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March 13, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-13

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Vol. LXXVIII, No. 136 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, March 13, 1968 Seven Cents
ROTCProblems: CreditAcademic Credi
$y RON LANDSMAN He includes in his reading lists by the military as well as univer- the R O T C - University liaison ROTC record in assessing his aca- don't regret taking the courses and "
Second of Three Parts writers such as Bruce Catton, sities. Writing in Army Magazine, committee, notes, the officers' demic standing. would take them again. LL.
"To be able to lead, an officer S. L. A. Marshall, Prof. Inis Col. Gordon Moon lamented: teaching experience is usually Assistant Dean Robert Shaw, ' One student said ROTC was nav
must know the nature of the mili- Claude of the political science de- "The holding of graduate de- rather limited. Talks with the of- board chairman, says, "Academic "worthwhile sometimes, but some- ship
tary animal - how a military partment, Bernard Fall, and Mor- grees is a fact of life among fac- ficers reveal that by-and-large requirements are much higher in times not." He went on to say, ofa
person acts and thinks," explains ris Janowitz. ulty members of modern colleges they have bachelor's 'degrees, oft- our consideration." "I'm reluctant to comment be- tend
Marine Major L. H. Buehl. "I avoid the 'dese, deh, dose' and universities that make a pre- en in a social science with a num- Ex-officio administrative boad cause it's ROTC, it puts them on Keb
This reasoning supplies the ba- approach," Buehl explains. "I tense of being first-rate. Univer- ber currently working towards member Prof. Otto Graf, chair- the spot. If you have something suc
sis of Buehl's approach in teach- want to introduce these lads to sities are rated by the percentage master's degrees in the graduate man of the Honors Council, ex- bad to say - say it to them, and sive
ing some eight cadets each year the professional literature in their of faculty members holding doc- school, natural resources, or busi- plains, "In judging a student aca- if you're a radical - get out." too
the ways of life in the Marine field - the profession of being a " torates and it is a rare faculty ness administration. demically, I am not inclined to Army ROTC commandant Col. thir
Corps. Buehl is the instructor for military officer in th USMC." member, indeed, who does not One professor comments, "I take gym or ROTC grades very H. K. Reynolds disagrees. "I they
the four upperclass courses in Na- Buehl's courses, however, are hold a master's degree. Thus, don't see how having a bachelor's seriously." Since the board does don't care about length of hair "tha
val ROTC aimed at potential ma- not typical of ROTC. The inten- some professors tend to look down degree qualifies them to teach, not decide by grade point aver- or political bent" he says, "My engi
rines tion of the programs being "to their academic noses at ROTC Almost anyone can get a college ages alone, they are flexible in major concern is with vetting Tl
Buehl's courses are high-pow- try and take the place of basic instructors whose scholarly cre- degree today." considering grades and their good students."
ered presentations which include training," as Army Major Andrew dentials are geared to a somewhat The problem of teaching ability source, and can easily disregard The classes themselves deal i la
the sociology of the military, the McVeigh explains, diverts it to lower level, but whose salaries in and credit is a touchy one. Al- credits earned in ROTC. with a variety of subjects in a ng
relationship between military some degree from strictly aca- some cases equal or exceed those though the literary college nom- Student comment on grading variety of ways. All have outlines not
systems and governments, and the demic considerations. of their learned compatriots." inally gives a total of 12 to 15 and courses varies. One student, and much material supplied by only
Marine Corps' specialty - am- Credit and credibility has long As Assistant Dean James Rob- credit hours for ROTC classes. the who is currently trying to with- the national ROTC offices, but ha
phibious and counter-insurgency been a problem for ROTC on ertson, director of the Residential college's administrative b o a r d draw from ROTC, says it is an still depend, of course, on the in- are
warfare. university campuses, recognized College, and a former member of tends to overlook a student's "automatic 'B'." Others say they dividual instructors.

Eight Pages
Naval Science 202, taught by
Herbert Kebschull, deals with
al ordnance, armament aboard
and administrative functions
a naval officer. The course
is toward the technical side,
schull explains, "I deal with
topics as electronics, explo-
s and fuses, but I can't get
technical. The class is one
d lit school students and
'd be lost. "But," he adds,
it's the kind of material the
neering students want."
he technical material taught
rgely in the interest of train-
the students as, supervisors,
as actual practitioners. The
arms they would actually
dle as commissioned officers
side arms, he said.
See LONG-TIME, Page 8



