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March 15, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-15

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:Y L

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Warmer, some chance
of rain.

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, March 15, 1968 Seven Cents
DOD-Report Hits MUDiscrimina
By JIM HECK Greene, currently deputy dir- igan, but that hiring procedures Negro colleges. Although not at- rights laws and legal hiring pro- In
Copyright, t968, The Michigan Daily ector of the Michigan Civil Rights for minor job classifications tacking explicitly (MSU's) aca- cedures. tions
A Department of Defense re- Commission, said the document showed definite discrimination in demic hiring procedures, the re- The report was sent to the versi
port attacking Michigan State was prepared several months after every area except food service, port suggests improvement could HEW office in Chicago for "im- scho
University for racial discrimina- a similar defense department re- The confidential document asks be made. plementation" along with reports acti
tory practices and recommend- view on the University of Michi- MSU to establish an office of equal Greene explained universities on several other Michigan schools. gro s
H ing methods by which they should gan discriminatory practices was opportunities with a staff respon- with government contracts, such Ted Sennett, deputy regional train
be eliminated has been filed with reported in November, 1966. sible directly to MSU President as Michigan State, must "seek- director of the Civil Rights Of- Th
the Office for Civil Rights of the Two reviews were conducted by John Hannah. (Hannah is dir- out" minority groups to hire as fice in Chicago, says he has been it ca
Department of Health, Education the Detroit Contract .Compliance' ector of the United States Civil their employes and not just "pass in Washington for meetings this ing"
and Welfare, federal officials con- Office of the University of Mich- Rights Commission.) judgment on those who apply." week to decide "exactly what the ted t
firmed yesterday. igan's employment and operating Greene said the report's recom- Negroes and members of min- implemenation means." Fe
The 20-page document specif- practices in July and October, mendations "were similiar to those ority groups should be encouraged "We will be doing something othe
ically attacks MSU's hiring pro- 1966. issued for the University of and appointed to MSU's faculty about the reports in the future," so in
cedures in non-academic minor MSU provost Howard Neville ex- Michigan, but written for MSU's governing bodies and committees, Sennett said, abut at this time I Gr
job classifications. plained "there have been discus- particular structure." the report says. don't know exactly how we will vesti
Walter Greene, past director of sions" concerning the report, but The document urges an educa- Each school within the univer- go about it." Com
the Detroit Contract Compliance said, "I am unable to comment tional program be set up to in- sity is urged to conduct reviews Defense Department reports on versi
Office of the defense department about them at this time." form minority groups in Mich- of its hiring and operational poli- the University of Michigan charg- knew
said Michigan State "has failed to The study, conducted under Ex- igan of the vocational opportun- cies to discover if discrimination ed that the University was "bas- tion.
engage in affirmative action as ecutive Order 11114, says hiring ities and on-the-job training of- is, in fact, taking place. ically for rich, white students" and H
specified under government con- procedures for academic and ma- fered at MSU. It suggests a training program offered 25 recommendations by take
tracts to seek Negroes to fill cer- jor job classifications were better It suggests the institution seek be established to familiarize su- which "the University could im- dutie
MSU'S JOHN HANNAH tain job areas." than at the University of Mich- Negro faculty members from pervisory personnel of the civil prove its image." Cont

Ten Pages
cluded in these recommenda-
were steps by which the Uni-
ty would recruit more high
ol Negroes by engaging in
'ities designed to aid the Ne-
tudent during his high school
ie report also attacked what
illed "a general student feel-
that the campus was orien-
owards discrimination.
deral officials indicated that
r schools in Michigan are al-
volved in similiar reviews.
*eene said he knew of an in-
gation by the Atomic Energy
mission of Wayne State Uni-
ty several years ago, but
v of no such DOD investiga-
EW Civil Rights Offices have
n over the college review
es formerly under the DOD
ract Compliance Offices.








Koeneke Calls Housing,
Tuition Major Problems

Reserve Board
Raises Discount
By The Associated Press
A frenzied rush on gold in Europe touched off a series of
rapid-fire developments on both sides of the Atlaptic yes-
In an emergency session last night the Senate sent to
President Johnson a bill removing the 25 per cent gold cover
requirement for the nation's currency, freeing more gold.
In a parallel Washington development, the U.S. Federal
Reserve Board clamped a tighter rein on credit, raising the
discount rate to 5 per cent, highest since just before the 1929
stock market crash.
The London gold market, focal point of the gold buying

