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January 11, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-11

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Feldkamp, Kahn Differ on Role Talks With

y \
4. .;,':

Of Regents in Rules Changes

Although "committed to selling
4Lhe idea of self-determination of
women's hours" to the Regents,
Director of University Housing
John Feldkamp maintains that
Regents still "have the ultimate
responsibility" in determining
non-academic conduct rules for
&Student Government Council
President Bruce Kahn, '68, dis-
agreed, saying that students want
not just "a liberalization of pol-
icy, but alsd a liberalization of
the policy-making procedure,"
Feldkamp and Kahn spoke last
night at a debate in Markley Hall
;ponsored by Student Pilot Coun-
cil, the student government body
of the Pilot Project. John Lottier,
'68, associate editorial director of
The Daily, was also on the panel.
Kahn went on to say that "stu-
dents should be telling the Uni-
versity that they no longer expect
*dministrators to make the rules
for their lives." The University
can give in on many issues," he
said, "things that they can afford
to do without, things that lie at
the periphery of what the Univer-
sity is all about-like women's
Unique Conflict
Feldkamp viewed the women's
hours conflict as "unique" in Uni-
versity life. The Regental review
of the Board of Governors of the
Residence Halls' decision was also
labeled unique. Last month the
board voted unanimously to al-
lAy individual houses to deter-
mine their own rules on hours
and visitation policy.
Kahn accused the University
administration of "head-hiding"-
the administration "looks the
other way instead of solving the
problem, instead of helping the
All three members of the debate
examined the role of the Reed
and Knauss Reports on student
Feldkamp explained that both
reports commit the University "to
leveloping the students to their
maximum capabilities" and to the
idea that students should be in-
cluded at every level of the Uni-
versity life. This includes rules
on student conduct.
Reed Report
The Reed Report was issued by

The powers that were granted tration forced them to see what
to SGC at its creation in 1954 the students want for themselves,"
made it a "giant sandbox" until Lottier said.
last year, according to Kahn. Feldkamp outlined the Univer-
Then, when a sit-in was staged sity's goal in making rules: "that
in the Administration Building, an orderly organization exist" and
the students forced action through that the goals of "non-discrimina-
confrontation, and "by causing tion and financial integrity" be
confrontation with the adminis- I maintained.

Resolution Prompted
By Dow Appearance
At 'U' in February
A resolution calling for per-
sons or organizations using Uni-
versity facilities for recruiting
purposes to hold open discussions
concerning their activities and
policies was passed by Graduate
Assembly at its meeting last
The resolution was prompted by
the announcement that the Dow
Chemical Company will be re-
cruiting on campus in February.
Th6 demonstrations which oc-
cured during a visit by a Marine
Corps recruiter last November
also helped prompt the motion-
ing, according to GA President
Roy Ashmall.
Ashmall explained that the
policy proposed by the resolution
would require recruiting organi-
zations to make their purposes
open to the University commun-
ity. "Organizations will be able
to express their opinions, and
members of the University will
be able to ask questions about
them," he pointed out.
Reflect on 'U'
"Organizations are using Uni-
versity facilities when they recruit
here," Ashmall continued. "There-
fore their actions reflect on stu-
dents and faculty who are a part

-Daily-Bernie Baker
Kahn, Lottier, Feldkamp' Debate

charges America is the most racist nation in history and claims
whites have condemned black violence while condoning viojence

-Daily-Rnic Lee
of their own community. He ,spoke last night to an audience of
about 1000 people in Pease Auditorium at Eastern Michigan Uni-


Few Nam
SFor Fel oi
Several $350 prizes may go
unclaimed unless more nomina-
tions for Distinguished Teaching
Fellows awards are made.

of the University. For this reason
those who are interested have a
es la ceright to know what the organi-
es Placed =-
zation does and stands for.
"Open discussions would pro-
vide a means for gaining infor-
mation about the organization.
Those groups who do not wish-1
to make their policies public
teacher from both colleagues and should not be allowed to use the
students, range of the candidate's University for recruting. They
teaching assignment, and effec- could use some other facility in
tive engagement in student life Ann Arbor."
outside the classroom are some ofe
the features on which the com- Ashmall explained that the

