU viduals who 'should make the de- !
Moods of Dissent." However, Flem- "An important job of the Uni-cion nan ndvulbss
Moos o Disen."Howver Flm-versity is to train people to be cision on an individual basis
ing stressed his statement on vriyi otanpol ob
iUAC represented a personal able to evaluate what they hear," whether or not to see an inter-
opinion and he was in no way he added. viewer.
speaking for the University.

restrain either the freedom to
disclose the existence of the con-
tract or the identity of the proj-
ect's prime sponsor;
* The University will not en-
ter into any contract which would
restrain its freedom to disclose
See FACULTY, Page 2

Vivian Forms
RFK Group
Former Congressman Wes Vi-
vian announced today the for-
mation of the Second District
Democrats for Kennedy Commit-
tee, for the purpose of promoting
and supporting the candidacy of
Robert F. Kennedy for nomination
as President.
In making the announcement,
Vivian said, "Over the past several
weeks, an increasing number of
citizens in the district have urged3
me- to publicly support the Sen-
,ator. I have decided to do this byI
organizing a committee in his be-
"Senator Kennedy," said Vivian,
"brings to the Presidential race a
message of hope to a dispirited na-
tion. He speaks for the millions
of Americans who have lost faith
that our present policies will ex-
tricate our nation from the morass
,f Vietnam."

of pragmatic
Kennedy," and t
respect for Mc
others who supp
to prefer McCart

7:15 Schedule
At 7:15 p.m., Coffin, Rev. Spen-
cer Parsons, dean of the Rocke-
feller Chapel of the University of
Chicago, and Profs. Robert Harris
and Terrence Sandlow of the law
school will participate in a forum
entitled, "The Draft: Rights and
Responsibilities of Dissent."
At 9:00 the teach-in will divide

SGC's Sam Sherman, '68, who says - that it is not harmful to humans," tTwo years ago vice President J
Kennedy is "the only one who's got said Curry. "The victims ar'e all for Student Affairs Richard L.' li 11 1 0 10
a chance to win." humans, and they must be treated Cutler submitted the names of 65 1Ke dsen tsa san.tnsn rcoe
Kennedy's supporters are also ,as humans." students to HUAC on receipt of a
somewhat perturbed by the sen...; Councilman Robert F. Jagitsch ;subpoena without consultation
ator's late appearance in the pres- (R-Third Ward) opposed council with the students involved.) - 1811 e for id
idential arena. Miss Hlnsed action on the use of Mace on the Defends Student Rights
says, "it sounds to me he was' grounds, "We are not policemen, Fleming delivered an opening,
afraid of the primary," and Sher- and therefore we should not tell address in which he defended the By ROB BEATTIE provide a sufficient number of
man calls Kennedy "opportu- policemen how to use their wea- right of student to dissent. "I don't One, and probably two, wo-. spaces for male residents. Pro-
nistic," pons." Jagitsch asked for "un- see how one can have a free inter- man's residence hall units will be jections made by the UniversityI
.Dsi restricted continued use" of the change of ideas on a campus with- converted to coeducational units Housing Office indicate there will
Ysing otrs or)gin pan chemical spray while an investi- out dissent," he said. next fall, and a portion of West be a surplus of 600 spaces in wo-
Ito support McCarthy. "We were gation is underway. A five member reactor panel Quad will be converted into faculty men's residence halls next fall.
ot sapt llsurpridtht Keney "Mace has been in use through- was allowed to question and de- office space as part of housing Under present arrangement of
not at all surprised that Kennedy out the country for over two bate Fleming after his initial changes authorized last week by hosuing there would be 900 extra
decided to run after the succ years," according to Councilman statement. One of the panelists the Regents. spaces for women and a shortage
of Sn. c~arhy, say Mr. Ceil ' Iof 300 men's spaces. The Univer-
YD pn re th.yJim Riecker (R-Second Ward). Mark Levin, '69, editor of The Changes are scheduled to be
Becker, YD president. "We shouldn't discontinue this Daily, questioned him about the completed by the opening of the sity has room for 9,500 students
"We're backing McCarthy down weapon on the basis of a rumor." University's membership in the I fall term. in the residence hall's system.
the line to the convention," says Curry answered, "I'd like to see Institute for Defense Analyses Men may also be allowed to live About 900 students are expected
M's. Becker. them use Mace on Councilman (IDA). Fleming said he agreed in one or two units in the Oxford The surplus will be reduced by
But she also admits, "it's quite Riecker, and maybe he would with the statements of the facul- Housing project, pending the approximately 225 spaces with
obvious that Kennedy is the change his mind. The police can't ties at Princeton and Chicago uni- in the residence halls system.ey
the conversion of Lloyd and Win-
stronger of the two." treat the people like animals. versities which asked their re-.; The changes are being made to chell houses in West Quad to
~ - L faculty offices. The departments of
SIMULATION BREAKS DOWN political science, history, German,
___________________________________________Romance, and Slavic languages
will share the new offices. They
-I-I d C[J 4 l] ,are scheduled to remain there for
f~1 5/ / iS~N /~1 ~Nb C~4 /~~ ~ /at least two years.


