Thursday, March 14, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Thursday, March 14, 1 9 6 8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Excerpts from Student Decisionm- lia king Report INTERPE TA TION OF MANDATE We have conceived our man- date as a broad one, requiring consideration of the role that should be open to students in the making of policies and de- aisions throughout the entire range of University affairs: Approach- ing our subject from different per- spectives, we have found it rela- tively difficult to formulate agreed statements of abstract principle but somewhat easier to reach consensus 'on created proposals.The principles listed below have figur- ed in our discussions, though we have not been unanimous as to how each of them should be stated, how much weight each of them deserves, or how they should be combined, blended, or balanced: 1. As a state-chartered and state-supported institution, The University of Michigan is subject to the ultimate authority of the people of the state, who have en- trusted its governance to the Board of Regents. Authority of components of the University com- munity to participate in this governance derives from delegat- ion by the Regents, who neces- sarily retain the right to revise or revoke such delegation. 2. Members of the faculty and administration bear major re- sponsibilities for the operation of the University, the management of its property and funds, and the conduct of its educational pro- grams. It follows that faculty and administration should retain that # degree of authority over the af- fairs of the University that is es- sential to fulfillment of the respon- sibilities entrusted to them by the Regents. 3. On grounds both of demo- cratic principle and of educational policy; students should be ac- corded a substantial role in the making of decisions within the University community. Student participation in decision-making processes can contribute both to the excellence of the University and to the development of its students. The quality and ma- turity of present-day Michigan students make it desirable to ex- tend such participation. 4. A university should be a cen- ter for creativity and innovation, criticism and challenge; debate and dissent. The vigorous assertion of dissatisfaction and demands for change, and efforts to influence both the internal policy of the' University and its posture and role in the larger society, are in- dicative of an intellectual vitality that should be welcomed' and fos- tered. The decision-making proces- ses of the University should not be a closed system, but one con- stantly receptive to ideas and viewpoints from every sector of the University community. 5. It would be easy to say that calculated disruptions of the nor- mal pattern of University life - obstructive sit-ins and unilateral pronouncements setting a s i d e rules, for example - would im- pede, rather than help, the pro- cess of needed change. But this is not entirely the case. During the past two years precisely this kind of activity, disturbing to some of the Univeesrity community, sometimes has been effective in bringing about change. It has done so at a considerable price, however - a visible hardening of attitude on all sides which can eventually lead to confrontation for its own sake. The noise thus created also has obscured the fact that other significant change has been brought about by student in- itiative through regularly-con- stituted bodies and orderly con- sultation. The Commission has divided the role of students in University de- cision making into the various areas exemplified in the remain- der of this report. We have en- deavored to state our views and recommendations for each area succinctly. Every member of the Commission has been at liberty to insert expressions of dissent or qualification along with his signature at the end of the report. STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS The determination of the form and structure of student associa- tions should be a matter for stu- dent initiative. The Commission welcomes the decision of the stu- dent body to undertake a thorough review and reordering of the mech- anisms of student organization and urges that careful attention be given to certain basic principles which form the basis for any democratic association. Any student association should be as broadly representative as possible of the variety and com- plexity of the student body it represents. It should insure that all segments of the student com- munity have an equal opportunity for being represented. Student organizations have a place both as integral parts of the general University community, deriving their authority by dele- gation from the Board of Regents, individuals freely associating in and as voluntary associations of a common interest. Since much of the decision making for the University is decen- tralized, student organizations, re- presenting the particular con- stituency most concerned and most affected by a specific area of de- cision making, should have cen- tral responsibility for student in- put into