KENNEDY'S CANDIDACY: TIME FOR REALPOLITIK See editorial page 131k igan &4t GREEN High--i7 Low-32 Little change. Fair today, chance of showers tomorrow. Vol. LXXVIII, No. 140 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sunday, March 17, 1968 Seven Cents Ten Pages 4 RFK Entry Brings Mixed Reaction LBJ Seeks Fiscal Sen. Robert Kennedy's de- cision to run for president was greeted yesterday by disdain from President Johnson, aloof- ness from Sen. Eugene Mc- Carthy and chilly opposition from most of the Democratic party establishment.. An exception was New York state chairman John Burns who said, "I fully support him in this effort." A high ranking Democratic official told The Daily yester- day the Michigan. Democratic delegation would be firmly in the Kennedy camp by June, but that no official support would be given immediately. Sander Levin, Michigan's state chairman, said the chal- lenge now is to make the cam- paign "constructive r a t h e r than divisive." He added the Michigan party would support whoever is nominated at the August national convention. President Johnson, before leaving for his Texas home, bantered to a businessmen's group, "These are the days when we have to take chances. Some speculate in gold - a primary metal - and others just speculate in the primar- ies." McCarthy, also seeking the Democratic nomination, said he had made no deals with Kennedy and will "run as hard as I can" to defeat both Ken- nedy and Johnson in the pri- maries. Kennedy said his entry against Johnson was not in op- position to the individual but to his policies. 'My desire is not to divide the strength of those forces seeking a change, but to increase it," the New York senator said. McCarthy's strong showing in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, where he polled 42 per cent of the vote against Johnson's 49 per cent, caused Kennedy to reverse an earlier decision to sit out the 1968 election. The senator told a news con- ference in Washington yester- day morning he avoided the New Hampshire primary be- cause if he had won it or had done well, his position would have been reported as a per- sonal feud with the President. Kennedy also he said the course in Vietnam risks a wider war. "I cannot stand aside from the contest" that will decide the nation's future, he added. "Basically I'm in favor - of de-escalating the struggle there." Kennedy said the most, pres- sing domestic problem is ob- taining jobs for "the men in the ghetto . . . the delta, east- ern Kentucky and the Indian reservations." His name will be entered in the June 2 California pri- mary, Oregon May 28 and Nebraska May 17. Kennedy added that he would both "support and expand" Mc- Carthy's "valiant campaign" where he could not run, indi- cating his own candidacy "would not be in opposition to his, but in harmony." Kennedy flew to New York after his announcement in Washington to march in the .ity's annual St. Patrick's Day parade. His appearance before thousands of spectators drew wild cheers and raucous boo- ing. Today he is scheduled to appear in Jersey City's parade. Despite Kennedy's assertion that his objective is to broaden opposition to present Adminis- tration and not to divide the Democratic party, party of- ficials had other views. An Associated Press survey of Democratic state chairmen showed Johnson has the sup- port of the most state leaders. Many said Kennedy's candi- dacy will have a divisive ef- fect, splintering party strength. The survey indicated factions had already broken away from regular party or- ganizations in many states to form Kennedy or McCarthy support groups. The 30,000 member Califor- nia Democratic Council moved up its endorsement of Mc- Carthy to Friday night after learning of Kennedy's decision to hold a press conference on his candidacy the following morning. Kennedy's presidential cam- paign in California was laun- ched yesterday by Assembly Speaker Jesse Unruh, who fore- cast the senator "can and will" carry the primary. "We do not propose a cam- paign against Senator Mc- Carthy" for the 174 convention delegates, U n r u h said. He added he was supporting Ken- nedy because of "the deterior- ation of our position in Viet- nam . . . and the despair that besets our country from with- in." In Texas, Gov. John Connal- ly, a close friend of Johnson, predicted Kennedy will give Johnson no trouble in Texas. But Oregon state chairman Edward Fadely said Kennedy's candidacy "will add to the ef- fort to change the course of the country - and the present policies of America need to be changed." Austerity Moves; dMeets Gold WASHINGTON (A - Preside Johnson disclosed yesterday "new effort" to shore up con: dence in the dollar through hig er taxes and lower spending whi c e n t r a 1 bankers from sev countries sought means to e: wild speculation in gold. Tight security surrounded tl white marble headquarters of tl Federal Reserve Board for t emergency weekend meeting the United States and hers European gold partners, face with the worst monetary cri; since the 1929 stock market cras They expect to issue a cor munique today at the close of t Boar meeting which was suggested by Some misgivings apparently the United States - the largest have developed among the Euro- contributor to the London gold pean gold pool members as to pool. whether they can continue to A recommendation to keep feed gold into private hands to the