Sunday, March 17;;1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Sunday, March 1771968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae T. ,r__ JOHNSON SPEECH: Renew Pledge To Win Despite Hanoi's Refusal To Negotiate U.S. Troop Increase Ne ,Nw 'To Vietnam Foreseen d WASHINGTON(--'-An author- iate massive buildup and away itative source said yesterday there from any drastic change in the will be a "moderate increase" in basic military strategy being pur- Contracts Signal to Copper Strike AUSTIN, Tex. () -- President Johnson arrived in Texas yester- day for a reunion with his daught- ers and sons-in-law. Johnson may remain at his Hill Country Ranch through Tuesday, which is the 24th birthday of his SUAW Accepts AMC Contract DETROIT (R) -- American Motors Corp. and the United Auto Workers Union, after bar- gaining a day and a half past a deadline, have reached tenta- tive agreement on a new con- tract for the firm's 14,500 auto workers. , But both sides failed to reach. accord Friday night on a pact to cover 3,000 additional production employes at AMC's Kelvinator Appliance Division in Grand Ra- pids. The proposed settlement falls below contracts won by the UAW at General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, where workers got 20 cents across the board and 30 cents extra for skilled tradesmen in the f first year of three-year pacts. elder daughter, Lynda Bird Robb. Johnson said earlier Saturday in Washington the United States "will win on the battlefield" in Vietnam if Hanoi refuses to negotiate. He asserted his determination with these words to a group of businessmen: "I don't want a man here to go home thinking otherwise. We are going to win." Johnson dropped in unexpected- ly on, a meeting of businessleaders seeking, means to create jobs for the hard core unemployed. Soon after making his remarks about the Vietnam war and about the gold drain and the jobs' effort, Johnson left for the weekend in Texas. Johnson praised the business men for supporting his job training program, which is designed to put 100,000 unemployed to work this year and 500,000 over the next three years. He called the program "the big- gest training effort in the history; of the country" and said the participation of the business com- munity represented a "reawaken- ing of the social consciousness of business." Other speakers at the conference stressed the importance of jobs in easing the urban tensions that erupted into riots last summer. David Ginsberg, executive di- rector of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, said if any of the commission members, who studied last sum- mer'se riots, were asked what sin- gle action would do to the most to ease the situation would say "find the kid a job." Whitney Young, Jr., executive director of the National Urban League,. said success of the pro- gram is an urgent- necessity for Negro Americans who are no longer willing to accept anything short of full employment opportunity. He said the Negro American should be given an opportunity to become "a producer of goods or, as much as we regret it, he will be a producer of violence." U.S. troop strength in South Viet- nam - but neither this source nor the Defense Department would define "moderate." But this high source and knowledgeable people at the Pent- agon agreed that there is nothing in the works close to the 200,000 man buildup which has been re- ported requested by the comman- der on the scene, Gen. William C. Westmoreland. No Final Decision At present there are about 510,- 000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam and it .has been announced this force will be increased to 525,000 by fall. Officially, the Pentagon would not acknowledge that any final decisions have been reached. But indications in recent days have pointed away from any immed- sued in Southeast Asia. One plan receiving favor in the joint military staff would involve the sending of one or more divi- sion forces to Vietnam, and the mobilization of some 30,000 Na- tional Guardsmen and Reservists to fill out the depleted central pool of combat units in the United WASHINGTON AR- - Steel- workers approved contracts with one of four big copper firms yes- terday and indicated an early re- turn to work by 6.500 of the 50,000 workers locked for more than eight months in the nationwide copper strike. Thirteen of the 25 other strik- I World Neu By The Associated Press CAPE TOWN, South Africa - Philip Blaiberg, the only survivor of the world's six attempts to transplant a human heart, went home yesterday 74 days after his operation. !k THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOCIETY Pr e se nt s PRINCESS IDA March 27, 28, 29, 30\ Wednesday, Thursday Performances .... $2.00 Friday, Saturday Performances ..... $2.50 Saturday Matinee .................