Comedian Gregory Warns Whites
'We Can Hate You as You ate Us'


Only 12 nominations have been mittee will base its decision.
turned in so far in the competit-
ion. Up to 10 awards can be The committee will also con-
presented. Dan Fitzpatrick, dir- sider the nominee's ability as al
ector of the office of student or- counselor and his promise of
ganizations and selection com- growth as a college teacher.

mittee secretary, said, "It is not
necessary to award all ten prizes.
That will be determined after.'

committee of eight faculty and reviewing the nominees' creden-
'our students, with the Vice- tials."
President for Student Affairs act-
ing in ex-officio capacity. The Residential College Dean James

committee was formed after sev-
eral complaints were received by
the administration about the Dean
of Women. The Reed Report asked:
fir the abolition of the positions
of deans of men and of women.
The Knauss Report was issued3
in 1965 by a committee createdI
by the Faculty Senate composed;
of five faculty and 10 students.
Kahn said that the Reed and
Knauss Reports were "irrelevant!
*t this time. Students should be
making their own conduct rules."'

Robertson, chairman of the selec-:
tion committee, explained, "A-
wards will be given only to those
who qualify." He said he expects
more nominations before the Jan.I
15 deadline.
To be eligible, a candidate must
have completed one full year as
a teaching fellow at the Univer-
sity and must be teaching cur-y
rently. Those who have two years'
experience and are academic
counselors are also eligible.
Evidence of effectiveness as a

The award for "excellence in
teaching and counseling" has
been "plagued by the problem of
how to get students involved,"
Fitzpatrick said.
There are two students on the
committee, one appointed by
Student Government Council and
one by Graduate Assembly.
"Information on awards was
mailed to student organizations,
housing units and department
heads," said Mrs. Joan Ringel,
assistant director of student or-
ganizations. However, the response
from these groups was not very
good. I
"We should have a mountain of
nominations," said Prof. Leslie
Bassett of the music school, and
a member of the committee. "This
is a timely chance to give recog-
nition to teaching fellows who do
an outstanding job."
"Almost all of them will be
professors in a few years," he
continued. "There are gains to
be had in the long run as well as
the monetary reward for the pres-

policy was not designed to pre-
vent anyone from recruiting on
campus. "Everyone can come re-
gardless of their policies, but
they are required to discuss what
they stand for" under the resolu-
tion's stipulations.
Complete Spectrum
In debate on the resolution one
speaker pointed out that one func-
tion of a university is to make
possible the exploration of the
complete spectrum of viewpoints.
Because of this, GA adopted the
discussion policy for its facilities
and urged the University to do the

YPSILANTI - America is the
most racist country in the world
and its blacks are as racist as its
whites, according to Dick Gregory,
comedian and civil rights activist
"We've got a right to hate you
just like you hate us," he ex-
The bearded Gregory appeared
weak during his two-hour speech
last night at Eastern Michigan
University. He is recuperating
from a 40-day fast, lasting from
Thanksgiving to New Year's Day,,
in "sympathy with the suffering
of both sides" in the Vietnam
The "NAACP's a n s w e r to
Twiggy," as he described himself,
went from 155 to 103 pounds dur-
ing his fast.

Gregory warned that America
had "better wake up and find out
how deeply we are racist. But we
are so sick and insane, we refuse
to admit that racism exists. We
inherited it."
Gregory combined humor with
serious social commentary in
pointing up the deep problems
this country faces. Unless things
change soon, he contends, "this
country won't last."
"We Negroes don't want any
special favors. We just want our
rights as guaranteed in the Con-
stitution. The white folks can
take the civil rights bill, and we'll
take the Constitution."
Speaking of the riots of the
past several summers, Gregory
said that although he is non-
violent, "it's not realistic to ig-

