a The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- crimination in the University com- munity. Questions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing. 764-7400. Available for FALL RENTALS New and Old Buildings On and Off Campus Patrick J. Pulte, Inc. 214 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 665-9405 C45 1335 GEDDES Modern 4-Man, Furnished 2-Bedroom Apts. with wall-to-wall carpeting, air-conditioning, parking, storage and laundry facilities Call NO 2-7787 C44 2 SENIOR GIRLS desire one bdrm. apt. convenient to U. Hospital and Frieze; $130-150/mo. June 15, '68 thru next year. 769-5528, 763-1621 after 5. C27 DESPERATE FOR FALL-2 bedroom, 2- nan modern or old, close to campus, reasonable rent. 769-2033. L9 GIRLS NEEDED for fall rental of nicely furnished, spacious, bi-level home. Rackham-hospital area. Call 764-5970 or 764-5965. 039 815 'PACKARD, single room with kitchen for male grad. Spring term. 665-0146. C40 FEMALE GRAD. wanted to share large 7-bedroom house, summer or fall. Campus vicinity, $45. 663-8609. C41 ALMOST A WHOLE HOUSE Nicely furnished for 4 girls. Available end April. NO LEASE. 513 N. Divi- sion. Cali 668-8689 or 769-4339. C43 GIRL TO SHARE own bdrm. Call Glor- la, 763-0102, or 668-8775. C38 CAMPUS-ONE BLOCK Near Frieze and Angell Hall 418 E. WASHINGTON Modern-Spacious-Furnished 1 bdrms. and studios Suitable for 2 or 3 students Extra feature-large study hall Fall or Summer NO 8-6906 C35 STUDENT HOUSING 2-3-4 man units Call now for choice apartments 608 Monroe 917 Packard 508 S. Division 817 S. Main 908 Oakland Well maintained--choice locations Ann Arbor Trust Co. Property Management Dept. 769-2800 106 S. Main, Ann Arbor C36 FURNISHED APT. for two. 662-2345 or 662-2301. For summer or fall. C28 A beautiful new building featuring: + Air-conditioning Balconies *Covered Parking * Completely Furnished 0 3 minutes from Campus 0 Laundry & Storage * Resident Managerj And many other features 3 & 4-Man only NEAR CORNER OF STATE & PACKARD CALL 769-4759 Ci NEEDED: 2-3 girls to sublet large, lovely, modern apt. with every con- venience, disposal, dishwasher, park- ing. Tri-luxury. 761-7209. U2 PLEASANT, 1 bdrm, furnished apt., plus baby room and crib, plus gar- age. State and Packard. Avail. May 20-Aug. 19. Best offer. 662-4750. U49 NEED ONE MORE GIRL for spacious' Carriage House apt. Cheap. 761-0908. U47 SUMMER SUBLET - 3 bdrm. house, Hill and Brown - 1 block from com- muter bus, call Byron, 662-4171. U46 HELP! We're looking for a 2-man 2- bdrm. apt. for next Fall. We'll pay, you $15 if we rent the one you sug- gest. Call Chas. 761-9881 or 761-5413. FF WANTED: 2 girls for 4-man bi-level apt. for next fal. Call 769-0664. C12 for you. 211 S. State 769-1185 036 LOADED WITH GOODIES 2 BDRM. 4-man apt. Campus and hap. location. NO 3-9373. Eves., NO 5-8063. C36 Campus - Hospital Area 521 Walnut St. NEW BUILDING-FURNISHED large 2 bdrm, for 4 or 5 1 bdrm, for 2 or 3 MODERN APTS. INC. NO 8-6906 Available for summer or fall C23 $55/MAN 2 bedroom. 4-man apartments modern building, air-conditioned, parking. Call Summit Associates 761-8055 CHOICE LOCATIONS * Modern furnished 2, 3, and 4 man 9 Air Conditioned * Closet Space Galore S Newly furnished g Balconies 0 Ample parking * Garbage Disposals 0 Low rents STATE STREET MANOR 1111 S. State Street across from Yost Field House References: ask any of our present tenants 401 E. MADISON 1, 2, or 3 Man 4 room (living room, dining or study room, kitchen and bedroom)' Plenty of Storage-Laundry facilities 1506 PACKARD Largest Apartment in AA for the least $ 1, 2, or 4 man living room, 2 bedrooms, dining or study room, kitchen and dinette. Large screened balconies--Parking THIS MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED CALL 761-2150 WANTED TO RENT OFFICE SPACE for rent. Multi-purpose penthouse. Call 665-7766 ext. 770 and ask for Mr. Spear. C27 FURNISHED 2 bedroom modern apart- ment for fall with wall to wall car- peting, air conditioned, parking and laundry facilities. Geddes location. 