$1.50 Tickets on sale 9:00 to 5:00, March 18 and 19 in the Fishbowl. .a -Adaa R.2P @AC~aA2a s Roundup Blaiberg became the world's third heart transplant case after Dr. Christian Barnard told him he could not live more than a year with his own badly fibrosed organ. ROME - Large scale rioting flared at the University of Rome yesterday. Police turned fire hoses on clashing leftist and rightist students. More than 200 persons were hurt; nearly 50 of them were hos- pitalized. Students and older political ac- tivists fought each other with flagpoles and clubs. It was the worst rioting at, the university since March 1. Nearly 200 persons were taken into custody. *E *L * POINTE A LA HACHE, La. - States. ing unions with members- at A division force, including sup- porting units, totals some 45,000 Phelps Dodge are expected to rat- men. ify the agreement at meetings However, military sources said that staffs have been working overtime refining a wide variety of proposals, based on a range of alternate courses of action. National Guard Callup One senior officer said some 12' or 13 different troop plans had been developed in the Army staff' alProposals for National Guard and Reserve callups have ranged WARSAW A-Classroom strikes from below 30,000 men to around affected campuses in the capital 200,000 over the past weeks, and Krakow yesterday and stu- Professional officers feel it is dents threatened an anti-govern- almost imperative to mobilize ment sit-in at a third in the someground reservestbecause the continuing confrontation between central force of divisions available the Communist regime and many. for crisis duty around the world of Poland's young people. is down below five Army and Ma- Students at Krakow's Jagiello- rine divisions, considered by some nian University stayed away from a danger level, classes for the third straight day. Wheeler Confers With Johnson At Warsaw University, a boycott' The Joint Chiefs of Staff, who affecting most of the student body long have favored a callup, held of 22,000 was in its second day. an unusual Saturday meeting, Correspondent Ousted sources said. Details of that meet- In an other development, the ing, as is usual were kept secret. Polish Foreign Ministry ordered It was reported that Gen. Earle Richard Davy, correspondent of G. Wheeler, chairman of the Joint The Times of London, to leave the Chiefs of Staff, conferred lateThTieofLnntlavte Friday with President Johnson atecountry yesterday because of ar- the White House n s titles he has written about the student unrest. Some U.S. civilian officers have A ministry official told Davy been portrayed as taking a strong his reports were showing an "un- stand at th-is point against rais- balanced picture" without men- ing the U.S. troop commitment tioning the government position substantially and in favor of pos- that the week of demonstrations sibly changing U.S. strategy to and rioting was caused by Zion- concentrate on defending the ists. liberals a n d "politically populated places of Vietnam and bankrupt" individuals. giving up such exposed positions- Student Ultimatum as Khe Sanh. Military critics of Students at Warsaw's Poly- this approach claim it would technic College held a meeting amount to a retreat to enclaves and discussed staging a three day and that this would ultimately sit-in strike unless the state con- cause loss of the country to the trolled press publishes student Communists. resolutions and retracts what the early this week in Arizona, Texas, Arkansas and Yonkers, N.Y. The AFL-CIO United Steel- workers of America said approval by its 100 man industry commit- tee "constitutes the biggest break- through yet" in the negotiations which President Johnson called to the White House 13 days ago. Negotiations in the Executive Office Building next to the White House continued between the un- Luents 1: SIt-In young people are calling "slander- ous" accounts. The students de- mand liberal reforms in educa- tion and government. Informed sources said the Poly- technic ultimatum~ gave