Improved 'U' Press Evolves;
Design Excellence Leads Way


that favor back.
"Why does everyone get so up-
set about black violence and not
about white violence?" he asks.
While proposing no solutions, he
warned that we're not going to put
up with the insults" much longer.
"You can call me 'nigger,' but
don't spit on me while you're
saying it."
He explained that Negroes, in
general "don't hate white folks,E
we hate the system." For it is the
system, he claims, that made theI
Negro the second class citizen he
is. "You are right, we're dirty.
You made us dirty."
The problem with this country
is not air pollution, he continued,
"It's moral pollution. We lie from1
one end of this country to the
The politicians, he added, are
the "worst breed" of liars. "I ,
have absolutely no respect for
Commenting at an earlier press,
conference on the 1968 Presi-
dential hopefuls, he called Gov-
ernor Romney "the most ethical,
honest politician" in the race.
Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-
Minn.), running as a peace can-
didate, "doesn't have an answer
to the war. He makes no sense'"
according to Gregory.
And Sen. Robert Kennedy (D-
N.Y.), "when it comes down to
the nitty-gritty, doesn't stand out,
for he still claims to support

nore violence, for America is a As an independent write-in
violent country." candidate for the Presidency,
Pointing' to "the fact that the Gregory promises that his first
Constitution guarantees the right 1 actions as President would be to
to bear arms." he said that "non- "paint the White House black, and
violence is not an obligation, it's send the Negroes back to Africa
a favor." He also feels that it is , before the Chinese drop the bomb
about time that "our folks" take, on the U.S."

NEW YORK (4)-Columbia
University said it has ended its
seven-week ban against on-
campus military recruiting. Re-
cruiting ' was suspended last
November in protest against
Selective Service director Lt.
Gen. Lewis Hershey's directive
to local draft boards to re-
classify individuals who partici-
pate in anti-draft or anti-war
NEW YORK (AP'-After spend-
ing nearly six hours of sanc-
tuary in the Cuban Mission to
the United Nations, Black
Power advocate H. Rap Brown
late last night walked quietly
from the mission, got into a
waiting cab and drove off to
an undisclosed destination.
Brown had earlier sought re-
fuge from a policeman chasing
him for alleged misconduct.
(See earlier story, Page 3.)
Gregory has threatened to dis-
rupt the Democratic National
Convention to be held in Chicago
next August. He said he feels
that it is an "insult to pick Chi-
cago for the convention site. This
choice is as if the Democratic
Party was endorsing the repres-
sive administration . . .of (Chica-
go Mayor) Richard C. Daley."

Eleven Candidates Contest
Five City Council Vacancies

For 24 years the University of
Michigan Press has churned out
the scholarly tomes and detailed
monographs which gather dust in
obscure corners of the General
Library stacks. But things have
changed in the last few years, and

Two University public health3
school faculty members are among
11 candidates running for five'
seats on the Ann Arbor City,
ouncil in the election slated for
Aril 1.
Both Professors Richard D.
Remington and Max Sham willI
run onC the Democratic ticket..
Remington will contest Norma
Kraker in the First Ward while
Shain will face Joseph Edwards,
~epublican candidate for the
"Third Ward seat.
The Third Ward incumbent,
Prof. Robert Weeks of the en-
gineering English department, a
democrat, is stepping down at
the end of the current term.
The 11 candidates will include
,;nly two incumbents, a Democrat
and a Republican. Of the five'
seats being contested, three are
currently held by Democrats,
leaving only one uncontested seat
in Democratic hands.
In the contested seats, Republi-
zan James E. Stephenson will op-
,jose Democrat Russell West in
the Fourth Ward. They are com-
peting for the seat being vacated
by Robert Jagitsch.
The Second Ward race features
nemocrat Ernest Ouenon chat-

of the Fourth Ward: and Brian
R. Connelly of the Fifth Ward.
The lone Democratis H. C. Curry
of the First Ward..
The Republicans now hold a
7-4 majority on the council. The
Democrats would have to win all .
five contested seats, something
they have not done before, to take

as well as for quality of material.
This was not always so.
The change of emphasis began
in 1954 when Fred Wieck became!
director. He brought about " a
particular pride in graphic ex-
cellence," according to Gosling.:"
With the appointment of Gosling"
to the directorship in 1962 the'
Press improved its status as in-
novator in typographic design.
Gosling's biggest coup was ac-
quiring Quentin Fiore to design
exclusively for the Press. Fiore,'
who also works for an advertising
agency, has since worked with
Fordham University's Prof. Mar-1