662-7787. C4 FURN. 2-BDRM. APT, near campus. Next to commuter bus, parking, pa- tio, co-operative manager, air-cond all elec. kitch., wall-to-wall carpet, lge. rms., 1g. closets, all util, except elec. 761-2596. C3 $61.25 per person Three-Man Apts. Furnished bi-level Parking, Air-Con. Efficiencies and 2-man apts. available University leases 8 month terms available ; TH E COLONY 731 Packard near State Phone 663-8866 021 3 MEN NEED 4th to sublet until Aug. 20. Furnished 2-bdrm. Rent $57 each. 809 Catherine. Apt. 1. Call 769-1546. C9 I OAKLAND TRUST APARTMENTS renting for fall. Location near Quad, University and St. Joseph pitals. 1, 2, 3-man units available. Call 663-6052. Now Law hos- now C18 C7 HOUSE Y NOW RENTING FOR FALL Every modern convenience in an excellent location 0 Total sound-proofing * Air-conditioning * Automatic dishwashers and disposals * Balconies and patios Laundry and individual storage 0 Resident manager S 6% interest on damage deposit For information or appointment Call 761 -3894 or 761 -3920 C29 THE AMBASSADOR CO. NOW LEASING ' MODERN APARTMENTS IN CHOICE LOCATIONS Specializing in personalized tenant- oriented service. CALL 761-7982 or 761-3920 C31 NEED 1 GIRL immed. $45/mo. Close to campus, own room. 668-7877. C30 BARGAIN CORNER SANS SOUCI APTS. 1036-1044 S. Main St. (across from Michigan Stadium) for fall and summer: ONE BEDROOM APTS. -- ideal for two or three students, couples. TWO BEDROOM APTS.-of various sizes, fine for 3, 4, or 5 students, families. balconies, dishwashers, air-condit., garbage disp., individual storage rooms, reserved private parking, laundry room, commuter bus to cam- pus 1% blocks away, completely furnished, resident manager. CALL 761-2265 5:30-9:30 eves. BI-LEVEL, luxury 2 bdrm. apt., central air-cond., underground parking, ful- ly carpeted, garbage disposal, and 1% baths. aCll 769-0620. UD 2-MAN, near campus. $100/mo. 1309 S. Univ. No. 6. Over Village tell. Call 761-7192. U3 2 OR 3 GIRLS wanted to share 5-man apt. 769-0999. U16 MODERN RANCH HOME, 4-man, 3 bedrooms, furnished. 1.5 miles from campus. Reasonable. 761-6632.: U17 2-MAN SUBLET,- modern, air-cond., inexpensive. 769-0535. U19 TWO WEEKS FREE! SAVE $30/mo. Beautiful scenery - riverside. Modern 1-bedroom apt, for 41 months. Air-conditioning, wall- to-wall carpeting, private parking. Call 769-3421. U20 WELL-FURNISHED 4-MAN, 4 room apt. with balcony, air-cond., right across from Village Bell. Park Plaza. 761-2559. U18 NEEDED: 2 girls to share 4-man apt., 1 spring-summer, other for summer term. Apply alone or together. Near campus and hasp., air-cond. Will ne- gotiate. 769-3437. U25 2 GIRLS LOOKING for 2 or 3 inter- esting people to share quaint house this summer. Advantages: fireplace, miniscule bathroom, centrally locat- ed, rain porch, and us. 2 joints to lucky fools who move in. Extra cheap. 665-2181. U22 SUMMER SUBLET - Modern furnish- ed 2-man apartment, 3 blocks from campus with air-conditioning, park- ing and large balcony. Call 769-4834. U23 SUMMER SUBLET - 1 man to share spacious new 3-man, 914 State, near Packard. 761-3743. U21 MODERN EFFICIENCY, air cond. 769- 0548 eves., Thompson at William. C42 MODERN 3-MAN, air-cond., balcony, parking, top floor-Park Plaza, 1320 S. Univ.. No. 35. 665-8325. U6 2-MAN SUBLET-Furnished, air cond., cov. parking, balcony, disposal, laun- dry facilities, free commuter bus. Very reasonable. 