Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAIL1r Sunday, March 10, 1968 PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT I * * * * * * * * * Candidates Declare Platforms Slates Head SGC Con-Con Delegate List F Michael Davis SGC Administrative V.P. Carol Hollenshead Incumbent Bob Nelson SGC Personnel Director Dave Phillips Student Consumer's Union Panther White Exec. Committee, City Course Shelly Mittleman UAC Outreach Committee With the end of imposed regulation, with the restructuring of the Office of Student Affairs, and with the incorporation of SGC, what students do will be limited primarily by their vision and experience. " VISION: A. ACADEMICS: Incorporation of SGC will al- low students to determine for themselves directly how much money their government will have to spend. Support of College and School Governments: SGC does not have the time, skill, or right to be- come involved with the detailed academic ques- tions'of concern to students as members of a par- ticular school or college of the University. How- ever, the work of school and college governments is important to student academic life, and many school and college governments are seriously con- strained by lack of money. We therefore pledge to establish a fund (initially of about $5,000) to be allocated per capita to the democratically-elected student governments of the various schools and colleges to be used to initiate and maintain pro- grams deemed beneficial to their respective aca- demic units. 2. Special Intercollege Programs: SGC should actively work for curricular innovation involving more than one school or college. The proposed Interdepartmental Department (which an SGC select committee is now working to have organ- ized) could be used to channel SGC money for the creation of desired programs. B. ECONOMICS: SGC should work to guaran- tee that no student has to pay more for goods or services than those goods or services are worth. 1. More Competition for Ann Arbor Merchants: The Student Consumers' Union (SCU) is already trying to bring in competition to reduce prices of groceries, dry-cleaning, clothing, and general sup- plies. SC should also, and we pledge to see that it does, publish a comparative price booklet to in- form students of low prices, investiga'te establish- ing a major cooperative book and dry-goods store (like the Harvard Coop), and devise means of using student consumer power (like that of the Fraternity Buyers' Association) to force Ann Arbor prices down. 2. Low-Cost Housing: Only a higher vacancy rate can force apartment rents to fall substantial- ly. We pledge to try to get the University to build apartments on Central Campus (for which the University already has plans), to investigate the possibility of an incorporated SGC building apart-1 ments itself, and (if that proves possible) to work1 to see such apartments built. 3. Separate Room and Board Contracts for the} Dorms: Present residence-hall policy is to require every resident to pay for meals whether he eats them or not. We pledge to work for separate room and board contracts and for a variety of board contracts to fit students' varied needs. C. UNIVERSITY LIFE IN GENERAL: Whatever affects students as students should be the concern of SGC. 1. Intramurals: What was once the best intra- mural program in the country is today a disgrace. The problem is money. We propose that, with the incorporation of SGC, SGC put to referendum a large levy for the intramural program; that if the levy passes, SGC offer the money to the intra- mural program on conditions guaranteeing that the money will be added to money already assigned the program and that the projects to which the money is allocated meet the approval of students. 2. Classified Research: Publicity of thought and work is the foundation of an academic community., Insofar as there are secrets within the University, that foundation is undermined. Therefore, we have opposed and will continue to oppose the presence of classified research at this university. 3. Reorganziation of the Office of Student Af- fairs: We pledge to see the OSA reorganized so that those making decisions are responsible to boards dominated by students. " II. EXPERIENCE: NELSON: SGC Personnel Chairman; Bus. Mgr. Apart.- ment Legal Guide. Student Housing Assoc.; SGC Public Relations Board; OSA Committee on Disclosure of Student Records; HOLLENSHEAD: Incumbent; Chairman, Student Con- sumers' Union; City-Student RelationsmBoard; Select Com- mittee on Con-Con; DAVIS: SGC Administrative V.P.; Author of incorpora- tion; co-sponsor of sGC motion of Freshman Women's Hours; Teaching Fellow. SGC should be more of a grass- There have been many questions among the thinking students roots political body than a Thurs- today about the actual quality of the undergraduate University of day-night debating society. Its Michigan. To correct for what I think is a general failing of the purpose is to mobolize the student University's teaching capacity, I support and suggest: body and eliminate or reduce the 1) Tutorial reading courses offered in all departments. These are presently offered in the Psych., Soc., and Math., departments. current student problems. Primar 2) Seminars-Groups of students could sign up for the above courses Cion is one of the most basic ex- and form these seminars. 