Money for the awards has been the Univeity Pess is
provided through a fund in the ing a livelier look.
Office of Academic Affairs. "Our books are primarily schol-
Announcement and formal pre- arly," admits Press director Glenn
sentation of thea wards will be Gosling, "but we hope they will
made at the President's Award now appeal to the general reader
Luncheon in mid-March. Plans too."
have been made to present the The Press has acquired a rep-
awards annually. utation for excellence in design

From 'Cocoons' to Camaraderie

shall McLuhan on "The Medium{
Is the Message." With the hiring
of Fiore in 1963 the Press' reputa-
tion for colorful, interesting cover
designs has become firmly esta-
Despite the name University of
Michigan Press, only one-half to
three-quarters of the Press' titles
are by University faculty mem-
bers. This is not due to friction
between the faculty and the Press,
but rather to the specialized na-
ture of Press publications.
In fact, relations with the fac-
ulty are quite good. In 1965 then
President Harlan Hatcher initia-
ted the Faculty Book Award of
$1,000 to the faculty member
whose book brings the most dis-
tinction to the Press list.
By publishing only about 50
new titles each year. the Uni-
versity Press has concentrated on
a few fields up to now, especially
the classics and history. It is ex-
panding into new fields, specific-
ally foreign language works. On
the current list are elementary
readers in Kurdish. Persian. Jap-
anese. Thai, and Arabic.
Other new endeavors include
expansion into photographic pub-
lishing and some prose works..
Prof. R. H. Super of the English
department will edit a complete
set of Matthew Arnold's works.
The forays into photographic
publishing will begin with a book
of photographs taken by Prof.
Phil Davis of the architecture
college. The book is a collection
nf the nhnngrnhs used in the

Human "cocoons" gathered
Sunday evening to share a
drugless "high."
That is, a large audience in
Aud. D became part of an ex-
periment designed to present.
"Drug Alternatives and Com-
plements.' '
In what master of ceremonies
Prof. Richard Miller of the
psychology department termed
a "micro-lab" session, students
attending Drug Teach-In were
introduced to a new way of "ex-
periencing oneself and others."

"Let yourself experience being
in your own private cocoon.
Reach out and feel the inside
of it, explore the texture."
Once they had surveyed the
territory, he let them out of
their "cocoon." With their eyes
still closed, they were told to
reach out until they touched
down on a foreign hand.
After exploring the hand, stu-
dents were permitted to open
their eyes and talk with the
person they had "encountered.'
With contact thus established,
Miller continued, "Now we are
starting the verbal phase; the

process of knowing one another
began again.
"I wanted to plan an experi-
ence meaningful to a large
group of people, to involve
them," Miller explained in an
interview later,
"It was a. whole devejop-
mental process," he said. "The
cocoon is like the original pla-
centa, the quartets the family,
the octets the beginning of so-
cial groups.
"On another level," he con-
tinued, "most of the country is
in a cocoon. We're living in a
turned-off society. People are

hands and "cocoons" seriously,
unself-consciously. "We have
something beautiful-I feel like
I really know you, and we've
just met!" said one girl.
"It showed me you could stop
and talk with someone standing
next to you in the subway," a
boy later commented. One sti-o
dent went up to Miller at the
end and said, "It was the best
thing that's happened to me in
college." One group, that had
been strangers fifteen minutes
before, left together for P.J.'s
to continue "the experience."
When Miller had asked them

Me1k/Nease Rsin as Grid
A ide; Takes Idaho Post
Michigan assistant football Southerner has been a. highly
coach Y C McNease was named successfuluproducer of football
last night to the head coaching 'players. Such grid standouts as
position at the University of Frank Nunley, Dennis Morgan,
Idaho. and Rocky Rosema have perform-
McNease, defensive end and ed with McNease' linebacking
linebacker coach at Michigan
since the spring of 1966, replaces
Steve Musseau, who resigned after
last season.
A native of Raleigh, Mississippi,
McNease played his college foot
ball at Cameron Junior College
and Florida State University. He
operated at four different posi-
tions during his playing days.
He served as an assistant at

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