662-9340. U7 We're behind EAST QUAD in the ROYAL DUTCH APTS. 1-4 men needed,2air-conditioned, off- street parking, 2 bedrooms. ?No. 1 769-2242 No. 7 769-2891 . No. 13 761-7306 U44 3-MAN ACROSS FROM THE VILLAGE BELL. Beautifully furnished, sunny balcony, air cond., free parking. 769- 4925. U9 EFFICIENCY-Pool, parking, furnish- ed. $95/month. 761-2970. U10 ARBOR FOREST summer sublet. Tre- mendous Bargain - Bottle of Cold Duck and 18 back issues of Playboy. 2 bedroom, large living room, dispos- al, parking, washing facilities. Prime location. Very reasonable rent. Call 761-6201. Ull SWIMMING POOL, air conditioning, parking facilities come with this modern apartment. Summer sublet, $50/month ea. for 2-3 girls. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Call 761-7906. U15 FUNKY DWELLING for 2-3 Weepadoh people, near U. Towers. Call 662-0242. U14 SWIMMING POOL, modern furrished, air-cond., 4-man, 1 block from E. Quad. Disp., cov, parking, private landlord, 769-2155. U4 SUMMER SUBLET - CHEAP!!! One block from St. Joe's Hosp. 3 bdrms., 3 or 4 man. Call 769-3630 after 10 p.m. U37 LARGE 2 BDRM. 2 MAN Spacious living room and kitchen. Location: S. Forest. Call 761-3598 or 665-6238 between noon and midnight. U38 NEED A ROOMMATE? Studious, easy going guy looking for place in apart- ment with 1-2-3 others. Apr. 68- Apr. 69. Call Roger, 763-1665. U8 4-MAN - modern, very quiet, air- conditioned. Near hospitals and campus. Call 663-5720 after 5:30. $40/ MAN/MONTH. U41 LARGE 2 or 3 MAN, 2 bedroom apart- ment. Negotiable, 668-8265. U42 1 or 2 GUYS for 4-man this summer with fall option. Unbeatable Car- riage House. 761-1587. U43 418 EAST WASHINGTON 1 block to Frieze and Angell Hall Modern, large, furnished 1 bdrms. and studios For sublet information, NO 8-6906 U44 521 WALNUT STREET, large 2 bdrm. New bldg.-dishwasher NO 8-6906. U45 5-MAN, 3 BEDROOM, 6 closet, 5 tele- phone, 2 T.V., 3 hi-fi, 1 kitchen apt. with dishwasher, 2 air-conditioners, and some free posters. Call 761-8340 or 769-1146 for information about this exciting offer, UF TWO-MAN APT, one block from cam- pus, newly redecorated, garbage dis- posal, parking, spring and summer terms. 413% So. Forest No. 8. 769- 4178. U33 FUBAR ANNEX SUMMER SUBLET- Four-man bi-level, air-conditioned apartment available. Beautiful liv- ing conditions and a heritage too! Stop by 511 E. Hoover, No. 4 or call 769-2829. UF SUMMER SUBLET - 2 females first half, 4 places available second. Mo- dern bi-level, dishwasher, air-con- ditioner, laundry facilities -available in building, very reasonable. Call 761-6466 or come see, 511 E. Hoover, No. 7. UF SUMMER SUBLET: Large, three-bdrm. three-man apartment near campus. FREE CASE OF BEER TO OUR SUMMER SUBTENANTS FOR EACH MONTH!!!! 769-5947. UF WATCH THE RIOTS ON TV! in our rambling, old, two siory apt. Facilities include: Four-and-a-half bedrooms (sinks in three of these), two bathrooms, one television, shady backyard, and big finished attic. Terms: Completely furnished 1-6 people at $35.00/person, or $210.00 for the whole place. 508 Lawrence (btwn. State and Division.). 769-2640. Up 3-MAN - Brand new huge, luxury apt. Air-conditioned, balcony, cov- ered parking, separate dining and stuay rooms.Close to campus, rea- sonable. 769-2837. UA ENJOYABLE SUMMER LIVING in this modern 3-man apartment. Two men needed to room with another. $45/ month. All modern conveniences in- cluding air-conditioning, disposal. balcony, free parking. Wall-to-wall carpeting, modern appliances. Call 769-1388. Apartment 301, Summit House. UPF 3-MAN, 2 BEDROOM, mod., air-cond. apt. 769-0642 or 665-7403. U29 2 or 3 MAN, 5-ROOM APT., 1 bdrm. parking, 5 blocks from campus, call after 6 - 769-5159. U30 2-MAN, modern furnished, on campus near law quad. Air-cond., carpets, garbage disposal, free parking, laun- dry, quiet. $48 each or $95 by your- self. 769-5024. U31 2 ATTRACTIVE private rooms in spa- cious 3-girl apt. 5 min. to campus. Negotiable. 