" j into four separate panel discus-
d Hous ions.
The first panel, "The Draft and
the University," will be held in
Aud. A and will include Coffin,
Term ha Schol of te Stdis
e in Dean Stephen Spurr of the Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies,
James Lafferty, lawyer, and James

by the Mosher-Jordan residents
over the timing of the announce-
ment of the change. He said how-
ever, if the alternative changesj
were to be made the residents of'
the affected halls would have even
less notice.
"The women of Mosher-Jordan
do have an opportunity to move
into similar housing if they wish,"
he said. "They will be given prior-
ity in Stockwell and Couzens
"We will be able to make Mos-
her-Jordan a comfortable coed
dormitory," he added.
"Changes of this proportion are
not undertaken lightly," comment-
ed Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler in recom-
mending the action. "Yet full real-
ization of the existence of surplus
student housing and the shortage
of faculty office space offer no
r-licftir alt tivP1

Jones of the Ann Arbor draft
Draft and the Ghetto
The panel in Aud. B will discuss
the draft and the ghetto, the panel
in Aud. C will discuss the draft and
foreign policy, while the panel in
Aud. D will center on militarism
and a democratic society,
Student Government Council
member Michael Davis, grad, and
co-sponsor of the SGC resolution
for the Day of Deliberation, said
objectives originally included in
the Day of Deliberation will be
part of the panel discussion in
Aud. D.
The Day of Deliberation was
"replaced because students were
primarily interested in the draft."
After the panel discussions,
workshops on alternatives to the
draft will be conducted in class-
rooms in Angiell Hall

PirnA 4-



r, c&UtvIJ

.. _ _ I

Reflecting on the ruins of his plans in an
empty, thoroughly dirty Yost Fieldhouse Sunday
evening, Richard Nixon's campaign manager for
the Republican Mock Convention, Bob Edgewoi'th,
grad, remained calm.
"We'll win in August," he claims.
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY), had swept
to the nomination on the second ballot.
Edgeworth had hoped for victory on the third
ballot, but he was foiled by the liberal leanings
of many delegates and first ballot votes for Gov.
Ronald Reagan (R-Cal) that were released to the
Rockefeller bandwagon on the second ballot.
The first ballot gave each of the major candi-
dates about 180 votes, while the rest was split be-
tween favorite son candidates.
Planners of the convention wished to accurately
predict who would be nominated by the official
Republican convention in August. Delegates were
asked "to simulate what the real delegate in his

By the time California's name came up again,
Rocky was nominated with 638 votes-more than
a hundred over the 526 required for nomination.
Then, as part of an agreement cooked up with
Reagon supporters, Rockefeller campaign manager
Bob Gorsline, '69, asked the convention to nom-
inate Reagan as Vice-President to "unify the
Some Reagan adherants disapproved of the
move, because they did not want the conservative
Californian running below the liberal Rockefeller
on the ticket. Besides, as one delegate explains,
"Ronnie doesn't want to be Vice-President."
Missives from official Reagan for President
Headquarters discourage nominations of Reagan
for Vice-President at Mock Conventions as detri-
mental to his Presidential hopes.
Despite this, Reagan was nominated amid jeers,
cheers, and departing delegates.
Demonstrations on behalf of candidates took

Angell and Palmer I aic ait. auiv. I t V'***'-l MLIGVII*natl.
In Alice Lloyd Hall 304 spaces
in Angell and Palmer houses will ),
be converted for use by men. One U StudensTo Camp
of these houses will be used to
house male students in the Pilot
project. ' [For Tennts RightsBills
The proposed change in Mosher-
Jordan Hall would involve con-
version of 243 spaces in the Mos- By JIM NEUBACIIER and creation of a Board of Ten-
her half of the complex. Residents A group of University students ants' Affairs in each community
of Mosher-Jordan are protesting will travel to Lansing tomorrow to hau il and operates public
the decision to convei't the hall. 1lobby in behalf of tenants' rights housing facilities.
They are objecting to the short I bby n bef o tesate eisI The lobbying campaign is being
billorganizedoby the Ctmmitteeion
notice which they were given con- bIlature. organized by the Committee on
cerning the change and are ques-i la ns t le Law and Housing (CLH), a Detroit
tioning the architectural feasibil- isr report out the bills on based organization. The students
ity of the change: prhere, along with about 75 others
tenants rights still in committee. from Detroit will meet tomorrow
The' Mosher-Jordanz change will All bills not out of committee in mrigwt e.WlimRa
be discussed further at a meeting a ls no t o e morning with Rep. William Ryan
of the Board of Governors of Resi- aFriday wil be consideruse defor(D-Detroit), a sponsor of the
dence Halls today. The meeting this session, measures in the House, and later
will be held at Mosher-Jordanti esin sit in on the House and Senate
hall. ~Resident Initiativeseio.
hall. .:sessions.
The board presently has before "We are particularly interested !-Individual Talks
i++1-% cn~inrn ~io in getting Michigan residents to 90o Thev also ian individual talks

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