that decision process. It follows that a number of different student associations, organized at different levels of the University community and representing dif- ferent constituencies, will be need- ed for effective participation of students in decision making. Rules will inevitably be needed on a campus-wide basis. Campus- wide representatives must be selec- ted by the student body and over- all coordination of the funding of student activities would seem de- sirable. For these reasons, we an- ticipate that a continuing general association or assembly of stu- dents will be needed and will be organized. In order to function as part of the University system, such an organization must be recogni- zed by and have powers, funct- ions, and responsibilities delegated by the Board of Regents. The Commission hopes that the Re- gents will entrust significant fun- ctions to representative and res- ponsible student organizations. The relationships of a central student organization to the Uni- versity and to existing and future student associations at the School or College and Departmental levels should be clarified. Organ- izations such as the Graduate As- sembly, the Literary College Steer- ing Committee, and the Engineer- ing Student Council have import- ant roles in decision making with- in the areas they represent. The development of student as- sociations or assemblies which serve as component parts of the formal operating system of the University and exercise powers delegated by the Regents should not inhibit the formation by stu- dents of purely voluntary and in- dependent associations w h i c h would determine their own stand- ards of membership, develop their own patterns of financial support, and operate freely in any areas relevant to the interests of their membership. The University com- munity has always had student groups which choose to operate without formal recognition, and without the rights conferred by. such'recognition. JUDICIAL SYSTEM' The student judicial system, like student government, should be a primary responsibility of the students of the University. The Commission recommends that a central judicial system be established incorporating the following provisions: 1. original jurisdiction by stu- dents, 2. due process, 3. faculty review of those de- cisions involving suspension or expulsion. The Commission recognizes that certain colleges and profes- sional schools already have es- tablished judicial systems that incorporate these characteristics. However, to provide the most consistent campus-wide pattern, we urge that these units and all others move to the central sys- tem upon its development. UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS The University is above all an educational institution, involved in communicating, promoting, and expanding knowledge. Its various programs are central concerns of its students, teachers, administra- tors, and supporting academic staff. Because students have a stake in University education - their education - and because they have an important contribution to make to plans and procedures in University affairs, they should participate with other members of the University through institution- al channels in the study, deliber- ation and decision-making pro- cess which direct University af- fairs at all levels: -In the departments, stu- dents should have this kind of participation with respect to matters such as (but not limited to) concentration requirements, teaching evaluation, counseling, student research opportunities, course offerings, course and facilities and special programs, and development of emphasis with the scholarly disciplines. -At the school or college level, students should have this kind of participation with respect to matters such as (but not limited to) curricula, judicial proced- ures, teaching evaluation, coun- seling, and academic registration and records. -At the University level, stu- dents should have this kind of participation with respect to matters such as (but not limit- ed to) academic and special event calendaring, priority and appropriations planning, pro- g r a m development, appoint- ments, proposals for by-law changes, tuition, long - range planning and development, and other matters of general Uni- versity policy. Such direct participation can be extremely valuable. Experiences of several units which have already institutionalized student partici- pation indication that improves academic planning. Moreover, in- tensive and serious participation in such matters can be unmatched source of knowledge for students. It is the responsibility of each unit to create, maintain, or im- prove existing structures forstu- dent participation in keeping with its size and concerns. Students, fa- culty, and administrators in each unit should begin as soon as pos- sible to develop such structures. Communications concerning Uni- versity affairs: 'The Commission recommends promotion of the flow of infor- mation by: -the appointment in each de- partment, school, and college, of official representative with au- thority to hear questions, sugges- tions, and