761-7225. U32 SPECTACULAR SUBLET. Need 2 girls to share our lovely air-conditioned Arbor Forest Apartment. Call 5-6 p.m. 769-0225. U27 3-Man Modern Apartment 2 bedrooms, 2 blocks from campus. Cheap! 769-0387 U12 TO SUBLET-Modern, large, furnished 1 bdrm. apt. Includes dishwasher and garbage disposal. Close to campus. Rent reasonable. Call 769-0492 or 668-6906. U0 COOL 4-MAN bi-level, air-cond., free_ TV, dishwasher, short walk from AH. 415 Benjamin, No. 6. Call 761-7481. C12 VILLA! For a pittance, you an 4 or 5 intimates can spend the summer in the continental comfort of our 2- story, tree-shaded, air-conditioned, porched, parking-spaced palace over- looking provincial East U. 769-5699. U20 SPACIOUS 1 and 2 bdrm. furnished apartments for 1 to 4 persons. Some bi-levels. Air-conditioned, parking, and sun-deck. As low at $40/person. Call 663-8866. U21 AIR-COND., 3-MAN plus sun-roof and attic. 814 Church. 761-7164. U25 MALE or FEMALE for private room. Immediately ,thru August. Rent ne- gotiable. 665-3864 evenings. U13l 4-MAN 4-SUMMER SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET MURALS INCLUDED, 2 girls needed for generous single rooms, in well- cooled apt.: furnished with disposal, freezer, parking space,. and reliable landlord., Convenient to campus and downtown, on S. Division. Call 761- 4413. U29 HAVE YOUR OWN PRIVATE BED- living room, sun "porch, kitchen. 1 ROOM - 5 enormous bdrms., buge block from campus. Call anytime, 769-4724. U19 CHEAP . . . but 14 miles from cam- pus. Need one man to share air- cond., 3-man. 2 bdrm. apt. for sum- mer half-term. Apt. abounds in lux- ury. Call 769-0411. UA BEST TAN in all AA from your own sun deck. Also included in this out- standing dear is a 4-man apt. with two large bdrms., central air-cond., spacious living room, parking space, and laundry facilities. Call now 761- 2235. Just two blks. from the Union. UF TOWN HOUSE - Sublet now with fall option. 2 story, enormous bdrm. Ap- pliances, carpeting, total air-cond., dispos., etc. Pets allowed $140/mo. 663-5548. U42 THIS SUMMER-live in comfort. Large 4-man, 2-bdrm. apt. (Plus a convert- ible couch in living room). Air-cond., parking, patio. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 628 Packard, No. 8. Call 769-2885. UA MODERN EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Central air-conditioning, garbage disposal, parking, laundry, large bal- cony and storage area. Perfect for quiet grad or professional. Call 761- 3906. U15 LARGE 2-BDRM. APT., wood paneling, fully carpeted, air-cond., garbage disposal, Ige. closets. live-in mana- ger, parking facil. Call 761-3653 or come to Apt. 328, 1001 S. Forest. U16 BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE for the 4 lucky people that rent our beautiful bi-level apartmnet. Two air-condi- tioners, 1 baths, dishwasher, 2 bedrooms, and all other modern con- veniences. Close to campus at 1316 HELP WANTED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, undergrad. 2 yrs. college training. 4 to 8 hrs,/ week. Earning possibility of $40-$70/ week. Reply to P.O. Box 1182, Ann Arbor. H14 MANAGER-private employment agen- cy. Young woman with 2 years col- lege preferred. Pleasant personality. High compensation. 