3) More experimental courses such as the amples of student discrimination. City Course and the Residential College's Freshman seminars. 4) Oral Dry cleaners, food, jewelry, and examinations to be given in smaller courses. 5) Letter grades are de- clothing stores are places where humanizing. Why'not substitute in written individual instructor eval- SGC could help immensely. II. uations Instructors would be forced to have personal contact with Student Housing Association and students. 6) Ad hoc review of "publish or perish" criteria to place Rental Union - 8 month lease, emphasis onto teaching rather than publishing. 7) Abolishment of damage fees, parking facilities, the mandatory language requirement. 8) Students holding seats on high rents-all are important, areas of student concern. III - all bodies of academic decision-making on the department, college, Course Evaluation Booklet - and university level. 9) Work-Study rotation of semesters, similar to Academically this is one of the programs at Bennington and Antioch. Such a program now exists on most important projects that SGC the Dearborn Campus for engineers; why not bring this to the Cen- has undertaken. It requires much tral Campus and why limit this to engineers. 10) Field experiences time and energy which many are such as Outreach in the Psychology department should be extended unwilling to give. These are spe- to other departments. eg. ghetto work for Sociology. cific actions and projects that, The Student Government Council has been found lacking in upon completion, would be of ex- unity and efficacy as of late. To correct this, I support: 1) SGC spon- treme benefit. The problem with many council members, however soring a coordinating committee to the Graduate Assembly to com- is that they do not put their time bine the interests and actions of the two. 2) Incorporation of SGC. and efforts into these committees. This would enable SGC to legally own property, operate stores, invest, 'This is the basis of my running etc. 3) Unionization of the students. A union is formed when a group for a council seat. I will put my of people ban together to protect their common rights. All students efforts into these projects as well would be free to join this union. as represent my constituency. The eight-month lease looks imminent. Landlords are raising Other Issues: Classified Research the rents as high as 25 percent which ameliorates the purpose of the -war research is acceptable1as i T 1)4itb -i.t h. it n d N th Plans for Student Government Council's f i r s t Constitutional Convention since its founding are starting to take shap. First of course comes the matter of elec- tions, with the actual convention scheduled to meet soon after the results of the election are known. The okay for the convention took place at last semester's SGC elections, where six thousand stu- dents voted overwhelmingly their approval. A University-wide Se- lect Committee on the Constitu- tional Convention was then con- vened by SGC, with University Activities Center President Don Tucker, '68, as chairman, to de- vise a method of electing candi- dates. Representation After two months of hassling, the committee finally agreed on a method of representation where- by the proportionate number of students in each University school would be alloted delegates acord- would be allotted delegates ac- cording to the size of their school. Tucker's recommendations were accepted by SGC, and SGC mem- ber Tom Westerdale, Grad., pro- grammed a University computer to tabulate the actual numbers of candidates each school was designated. The final tally gave students in the literary school, which is com- bined with the Rackham School for Graduate Studies, the greatest number of delegates with 25. The engineering school is second, with seven representatives. Then fol- lows the education school, five delegates, and the medical, busi- ness administration, law, and nursing and pharmacy schools with two delegates apiece. The music school, the schoo iofarchi- tecture & design, the school of social work, the dentistry school, the natural resources school and the public health school all are allotted one delegate apiece. Forty-eight Candidates Forty-eight candidates from the literary school have filed* peti- tions, and are on the ballot. Three slates were announced. The Stu- dent Union ,Slate, organized by SGC Executive Vice-President Ruth Baumann, has 16 candidates, the maximum allowed on one slate from the literary school. (SGC rules state that not more than two-thirds of the total num- ber of delegates from each