Michael Koeneke, '69BAd, took
over as president of Student Gov-
ernment Council last night and
said that the most important is-
sues facing SGC are student
housing and tuition increases.
Kpeneke and his running mate,
new executive vice president Rob-
ert Neff, '69, won election by a
2400 vote plurality over their
nearest opponents, Mark Schrei-
ber, '69, and Andrew Quinn. '69.
D. Panther White, '69, and Shelly
Mittleman, '69, received 706 votes
and write-in candidate Michael
Davis, Grad, received 444.
Five members began one-year
terms at last night's SGC meet-
ing. They are Gayle Rubin, '70,
and Carol Hollenshead, '71, both
incumbents; Bob Nelson, '71;
White and Davis. Paul Milgrom,

'70, began a six-month term. j
Milgrom's seat was originally?
awarded to David Phillips, '70, by!
a 10-vote margin. However, dis-.
crepancieshbecame apparent on
some of the. ballots as they were
counted for the third time late
i Wednesday night.
Elections director Ken Kelley,
'71, called for a meeting of the1
credentials committee to examine
the alleged discrepancies. After;
studying the ballots, the commit-'
tee awarded the seat to Milgrom.l
Kelley noted that "ballot stuff-
ing" had obviously been done by;
one of the vote counters and said
that' further investigation would1
be conducted to determine who
was at fault.
Outgoing president Bruce Kahnt
urged the new council to work;
for a "radical restructuring of the
educational process," including

elimination of the course-grade-
credit unit system.
Kahn criticized the multiver-
sity as a "big fat industrial center
which produces respectable auto-
matons needed by business and
government. The Regents and
faculty like the system, and the
students don't know enough yet
to fight it," he explained.!
"We just made a pitiful start
last year," Kahn continued. "We
had to get issues like women's
hours out of the way."'
Both Nelson and Miss Rubin'
said they supported Kahn's ideas!
and explained that a committee
has been set up to examine pos-
White indicated that one of his
main interests is academics. "I'm
working with Engineering Council
on extending the Dearborn Cam-
pus work-study program here,
and I also want to see the out-
reach program expanded to the
sociology department," he said.
Miss Hlollenshead asked for ad-
ditional help for the Student Con-
sumers Union. Along with Nelson,
she expressed concern about "os-
sible tuition increases. "We'll
spend time working in Lansing;
if we have to," they said.
Schreiber said he plans to con-I
tinue work on SGC. "I don't know
in what capacity - that's not upt
to me alone," he explained.
Three student members were
elected to the Board in Control
of StUdent Publications. They are
Laurence Deitch, '69; Carla Kish,,
'69M, and Elizabeth Wissman,e
Grad. Phil Brown, '70, won elec-3
tion to the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics.

Regents Hear Pres
On Driving Recruiti

U of W Chancellor

To Control
The faculty of the University of
Wisconsin at Madison voted over-
whelmingly last night to give the
chancellor of the campus full dis-
cretion over on-campus recruiting
and interviewing .
The faculty vote gives him the
power to determine the time and
place of interviewing by employers.
He may also require that em-
ployers interview off-campus.
The voice vote at the special.
faculty meeting supported a min-
ority report of the 14-man Mer-
min committee last October after
city police broke up a student
4demonstration against Dow Chem-
ical Co. Some 70 students were
The committee, chaired by Prof.
Samuel Mermin of Wisconsin's law
school, is composed of seven stu-
dents and seven faculty members.
Three professors and five stu-
dents signed the majority report,
with four professors and two stu-
dents in the minority.
Approval of the minority report
was expected, campus observers
The majority report called for
a temporary moratorium on all
A recruiting and interviewing on
campus until the Student Senate'
of the Wisconsin Student Asso-
ciation decides when and if rec-
ruiting could be resumed.

faculty decision a "vote of con-
fidence" for Chancellor William
Sewell. Sewell has used his dis-
cretion in dealing with recruiters
so far. Dow and military recruiting
have already been postponed.
He added that Sewell had re-
ceived "flack" for his handling|
of the situation up to now. "TheI
local press called him a 'coward',"
Rider said. "This will strengthen
his hand against forces from{
around the state."

Student vehicle regulations and;
University policy toward recruit-
ers on campus were the topics of
an open hearing held by the Re-,
gents yesterday.
Current University restrictions!
on student vehicle possession and
operation came under attack from
all but one of the speakers on the
Ken Mogill, '69, speaking for
SGC and Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil Traffic C o u r t, was the,
first of several speakers to ques-
tion the legality of the Univer-
sity regulating student use of I

vehicles on public thoroughfares.
"It is important to distinguish
between driving on Ann Arbor
streets and parking on University
property," Mogill c o n t e n d e d.
He claimed the Universityl
should not feel obligated to take
the entire responsibility for con-
trolling traffic in the campusl
area. "Students are no more re-
sponsible for traffic problemsl
than any other group. They are
only easier to legislate against,"{
he said.
Prof. Maurice J. Sinnott, chair-
man of the Campus Planning?
Committee, said his committee
- ~ - ^