761-4510. H24 FOR SALE TO. STUDENT-Part-time rental business with unlimited pos- sibilities for $. Call 761-4865 after 5. H26 BABY SITTER two afternoons and evenings weekly. Nursing student preferred. Call 761-4230 evenings. H23 NEED $$ for summer vac.? Sec.-clerk needed for full-time employment until June. Ideal employment with Boy Scouts of Am. 761-3054 or 106 So. Main, 2nd floor. H21 MEAL JOB at fraternity. 665-5482, H22 PART-TIME MALE OR FEMALE - Encyclopedia Britannica and Great Books of the Western World. Now hiring. Make an extra $80-$134/wk. No cold canvassing. Work on leads and by appointment only. Must have car. Phone for personal interview 761-1488. 122 APARTMENT WITH GARAGE exchange 12 hours/wk., household chores. Male Grad student with car. Call 663-2588. H13 PHOTOGRAPHERS WANTED. $3.50/br. Must have own equipment and sam- ples of work. Call 769-1565 anytime. H20 GIRL NEEDED to live with and assist handicapped student. 21-28 yxs. old. Must be able to drive. $50 per wk. plus rm. and board. Weekends off. Call 769-5154.17 SECRETARIAL-CLERK TYPIST-long and short term temporary positions. 45 w.p.m. typing. Minimum $1.90 per hour depending on experience and skills. Contact U of M Part-Time Employment Office, 2200 SAB. 764- 7283. H18 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, undergrad, 2 yrs. college training. 48 hrs./week Earning possibility of $40-$70/week. Reply to Box 1182. H14 WORK ON FREIGHTERS or Passenger Ships Where, how, necessary require- ments, .hiring places in your area, etc. Earn $407 to $1,500 monthly. Free room, board, travel, and ad- venture. Summer or full time. Booklet $2. Marine Information, P.O. Box 6025, Seattle, Washington 98188. H6 '66 HONDA 160, very good cond., lug- gage rack, 2 helmets, $300. 763-0892. B27 CEREANI FRONT FORKS for 650 Tri- umph. Like New. NO 3-0338. F PERSONAL THE ONLY PERISHABLE item in our store is your diamond engagement1 ring problem. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. d, MAILER: "There are no answers, only deeper questions." Alinsky: "But the only dissent is action." Page has "action" and maybe "ans- wers." F32 FOR SALE: European tickets, May 20 to August 19. 769-0387. F Kid's BENEFIT CONCERT 1968 Rock, Jazz. Blues. Tues., March 26, 8:30 p.m. Canterbury House - for the Children's Community. FA AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION Helps your friends today, might help you tomorrow. $3 membership to: ACLU, 234 State St., Detroit, Mich. F46 DON'T JUST NEGOTIATE. Cogitate in our sauna. Basic membership $5. Ann Arbor Gymkhana, 662-9200. P47 HOW CAN YOU carry books in some- thing made with 181 holes? "Filets," expandable leather bags, now being sold at Satyrn, Inc. This is "your bag." P44 HELP! Freshman desperately needsZ help in Astro. 112. If you are or have taken it, understand it, and are will- ing to be patient w/extremely dull astronomical mind, CALL 764-1901. Will pay. FE "SHY IS HE so hard-hearted?" scream- ed the Mouth to the Megaphone. The Megaphone checked and ans- wered, "A Family History of Congen- ital Heart Disease. Prognosis: Termi- nal Relationship." Peaches hears all as the Rock of Jello glurbs in des- pair. Wanted, rich healthy Law stu- dent or instructor with interest in politics. 761-9184. F48 HELP McCARTHY WIN Meet at Old Heidelburg March 17, at 9 p.m. Celebrate New Hampshire, vol- unteer for Wisconsin. Donation $1. F YEECH! IS BAITS MY FATE? Are you (or know a friend) a heter- osexual male (like me) or female who with perturbation must brave the horrors of Ann Arbor apt. living for one semester only? Call Jim, 769-5324. 12-2 a.m. P36 BASK IN THE SUN Only 1% blocks from campus. 