school, rounded off to the nearest whole number, may appear on any given slate). Miss Baumann's slate includes Voice-SDS leader Eric Chester, SGC President Bruce Kahn, new- ly elected Grad Assembly Presi- dent Stuart Katz, Grad Assembly member Terese Westerdale, and SGC member Tom Westerdale. The slate is completed by Thomas Abbott, Charles Arnold, Marsha Daigle, Bruce Levine, SGC Coor- dinating Vice-President Paul Mil- grom, Maureen O'Shea, Mark Ro- senbaum, Ronald Shurin, Bruce Stanton, and Sandy Morter. Two More Slates SGC member E. O. Knowles or- ganized a second slate of fifteen candidates, headed by Panhellen- ic Council President Ellen Heybo- er, Inter-Fraternity Council Pre- sident Bob Rorke, SGC treasurer Bob Neff, Inter-House Assembly President Steve Brown, and Lit- erary School President Jeff Mess- ner. The list is completed by Lee Mary Danielson, Robert Gorsline, Wendy Kress, Tom Mowry, Bob Nelson, Dave Phillips, Mary Liv- ingston, Bill Steere and Suzy Southon. College Republican leaders Mi- chael Renner and Robert Will- marth comprise the third -slate. The other delegates for the liter- ary school also include David Damm, Maureen DeLong, John Entenman, Richard Kopeke, Mar- tha Most, Don Racheter, William Sharkey, Wade Shull, Eugene Smith, Suzanne Swayze, Gary Talpos, M. Gwen Tanguay, and Douglas Wilson. Eleven students from the en- gineering school have filed for the seven positions available. Leslie Anderson, Carl Bloch, Christoph- er Bloch, Jeff Bowden, Mark Har- ris, Eugene PeFouw, Gates Moss, James Kavajaugh, Gary Busch, KenPurdy, and Gerald Silvulka compose the list of candidates. Out of a possible nineteen can- didates for graduate school dele- gates, only four students are run- ning. Steve Cohen is a candidate from the school of business ad- ministration, and Sharon Good- man is running from the educa- tion school. Sue Mayberry is the candidate from the music school. First Elected Law student Robert Fredericks became the first Con-Con dele- gate to be elected. Because the University law students have their Spring break during the regularly scheduled SGC elections Tuesday and, Wednesday, elections for them were held last Thursday, and Fredericks receved 74 votes. He was the only student running. Four seats from the education school, two from the medical school, and one each from busi- ness administration, law, nursing and pharmacy, music, architec- ture and design, social work, den- tistry, natural resources and pub- lic health will be unfilled after the election, due to a lack of candi- dates. The Tucker Report,' as adopted by SGC, specified that every at- tempt should be made to make use of a computer system, not only to facilitate the actual count- ing of the ballots, but to provide a check right in the programming against students voting in the wrongsschool, either intentionally or mistakenly. But use of the computers prov- ed to be so much trouble and of so little advantage because of many last-minute problems which hadn't been thought out, that any computer system for this election proved infeasible. 4 4 long as it is unclassified. I am againt classified research because it does not maintain. or further the main purpose of the Univer- sity. II. Demonstrations and sit- ins should be used only after all available administrative channels prove unsuccessful. III. I am firm- ly committed to the principle that students should be proportionate-I ly represented in any attempt to restructure the OSA. IV. Incor- poration-Financial independence of SGC requires this step which would be the major tool in im- plementing the constructive pro- grams of council. reform. I suggesL:1) Unlversi~ yul nuosmng on us ana on 1orn Campus to give the students low-cost 8-month housing of a quality at least commensurate of those on campus and adequate transporta- tion to classrooms. 2) More renewed and strengthened boycotts on individual realty firms. 3) Incorporated SGC investing in real estate by students on a co-operative basis. 4) Extension of apartment privi- leges to Sophomore women which would free several Residence Halls for conversion into apartments. Parking on campus has imposed a financial burden on students. Ann Arbor collects unjustified dollars from students from meters and parking tickets. I support: 1) Abolition of all parking meters on and around Central Campus. 