Evers Loses
0, ..1.1.1.,
House Race
Conservative Griffini
Wis iiRuof
By2-to-1 Margin
JACKSON, Miss. (P) - Charles
:Griffin, a white conservative, wonr
} .. a special election for a U.S. House
::: :.::7-.:.:.r: ...,seat.: yesterday, smnashing the first
serious Negro congressional chal-
lenge in Mississippi since Recon-
struction days.
As -the votes piled in from the
" {:12-county area ofhsouthwest Mis-
sissip'pi, Griffin held a lead of
nearly 2 to 1 over Charles Evers, a
f.?state Negro leader.
t:K"4 . Returns from 272 of the con-
.;gr"ess fi 5 district's 308 precincts
:" :,;:}.;}}},, :;".;;:;:.:::};},} gave Griffin 75.059 votes to 38,404
:I for Evers. who had been high man
in a field of seven in voting onI
-Daily-Bernie Baker Feb. 27.
Evers led in only three of the
SGC VOTING YESTERDAY AND TODAY counties and failed to pick up sub-
Voting continues today on SGC presidential candidates, referenda on classified research and the In- stantial new support anywhere. In{
stitute for Defense Analyses, and in Choice '68. An estimated 4,000 votes were cast yesterday with mot ties Grifin o oe
poling sites open all day today. SGC election officials. announced that ballot counters were in short sition in the first round of voting.
supply yesterday and that many more are needed today. Williams' Seat
The 3rd Congressional District
MAY CHANGE POLICY seat in Washington was vacated
last January when John Bell Wil-
liams, a rebel Democrat, resigned
to become governor.
Requirem ntsGriffin, 41-year-old aide to Wil-
C tiu ! l liams for 18 years, won by a wide
NRmargin over Evers in Adams Coun-
ty, where Evers had led in the first
ConsideredbyLS4Com ittround of voting.
Evers, 45-year-old state field <
secretary of the National Associa- '
By DAVID MANN the ex-officio members of the quests from students to drop lan- tion for the Advancement of Color-t
Proposals ranging from abolition board and by the literary college guage courses or the entire require- ed People, led in five of the 12 C
of the language requirement alto- steering committee. ment, Shaw said. Because of their counties two weeks ago as the

Nixon Smiashes
Rocky Write-In
McCarthy 21, LBJ 3 in Race
For Convention Delegates
CONCORD, N.H. (T )- President Johnson squeaked out a
New Hampshire primary victory Tuesday but Sen. Eugene
J. McCarthy ballooned his anti-Vietnam war campaign into
a national crusade with a surprisingly close second place
In a popularity test in which his Asian policies became
the overriding issue, Johnson got a bare 50 per cent of the
Democratic votes cast. McCarthy, a principal war critic,
polled 40 per cent of the vote - far higher than even he had
Without a major opponent on the ballot, former Vice
President Richard M. Nixon rolled up 79 per cent of the Re-
- nublicn vote. A write-1n - ----- ,

--Daly-AndasK1S 11YVVG 1 LV1-1
drive for Gov. Nelson A.
E- Mc_<hyRockefeller of New York net-
ted him only 11 per cent.
ON WSU CAMPUS: With 84 per cent of the esti-
_mated Democratic total counted,
Johnson had 21,522. In the GOP
tuden tsPro tes t contest, with 75 per cent of the
estimated total tabulated the
count was 59,082 for Nixon and
8,138 for Rockefeller.
Trial Ed torsNixon walked off with the
Til of Editors state's eight Republican conven-
tion delegates. Because 24 Demo-
By PHILIP BLOCK posed to be on the committee; cratic convention delegates were
Approximately 150 students fore- however, since the last student elected in districts, McCarthy had
ed their way into a closed hearing 3 member resigned. no new student a chance to win the majority of
of Wayne State University's has been selected. those chosen.
Committee on Student Conduct Art Johnston, editor-in-chief of With 49 per cent of the esti-
yesterday to protest the trial of the South End and one of the mated vote in, 21 convention dele-
three editors of the school's stu- students charged, said that the gates supporting McCarthy were
dent newspaper, the South End, protest was due to the alleged leading and only three backing
The students were charged with illegitimacy of the disciplinary Johnson were ahead.
using the South End's telephones committee. The students charge McCarthy's showing in this re-
and typewriters in the publishing that the committee purports to spect was aided by the fact that
of the Metro, a new inter-cam- have control over areas which are$ as an avowed candidate he could
pus paper published by students of student concern only. choose the candidates running on
from 14 Detroit area campuses. The students protested the closed his name and limit their number.
Two weeks ago Wayne County nature of the hearings. Up until Johnson, who was not on the bal-
Circuit Court dissolved a court twenty minutes before the meet- lot, had no such opportunity and
order instigated by the WSU ing, it was assumed the hearings about twice as many ran for him
Board of Governors prohibiting would remain open to the public. as for McCarthy.
staff members of the South End However, upon seeing, the large Sen. Thomas J. McIntyre (D-
Arom contributing to the Metro. number of students outside the N.H.), who sponsored the John-
Friday the three editors were building the committee decided to son write-in campaign along with
Fcquitted of a contempt of court close the meeting, admitting only Gov. John W. King, said the out-
citation charging that the three the defendents and the faculty come of the vote expressed frus-
tudents had failed to comply members who came to testify in tration over the Vietnam war.
with the earlier court order when their behalf. He told a news conference he
t was servedto them. The protesters also challenged did not regard it as a repudiation
A charge of "embezzlement" was the legitimacy of the committee of Johnson's Vietnam policies but
evied 'by the five-man disciplin- on the grounds that a student as an expression of the "impa-
ary committee composed of four representative was not appointed tience of the people for a quick
administrators and one faculty since the last student member re- solution" of the war.
member. A student is also sup- signed. While the Minnesota Senator

gether to creating a language pro-
ficiency requirement for admission
to the literary college are current-
ly before the college's curriculum
The requirement and proposals
for its revision may be under dis-
cussion by the committee for the