2 bed- room, afr--cond., sun roof, furnished, homey. Real deal. Call 665-0453. F SUMMER IN EUROPE - Must sell one ticket on UAC Flight No. 3, May 3 to August 4. The price is a meager $230, but willing to negotiate. Call Hank, 764-3682. FD NERVOUS? NEED A RELEASE? LET. YOURSELF GO AT THE MOCK CON- VENTION. SCREAMERS NEEDED FOR DEMONSTRATIONS. F26 SEE NIXON RUN. SEE ROCKY RUN. SEE RONNIE RUN. RUN, RUN, RUN, TO YOST FIELDHOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 1-6 p.m. F25 FOR SALE: 100 percent human hair fall, worth 100$ - will sell to best offer. call 761-0088 p.s. blond but can be tinted. FB SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE CANDI- DATE. VOICE YOUR CHOICE AT THE MOCK REPUBLICAN CONVEN- TION-MARCH 16-17. YOST FIELD- HOUSE; 1-6 P..M P24 STUDENTS COLLECTING WOMENS' CLOTHES. JEWELRY. COSMETICS, GAMES OR ANY USED ITEMS. WILL PICK ITEMS UP. CALL EPPY, 662- 6265 or KATHY, 665-9080. NEED BY MARCH 23. FD FIREWORKS IN THE MIDDLE OF MARCH? COME TO THE MOCK RE-_ PUBLICAN CONVENTION AND WATCH THE SPARKS PLY. P23 HAPPINESS IS an apartment manage- ment company that cares about stu- dents and has 8-month leases too. Modern, well-located apts. Call 761- 7982 or 761-3920. What have you got to lose? P20 HARRIET - Have you picked up tick- ets for the Glee Club concert yet? Love, George. F16 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed. 1-7 (18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center F LINES 2 3 d 5 b 7 8 9 10 INCHES 1 2 00 2 3 75 3 5.35 4 685 5 8.25 Additional costs per day after six dos. Ads that are of 1V, 21/2, 31/. etc, inch size will be billed ot the average of the lower and higher inch rote. I day 65 ,85 1 05 1 20 1 40 1 55 1 70 1.85 2.00 2 doy 1 25 1 65 2 00 2 30 2 60 2 90 3 20 3 50 3.80 3 80 7T30 10.40 13 35 16 25 NERVOUS? Learn self-help. Recovery, Inc., Box 231, An Arbor, GL 3-0327. F DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Zerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying 'by hand. Only 8c per page at 2 convenient locations, STUDENTS' FRIEND- Discount Barbers. High class work- manship. 347 Maynard. P39 WAKE-UP SERVICE. Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. 665-8871 (24 hours). F WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- ies? Why ruin your papers with' smudges? Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c per copy during business hours, or only 6c per copy on overnight service. 2 convenient locations, S. Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's, F18 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED - Female travelling com- panion to tour Europe May-Aug. Call Dee, 761-9450. M19 NURSES - This is no time to stop learning! Come to Cook County and you will see something new every day. If you want more, we can offer you tuition assistance toward your masters degree. You will have 11 paid holidays, a generous vacation, and salary ranging from $600 to $784 per month plus differential. ($75 for P.M.'s and $60 for NIGHTS). All of . more, in a city that has everything but you. For informa- tion, write: Employment Supervisor, COOK COUNTY SCHOOL OF NURS- ING, 1900 West Polk St., Chicago, Ill., 60612 (TA 9-8400). M27 16-YR. OLD GIRL, honor student Grosse Pt. Univ. School, desires posi- tion as children's companion with congenial family for summer '68. Available from June 12 to Sept. 5. Would like to travel in U.S. or abroad. School references avail. Con- tact P.O. Box 176, College Pk. Sta- tion, Detroit, Mich. 48221. M20 ON-CAMPUS PARKING. 769-5255. M18 100 COPIES of an original, perfectly Xeroxed, only $3.00, 500 copies, only $11.00 immediate service on super speed Xerox 2400. Individual copies 8c per page, 6c if left overnight. Copy paper supplied free. 2 conven- vient locations, S, Univ. right next to U. Towers, S. State right next to Marshall's. Discount Photocopy Serv- ice, 769-0560; 769-4252. M2 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING IN MY HOME. Term papers and theses. Reasonable. 