authori- ties until Wednesday morning to meet the demand. A highly placed church source said yesterday the Polish Roman Catholic episcopate would not en- ter into the conflict. The source said Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, the Polish primate and long a critic of the government's religious policies, would refrain from making comments in ser- mons about the tense situation. The informant explained that the church views the matter as a po- litical one having nothing to do with religion. ions and Kennecott Copper Corp., Anaconda Co. and American Smelting & Refining Co. Informed sources said settle- ments with the other' firms are expected to follow within a few days. Separate Contracts The Phelps Dodge settlement re- portedly provides $1.13 per hour increases in wages and fringe benefits over 40 months to its mining,. smelting and refining workers in Arizona and Texas in one contract, and 75 cents over 36 months for wire fabricating workers in Fordyce, Ark., and Yonkers. N.Y., in a separate con- tract. Wages in the industry now aver- age $3.28 per hour. The Phelps Dodge agreement represents a defeat for the unions' original demands for similar eco- nomic gains for workers in all operations of each country, and for simultaneous contract expi- ration dates. Recommend Ratification Anaconda reportedly was bar- gaining with the unions in four separate contract groupings and American Smelting & Refining in three groupings. Details of the Phelps Dodge contracts will be given to repre- sentatives of all the unions in- volved at a meeting today in Tuc- son, Ariz. A company source said the other unions have already agreed to recommend ratification -at meetings of local unions Tues- day. The Steelworkers reportedly are trying to wrap up other Kenne- cott settlements before acting on all contract proposals at once. Eleven persons died in flames that swept the cargo ship African Star early yesterday after it crashed in darkness with two oil. barges on the lower Mississippi River. The Coast Guard said 11 others were nmissing.., In the inferno, at least 38 per- sons were burned, some seriously. Dubeek Calls Meeting Of Czech Communists p R l YOUTH MATINEE-ALL SEATS 75c JERRY LEWIS "THE FAMILY JEWELS" PRAGUE (R)-Czechoslovakia's new Communist party chief, Alex- ander Dubcek, announced yester- day the party will meet March 28 to discuss "personnel changes" - presumably the removal of Presi- dent Antonin Novotny-and fu- ture democratic reforms at home. In a major policy' address at B r n o, Czechoslovakia's second largest city, Dubcek sought to as- sure his countrymen that the cur- rent wave of "socialist democrati- zation" would continue. And he stressed, largely for the Soviet Union's sake, that nothing would affect the nation's partnership with Moscow. Demands have been growing for resignation of Novotny, who last year lost the leadership of the Communist party to reformist Dubcek. The liberals prodded Novotny Friday into a humiliating conces- sion-firing Interior Minister Jan Kudrna, nominal head of the sec- ret police, and Atty. Gen. Jan Bartuska. The two men, both personal friends of the president, were accused by-the liberals of plotting last January to return Novotny to leadership of the party with the help of Maj. Gen. Jan Sejna. Sejna defected to the United States last month, leaving a pro- fiteering scandal behind. The plenary meeting is expect- ed to call for Novotny's resigna- tion by way of a formal vote of censure. "We shall apply law and disci- pline in the administration of state affairs and the protection of our citizens against enemies, par- asites and violations of the law," Dubcek said. This was interpreted as a reference to Novotny. To wild applause, Dubcek 47, said the central committee of the party will "deepen democracy" and "continue to find enough strength to not only prevent a return to the past, but also to further develop the new progres- sive course." III Sat.-11:00-1:00 Sun.-1 :00 MONDAY NIGHT ONLY-7:00-9:00 GODARD',"LA CHINOiSE" Sponsored by CINEMA GUILD ,'CLOSELY WATCHED TRAINS" resumes Tues.-7-9:15 11 Sun.-3-5-7-9:1 5 Tues.-Thurs.-7-9:15 j 1 I i DIONNE WARWICK FRIDAY, MARCH 22 8:00 P.M. Ford Auditorium, Detroit $2.00 and $2.75 Enclose check and stamped, self-addressed envelope. Mail to Ticket Office, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Mich., 48202 i' 1 MUUNIVERSITY MUSICAL Socif~ v'tf'i:i:: ":\ .Y::iti.