London gold market closed maintain the $35 price. temporarily is possible as is the There were reports during the suggestion for a two price gold night of the week's panic buy- system - $35 an ounce for gov- ing that It'aly might withdraw ernments and a higher price for from the pool but this was denied speculators. by both the U.S. Treasury and Another possible solution would Italian officials. In Rome Sat- be raising the price of gold. but urday the government said Italy the United States is strongly will remain loyal to the pool. committed against any depart- The United States supplies 59 ture from the officially fixed per cent of the gold sold on the price of $35. London market with' the six Spokesmen for the Treasury; other nations providing the rest. SYMPOSIUM '68 Fleming To Keynote Discussion On Changes in Student Society y . . By BRIAN FORD President Robben W. Fleming will be the keynote speaker in a panel discussion on "Changes in the Student Society" tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Hill Aud. Student Government Council and the University Activities Cen- ter's Symposium '68 are co-spon- soring the panel composed of Fleming, three students, a faculty member, and a member of the staff of 'the State Department of; Higher Education. By holding this discussion, "SGC and UAC are officially welcoming the president to the University and beginning to improve and ex- tend the channels of communica- tion between the president and the students," says John Rosen,1 '69E, one of the four co-chairmen of the program. Others on the panel include New Draft Counseling Center Opens on -Huron Mark Levin, '69, editor of The Daily; Roy Ashmall, former pres- ident of Graduate Assembly; Sam Sherman, '68, a member of SGC; Prof. Robert Knauss of the law school; and Dr. Pfau of the State Department of Higher Education. Pfau will hopefully provide an outside viewpoint on internal Uni- versity problems, Rosen explains, as well as providing answers to questions on relations between the state and the University, espe- cially concerning the role of out- of-state students. Fleming has expressed a desire to continue this kind of discussion, perhaps even on a smaller scale, on a regular basis if Monday night's discussion is successful. The President will open the forum with a 15-minute follow-up to his inaugural address. For the next 45 minutes, the other panel- ists will ask unrestricted questions ' of Fleming. After this phase, the floor will be opened for questions from the audience. According to Rosen, if Fleming lacks the information to answer a question, he will research the problem and publish an answer within a few days. Prof. James Holmes of the speech department will serve as moderator of the panel. He has worked closely with Symposium '68. I i t ;, r- i, E 1 F '1 i1 r li !c , a _ sI I{ r j '1 By MARY LOU SMITH - A draft counseling center staffed by 20 experienced draft counsel- ors opened March 4 at 502 E. Huron. The counselors, half of whom are ministers, can advise about all alternatives to military * service, including deferments, non- combatant alternatives, prison, and Canada. Arthur Boyd, '70, an organizer of the center, says that "the community's reaction so far has been very enthusiastic." One mem- ber of the Ann Arbor draft board called the Council of Churches to. say he would encourage the cen- ter in its work, Boyd says, "be- cause young men should have such a source of information." The center is open Monday through Friday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m., and Saturday mornings 10- 12. There is no charge for serv- 10 Fellows Win $350 Awards The University presented 10 $350 Distinguished Teaching Fel- low Awards to outstanding grad- uate student-teachers this week. This year's winners are Lois A. Addison of the philosophy de- partment; Janice Brink and Linda S. Fidell, psychology; James J. Helm, classical studies; Robert E. McGill, speech; Shije Orhan, psychology; Robert A. Rockaway, history; James J. Solberg, indus- trial engineering; Richard J. Staples, mechanical engineering, and Justin Vitiello, Roman lan- guages. A student-faculty committee se- lected the award winners. ices. Extensive literature on draft alternatives is available free or at cost, including samples of Se- lective Service appeal and con- scientious objection forms, ex- cerpts from the laws, and interpre- tations of court cases. The center is sponsored by the Ann Arbor-Washtenaw Council of Churches, Student Government Council, Guild House, the Inter- faith Council for Peace, the As- sociation of Religious Counselors, and the American Friends Serv- ice Committee, Michigan office. Boyd claims that the center doesn t "advise anyone to make a a1rticulaVr mnve Wen simply make Daily--Jay Cassidy and state departments empha- sized there would be no pro- nouncements from the conference until after it ends sometime Sun- day afternoon. Talks Under Way. Just after yesterday's meeting began, Johnson said talks ar e under way with congressional leaders to cut the budget and break the deadlock over the ad- ministration's request for a 10 per cent tax surcharge. European financial experts con- tend action of this type is needed to restore confidence in the dollar and end the gold rush. U.S. officials have insisted on the 10 per cent' surcharge but up to now have contended the bud- get could be cut no further with- out harming