761-5652. J12 HOFNER 12-string with case, 6 months old, excellent condition. Call Alan, 761-9025. B29 FOR SALE - Human Hair Fall, $50. 663-5420 bestween 12 and 1. Ask for June. B30 TWA FLIGHT to Europe. May 12, N.Y. to London: Aug. 13. Paris to N.Y. Call 764-1726 B21 USED CARS BLUE 1965 VW, good condition. Call 763-1649. N9 1967 SUNBEAM Alpine convertible, low mileage, call 662-9513, evenings and weekends. N20 M6 MIDGET. 1966 roadster convertible, less than 20,000 miles, British racing green with wire wheels, new front shocks, brakes, rear tires, and ex- haust system. Had major tune-up re- cently-in excellent condition. Cll 662-4396 after 6 p.m. N17 1966 TEMPSET Lemans CONVERT. - Black and black, 4-speed stick, con sole, power steering, wire wheels, 23,000 miles. LIKE NEW. $1800 or best offer. CALL 769-2735 or see at 1114 S. Forest. Nil FOR SALE 1967 Austin Healey, MK III, BRG, R&H, convert., low mileage, over- drive. Priced low, must sell. 668-9478, Ask for Wayne in 3. N12 PORSCHE 912, 1966 green, "5-speed, radial ply tires. AM-FM, ski rack, driving lights, 31,000 miles, $3100, owner relocating. 965-3000 Don Lucas Delta Air Lines. Detroit. NI5 WANTED TO BUY WANTED: 2 tickets on either UAC Flight No. 5 or Univ. Charter June 27-Aug. 23. Call 763-1649. K NEW FACULTY needs house for Aug. '68. Prefers.3 bdrm., good condition. Location near University and school (eg. Burns Park) will visit AA In April. Principles only, please send details. J. E. Taulor, 10644 Blyth. Los Angeles, Calif. 90064 Kt1 NEW FACULTY needs house for Aug. '68. Prefers 3 bdrm., good condition. Location near University and schools (eg. Burns Park). Will visit AA in April. Principles only, please send details. J. E. Taylor, 10644 Blyte, Los Angeles, Cal. 90064.K13 WANT TO BUY-U Charter ticket flight No. 1, May-June round trip. Call Kelcey, 761-3061 after 5. X12 LOST AND FOUND LOST - Sunday, 10th - young black bat, long hair, slightly pregnant. In the Markley dorm-U Terrace area. Please contact Kelcey at 761-3061 or 1446 Washington Heights. Al? LOST: Symphony band folder and mu- sic. REWARD. Call. 482-8104 or 663- 2319. A31 LOST-4 mo. old, male collie, brown and white. Reward. 663-7431. Ab HELP: lost pair of brown contacts in blue and white case. Call 663-4428. A14 LOST: Black and gray tiger cat. Re- turn to 502 E. Ann or call 663-3708. AlS LOST - 1 cat, black and white, young male. REWARD. 668-8265, A13 LOST: Sunglasses Men's Prescription. 'Brown case. Tuesday on campus. Re- ward. 764-9703. A PHOTO SUPPLIES ZOOM LENS! Be at your psychedelic best when you shoot your next pictures. Don't be caught with your lens off when the action's hot. Rokunar lens: 55-90mm zoom, f4. Brand new. $75. Andy, 764- 0552, 761-8472. D PHOTO SUPPLIES BRAND NEW SPECIALS Exakta 1000 F2.0 Zeisslens with delux case, only $149.95. Exakta 500 F2,8 Zeisslens with delux case for $79.95 Praktica Nova with F2.0 Zeiss Auto lens, now $99.95. Miranda Auto Mex III F1.9 lens with case, sale price $149.95. While they last-Canon' FX F1.8 lens case, $139.95. CENTURY CAMERA 12838 Woodward-Detroit TO 5-0300 Take Edsel Ford Expr. to John Lodge North-Exit Glendale-Right-Turn to Woodward OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 P.M. DARKROOM SUPPLIES LUMINOUS PAPER WE BUY, TRADE, SELL (Michigan Bank & Security Charge. accepted) D21 3 dcy 1 80 2 40 2 90 3.35 3 80 4 25 4 /0 5 10 5.50 5 50 1060 15 20 19.65 24.15 4 dey 2.30 3 10 3 75 4 35 4 95 5 55 6 15 6 70 7.15 7 15 13.75 1960 25 75 31.85 5 dov 2 80 3.15 4.55 5 30 6 05 6 80' 7 50 8 20 8.75 8:75 16 75 23.95 31.50 39.35 6 do 3.35 4.35 5.30 6.20 7.10 8.00 8 80 9 60 10 25 10.25 19.55 28.20 37.15 46.55 odd. .45 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.10 1.2C 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 (Pick-up and Delivery) ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. 