spree,. was ceosed teprarily
at the suggestion of the
United States which said it
had become disorganized and
didn't permit business to be
handled in orderly fashion
-Daily-Jim Forsyth Queen Elizabeth also proclaimed
THE REGENTS a special bank holiday for today
and the London Stockmarket was
f closed.
l ft"/y 1gJD A spokesman for the New York
.. (1 ta o s Stock Exchange said he assumed
it would be open today but "we
" will take a new look at the situ-
n Rul es atnon early."
nsfinancialcrisis appeared to
be the worst since the stock-1
felt that, because of the evidence market crash of 1929.
of responsibility and maturity An international meeting was
shown by students, "driving reg- scheduled in Washington for Sat-
ulations are probably not neces- urday to review the gold frenzy
sary, except for freshmen. How- as the United States asserted its
ever, relaxation of rule should be determination to maintain the'
gradual" to allow the facilities price of gold at $35 an ounce and
to adapt to the increase in autos.j thus avoid devaluation of the dol-t
The only opponent to the re- lar.
laxation of driving restrictions Nations to be represented are
was Jeff Messner, '68, president the United Kingdom, Belgium,
of Senior Board. He said while it Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the
would be "idealistically prefer- Netherlands and the United
able" to eliminate all regulations, States.
it would be "impractical and pro- Among them, they supply the
hibitive" to do so. gold sold through the London
Regents Gertrude Huebner and market with the United States,
Otis Smith both said they be- picking up the lion's share-59 per,
lieved the regulations should be cent.
abolished. Smith said there was The United States supplied
no doubt that the regulations, as $771.2 million in gold to the Lon-
they now exist, are illegal. How- don market during the last quarter
ever, he felt that, pragmatically, of 1967 and officials anticipate a
they could not be abolished sud- large drain in the current buying
denly and completely, but would spree.
instead have to be relaxed slowly Earlier this week, the Treasury

Stocks Fall
Rush on Gold
A frantic rush for gold yester-
day plunged the pound sterling
to a historic low in London and
weakened the dollar in all major
money markets but Paris.
Speculation last night drove
commercial gold of 94.5 fineness
to a new all time high on the
Hong Kong markets of $40.47 U.S.
per ounce.
Speculators were rushing the
market and there were strong in-
dications shortly after the open-
ing that the day's trade would
exceed the 26,667 ounces that
changed hands yesterday, about
20 times normal for a day.
The Hong Kong Exchange Banks
Association (EBA) announced the
colony's official currency exchange
would not open today because of
the British bank holiday.
Meanwhile, the Tokyo Stock Ex-
change dipped 11 points at the
opening last night but closed the
morning session up 5.59 points
Also in reaction to the crisis,
Canada increased its bank rate
to 71 per cent from 7 per cent
last night and Finance Minister
Mitchell Sharp asked for a' tem-
porary suspension of all gold


Unified Teacher Certification Under Study


A proposal now under study by ten states
which would permit interstate certification
of teachers, is "not the answer" to im-
proving the quality of teachers and teacher
education in Michigan, according to
Charles Lehmann, associate dean of the
University's School of Education.
The proposal would allow a teacher cer-
tified in Michigan to teach in the New
York State System, for example, without
"It's not anything very new," Lehmann
said yesterday. "We've had reciprocity for
years. I don't see how this proposal is re-

out the country and by more standardiza-
tion of examinations.
Currently, Michigan holds to a recipro-
city policy with a number of states, ac-
cording to Prof. Lowell Beach, of the ed-
ucation school, a former member of a
state commission to study and review
teacher certification standards,
The policy, rather than being a formal
bilateral agreement between states, is
unilateral. Michigan authorities study the
teacher education standards and practices
of Ohio, for example, and decide that they
will automatically certify any teacher cer-
tified in Ohio.
If Michigan decides to upgrade its

and no on
method is t
Rigid stand
of research
qualified to
state certif:
from state
Right now,
with two y
apply for a
requiring lo
meet the de
tificates all
days in sta

e can say for sure that. one

the best. We like to encourage The discussion of recruitment,
ation and new approaches." policy centered on whether the
ards would discourage this sort current trial system for having
he believes. "controversial" recruiters appear
the state's need for more before open forums should be vol-
eachers may bring the inter- untary or compulsory.
ication plan increasing support SGC President Bruce Kahn, '68,
legislators and school officials. contended the University should
the state is allowing persons ;make a moral decision as toE
whether companies who have the'
ears of college in any field to
:nd receive "special certificates" privilege of recruiting on campus
should be held "socially respon-
wer qualifications in order to sible'' for their policies.
emand for teachers. These cer- Other speakers, including Prof.
ow the holder to teach for 90 Bradford Perkins, chairman of
te schools. the Educational Policies Commit-;

See RUSH; Page 5






Classified research
Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics


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