essential programs. Johnson View Johnson's comments yesterday at a business gathering indicated' the administration has changed its mind in view of the gold crisis. "We must tighten our belts and adopt an austere program," John- son said. ": . . Hard choices will have tobe made. Some desirable programs of lesser priority and urgency are going to have to be deferred." The administration now re- portedly hopes for approval of the surcharge matched by about $9 billion %'in appropriation cuts from the budget Johson submit- ted in January for the fiscal year beginning July 1. !This could reduce spending in the $186.1 billion budget by about $3 billion to $4 billion. An ap- propriation represents authority to commit money. The actual spending comes later. Whether Congress will buy this program is open to question but it does represent at least a par- tial concession by the administra- tion to Congressional demands for more spending cuts. Six Nations The central bankers represent the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Nether- lands, Italy, West Germany and Switzerland. These countries meet the demand for gold on the Lon- don market from their official reserves in an attempt to hold the price at $35 an ounce. France, originally a contri- butor, pulled out after building up a massive reserve of gold whose value would be greatly en- hanced if the world price were to be raised. 'U' Suport Of Employe Group Ends By RON LANDSMAN The University announced with- drawals of various forms of sup- port from the staff association of library employes Friday be- cause it was "acting too much like a union." The support included use of company time for performing as- sociation functions and use of University supplies to put out a newsletter. The announcement was made by Frederick Wagman, director of libraries, at a staff meeting he called Friday morning. Russell Reister, personnel officer, also spoke at the meeting. Reister at first refused to com- ment on the decision, but after prompting from James Brinker- hoff, business operations director, he issued the following state- ment: "The continuation of the as- sociation (of library staff em- ployes) in the form heretofore organized could be considered in conflict with the provisions of the Hutchinson Act as amended, by Public Act 379." Reister explained that the state labor laws prohibit company unions.bThe staff ass ociation could be considered a company union, he said, if it began per- forming the functions that unions traditionally perform, such as grievance bargaining and organ- ization. A company union is one organ- ized or controlled by the em- ployer. Some library employes see the move as a result "Wagman's fear of the association," although Re- siter insists it was due to fear of violation of PA 379. The association, 'founded in 1954, contained hourly as well as supervisory employes. Originally formed as a social-recreational group, in the last few years it had begun to perform much like a labor union. Grievance com- gittees had been formed, for ex- ample, although they were largely ineffective. Mock Delegates Hear Speech P 4J4S7t1ia kk±' J VvC. Vt %. a...:js Ij the information available so he The panel is part of the Sym- can make his own decision.' posium '68 series "New Moods of dDissent.' Counselors are ministers and Dsen. laymen from local churches, with The four chairmen of the pro- wide backgrounds both in draft gram are Jennifer Rhea, '69; counseling and in personal exper- Nancy Kellso, '69; George Ladner, ience with military service and '70: and Rosen. deferments. While all are well- Symposium '68 is a University: informed about all draft alterna- Activities Center committee which tives, several are highly qualified is presenting a series of lectures, in particular areas such as con- the general theme of which isI scientious objection or legal as- "New Moods of Dissent." The pects. Fleming panel is the only one co- Campus Republicans 'Buoyant" s Convention Gets Under Way By MICHAEL THORYN address with a resounding "Let's manager for Rockefeller, is blunt. "The great state of Texas, home get this job done this year!" Riegle "We will win," he said. of our f u t u r e ex-president received a standing ovation from A source close to Ronald Rea- casts .. ." the convention. gan's campaign admitted he was The mood was buoyant as ap- . Balloting to determine the nom- playing a role. "I'm for Kennedy," proximately 1100 students filled inee will take place today begin- e sai. Yost Fieldhouse for the first day ning at 1:00 p.m. "The idea is for ; Romney supporters do not ex-j kRepub- each student to simulate what the pect victory before the 200thI of Michigan's first Mock Reu e lican Convention. real delegate in his position would ballot. do," Katz said. Demonstrations with confetti The old home of Michigan bas- "The key is the degree of reality and noisemakers are planned fol- ketball and track teams had her the delegates attach to their lowing nominating speeches. It is dirtloor coered withchiurshervotes," said Bob Edgeworth, grad; rumored that junior high students walls cluttered with pictures of campaign manager for Richard from Ann Arbor will demonstrate candidates, and state delegation Nixon. Edgeworth expects Nixon for Harold Stassen. signs everywhere, to win on the third ballot. Three amendments to the plat-j Behind the speakers platform, Four members of the