1900 West Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, Michigan AC 313761-4146 eves. 665-3531, 761-1187.662-8495 Marilyn L. Keith, Director cond. $450 761-9027. . Z3 FALL 1968 LARGEST ON CAMPUS 2 Bedroom 4-Man Some with 2 baths 8 mo. lease terms -ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS --FREE PARKING -FREE AIR-CONDITIONING -RESIDENT MANAGER For appointment call NO 3-8866 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Stringed instruments and accessories (guitars, sitars, dulcimers, etc.). Re- pairs, electric and acoustic, lessons. 209 S. State. 665-8001. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X FOR SALE - Fender, Telecaster case, 6 mos. old $175. Gibson folk guitar and hard case, $125. 0064. and J-50 761- X19 09 TAS-X pre-amplifier. 662-5393. X1 BANJOS GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan A-i New and Used Instruments PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington X FOLK GUITAR FAVILLA. F-5 steel strings, perfect cond. Call Harvey, 4-0318 or 663-3878. X27 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA 90, 1967 - in excellent condi- tion. Call 971-2885. ZF 1966 HONDA 150 less than 3400 miles like-new condition new 12000 R.P.M. tackometer plus 2 Buco helmets. ph. 665-3889 ZA BSA VICTOR, 1968, 1100 miles, real groovey! $850. Call 769-3617, Z22 ARABIC IS FUN . . . when you have your notes. I lost mine. Promote happiness. If you have found a blue folder with strange looking scribbles, please contact me at 764-4982. FA !!!!!NEEDED!!!!!! 2 Tickets 2 Europe. 6 week, 1st half summer. Will even pay- 761-6205. F15 SERVICES-Joint study programs, co- operative - coeducational " only. Call Joe or John at 663-5817. F32 I AM INTERESTED in obtaining tapes of Norman Mailer's address at Vack- ham. If you have them, call T. Copi at 764-0552. PP NEED 2-MAN APr. ror '68-'69. If you know of a good one call 764-5948. We'll pay you $10. if we rent it. F46 DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page at 2 convenient locations: S. Univ. right next to U. Towers,. S. State right next to Marshall's. F17 LOST! One pair of brown glasses in a black leather snap case. Lost in the vicinity of Couzens and Alice Lloyd. If found, call 764-5978. FF YEA KIDS! Children's Community Bucket Drive -Thurs., Mar. 21. If you can hold a bucket for the School, between 8- 4 p.m.rcall Bob Fox: 764-3758 or 668- 9341 or 761-8167. PP POETRY WANTED for Anthology. Idlewild Publishers, 543 Frederick, San Francisco, Calif. 94117. F TYPING in my home. Term papers and theses. Reasonable. 668-8464. J25 TYPING-Term papers and theses. Fast and accurate. Call 769-0555. J19 PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 6c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox 2400 duplicator, We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 6c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents). Immediate service during business hours only 8c per page. 2 convenient locations: S. Univ. right next to U. Towers; S. State right next to Marshall's. 31J FOR SALE SILVERTONE SOLID STATE portable stereo. 1 yr. old. Orig. $99.95. $55 or best offer. Call 662-7612. B FOR SALE to Student - part-time rental business with unlimited possi- bilities for $. Call 761-4865 after 5. B32 'I 4 I . -- I ~ V~5, I I I ~