2) Abolition of parking on Central Cam- pus with parking units built off of Central Campus with commuter buses for transportation. This bus system could be extended to in- clude off-campus areas such as Washtenaw Ave. for the protection of students walking home late at night. BALLROOM THINK-IN: Three Hopefuls To Debate Gail Rubin Paul Milgromn Incumbent SGC Coordinating V.P. Mark Madoff Housing Organizer Academic Tenure Quite clearly, the quality of instruction at the Uiniversity is largely dependent upon tenure de- cisions. It is a fact that only one professor in five is brought to the University for his outstanding teaching ability. This situation can best be reme- died by gaining the right for students to partici- pate in making tenure decisions. Academic Curricula There is a need for an institutionalized process for establishing interdisciplinary courses. A course such as "War: Its Causes and Results," for ex- ample, cannot be established through ordinary channels. We advocate the creation of an independently funded Student-Faculty Board for Inter-disciplin- ary Studies. This board would sponsor a course mart where students and faculty members could meet to discuss new course ideas. The board would Housing We propose that SGC, once' incorporated, seek federal grants to build student housing to be op- erated at cost and to drive down housing costs in Ann Arbor. We further propose that Student Ren- tal Union seek the right to bargain collectively on behalf of students using boycotts and rent strikes as economic weapons. Student Cooperativesj An increased allocation of student fees to SGC could be used to establish student cooperative stores where students could buy goods at consid- erable savings. As little as one dollar per student per semester would provide $80,000 per year to; establish and operate student cooperatives. Graduate Representation SGC has not been able to adequately represent certain specialized-interests of graduate students. ___ r:_ . ..A.. . r. srn n m r University Activities Center and Student Government Council are co-sponsoring the Think-In de- bate among SGC Presidential prospects tomorrow night -in the Union Ballroom at 7:30. Newly-elected UAC President Dan McCreeth, '68, said the idea for such a program "is excellent because it will stimulate interest in the election, and encourage a greater voter turnout." The three candidates, Michael Koeneke, Mark Schreiber, and Panther White, have all indicated their support for the debate, and their intention of attending. SGC sponsored a teach-in last Friday night, with speakers re- presenting some of the major is- sues on the ballot, and a large crowd filled the Ugli Multipurpose Room to participate. A much greater crowd is expected at the Think-In. The event is being chaired by retired UAC President Don Tuck- er. Major issues that will probably be discussed include University participation in classified war re- search and membership in the Institute for Defense Analysis, student housing in relation to the 8-month lease, SGC incorpora- __ - rents, and Schreiber advocates tenant unions to be formed by apartment residents to collective- ly bargain with management agencies. Both favor, in the event of incorporation, low-cost stu- dent housing buildings to be built by SGC. Candidate Panther White is pushing for a student union, in- stead of a 17-member SGC, whereby faculty, administrators, and merchants would be forced to deal with the collective power of hundreds or thousands of stu- dents. All three candidates favor in- corporation of SGC, whereby SGC would be able to lease, buy, and rent on its own, autonymous from the University. The format of the Think-In will be opening remarks not to exceed ten minutes by each can- didate, followed by a question- answer-rebuttal sessionuamong the students and candidates. Koeneke, a business administra- tion major, is running with SGC Treasurer Bob Neff, '69. Econom- ics major Schreiber has Andy Quinn, '69, as his running mate, while White, a junior from Ohio, has Shelly Mittleman, '70, as his< vice-presidential candidate. White and Mittleman are also running for council seats on a ticket, as well as the executive positions. Other issues: Koeneke says SGC must convince the administration to set aside about 1000 parking spaces for the students close enough to campus for each stu- dent. Schreiber advocates arota- ting semester, whereby students would be involved in both campus and non-campus life, alternating work with formal study. White wants field experiences such as Outreach in the psychology de- partment extended to other de- partments, such as ghetto work for Sociology. Boards-in-Control, School Posts Open 4 0I I' { I 1 7 Three seats for the Board in Deitch, Carla Kish, and Elizabeth Control of Student Publications Wissman are the candidates. and one seat for the Board in There were originally three Control of Intercollegiate Athle- candidates for the athletic board, tics will be decided in this week's but candidate Joel Block has since election. withdrawn his name. Phillip Three is the maximum number Brown and Joseph Jones will now of student candidates on the pub- vie for the position. lications board which also in- The duty of the publications cludes three University vice-pres- board is approval of Daily ap- identsthe vice-president for stu- pointments which The Daily edi- dent affairs, the vice-president tors decide. The athletic board for university relations, and the makes decisions relevant to Uni- vice-president and chief 'finan- versity athletic policy. Al, nnth haln tisv.A,. wil -0