New Jersey form, including one promising U.S. built especially for the occasion, j delegation are considering placing withdrawal from Vietnam if the was hung a rented American flag Ho Chi Minh's name in nomina- South Vietnamese don't show more 28 feet long and 1712 feet high, tion. willingness to fight, were defeated held up by four strong pieces of Bob Gorsline, '69, campaign in roll call votes. A counselee requiring speciali - zed information will be referred to a counselor specializing inthe field. All information is confi- dential and counselees retain their own records. The Center has direct connections with or- ganizations such as the Central Committee for Conscientious Ob- jectors in Philadelphia, and with experts in Chicago and New York. Other nearby draft counseling centers are operating in Detroit, Macomb County, Kalamazoo, and Pontiac. An East Lansing Centerc will open in two weeks. sponsored by SGC. Western .To Hike Out-state Tuition KALAMAZOO (AP) - Western Michigan University will raise tuition for out-of-state students and increase room and board fees on June 25. The university's board of trus- tees approved the increase on Fri- day. Tuition will go up from $900 per year to $1000. Dorm fees will rise from $820 to $919 per stu- dent per year. string. SStriking out against tradition, convention chairman Dick Katz, '68 called the convention to order only 15 minutes late. There was applause. Freshman representative Don' Riegle (R-Mich) flew in from Washington to give the keynote address. Selected as one of the two "best Congressmen for the year" in 1967 by The Nation magazine, Riegle's most intense area of work in Con- gress has been in reappraisal of U.S. policy in Vietnam. The young congressman gave a hard-hitting mid-campaign speech that criticized our "false prosper-, ity" and the current administra- tion. BOOKLET FOR FRESHMEN Course Evaluations Due in June Thornton Describes Litton Role In Planning Greek Economy By MARCIA ABRAMSON The Course Evaluation Booklet Commit- tee's first published work since organizing in September will be a freshman booklet cov- ering 45 introductory courses. The booklet should be ready for the first orientation groups in June, says Frank Viviano, '70, newly appointed co-chairman of the com- mittee. The first full-scale course evaluation will be complete in about ten months and will include about 80 per cent of all classes of- 'fered in the literary college-some 450 courses. "The original committee was organized simply to get things going. I think they've done a good job of preparing the way- planning, organizing, corresponding with other schools," Viviano says. mivianna nd hs e n~hnairman Joel Stocer. students in introductory classes to rate their courses on a five point scale. The 40 ques- tions included rating enthusiasm and speak- ing ability of teaching fellows and lecturers, fairness of grading, amount and relevance of course work and general value of the class. Spitz says mos't of the evaluations were favorable. "Students thought very few cour- ses were poor," he says. Participants also made suggestions for improvement of the survey, explains Viviano. For example, the original questionnaire pro- vided an excellent-to-poor rating scale. The next set of surveys will use a one-to-ten point rating scale suggested by participants. Questions on the quality and relevance .of texts have also been added. Evaluations will also include a profile of the students takine a class--their Larnde set up by Student Government Council, is permanent. "There will be a booklet every fall, and a supplement for winter," he says. Freshman will be asked to evaluate the first booklet. The first evaluation will include intro- ductory courses in anthropology, Asian stu- dies, botany, chemistry, geography, geology, great books, history, history of art, mathe- matics, music literature, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, sociology, speech and zoology. "We evaluated one section each of English 231, 232, 235 and 269 just to give an idea of what they are like," Viviano explaines. "Over 30 sections alone of Math 115 were included." The teaching fellows who were evaluated were chosen because they have taught their course three o moretimes. Vivianoas. A leading businessman de- scribed how his company has acted to develop the economy of Greece and called on the Ameri- can business community to take on similar activity elsewhere in the world, in a speech at Rackham Friday. "Creating and accomplishing economic development is a func- "In Greece our objective is not to single out one economic activ- ity but to apply the systems ap- proach to building a future for that historic nation," he said. The company first examined the country "in its entirety-as an operating system," said Thornton. ,Then the economy was studied as a series of subsystems and, crops in European markets was undertaken. "As this program begins to build the economy of Greece, factories and other components of the economy will be similarlyI Riegle joked about the social commentary he found written on an electric hand-dryer. "Push this button," it said, "and receive a .,I----A -A -4- 1-- )f plannea ana orougnt into oemng" message from LBJ." Thorton said. "This is a 12-year "The administration has not' program, and assuming political made a decision between two hard stability in Greece, we believe it aderna sion tn nd thw war"