grievances concerning ,University Charter Caledonian Airways FLY TO LONDON f rom DETROIT $230 Roundtrip May 20 to Aug. 19 Also, Wait Lists For: May 9 to June 19 June 27 to Aug. 22 CALL: 761-2348 5-7 P.M. academic affairs and to provideg answers or refer comments for theE consideration of appropriate au-c thorities;t --provision for regular meetings of students, faculty, and admin-x istrators in academic units, andf especially in departments, forf study and review of academic af- fairs;t -continued development by the! Board of Regents of methods for" direct consultation with students; -encouraging student, faculty,? and administrative groups to maket more of their meetings open to other members of the Univer- sity community. OFF-CAMPUS BEHAVIOR The behavior of students in places other than the buildings and grounds of the University should be regulated exclusively by public law. We see no justification or need for a special code of con- duct applicable to students in this context, whether formulated andr established by the administration, the faculty, or the student body, or by'some combination of these. By the same token, the Univer- sity should assert no authority over students, and assume no res- ponsibility for them, with respect to their violation of public law in off-campus situations. Nevertheless, the University may wish to make a variety of services available to individual students and to groups formally recognized as student organizations, when they are involved in difficulties external to the University. These may include such services as as- sistance in securing legal counsel and arrangements for mediation of disputes when the parties wish to avoid formal legal process. Only insofar as the off-campus behavior is relevant to legal or explicit ethical codes defining the fitness of a candidate for profes- sional status or for the career toward which the program in which he is enrolled is aimed, should the faculty of his academic unit be entitled to consider this behavior in determining a stu-I dent's eligibility to continue in that program. ON-CAMPUS BEHAVIOR Conduct in classrooms, lecturef halls, laboratories, or any other locations where the formal aca- demic programs of the University - - - - - - are being carried out, should con- tinue to be regulated by the gov- erning faculties of the various schools and colleges. When a stu- dent's conduct in this area is al- leged to violate a regulation, or an instructor's behavior is alleged to be arbitrary or unreasonable, either party to the issue should have the opportunity to have the case heard by a permanent body composed of students and faculty members from the college concerned. UNIVERSITY COUNCIL , The regulation of conduct on University property, other than conduct directly related to the routine operation of residence halls or to the regular activities ex- plicitly associated with the formal See TEXT, Page 6 i,{ 711 TONIGHT at ST. PATRICK'S DAY FOLK-IN with Jack Quine, Barry O'Niel, and others - singing traditional Irish Folk music (ditties, ballads, and fun songs) come - sing-a-long and celebrate St. Patrick's Day with us! FRIDAY- PETER BOWEN 1421 Hill St. 8:30 P.M. I- singing blues, folk, and folk-rock music playing 6 and 12 string guitar SATURDAY - EAST and WEST (a Folk-duo from Detroit) singing religious, topical, and contemporary folk music - playing guitar instrumentals. $1.00 cover includes entertainment and refreshments! the emu players series THE PLOUGH AND THE STARS A revolt of Irish Humor and Hatred march 13-17 quirk auditorium all seats $1.50 reservations: 482-3453 Russ Gibb presents in Detroit "THE YOUNGBLOODS" Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16 "THE RATIONALS" "THE UP"-"THE JAMES GANG" 8:30 to 1:00 A.M. Admission: $3.00 w I I GRANDE BALLROOM Grand River at Beverly, 1 block south of Joy Phone: 834-9348 IF GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe Friday, Mar. 15-Noon Luncheon 25c JERRY DUPONT, graduate of U of M Law School, running for Congress on the Dem- ocratic ticket, will speak on his Congres- sional campaign. Sunday, March "THE MC5"/ 17 Admission: $1.00 7:00 THYME"' 'til 11:00 P.M. Yrr .r _ r FRIDAY Evening--6:00 P.M. GUILD DINNER (Japanese). For Reservations, phone: 662-5189 7:30 P.M. Professor Walter M. Spink, History of Art: "Art of India" Lit', B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Canterbury House Interfaith Council for Peace Newman Social Action Committee Vietnam Summer Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and others invite you to IL i Id l FRIDAY, SATURDAY-MARCH 15, 16 HARBOR LIGHTS' I{ presents JIM K WESKIN 4 6ion/erence on Conscience &Genocide What is man's responsibility to conscience and his fellow man in view of genocide and extermination? presenting the films: LET MY PEOPLE GO and THE WAR GAME Followed with discussions led by Professor Ernst Fontheim, Professor Philip Elving, Dr. Herman Jacobs, Professor Robert Sklar and Rabbi Harold %"I .&- Tickets on sale now!0 Harper 's Bizearre i .V JUG BAND plus DETROIT VIBRATIONS Only 25 man. from Ann Arbor at, II i I II i ± i