The plan presented by the ex- constant contact with the require-
officio members puts the require- ment, the proposal is "an opera-
ment in terms of reading profi- tional rather than a philosophical
ciency. There would be less em- one," Shaw comments.
phasis on the cultural, aural, oral, Recommendation
and written aspects of language The steering committee's recom-
than in the present system. mendation, according to Diane
"This so-called 'reading track' Lynn Saltz, '69, chairman, "meshes


next several weeks, says Prof. Roy would be offered in addition to an with the administrative board's."
Pierce of the political science de- optional second track taught under The proposal calls for courses like
partment, chairman of the com- the current plan," Assistant Dean those now taught, but with profi-
nittee. James Shaw explains. ciency measured on the basis of
Additional proposals were intro- The ex-officio members, who reading ability and with grades
duced at yesterday's meeting by made the proposal, deal with re- eliminated.
Proficiency would be defined as;
SD S B a r ala score of 600 on the college board
SD Barric uld1nlanguage reading test, Miss Saltz
says. Six hundred is the score
9 freshman must make now to pass
In Syracuse Demonstration their language requirement.
R frCU~e el11R~trt10RPlaced in Courses
Under the plan entering stu-
More than 100 demonstrators the demonstration was intended dents would be placed in courses
barricaded t h e administration "to dramatize our demands that 'as now. Upon completion of the
building at Syraucuse University war-allied industries not be al- requirement-passing the test--
yesterday to protest the presence lowed to recruit on campus." students would get credit for each
of Dow Chemical Co. recruiters on Meanwhile, recruiters for Dow, of the different language classes

white vote split. u
Wet Weathera
Despite the cold and wet weath'-
er, most counties reported at least.
some precincts were voting heavier
than in the first round, when a
, record 114,871 cast ballots.
Federal poll watchers were as-]
signed again to keep an eye on the
voting but no serious incidents wereI
The campaign was uneventful
and seemed to arouse little emo-a
tion. Evers appealed to the poor ofc
both races to support his stand fors
more federal welfare for Missis-
sippi. Griffin, sick with flu most i
of the second campaign, used tele-
vision spots to stress his Washing- I
ington experience.a
Both agreed it had not been a a
racist campaign. n

U. Chicago
From IDA
CHICAGO-The Council of the
University Senate of the Univer-
situ of Chicago yesterday recom-
mended that the school withdraw
from its membership in the In-
stitute for Defense Analyses
The recommendation issued by
the council, Chicago's highest fac-
ulty body, will now go to the uni-
versity's Board of Trustees, the
school's governing board. It is ex-
pected that the board will approve
the recommendation. In the past,
trustee approval of advisories from
the Council has been a formality.
No exact vote of the Council
was released, although the meas-
ure was approved by "a large ma-
Last month the "Goldsmith
Committee," a faculty study com-
mittee established to look into the
school's ties with IDA, recom-
mended Chicago withdrawal on
the basis that "the university
neither gains from, nor really con-
tributes to IDA."
At that time, Prof. George Stig-
ler of Chicago's economics de-
partment and a member of the
Council said, "If and when the
University announces it is severing
ties with IDA. it will do so imme-
The Goldsmith committee was
established last October by then-
President George Beadle, in re-
sponse to student charges that the
university's membership in IDA
was a contribution to the Vietnam
War effort.
In the committee's recommenda-
tions to the Council, however, it
was pointed out that "we are not
concerned with IDA stands, hawk,
dove or dodo," and that "the uni-
versiy dsn'thae a nv,.ea

Presidential Preference

Meanwhile, student leaders at'
Columbia University in New York
have asked all students and fa-
culty to join in today's boycott of
classes in protest of the war in
At the Syracuse protest several
university officials were blocked

which manufactures napalm for he had taken in meeting the re-
Vietnam, conducted student in- 'quirement. Thus, a student could
terviews without incident at the repeat a course for no-credit be-
university's placement center, fore going on to the next course.
some distance from the admin- The range of plans the commit-
istration building. tee can consider includes
At the protest planned at Colum- * Abolition of the requirement
bia, an ad hoc steering commit- altogether.
tee of Moratorium on Classes has alpgttlr.-
, aAoa f * Putting language on pass-fail.


Votes Pct.
59,082 79
1,200 2
8,138 11.
Votes -Pct.
21,522 50
457 1

Three Times
The committee has been con-
vened only three other times in
its fifteen year history. It was
originally organized to try a stu-
dent who refused to testify before
the House Un-American Activit-
ies Committee during the early
The possible repurcussions which
might fall on the three student.
editors include social suspension
and expulsion. Social suspension
would disqualify the students from
participating in any student or-,

was cheering his supporters "on
to Wisconsin," the next presiden-
tial primary, Johnson was telling
the Veterans of Foreign Wars in
Washington that there will be no
retreat from America's world re-
In Sunday's edition. The
Daily Senior Editors made
these endorsements for today
and tomorrow's SGC election:

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